12 June 2008

Tengku Razaleigh candidate for the rakyat

The meetings between Tengku Razaleigh and the grassroots until now are well underway and the responses so far were not disappointing.

The Question and Answer (Q&A) sessions were very dynamic and there were a lot of questions and enquiries that that have made us realize the feelings of disappointments towards the leadership are tormenting.

Their grouses are not small and petty. They were touching on fundamentals of politics.

They now realize that for the past almost 2 decades UMNO were not consulted in anything the government decided so much so they didn’t know what the government were intending to do.

This is a crude fact and no fallacy. UMNO at divisional and the grass root level were not informed and there were no massive elucidations of what the government wanted to do.

For instance, The North- South highway project were planned and implemented without consultations with UMNO and the people.

Initially we enjoyed driving on the motorway with nominal toll but soon we were forced to pay hefty toll rate and we were not informed of the periodical toll rate increments signed between the government and the concessionaires before it was implemented.

So did the KLIA project: It was not part of the sixth Malaysia Plan and UMNO and the people were not informed until at the mid-term review of the sixth Malaysia Plan.

These projects were gigantic and expensive and the public were paying for it. It is only fair for the people to know first and get their views and comments.

But many reckoned, informing the people to know too much beforehand, may not be fertile for corrupt practices to happen.

In short, UMNO and the population were detached to the government and it is not surprising that the people are shying away from the ruling party as they feel they are not part of the system.

Many are of the opinion that UMNO had not been taken care by their leaders for a long while, as the leaders were too focused on industrialization.

Generally, these leaders perceived Nation Building as physical developments, with sky scrappers, highest flag post, one of the longest bridges, climbing Mount Everest and others.

The leaders today ignore the basic tenets of keeping the identity of his race and culture.

They have lost the total bearing of struggles, and yet they believe they are doing the right thing.

They don’t have a clue as to why they are there as they went up through their financial strength yearning to be in the positions of glamour and associating themselves with the rich and famous.

That was why they don’t have the feel on anything they do.

Hence, the party is used expediently as their apparatus to develop their personal gain and to glorify their family’s status.

These heinous cultures have been looming in the party for the past almost 2 decades and the ultimate goal of party has long been forgotten.

These state of affairs have been watched by the public and the feelings of rejections slowly set in that made intimidations against the party became noticeable, thus they lined up to vote against the UMNO/BN government.

So what do we do next? Do we still see UMNO as the party to rely on? How do we act if we still insist that UMNO to remain to be relevant in the political domain?

OR do we just forget about this aging party being mutilated by the current leaders?

We have 2 choices at this moment: Firstly, just let the current leaders continue to take charge and we sit pretty smoking cigars watching from sideline how Najib's group and Pak Lah’s factions to wrestle each other.

After all they are one and the same, as the demise of Malay struggle is imminent under anyone of them.

Secondly, if we decide to seek hope for UMNO to prevail as the premise for Malay struggle for the future, we still have the opportunity.

JUST be macho and valiant enough to join the ordinary UMNO members and the rakyat!

The rakyat have a candidate to fight for them! His name is, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Remember an adage: The good is for the good, while the bad is for the bad.

Just decide and be accountable for your choice.

As for me and many others, we choose to vote for the destiny of my generation, i.e. Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah!

Thanks……………………….Aspan Alias.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to express my congratulations to Najib for declaring publicly not to challenge Pak Lah. It is good for him. After all Najib's personal affair appears to be all in a mess. This is very glaring by the amount of accusations and allegations made by bloggers and other media who seem to know what is really going on about Najb's personal affair. With such rampant bad publicity about Najib, it reflects how damaging it will be if he were to take over the helm of UMNO presidency. UMNO could not afford to have another haprak and HP6 President with such a perceived personal bad behaviour to the eyes of the public.

    So now the challenge is open to everybody. The best person to take over and challenge Pak Lah is either Tengku Razaleigh or Mahyuddin Yasin. These two gentlemen have the material to lead UMNO and become the next Prime Minister.

    Rumours circling in town have always been saying that Najib is a person who seems to be like a man who is "timid" in character at home and in the office. How far this is true about Najib "would reveal nothing more than what the public have already known" rightly or wrongly.(to quote Zaid's line of words)
