Presiden Persatuan Bekas Wakil
Rakyat UMNO, Tan Sri Aziz Shamsuddin, berkata Najib dan Muhyiddin tidak perlu
ditandingi sebagai Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden. Pandangan beliau selari
dengan pandangan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia, Khairy Jamaludin baru-baru ini. Naib
Presiden, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi juga berpendapat begitu.
Tan Sri Aziz berkata kedua-dua
Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden itu sudah elok dan yang perlu hanya untuk diperbaiki UMNO itu sahaja. Bagi jawatan-jawatan selain dari Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden
itu, bolehlah dipertandingkan. Saya pula berpendapat elok semua kerusi jangan
dipertandingkan jika itu menjadi masalah kepada semua yang sedang menyandang
jawatan dalam parti. Senang, tidak payah bergaduh-gaduh lagi.
Elok kita bertanya kepada TS
Aziz, apa yang perlu diperbaiki dalam UMNO itu? Persoalannya lagi siapa yang
hendak memperbaiki UMNO itu? Apakah Tan Sri Aziz tahu apakah yang hendak
diperbaiki itu? Saya tidak yakin ada diantara pimpinan hari ini tahu apakah
yang perlu diperbaiki kerana merekalah yang menyebabkan UMNO itu menjadi kucar-kacir
pada hari ini. Bagaimana mereka yang melakukan kucar-kacir itu boleh memperbaiki keadaan parti itu?
Melakukan kucar-kacir itu bukan
kehendak mereka sendiri, tetapi mereka tidak sedar yang segala yang mereka
lakukan dalam UMNO itu adalah penyebab kepada kucar-kacir itu. Itu sebab UMNO
sudah dianggap tidak relevan lagi dan ramai yang bercakap hari ini, yang parti
itu akan hanya mampu bertahan selewat-lewatnya sehingga pilihanraya ke14
Memperbaiki UMNO itu bukan seperti
memperbaiki ‘remos’ dikepala. Kalau memperbaiki remos sahaja maka cukup jika
kita bawa sikat dan minyak rambut sahaja. UMNO sekarang ibarat kepala yang
sudah tidak ada remos lagi. Jadi apa yang hendak diperbaiki keatas remos itu
kerana remosnya pun sudah tiada.
Bagi setengah persepsi orang,
UMNO sudah tidak lagi boleh diperbaiki dan parti itu hanya menunggu waktu untuk
jatuh secara rasmi sahaja. Jadi kalau
UMNO masih dengan kepimpinan yang sama dari acuan yang sama, maka ia bukan
perubahan atau penambah-baikan.
Tindakan mengekalkan kerusi
Presiden kepada Najib dan Timbalan Presiden kepada Muhyiddin itu pun betul jika
kita hanya mahu mengekalkan UMNO itu setakat sampai pilihanraya yang akan
datang sahaja. Kalau itu matlamatnya, maka langkah mengekalkan kerusi-kerusi
Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden itu kepada penyandang sekarang adalah tindakan
yang tepat.
Lagi pun jika diganti Najib
dengan Muhyiddin atau dengan sesiapa pun dikalangan pimpinan UMNO di Majlis
Tertinggi sekarang, keadaannya bukannya ada perubahan pun. Jika Pakatan Rakyat
masih wujud semasa pilihanraya nanti dan PR mengambil langkah untuk menukar
imej pucuk pimpinannya maka bukan lagi kerja susah untuk menggantikan BN itu.
Jika PR tidak melakukan kesilapan seperti yang mereka lakukan semasa
pilihanraya yang lalu, BN akan tetap menghadapi kekalahan dalam PRU 14 yang
akan datang.
Saya selalu berkata UMNO dan
pimpinannya bercakap tentang perubahan ini seolah-olah perubahan itu boleh
dilakukan oleh mereka yang sedang menduduki MT pada hari ini. Itu sahaja sudah
menunjukkan yang mereka mahu melakukan perubahan tetapi tidak tahu apa yang
hendak diubahnya.
Tan Sri Aziz sendiri tidak
menyatakan apa yang perlu diubah itu. Siapa yang hendak mengubahnya dan bila
hendak dilakukan perubahan itu? Kenyataannya, jika pun tahu siapa yang hendak
mengubahnya serta apa yang hendak diubah itu, semuanya mesti dilakukan sekarang
jika hendak menghadapi pilihanraya lima
tahun yang akan datang.
Ini juga adalah kemestian, kerana
jika ada pun perubahan yang pada ramai tidak akan berlaku itu, ia mesti
dilakukan secara drastik sekarang juga. Ia akan memakan masa untuk menampakkan
kesan kepada perubahan itu.
Jika tanggungjawab untuk melakukan
perubahan itu kepada yang ada pada hari ini maka hasilnya adalah ‘predictable’.
Ia akan diibaratkan sebagai ‘tikus memperbaiki labu’. Justeru UMNO tidak akan
berubah dan yang akan berlaku nanti akhirnya ialah UMNO itu akan diubah oleh
Jika ada pun sedikit harapan
untuk BN kekal ialah jika Pakatan Rakyat berada dalam keadaan hari ini. Jika PR
masih seperti hari ini kemungkinan BN boleh kekal ada sedikit
Jika selama ini blog ini selalu
menekankan betapa pentingnya perubahan berlaku dalam BN, kali ini blog ini juga
menyarankan PR untuk melakukan transformasi juga jika ia masih berkeinginan
untuk mempunyai ‘consequence’ yang jelas dalam apa yang di sebut mereka untuk
melaksanakan slogan ‘ubah’ yang dicanangkan dengan begitu hebat pada hari ini.
Pakatan Rakyat masih tidak dapat
mencari ‘point of reconciliation’ dalam beberapa hal penting. Perhubungan
diantara parti diperingkat pertengahan dan bawahan masih lagi ‘fluid’ dan tidak
ada penyatuan yang betul-betul jitu antara mereka. PR hanya dilihat sebagai pihak
yang mahu mengalahkan BN semata-mata untuk mendapatkan kuasa.
Walaupun mereka faham yang mereka perlukan kekuatan untuk menundukkan BN tetapi ia masih lagi tercari-cari kebersamaan
dalam siapa atau parti mana yang mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengepalai kumpulan
itu. Ini penting kerana rakyat terutamanya yang diatas pagar masih mempunyai
keraguan samada Anwar benar-benar pemimpin alternatif yang secocok dengan
kehendak perubahan itu.
Alasan untuk merasa ragu terhadap
Anwar itu bukan sahaja jelas ada dikalangan rakyat dan ia juga ada dikalangan
pimpinan PKR sendiri dan juga diantara parti-parti dalam ‘coalition’ itu
sendiri. Walaupun ramai diantara pengikut beliau membentak dengan kenyataan
ini, tetapi masa akan menentukan kebenaran dengan apa yang dikatakan ini
hanyalah fenomena sementara sahaja.
Perlu diingat walaupun isu yang
dihangatkan tentang rasuah dan berbagai-bagai terhadap BN hari ini, hanyalah
isu yang ‘expedient’ buat sementara sahaja. Walaupun isu itu BENAR, tetapi
belum lagi mencukupi untuk membawa PR kepada kuasa kerana banyak lagi
‘variables’ kepimpinan yang baik yang masih belum nyata berada dipihak Pakatan
Tidak kuasa saya untuk memberikan
alasan atau sebab-sebabnya kerana ia memakan ruang yang panjang untuk
menulisnya. Tulisan yang panjang selalunya tidak digemari oleh pembaca
terutamanya dikalangan kita orang Melayu ini. Biarkan sahaja masa
Siapa da ini Aziz Shamsuddin jangan nak jadikan UMNO dizaman Batu. Nak bertanding jangan takut kalau pemiompin takut bertanding dalam negeri bagaimana atlet Negara yang akan bertanding diluar Negara ?
dUMNO :"kita akan membaiki kelemahan kita, 1 MALAYSIA!!"
Lepas 2 hari.. melayu mudah lupa.
Melayu: "kan UMNO pernah ckp nak membaiki kelemahan? mungkin dah ok tuh, tak ya la kita rakyat jelata nak spot check dier"
settle dan beres. habis cerita.
Elok diadakan pemilihan dalam UMNO ini dibuat 20 tahun sekali. Kalau mati presiden tukar presiden, kalau mati pemeriksa kira-kira pilih pemeriksa kira-kira.
Kalau tak selesa 20 tahun kita buat pemilihan 50 sekali.
umno cawangan
kg pandan
I wud rather suggest umno president's position be taken over by his eldest son, the same way the malay rulers inherit their positions when they die.
Start it from najib's line up. Muhyidin and his generation takes up the deputy position.
So, no quarrel not split in umno. Got it???
As long as they are in power, there is no urgency for radical change to immediately benefit the country and people.
Look at the corruption, abuse of power, gross mismanagement and they know and fully understand the seriousness and urgency of these matters destroying the country??
Setuju pemilihan umno dibuat 20 tahun sekali ... tiada pergaduhan. Tapi bagi orang2 umno kalau boleh mereka hendak pemilihan dibuat tiap2 bulan ... banyak massyuk!!!
Saya rasa kalau pertandingan parti jadi ukuran..UMNO jauh kebih baik dari DAP dsn juga PKR.Kat DAP ada pertandingan ke..kat PKR ketua umum PKR tidak pernsh bertandingpun...
Batu Ronson
Aziz Shamsuddin dalam th 1976, Aziz dg BTN mmengembelingkan penuntut USM dg sentimen bencikan China.Dia ketika itu bekerja dg Mahadey.BTN menyemarakkan api perkauman kpd penuntut universiti tempatan.
Semenjak Aziz telah mendapat Tan Sri barulah dia mula berjinak-jinak berkawan rapat dg China dan India dalam bisnez.
Jangan ada pertandingan di semua peringkat umno itu yg terbaik. hati senang dan duit ada sikit2 boleh simpan.
Oleh kerana itulah, kita kena memecah tembok pesepsi yang menjalar dalam pemikirab setiap orang2 melaysia terutamanya orang2 melayu.
Kalau kita lihat dari sudut Mandela semasa dia menjadi president afrika selatan, tugas pertama dia ialah untuk mengekalkan springbok. Lambang rugbi yang dibenci oleh golongan orang2 hitam di afrika selatan.
Apa yang saya menyampaikan ialah perjanaan konsep Malaysia baru ataupun untuk menjadikan malaysia bagi orang2 malaysia (Malaysian Malaysia) bermulalah daripada orang2 majoriti terutamanya melayu.
I hope that we can see a leader who is magnimous & generous just as Mandela. That's what we want. Just as I exhorted that all HRHs must emulate King George V, George VI & Queen Elizabeth II.
Good example monarchs would lead to subjects respecting the monarchy system. Respect must be earned & not demanded.
If this concept also tak faham, God Saves Malaysia
P.S : I choked when somebody accusses Karpak for derhaka by mentioning the word Ultra Vires. Watch Jon Stewart lately. What happen is that these people including Kampung Man have created an alternate universe called Bullshit Mounttain. Right now, the head of Bullshit Mountain is Mahathir Mohammad himself. He's a kerala from south india who pretends to be a melayu. Want facts, go to NUS & check the Registrar la!
Salam all,
1.It is encouraging indeed to know many here are concerned on whatever is going on in UMNO/BN.I am impressed and that is good and UMNO/BN being the outright winner in all the past and the recent PRU must take heed of those suggestions for the improvement and the betterment of the psrty as long as they are sincere proposals. They(UMNO/BN) too can and should learn from PR, the looser.Why not?.
2.Whilst most of you are trying hard to erase Mahathir legacies and continue your struggle for Malaysian Malaysia many others still adore the MAN and reject the Malaysian Malaysia concept and the man still walk tall and respected worldwide as a statesman.Most importantly his UMNO/BN prevailed and still retaied as our government of the day democraticaly choosen.
3.Nothing much UMNO can learn from DAP really except for their determination and well planned strategies on winning election including the deployment of Red Bean Army which they denied.Tengku Aziz ,their ex Vice Chairman has spelt the beans and more to come.After all sdra LK Siang has worked hard all his political life career and remain an opposition and still is.There is no democracy in DAP election anyway, a well known fact.Not my concern as I am not one of them. Further,the 38 seats is just about the best DAP can secure in any election in my view.
4.Mandela ,he is a great man.Mahathir in his era was one as well, firm no nonsense man and no wonder he survived for 22 years unchallenged.During his tenure we had peace,harmony,stability and development that we saw today.We saw his legacy today.His Putrajaya was fiercely and bitterly fought by rival political parties.He has his strength and weaknesses of course.Who doesn't?.
5.I still cannot agree to those boys and girls who attempted to membandingkan dan membanggakan raja di negeri barat dengan raja raja yang kita ada disini.My more than seven years in the UK for studies and work is enough testimony for me to understand both systems be it the administrations as well as the the monarchy .
BTW looes74, I had/was a British PR (not Pakatan Rakyat of course) in the 70s perhaps before you were even born babe!.There is no need to belittle Kampong man just stick to the issues at hand ok.Forget the King Georg V comparison and or Kings.Have a good weekend all.Thank you Aspan.
Tak cukup ke Tunku Abdul Rahman telahpun magnanimous kerana telah berikan kerakyatan kepada lebih satu juta bukan bangsa Melayu...there was no parallel in any part of the world.
Silap fakta mengatakan tugas pertama Mandela mengekalkan Springbok..tugas pertama Mandela mengekalkan kehsrmonian kaum kerana ketika itu orang kulit hitam nak balas dendam atas dasar rasis apartheid.Mandela tidak mengadakan witch hunt sebaliknya mengadakan pelan afirmatif untuk memajukan bangsa kulit hitam.Model yang diguna pakai adalah dasar DEB Malaysia yang telah berjaya meningkatkan jumlah professional bumiputra.
Batu Ronson
I am sorry that is not as magnanimous as what Nelson Mandela did. In fact, this is a bullshit statement. Why bullshit? people like Madhater who is an Indian came from Kerala can be a melayu & enjoy special right.
Anyway, Tunku got to do it else no independent. Worse if Tunku doesn't do, the communist of malaya will win & jus soli would be applied to everybody who are born in malaya
I won't suck up people like you just because I got citizenship I deserved. My parental ancestor has been here for more than 100 years. I dare to say I am more bumit than you think.
P.S : Tunku has reneged a lot of things. One of them is he promised to have malacca chief minister a china man if the governor reverted to a melayu. That's also melayu adat which conveniently reneged.
Of course, power always come from the barrel of the gun
Who say that? Why UMNO & melayu prcatise commy concept? I thought melayu hated communists
Sdra AA,
Kalau mahu buat transformasi politik, mulakan dengan parti sendiri. Jangan pandai cakap saja PR nak buat transformasi politik, tapi dalam parti sendiri, masih bidas UMNO kekal dengan cara lama buat ketetapan melarang orang bertanding jawatan Presiden & Timbalan Presiden walaupun prestasi UMNO tidaklah sehebat mana, cuma nasib baik saja kononnya, dengan pencapaian BN pula paling buruk dalam sejarah katanya. Nampak sangat tiada kredibiliti PR ni.
Batu Kikir
I am not going to respond to some of the comments. In Khalid Samad term, ini donggeng semata2. To me, it's karut marut.
Again some commentators here have created a alternate universe called Bullshit Mountain. Worst thing is Bullshit statement can change or flip flop so long as to preserve their power
The saddest thing that there is a considerable melayus who are poor & no connection believes in them. It's ok to support UMNO so long it's melayu. Don't care if the Indian chief of UMNO Baru is an Indian. Again go to National University of Singapore, check the registrar.
Guys & gals,
This is exactly what UMNO telling us. They are the right people. YADDA YADDA! UMNO didn't ragut wang from you. They just keep them for safe keeping. Sometimes, UMNO got to use them.....Never mind all for bangsa, agama dan negara.
Some of you melayu are not allowed to have some because you guys are stupid. So UMNO elites such as Mukriz can keep it & you just keep supporting UMNO.
Cehhh...masuk kau je...terus jadi anticlimax. Sekalisekala buat begitu ok la...tapi kalau setiap mada buat begitu it becomes very dull.....
Kau dah kaji ke samada DEB tu mencapai matlamat sebenar? Yang aku tahu quota tak sampai 30% tu pun majiriti sharenya diberi kpd GLC melayu yang dimiliki oleh sebilangan kecil privilleged malays. Kau nak mislead sapa ni batu pelir?
'Model yang diguna pakai adalah dasar DEB Malaysia yang telah berjaya meningkatkan jumlah professional bumiputra' - Batu Ronson.
After Merdeka, Bumi & Non Bumi's rights were protected under the Constitution with Malays control the government and as leaders of the country.
Malays control almost all of the country resources, including taxes, oil revenue, land and etc. - about 90% of the country wealth and resources to further build and invest their wealth at that time.
It is every responsible and accountable government to properly invest the taxpayers' money to benefit the we have a national debt of 500 billions or more?. Who is going to work and pay for it? Future generations and jobless graduates???
Kampong Man,
I am belittling you. Claiming that you had seven years in the UK for studies and work, you are actually a 'failure', too...just like Mahathir.
What greatness has Mahathir done?
Proton has been a failure. After 20 years of existence and protection, at huge costs to the nation, they are barely able to produce original designs. They had to spend hundred of millions in 1996 to acquire UK's Lotus to overcome a lack of in-house engineering capability. They are still not able to penetrate the US market, the world's most lucrative car market. It has not spawned an auto industry, unlike the Korean car industry which grew from the bottom up, making and supplying parts to Japanese auto-makers long before making their own cars.
Perwaja Steel has been a failure. Set up to realise Mahathir's heavy industries policy. Loss-making till today. Riddled with corruption, inefficiency and lack of direction. Unsalvageable.
DRB-Hicom has been a failure. Another one set up to realise Mahathir's heavy-industries policy. Couldn't even run a decent bus service. What has it achieved, and, what does it actually do nowadays?
Renong has been a failure. Set up to realise Mahathir's policy of conglomerates, copying Japan's sogososhas (conglomerates). Gets involved in everything. Builds a highway, then charges so much for it that, today, it's possible to fly up to Penang for less than driving. Starts up a telco, spends billions on fibre optic cables running up and down the country, then gets into financial trouble.
MAS has been a failure. Cornerstone of Mahathir's privatisation policy. He had the audacity to arm-twist enough people to grant loans to an individual to buy the airline. That much trust he has in that one person. That single action exposes, more than anything else, his poor judgement. People who has worked or associated with MAS knows that its internal problems have existed for decades - inefficiency, corruption, racism, favouritism, abuse of power. Because MAS' competition is international, these problems are cruelly exposed. Yet when Tajuddin Ramli took over, he decided to spend RM20 billion ringgit to expand the fleet. Shouldn't you solve the internal problems first? Of course, we now know that he failed miserably. Now, who picked him for the job?
Commonwealth Games Village has been a failure. Mahathir's pride - symbol of his "Malaysia boleh" call. Now a target of vandalism - missing chairs, tiles, etc. Have to spent millions on maintenance every year. Occasionally used for political gatherings and pesta. A definite 'white elephant'.
Bakun Dam has been a failure. What was Mahathir thinking of? The project is just not justifiable. And the proof of that must be Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary's proposal to sell half the electricity generated to his (proposed) aluminium smelting plant. Imagine - you have to build an aluminium smelting plant in order to justify building that dam!
The 1998 financial crisis. This must be Mahathir's greatest failure. In the years leading up to the crisis, the KLSE Index reached 1,400 points and property prices was going through the roof. Labour and skills shortage led to ever higher salaries. New car models led to ever higher car prices. Interest rates went up to historical highs. But rumours and speculation fueled ever higher stock prices.
Profits from stocks moved into more stocks, then moved to property, and then moved back to stocks. Everyone was speculating and no one was working. It was the height of lunacy. Obviously the economy was overheating.
A responsible leader would have engineered a soft landing. Cool off the economy. But Mahathir did the opposite. He announced even more mega-projects, in the midst of other projects ongoing at that time. He even spoke about us running a zero per cent inflation on the back of 10 per cent growth ... indefinitely.
Kampong Man,
Do you have selective amnesia, too...just like Mahathir?
The ringgit became indefensible when you spend so much more than you earn, in the long run, you become very vulnerable. True enough, the crisis struck the country. But Mahathir did an even more irresponsible thing: he sacked Anwar, triggering a political crisis.
Mahathir's policies and actions leading up to the crisis, and during the crisis, have shown him to be irresponsible and incompetent. Mahathir should be condemned for his failure to avert the crisis, rather than praised for his actions to "cure" the crisis.
On the eve of his departure, Mahathir defended his legacy. He said, amongst other things, that the failure of Perwaja was due to "mismanagement", not the failure of the heavy-industries policy.
Mahathir is only half-right. The failure of Perwaja, and all the rest, is due to both mismanagement and policy. Both of which can and must be blamed on Mahathir. Why?
A powerful leader must take the blame for such failures, if he/she were to take the credit for other successes. It is a well-known fact that most of the top management of these companies were hand-picked, or at least vetted, by Mahathir.
It is also well-known that Mahathir has a fondness for micro-managing his pet projects. It is common for corporate directions to be influenced by him. For example, when Tajuddin owned MAS, Mahathir used it as a pawn to aggressively push his South-South agenda. MAS started flying to all the unprofitable routes: Argentina, South Africa, Turkey, Mozambique, etc. Tajuddin obviously cannot say "no".
But to offset losses, MAS ingeniously lobbied for higher domestic tariffs, citing "loss making" domestic routes (as if the Mahathir-approved Argentina flights weren't loss-making). But now, of course we know that even domestic routes can make money as shown by AirAsia.
Mahathir's heavy-industries policy is grandiose, not reality. Why start with such huge projects?
Those of us who have worked umpteen years in large organisations would know the complexity and difficulty in running such huge and complex operations.
A car manufacturing operation consists of thousands of complex processes. Has to be done right all the time. We have no history of such manufacturing. Why not start with something less complex and with less risk ?
Malaysia does not need to own a car industry. We do not need to own a steel industry. We do not need to own an electrical appliances industry. We do not need to own a software industry.
Kampong Man what do we really need?
My dear Kampong Man,
In order to achieve Wawasan 2020, please discard the "Kampong" mentality. Wake up and be mindful on the direction we are heading.
We need to focus on petro-chemicals, tourism, oil palm and other agricultural outputs, food products, wood products, rubber products, cruise and merchant shipping.
We need to go downstream. We need to undertake research and development in those areas.
We need to use satellite imaging to detect spread of pests in oil palm plantations.
We need to automate, create uniquely designed vehicles for use in the plantations to increase efficiency. To create the best clones. To write software for managing plantations. To make plantation management a sought-after career in this country. To pay our plantation workers decent salaries, not one that depends on the weather. To create thousands of middle- and end-products, from cooking oil, margarine, coffee, to Vitamin E extracts.
If we do need a role model, perhaps it should be Nestle and Ikea, not Mitsubishi and Kawasaki. Because at the end of the day, it makes more sense for our country to capitalise on our natural advantage, historical strengths and intimate understanding of oil palm, wood and food, rather than steel and cars.
Kampong Man, there lies Mahathir's greatest mistake.
While he focused on this beloved heavy industries, Mahathir ignored other industries, calling them "sunset industries" amongst other things.
The term "sunset industries" was fashionable then but you don't hear it mentioned these days. People now know that there is no such thing as a "sunset industry".
If you check out the website of the state of California, you will find that agriculture is the second largest industry in the state, a place that has the highest concentration of high-tech industries in the world.
Of course, California has Mediterranean weather suitable for certain crops, and producers turn that into a very lucrative business (helped by high technology, excellent marketing, sustained research and cheap Mexican labour).
Sounds familiar? The amount of time, money and effort that Mahathir wasted on his failed pet projects could have been used to modernise and expand Malaysia's agrifood industry and turn the country into a major producer and exporter in this part of the world.
Our country has so much natural wealth. All we need is to add our intellect, some discipline, lots of unity, a dash of hard work, and plenty of common sense, to succeed as a nation. And yes, some humility.
We don't need a car industry, a failed steel company, Twin Towers (which isn't even the tallest anymore), an empty stadium, giant dam, 'Malaysia boleh', and seldom-used race-track.
Mahathir has shown us what not to do. Let us all learn from his mistakes. Let's not repeat it!
Wahai Batu Ronson...
Kegagalan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) pada tahun 1990 adalah tercatat dalam sejarah. Hakikatnya pelaksanaan DEB menyebabkan Bumiputera tak kemana, melainkan ada segolongan sahaja yang mengecapi nikmat. Tetap sasaran pemilikan kekayaan negara hanya 18 daripada 30 peratus yang disasarkan.
Kenapa gagal? Dr. Mahathir selaku perdana menteri masa itu ada jawapan sebenar. Persoalannya ialah kenapa Dr. Mahathir sembunyikan punca kegagalan DEB?
Sepertimana Pak Aspan menulis sudah tidak kuasa untuk beliau memberikan alasan atau sebab-sebabnya kerana ia memakan ruang yang panjang untuk menulisnya. Bahkan tulisan yang panjang selalunya tidak digemari oleh pembaca.
Hakikatnya, kerajaan Umno/BN tidak akan sesekali beri perhatian terhadap sebarang teguran untuk penambaikkan pentadbirannya biarpun teguran tersebut datangnya dari orang kuat istana.
Sungguhpun teguran yang berlandaskan fakta dan angka sekalipun tidak pernah diperduli oleh Umno/BN malah segala teguran itu sering diperlekehkan oleh mereka.
DEB sentiasa gagal akibat pemimpin yang korup. Mereka hanya ingat rakyat menjelang PRU dan selepas menang mereka lupa rakyat dan berpaling mengutamakan kroni-kroni mereka.
Sekiranya DEB berjaya, mengapa orang Melayu pada hari ini masih ramai yang berada di bawah paras kemiskinan?
Mengapa masih tidak ramai Melayu yang mampu berdaya saing dengan bangsa lain dalam aspek ekonomi dan perniagaan?
Mengapa ramai orang Melayu ketinggalan serta terpaksa gulung tikar kerana tidak mampu bersaing dengan gergasi perniagaan di negara ini yang dimiliki oleh bangsa lain?
Mengapa rakyat masih merasa musykil kerana meskipun negara ini memiliki aset dan kekayaan yang melimpah ruah namun semakin ramai rakyat terutama orang Melayu hidup merempat di bumi sendiri?
Apakah DEB indikator kegagalan kerajaan?
Batu Ronson,
Kegagalan Dasar Ekonomi Baru berpunca daripada sikap dendam dan diskriminasi pemimpin Umno terhadap sesama bangsa. Walaupun dasar ini telah tamat pada tahun 1990, yakni hampir 22 tahun. Namun objektif DEB untuk membolehkan ekuti Bumiputera sebanyak 30% gagal, ia hanya mencapai 18% sahaja ketika dasar ini tamat.
Tahukah Batu Ronson bahawa 2/3 daripada anggota kabinet ialah orang melayu? Bukankah hampir 80 peratus pegawai kerajaan yang mengendalikan urusan orang Melayu ialah orang Islam?
Mengapa DEB masih gagal?
Apakah kegagalan DEB suatu yang dirancang dan membiarkan orang Melayu merempat? Dengan ini ia boleh dijadikan modal pemimpin negara memenuhi tembolok mereka dengan alasan untuk mendapat projek bagi membela Melayu.
DEB tidak berjaya kerana sikap pilih kasih dan sikap politik dendam yang tidak menghormati kebebasan untuk memilih kerajaan yang demokratik.
Kelantan adalah kayu ukur bagaimana Umno yang mendakwa parti Melayu telah menindas orang Melayu. Apakah dosa rakyat Kelantan sehingga sanggup diketepikan kerana mereka memilih Pas untuk menerajui negeri mereka?
Tahukah Batu Ronson bagaimana Kelantan yang serba kekurangan mampu mengurangkan tahap kemiskinan nombor dua pada tahun 1990 kepada nombor enam? Rahsia kejayaan ini ialah Kelantan mempunyai pemimpin yang amanah dan tidak pilih kasih berdasarkan kepada fahaman ideologi.
Saya tidak menafikan Dr Mahathir yang meneruskan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) yang matlamat asalnya membantu orang Melayu tetapi dasar itu ternyata gagal dalam pelaksanaannya kerana agihan kekayaan tidak adil dan tidak telus.
Amalan kronisme; memperkaya suku sakat sangat berleluasa dan ‘dihalalkan’ atas dasar menjaga kepentingan Melayu. Sasaran 30 peratus ekuiti orang Melayu tidak tercapai kerana salah guna kuasa dan kecurangan yang diamalkan.
Hanya segelintir Melayu yang mempunyai hubungan dengan pemimpin Umno menikmati keistimewaan tersebut manakala masyarakat Melayu teramai ketinggalan dan kekal di takuk lama.
Melalui semakan rambang, kita dapati ratusan ekar tanah dimiliki Umno Selangor atas dasar Melayu dan Bumiputera. Apabila didedah di Dewan Negeri Selangor baru-baru ini, mereka dengan angkuh mengatakan apa salahnya mereka mengambil tanah ini kerana kononnya merekalah yang membangunkan negeri ini!
Ratusan ekar tanah mereka peroleh hanya dengan membayar premium paling minimum RM100 setiap ekar. Kebanyakan tanah tersebut kini dimajukan dan dijual dengan harga ratusan juta kepada syarikat swasta yang bukan milikan Bumiputera.
Saya tidak bermaksud mempersoalkan pemilikan tanah oleh bukan Bumiputera tetapi sikap hipokrasi Umno begitu menjengkelkan. Peliknya, ketika menjual hartanah tersebut kepada syarikat swasta dengan keuntungan berlipat ganda, tidak pula mereka bertempek ‘Hidup Melayu”!
Mengapa Dr Mahathir tidak menghalang pimpinan Umno dari menggadai tanah-tanah orang Melayu ini kepada orang bukan Melayu? Mana perginya kedaulatan, maruah dan harga diri orang Melayu yang dilaung-laungkan?
Kita mendapati ketika pemerintahan Umno di Selangor, ribuan ekar Tanah Rezab Melayu di bandar ditarik keluar dan dijadikan milikan bebas. Diganti dengan tanah di hujung kampung seperti di Panchang Bedena, Sabak Bernam serta di Hulu Selangor.
Maka terletaklah Tanah Rizab Melayu jauh dari kota kerana pada Umno, orang Melayu layaknya hidup terperosok di kampung-kampung. Kerana itu jugalah, apabila PR berusaha meningkat taraf hidup orang Melayu dengan memberi peluang memiliki aset bertaraf dunia seperti pembangunan Datum Jelatek, hiruk pikuk Umno membantah pembangunan tersebut dan mahu Melayu kekal berniaga di warung dengan bermentaliti pemilik gerai.
Dr Mahathir juga bertanggungjawab memperkenalkan konsep penswastaan di negara ini. Seperti DEB, penswastaan juga bermatlamat murni namun pelaksanaan tempang dan curang menjadi beban kepada rakyat tetapi syurga kepada kroni dan pimpinan Umno. Tidak terdengar satu ayat pun dari Dr Mahathir ketika rakyat Selangor berjuang berhabisan mempertahankan hak air mereka. Dr Mahathir berpura-pura seolah-olah hidup di dunia berbeza.
Pak Aspan, tahu atau tidak Dr Mahathir bahawa PR mempunyai kekuatan politik untuk mengutip hutang-hutang tersebut? Sedarkah Dr Mahathir PR memulangkan jumlah RM390 juta tersebut kepada rakyat miskin di negeri ini yang sebahagian besar adalah orang Melayu?
Mengapa rakyat terutama orang Melayu begitu ‘mudah lupa’ bahawa insan bernama Mahathir yang memporakperandakan kesatuan orang Melayu khusus ketika peristiwa hitam Badan Kehakiman 1988 dan insiden Mata Lebam 1998?
Dear GH Kok,
1.You wanted me to discard the kampung mentality just because I am a proud Kampong man made good.You have many wrong perceptions of many kampong folks and think they continue living bawah tempurung still.You too have belittled Mahathir achievements and success somewhat.For Mahathir bashings you will find many of them here especially prior PRU 13.Now that the PRU is over we want to move on.Many of us non politician like me as professionals,are very focus on our work and business .We are giving back to society the little experience and resources that we have our own way especially to those needy people in the kampong by changing their mindset focussing more on education and education so that they are not left out.
2.Being in O&G business most of my career life as a principal ownwer/ taukay/boss i employed professional people of various races including expariates paying them handsomely as well.Obviously Kampong man is or has to be colour blind.Not interested in any political positions and neither any assistance from politic be it money and project, none whatsoever.Not a sen.There are many successful malay professionals out there actually at least my contemporary.
3.I wrote at length in other blogs about getting the Melayu/Bumi to be in business like their chinese counter part .Do you know that more than 93% Melayu/Bumis are wage earners and the reverse is true for the Chinese (more than 93%) are in business.This must change and only UMNO/BN can do it NOT Pas and not PKR.We can forget DAP as they have their own political agenda suited only to their kind.A decent Malay like Aspan is or seems not acceptable to DAP.Who else will then huh?.
4.GH Kok,lets not beat about the bush about Mahathir visions and missions.We can point out 1,000 reasons and mistakes to belittle his achievement for whatever reasons.He is not going to be our PM.
5.You can continue bragging about that activist Anwar and me on Mahathir until the cow comes home ,Tun was our PM and Anwar was not and look likes it is going to be NEVER now for poor Anwar.Many said he is a stupid politician and i couldn't have agreed more.The country needs to move on beyond Anwar.Sshhhh!!..both Tun and Anwar were my neighbours in Federal Hill for many years FYI.
6.Now that 90% of the chinese are not voting for BN and MCA wish not to be represented Najib will have a problem to deal with and his fate rests with his party UMNO after so much is given to the Chinese.It is unsettling but UMNO/BN will surely be for all Malaysians as they have been since Merdeka.
7.In his book "Dr in The House" Mahathir said " I may have made some mistakes during my tenure as a PM,SACKING Anwar is not one of it..."
Thank you for agreeing to disagree. Cheers GH Kok !
DEB is a total destroying the competitiveness of our it relies on millions of cheap and low skills, legal and illegal labour, to survive.
We were behind Japan in the 60s and 70s, now we are left behind by South Korea, China, S'pore, Taiwan....and very soon Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam will take over.
The hundreds of thousands who migrated knew this short sighted policy with ' hidden agenda ' will destroy the economy and opportunities.
The economy cannot create real, meaningful and reawarding jobs for the people.
GH Kok,
1.When Tun started Proton my Uni mate Dato Kisai was almost about the first employee of Proton.It was a gigantic move changing the agribased Malaysia slowly into one of heavy industry emulating Korea and Japan with Tun Look East Policy.It surely came with many teeting operation problems as we were on the learning curve-a tution fees that we must pay.Look at the spinoff from Proton itself.The vendors that we developed and not to mention the creation of employment across the value chain.
2.Tun can only do so much .Whilst I can agree that some are not meeting the needed targets like Perwaja because Tun trusted the Buaya like Eric Chia too much.Putrajaya, KLIA, FM1 Circuit, Bukit Jalil,Langkawi,Petronas Twin Tower,Plus Highways, Penang Bridge and the list go on I thought are success stories.No ?.Guess it depends on which side of the fence you are pilitically ehh..Try and use jalan lama to travel from JB to Penang and tell me your experience.You will appreciate the highways.No ?.
3.In the early 80s I had the oppurtunity working with ESSO team building offshore Platform Guntung A at Daewoo Shipyard in Okpo, Korea.Korea are not blessed with natural resources like us.What they have are talented and hardworking rakyat who are UNITED to build the nation against the background of Korean War.
4.Korea did marvellously well with various govt control and support.Imagine there was almost nil imported cars then when I was there.I did not see any Merc, BMW, Volvos nothing imported but Hyundai and Daewoo cars and some new local brand like KIA came later in the capital city Soul.They protected the local industries and ensured their growth through various incentives and financial support ready to conquer the world. They did today of course.Why this tale you may wonder.Face it,not until we have a UNITED Malaysians working together building this nation, we will have difficulty moving up to the next level.The current bitter political scenario does not help either with continuous OVERPOLITICKING from both side of the political divide for many many years since PRU 12.
Many are missing the Tun's era when we were used to be proud Malaysians when abroad.Why can't PR accept defeat gracefully and move on ?.What benefits are this Perhimpunan Haram ?.Politik tak habis habis.LAIN KALI LAH !!
Terima kasih .
Kampung Man,you can brag all you want till all the lembu comes home,the facts still remains,why most of the Malays are wage earners as you had mentioned and not the Chinese ?I think you know why but,refused to accept the facts that Mahathir singlehandedly fails the Malays but makes his cronies extremely "successful "and this you proud of. Because of your twisted views on so call Mahathir "success "and blame on others.
Your hatred towards DAP is understandable because truth hurts,a racist party? Can you produced proofs that it is a racist party in any form I.e YouTube please by all means paste the link,but racist comments by UMNO ,Utusan or Perkasa are plenty. Just because they have more Chinese supporters make them a racist party (your word) how about UMNO ? I,as a Malays supported DAP,am I penkhianat Melayu?
Sdra Sham,
Negara Malaysia mengamalkan demokrasi berpalimen.Kita bebas memilih atau berjuang diatas mana mana parti.Mereka memilih kerana percaya pada perjuangan parti tertentu atau diatas sebab tertentu.
Anda bebas memilih DAP dan ini baik untuk anda, teruskan.Anda bertanggung jawab menukar persepsi negatif orang Melayu pada perjuangan Malaysian Malaysia dan kesamarataan dan buktikan bahawa DAP adalah benar benar parti "Multiracial".Setakat ini masih belum lagi.Dinasti Lim dan warlords/kroni masih mencengkam parti ini.
Harap anda berjaya akhirnya diterima sebagai melayu pertama dipilih didalam CEC DAP.Walaupun Zairil Khir Johari berjaya menjadi ahli CEC akhirnya (sebab tersalah kira) beliau tidak punyai satu titik pun darah/DNA melayu.Zairil adalah anak Christine dan bapanya adalah berketurunan cina dari Singapura.Kita mahukan ramai lagi melayu menjadi ahli dan mewakili DAP diperingkat tinggi saperti rakan saya Sakmongkol.Takhniah pada Ariff Sabri.
Good Malaysians cannot be wrong when majority elect and choose MAHATHIR as our PM for 22 years !.Isn't this an AMAZING feat ?.No wonder he is my MAN.
As for me I wll stick with UMNO/BN. Believe you can accept and respect my choice as I do to you. Ssshhh... I want to be with winners and not loosers. Cheers mate.
Haiya Kampong Man,
Malaysia - democracy? Nahi! No that how cheer people up with your so call joke?
Rakyat are going to the streets not to topple the government, but to re-claim democracy.
The rakyat just want to take back the democracy which was stolen in GE13 due to the various electoral fraudulence.
Come on lah Kampong Man, if really got democracy, have you asked Prime Minister Najib Razak why must he blamed the Chinese for not voting Barisan Nasional at the 13th general election and better still ask also the infamous ex-prime minister Mahathir Mohamad why he slammed the Chinese and the Malays who voted for Pakatan Rakyat?
Hey Kampong O & G Man, all others from BN and its main component party, Umno, also jumped on the same bandwagon and said the same thing, accusing the Chinese of being ungrateful which made it sound as if it was a great sin to vote for the Opposition.
Haiyah so called boss like you which very proud with kampong mentality, what is so wrong with voting for the Opposition?
Why is an Opposition set up in the first place? Isn’t it to provide competition to the ruling party? So if people are more persuaded by the case made by the Opposition, why shouldn’t they vote for it?
Mahathir and you surely can’t be ignorant of what a democracy is. For your enlightenment, let me point out that in a democracy, any number of parties can take part in a contest to decide which one should become the government. And the people who choose through voting are free to vote for any party.
So, since that is the case, it is neither a crime nor a moral wrong to vote for the Opposition. And that is why in a democracy, the ruling party can be voted out if more people feel it doesn’t deserve to be the government any more.
Now, the popular vote for Pakatan was higher than that for BN. Who is the winner actually?
By the way, what is there to be grateful to the Government for? If it provides the things needed for society to thrive in, that is its job. That is what it was elected to do. So no Chinese, Malay, Indian, Kadazan, Iban needs to be grateful to the Government.
Don't you know that the Government is not the same thing as the party in government. They are two separate things, and therefore voting against BN is not voting against the Government. It is voting against the party that was in government up till the point Parliament was dissolved to allow for new elections.
And what is even more important is that BN is not the country. Anyone voting against BN is therefore not being disloyal to the country.
Have you chose to ignore what Mahathir had irresponsibly said that if Lim Kit Siang were to win the Gelang Patah seat, there would be racial conflict? And after the results came out, he blamed the Chinese and said that the Malays who voted for the Opposition were greedy instead.
Why greedy? Because, he said, they were willing to sell their own race.
Is politics about race? In multi-racial Malaysia, should it be about race? Isn’t it perpetuating racial conflict to drum it into people they should vote for the ruling party because of their race? Why are leaders who should know better telling people to vote according to their race?
Why are leaders like Mahathir taking this racist approach?
Malaysians who voted for the Opposition, regardless of race, did so following their conscience. They should not be shaken by your bullying talk, even if it comes from a prime minister and a former one. They ought to know what such politicians are capable of saying.
Najib said he wants to be “a prime minister for all Malaysians” and yet he defended what Utusan Malaysia wrote in that offensive article, obviously aimed at causing racial tension. He talked of national reconciliation and yet he doesn’t walk the talk.
Sheesh! I know you are from the kampong but don't follow leaders that speaks with a forked tongue lah.
My dear KTC,
1.I enjoy reading your comment.You sound very sincere to me and I am for freedom of expression and as long as we can be open and frank I am with you my friend.
2.The different is that i think I have more chinese friends than you have malay friends.I played Basketball and table tennis at college/uni level.My Malay residential school STAR Ipoh beat many Chinese school in Ipoh in table tennis and Volleyball my time so you know how much interaction I have with the chinese.
3.You or anyone be it malay,indian and chinese are free to vote anybody.You dont like Najib or BN please feel free to vote him out by all means.The fact remains BN is the choice for now .Can you not accept it?.
4.You dont like Utusan,STAR, Straits Times or whatever don't read them.I am not an editor for Utusan so I cannot answer on their behalf.Ask them.
5.As for Gelang Patah it is obvious that DAP is playing the racial card or sentiment to win chinese votes.There is NOTHING that LKS has done for Gelang Patah compared to so much of Ghani contributions to the chinese community there and yet chinese voters go for chinese candidate.Isn't that not racial sentiment.
5.At the end of the day everyone is RACIST.It is about how one manages them in relation to the sensitivities of our country multiethnic composition.
6.I don't give a damn even if 100% chinese vote for PR and wish to vote BN out if UBAH is what the majority desires.But majority say LAIN KALI LAH !! So how ? cannot maa..
Honestly,I am the kind that respect majority decision.Though politics is not my cup of tea,i enjoyed analysing them. Sshhh...Kampong man is not that kampong after all my dear friend.
7.Tell your LKS or LGE to get more malays in DAP.Tell young Chico LGE to abandon the idea of having undersea tunnel when the federal govt is building the second Penang bridge for Penangites regardless who they vote for.Anyway,I am going to doze off soon as I am having a heavy meeting with a German outfit for a RAPID projet in Pengerang.Good night and sleep tight KTC.Don't get too uptight with politics. It is not good for health and politics is dirty they say!.Cheers.
@ Opps..Ssshhh...KTC, Dont trust that man Anwar.He is responsible for the defeat of PR you know.His days are numbered. Just watch..
pemilihan umno 5 tahun sekali sangat sesuai..
Kampong Man,
You really are kampong!
Cut the crabs! The popular vote is the purest form of democracy and follows the simplest formula: one man/woman equals one vote. Majority wins.
Malaysia’s current apportionment of electoral districts makes a mockery of democracy.
Pakatan obtained 50.39 per cent of the popular vote (a simple majority) and Barisan only obtained 46.57 per cent of the popular vote (substantially less than a simple majority).
Kampong Man,
Does BN have leaders? I mean, real leaders?
The Auditor-General has commended the PR government of Penang for its financial management and monitoring system for three consecutive years – 2008, 2009 and 2010.
The Auditor-General has also commended the PR government of Selangor for its “very good” performance in 2010 of reducing public debt and loan repayment arrears. And from 2009 to 2010, its consolidated revenue also increased by 20.2%.
Leadership must have something to do with it, must it not?
But seriously Kampong Man, just look at BN’s leaders today. Which of them are really good?
Quite a few have been making stupid statements.
Former Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein’s response to a question on why during the Bersih 3.0 rally, the police were confiscating memory cards from the cameras of press photographers and members of the public;
“I don’t know,” he said. “This is the standard operating procedure of the police.”
Another comment I find irksome is “Better the devil you know than the angel you don’t” – courtesy of ex-prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
He was not saying something new; advocating that even though BN is a “devil”, it is safer to keep BN in power than to opt for a new government and potential uncertainty.
What’s new is that Mahathir has admitted that BN is indeed a “devil”. Unwittingly, I suppose.
The fact is that the devil most kampong people already knew has not brought them a single institutional reform despite Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s numerous pledges.
Now you may ask for the justification. Let me quote one example, why hasn’t Article 121 of the Federal Constitution been restored so as to return real independence to the judiciary?
Without that, the judiciary is still answerable to Parliament, which was not the original intent of our founding fathers, who recognised the need for the separation of powers between the Executive (Government), the Legislative (Parliament) and the Judiciary.
Apart from that, the devil has merely replaced the ISA with the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act, and is proposing to replace the Sedition Act with National Harmony Act.
In fact, the devil has restricted the kampong people democratic space by first enacting the Peaceful Assembly Act and then giving them the new amendment to the Evidence Act called 114A.
This amendment presumes the accused guilty and places the onus on him/her to prove his/her innocence. It goes against the principle of natural justice. Under this amendment, someone could borrow your computer to post a seditious comment on some blog or website and you could be held responsible for that comment.
Kampong Man, you may not even be aware of that posting but you’d have to produce witnesses to testify that you were not at your computer when the posting was done. See how ridiculous it is?
Furthermore, the devil has different sets of laws for different sets of people.
A 19-year-old was arrested for baring his buttocks over photographs of Najib and his wife, Rosmah Mansor, while the incidents of BN supporters burning photographs of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and urinating on the posters of Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Aziz and DAP leader Lim Kit Siang have been ignored by the authorities.
And a 19-year-old girl who surrendered herself to the police for having stepped on the photographs of Najib and Rosmah got handcuffed like a criminal. But if you were to look at photographs of ex-menteri besar Khir Toyo and ex-minister Ling Liong Sik when they were arrested – one for land fraud, and the other for cheating the Government – you’d see that neither of them was handcuffed.
Even I am not from the kampong, it looks like on the one hand, we are told we are 1Malaysia, but on the other, there are these double standard.
The devil has also been spending public funds to the tune of RM5.77 billion for the political purpose of buying their hearts – and votes.
Kampong Man, are you with the devil?
Salam KTC,
1.Kadang kadang kita terasa jemu,mual membaca komen politik yang tidak habis habis, sedangkan kita baru sahaja memilih kerajaan untuk lima tahun sebelum PRU 14.
2.Apa yang penting sekarng adalah memperbaiki semula kelemahan dalam parti.Masa untuk 'Reflection' supaya parti kita sentiasa atau akan menjadi pilihan rakyat majoriti pula bagi memerintah negara.Ini bererti masa untuk berkempen pilihanraya sudah tamat buat masa ini.Cerita yang anda paparkan sudah basi dan tidak laku lagi dan telah diperbincangkan dimerata blog.
3.I am looking at the forest and not the trees if you know what I mean.A helicopter view that is.A young , inexperience and an innocent lad like you would pick up those little issues of least concern to many.In short, learn to look at the bigger picture and not being petty like a lasse.It is tiring, boring. and no longer relevant.We want current issues like PKR/PR may decide to boycott the coming parliament session.What would be its implication.Perhimpunan haram -is it necessary for an example.
4.List me if you may ten good and real leaders from PR and we can take it from there.Forget those activists like Tian Chua and Anwar.
How is your bahasa ?.Kindly write in bahasa if you don't mind.Readers wish to see how competent this KTC is in his bahasa.You sound Iike you are from one of those vernacular schools.Have a good day KTC.
Kampong Man,
Wah bukan main lagi, kenape ko gunapakai nama Inggeris?
Ko macamlah UMNO yang kononnya memperjuangkan Ketuanan Melayu dengan keris mencacak ke langit tapi kenape tidak diubah sahaja kepada Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu?
UMNO tidak pernah ikhlas mahu membantu Melayu. Jika nama sudah diInggeriskannya, bagaimana UMNO ada semangat mahu membela Melayu?
Melayu bagi UMNO hanyalah slogan kosong. Melayu bagi UMNO hanya sebuah bangsa yang mudah dibodohkan. Melayu bagi UMNO hanyalah sebuah kaum untuk mendapat undi. Melayu bagi UMNO hanyalah untuk mengekalkan kuasa.
Sudah berapa tahun kita merdeka, nasib orang Melayu di kampung masih sama. Tak basi ke tu?
Ko sangat berbesar hati dengan asal usul dari kampong. Kenape ko tak tanya Umno apo hal seronok merobohkan kampung Melayu? Apo kah kerana dahaga, kebulur dan tamak haloba apabila memikirkan soal wang? Roboh kampung Melayu maka projek dapat dilaksanakan. Apabila projek dapat dilaksanakan, maka UMNO atas nama Ketuanan Melayu menyebat projek di atas tanah orang Melayu.
Bagi UMNO biar orang Melayu jadi bodoh kerana ini sahaja yang dapat memenuhkan poket UMNO. Jika Melayu sudah tahu hak mereka sudah dipermainkan, maka tamatlah riwayat UMNO. Moto politik UMNO adalah "Bodohkan Melayu, Kayalah Aku".
Cukuplah UMNO menindas orang kampong selamo ni. Aku dah jijik dengan Umno. Jijik kerana UMNO suka menipu. Menipu pemikiran orang Melayu. Perkara inilah menyebabkan aku benci sangat pada UMNO. Bencinya aku kepada UMNO sebagaimana aku benci kepada Zionis Yahudi. Wajib orang kampong mempunyai perasaan benci sebegitu. Kerana jika orang kampong tidak benci begitu kepada UMNO, selama-lamanya orang kampong akan terus terpinggir. Selama-lamanya orang kampong terus ditindas TANPA DISEDARI.
Salam Orang Kampong,
1.Ada perbezaan antara "Orang Kampong" dan "Kampong man".
Orang kampong adalah orang yang masih berterusan tinggal di kampong dan tidaka mahu berubah.Manakala Kampong man pula adalah orang yang datangnya dari kampong ingin mambela nasib orang kampong nya melalui politik tunjang orang Melayu/Bumiputra,UMNO keluar dari kampongnya dan memperbaiki dan menukar mindset orang orang kampong .Tidak hairan semua keputusan PRU yang lepas lepas RAMAI (High Percentage) orang kampong (Rural community) memilih UMNO/BN kecuali mereka yang berhaluan kiri saperti tuan tetapi tidaklah ramai.
2.Di kampong saya di Melaka mereka menolak PR sama sekalu secara TOTAL.
a.Apa jaminan saudara memilih PR tidak akan MEMINGGIRKAN orang kampong?.
b.Apakah 90% pengundi China yang mengundi PR terutama parti chauvanistik DAP akan membela masyarakat kampong?.
c.Orang kampong terus di tindas ?.Betul ke ?.
3.Sungguh korup UMNO/BN ini rupanya dan ini mesti di UBAH kalau betul.Saya tidak pernah mengamalkan corruption dalam business saya .Tidak memberi dan menerima , ZERO selama lebih 20 tahun sebagai ushawan.Bagaimana anda ?.Apa guarantee yang PR ini tidak akan KORUP ?.Orang puteh kata "Politic is dirty and power corrupt" betul ke ?.
Kita tolak mereka yang korup.Kita tentukan UMNO/BN memberi sepenuh perhatian kepada pengundi mereka di luar bandar kali.Lagi pun 63.3 % orang Melayu memilih UMNO/BN di Semenanjung (Ref; DAH IKHWAN Weblog).Terima kasih.
@ orang kampong, jangan lupa baca komen terbaru saya diblog ini dedahan sdra Radzi Pengarah Strategi DAP di Pulau Pinang.See if there is any truth to it and you tell me.I am not racist, aku Melayu.
Kampong Man,
Apokah telah ke hulu ke hilir UMNO menjaja kononnya hak melayu terancam, Islam terancam dan Melayu ditindas di bawah kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat?
UMNO menjual cerita pada orang Melayu kononnya hak Melayu dan Islam telah hancur di bawah kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat.
Namun, mampukah UMNO MEMBUKTIKAN segala dakwaan kosong dan tidak berasas mereka? Jawapnya TIDAK.
Ini kerana, UMNO telah sedari bahawa tuduhan mereka ini TIDAK BERASAS.
Coba ko lihat di dalam Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri Negeri Sembilan, UMNO telah dimalukan apabila ADUN tunggal PAS, YB Taufik, mendedahkan peruntukan sekolah agama untuk Selangor JAUHHH lebih tinggi dari Negeri Sembilan.
Dengan kata lain, Selangor lebih baik dari segi menjaga agama berbanding Negeri Sembilan yang ditadbir oleh UMNO.
Malah di Penang, 70% dari mereka yang memenangi kontrak adalah dari kontraktor2 Melayu. Ertinya, di bawah Ketua Menteri DAP Cino pun, kontraktor Melayu masih mampu hidup.
Peruntukan kepada sekolah2 agama, gaji imam2, bilal2, peruntukan masjid2 dan surau2 semuanya lebiih tinggi di bawah Pakatan Rakyat berbanding di bawah UMNO.
Malahan, pentadbiran kerajaan nogeri di bawah Pakatan jauh lebih bersih berbanding UMNO dan Barisan Nasional.
Akhir sekali, SAYA MENCABAR ko dan mano-mano juak UMNO membawa bukti jelas hak Melayu dan orang melayu ditindas di bawah kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat. Saya cabar.
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