28 May 2008

Tengku Razaleigh the new president

Tengku Razaleigh (TR) made a brief visit to Sabah on the 23rd May to meet UMNO grassroot members to assess the support for his intention to contest the number 1 post in UMNO at the coming general assembly.

Speaking to a strong crowd of 1000 grassroot leaders he openly solicited for the nominations from the Sabah UMNO members for the post of the President for the party.

Sabah has 25 divisions in the assembly scheduled to be held in December this year and if TR has enough nominations, hopefully some of those nominations have to come from Sabah.

TR is in the process of massive elucidation as to why he made firm decision to offer himself for the post of President for UMNO.

He touched on various issues faced by the party and the nation that the current line of leadership fails to mitigate.

Putting personal politics aside, politicians, the big ones and the small ones alike, should hand in hand with the supporting public, rally behind TR to settle our long standing hiccups behind us.

TR may be less of a politician but he is recognized master planner nationally and internationally who testimonially has sound track records of successes in the development of our great nation.

Malaysians in particular the middle-age and the younger generation should make serious research on this technocrat and be pleased, to find out that he is conclusively the best choice for the people to choose as their leader for the day.

The mountable challenges ahead of us need a real and hands-on technocrat cum politician like TR to lead and reset afresh strong acceptable policies for all communities, long term in nature, neatly executed and benefits our goal of creating harmonious Malaysians standing tall within international community.

The effort to put up TR to lead the country should be shouldered by all serious Malaysians as the challenges that lie ahead of nations like ours are not small.

To be a Prime Minister for this nation is not the right for any Tom, Dick and Harry.

It is not just who is getting the support from which divisions of UMNO, or which candidate is supported by whom, which cabinet minister is supporting who and so on and so forth.

We are talking about issues far beyond that: We are talking about who can bring our nation to greater height as we are in competition within the modern civilization.

Republic of China for instance, is not just a great nation, it is civilization by itself, and there is nothing that they don’t know about happenings to the every inch of the whole wide world.

We are no more interested having leaders with heavy baggages with them, like wives and family members having huge influence in their decisions.

We don’t want and detest weak leaders who are an easy prey of arm twisting by foreign powers which is disastrous to the nation’s future, and become the ultimate stooge of dubious foreign elements.

We have a lot of other pressing issues to address for the nation, and let us not be digressed by leaders with gigantic personal agenda who made the people pay hefty price to maintain them up there.

Many nation-loving Malaysians, see TR as the best candidate for this massive job, and hopefully every other Malaysian especially the confused UMNO leaders and members to come to term that they have to solidly rally behind TR for the sake of our very own future.

Thanks…………………………………………………….. Aspan Alias.



  1. There are no concrete changes in UMNO rite now.
    Sorry to say that the present leadership is a weak leader,,tidur,cuti.bla..bla..

    The only way to reform UMNO is to change the leadership...there's to many crooks in UMNO

    Apart fom tht the only fit leader tht we can think of is TR...
    He"s the only one who r morally qualified to talk bout tis....


  2. salam semua....

    Sollu Alannabiy !!!! SElawat atas Nabi..

    Nape? sbb syaitan dok dlm hati x selawat nabi.

    Orang Arab jika bergaduh, dia akan kata 'sollu alannabiy'

    tanda dia mahu berdamai...

    kita ?? bila lagi ??

    nak terus bergaduh ?

    Ezam masuk UMNO nak kecoh ?

    Tun Mahathir keluar nak heboh?

    apa ni ? kata nak jaga ketuanan melayu agama negara tapi dok bergaduh...

    mcm mana tak bergaduh hati dok pelihara syaitan ....

    sembahyang tak tahu ke mana...

    harta halal haram tak kira...

    hasad dengki disimpan...

    iri hati tak ada link dgn org berkuasa.

    mcm 2 lagi cinta dunia ..

    sampai orang nak tadbir negeri susah ...

    kalu negara tergadai siapa salah ??

    semua yg dok tulis dan heboh bab nak biar kita semakin bergduh.

    itulah pengkhianat sebenarnya...

    dengar bisikan iblis hingga negara huru hara...

    maaflah cakap kasar sikit tetapi itulah pahit bak ubat bagi penyakit.

    Mari kita menulis rapatkan hubungan sama kita dan buang sengketa...

    Kita sudah tiada masa....Melayu kan gagah di Nusantara jika kita sedar kita menjadi mainan orang tertentu agar sibuk bergaduh di tengah gelanggang bak ayam sabung...

    sekarang cari 'batu api' yang menghasut kita...

    buang 'munafik' ini dari terus duduk dalam negara....

    singkirkan orang ini...nanti jika dibiar negara akan huru hara.

  3. ahli umno dan ketua cawangan patut baca ini.Patut di terjemahkan juga dalam Bahasa Malaysia

  4. Kalau tak nak gaduh berlarutan, yang dah tak mampu memimpin harus berundurlah. Apa tunggu lagi! Kita sepatutnya tahu pada diri kita sama ada tahap kemampuan kita memimpin dah sampai kepuncaknya atau dah merudum. Kalau dah merudum apa guna tunggu lagi. Kan lebeh baik kita beri laluan kapada orang yang berkemampuan memimpin dengan baik supaya kemajuan akan berterusan tanpa ganguan yang boleh memudharatkan bangsanya.

    Pak Belalang tak suka gaduh-gaduh. Pak Belalang suka minum teh tarik direstoran mamak jumpa kawan dan be happy !!

  5. Sdra Aspan.

    Bila agaknya blog sdra boleh dikategorikan sebagai ahli resmi "millionaire club"? Mesti ada cita-cita kearah pencapaian kearah itu.Barulah gemilang,cemerlang dan terbilang!!
