10 July 2008

Economic tsunami

So much have been gossiped and talked about Abdullah’s and Najib’s incapacity to build up strong political ground for the people and for the nation as all of us are conclusive in our mind that they are failing desolately.

People are now worried and can’t imagine what he would do next to face the imminent economic tsunami which would be at our shore in just weeks from now, as forecasted by world economic authorities.

They have failed to settle problems in UMNO and BN, and with the advent of dreadful economic showdown worldwide, Malaysia surely needs a leader with extensive knowledge of economy who can master the real and authentic problems that Malaysia would face.

That somebody proposed to take charge should be a technocrat in image and high capability profile with wide experience in managing the subject within the inextricably intertwining international economic intricacies.

No Tom, Dick and Harry can go through this situation as everyone seems to claim as capable.

We need a real planner in this area of economy and what he says are not just reading text prepared by his or her officers.

The Prime Minister has to be a man who is no less than having hands-on knowledge with top notch capacity to mitigate economic downturn of this catastrophic in nature.

Please believe the opinion of many quarters that Abdullah has zero-cut capacity to stand the magnitude of the hyper depression let alone managing this vulnerable economic circumstance.

If this economic calamity comes ashore let us all be pragmatic and brave enough to bet on Tengku Razaleigh for the solution and just divulge and make known to all Malaysians that the current line of leadership should stay at the sideline.

The current leaders can’t be given the job of reconstructing on things they vandalized.

I may sound crude but it is a plain fact that is uncharacteristic to deny.

The truth can be painful but circumstances warrant us to be audacious enough to act with full answerability for noble sake of the nation.

Time and space may not be with us to have the company of weak and devious leaders who have damaged the party and the government.

To keep the current leaders ruling the nation will keep the nation weak with unmitigated problems haunting us perpetually.

Thanks………………………………………………..Aspan Alias.


  1. Kerajaan pimpinan Pak lah adalah kerajaan yang "PEKAK, BUTA DAN TULI". Sum mun buk mun um yun fahum laa yar jiuun. Surah al-baqarah ayat 18. It is more or less like A BLIND LEADING SEVERAL BLINDS. At the end of the day all the rakyat will become "blind" too.

    This is the best anology that I can think of to reflect the present status of Pak Lah leadership. Nothing much that we can hope for except to brace ourselves to face all the hardship and the consequences of having a haprak and HP6 UMNO leaders who are really GOOD FOR NOTHING, indeed !!

    As a matter of time you will see this country will become a failed state. Make no mistake about it.

    191 UMNO Division Heads are in KL to hear what Pak Lah will have to say about the leadership transition. I guess he will continue to seek for symphathy and express his hope to lead the country after the UMNO elections to "save his sleepy face". And knowing UMNO Division Heads who almost all of them have no backbone will surely compromise their principle by not wanting to rock the boat and give way to the LAME DUCK President to hold on to his position. That will be the scenario after the meeting. No surprise at all.

  2. Semua Ketua Bahagian UMNO disetengah negeri dah jadi "KUDA KEPANG". Dah dikudakan oleh Pak Lah. kah, kah,kah

    Gitulah ceritanya kalau pemimpin UMNO yang dah khayal dengan kedudukan mereka boleh diperkudakan oleh sesiapa sahaja termasuk "Pondan Siam". Akhirnya moral dan prinsip mereka untuk memperjuangkan untung nasib rakyat dihumban kelongkang.

    UMNO sudah rosak. Dirosakkan oleh Pak Lah yang tidak sedar diri. Beginilah nasib orang Melayu yang malang.Orang Melayu yang masih lagi tidak dapat menilai yang mana kaca dan yang mana intan. Apabila sudah terdesak barulah terkapai-kapai minta tolong. Barulah mencaci pemimpin sana sini apabila nasi dah jadi bubur. Bilalah bangsa aku ini nak sampai ketahap manusia yang celik mata. Sampai bilalah nak jadi "pekak, buta dan tuli" !!!Hati aku ini sebenarnya telah remuk dan hancur memikirkan bagaimana pahitnya melihat setengah pemimpin Melayu kita telah dirasuahkan dengan kemewahan hingga maruah diri mereka digadaikan dengan begitu murah
    sekali.Aku sungguh kecewa yang amat sangat.

    Aku rasakan sekarang hanya parti PAS sahaja yang aku nampak ada maruah untuk mempertahankan mertabat orang Melayu. Itu pun aku tak tahu kearah mana PAS nak bawa orang Melayu. Kalau kejalan yang lurus yang diredhai ALLAH, alhamdulillah !!Takut jadi 2 x 5 macam UMNO !!

  3. Salam Datuk,

    UMNO adalah dari akar umbi, biarlah akar umbi yang menentukan,kenapa nak umumkan sekarang padahal lagi beberapa bulan pemilihan hendak dijalankan. Mungkin lepas ini Masalah UMNO dalaman akan berterusan dalam perebutan jawatan TPM 2010, rakyat dan bangsa akan menjadi mangsa

    Rakyat itu akar bangsa. Jika akarnya sihat, pokoknya pun sihat -Beng Tju


  4. Somebody must challenge Najib for the position of Deputy President this coming UMNO election,in order to make the take over of the Presidency of UMNO "morally legal". He just cannot be the President through backdoor arrangement. He must earned it from the grassroot support. If he wins the Deputy Presidency post then he is eligible to be confirmed as Acting President to replace Pak Lah. Pak Lah just cannot repeat the same stlye of handing over as what Tun M did to him before. It will be backfired again knowing public perception on Najib's credibility is always questionable.

    Anyway, Tun M must continue to monitor Najib's performance. If his performance is as haprak and HP6 as Pak Lah then he has every right to continue to crticise him positively. Kalau tidak dia dan Rosmah pun khayal juga dengan lifestyle yang boleh membuat rakyat MELUAT (disgusted)!!

  5. Sombody wants to know where this country is heading. Well, the answer is very simple. It is going NOWHERE until mid year 2010. Probably, by that time this country will become "topsy turvy" until the lame duck prime minister is gone !! How can he remain as prime minister till mid-2010. He will just duduk goyang kaki dan makan gaji buta saja. Sungguh memalukan!!

    Normally,when a person confirms that he is going to leave, logically his attitude towards his work will change from bad to worse. He will not give his very best to care for the country.It is very irresponsible for him to remain as prime miniter that long. Does he understand that if you are working in a company, the practice of tendering your resignation is normally maximum of 3 months notice but not 2 years. Ridiculous, indeed. It is a reflection of gross stupidity of the highest order on the part of Pak Lah. HP6 decision, indeed!!

  6. Pak Lah bolehlah diumpamakan HIDUNG TAK MANCUNG PIPI TERSORNG-SORONG.
    Sebenarnya dengan mengistiharkan secara resmi yang beliau akan letak jawatan pada pertengahan tahun 2010 sudah cukup jelas menunjukkan bahawa beliau telah sedar dan mangakui bahawa kepimpinan beliau memang haparak dan HP6 dan tidak lagi diterima oleh semua rakyat baik kaum Cina, India, Melayu dan lain-lain. Suara rakyat akhirnya ssampai ke telinga Pak Lah dengan jelas dan nyata.

    Soalannya sekarang mengapa peralihan kuasa akan dilakukan hanya 2 tahun dari sekarang. Apa rasionalnya? Adakah Pak Lah boleh menukarkan keaadan suasana politik dan ekonomi yang merudum kapada yang lebeh baik lagi? Tidak mungkin, kerana Pak Lah sekarang telah dianggap sebagai Perdana Menteri ITEK TEMPANG.Beliau tidak lagi akan dihormati. Kepercayaan dan sokongan padu dari rakyat dan ahli-ahli UMNO telah hilang terus.

    Pak Lah akan merasai dirinya terpinggir dan dianggap tidak relevant lagi. Dia akan menjadi seolah-olah macam TUNGGUL atau BIAWAK HIDUP.
    Apa yang akan dilakukannya dalam tempoh 2 tahun ini hanya untuk mengisi ruang masa lapangnya berseronok dengan keluarganya.

    Saya harap ahli-ahli UMNO dapat menilai dengan sebijak-bijaknya sama ada Pak Lah harus berhenti dengan segera atau ingin juga melihat Perdana Menteri yang dah jadi itek tempang terus memegang jawatannya selama 2 tahun lagi. Masih belum terlambat lagi bagi ahli-ahli UMNO untuk bertukar haluan pandangan demi untuk kebaikan agama, bangsa dan negara.

    Pada pandangan saya mesti ada pertandingan jawatan untuk Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden dalam pemilihan UMNO bulan Disember akan datang. Ini mesti dilakukan supaya UMNO benar-benar mengamalkan sistem demokrasi dalam parti. Kalau perkara asas ini ahli-ahli UMNO tidak berani berhadapan untuk melakukannya maka UMNO tidak lagi dianggap sebagai parti yang belandaskan amalan demokrasi. Kita akhirnya akan menyaksikan UMNO sebagai parti yang HIDUP SEGAN, MATI TAK MAHU. UMNO akan digodai dan dinodai oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang yang haprak dan HP6 ingin menjadikan parti sebagai hak mutlak mereka dan digunakan juga sebagai batu loncatan atau platform untuk ukepentingan diri mereka.

    Ahli-ahli UMNO mesti berani membuat sesuatu tindakan yang betul, drastik, berkesan dan tanpa "WAS WAS" demi untuk meneggakkan dan mempertahan kekuatan UMNO yang telah dicalarkan kredibilitinya oleh Pak Lah, menantunya dan kroni-kroninya.

    Ahli-ahli UMNO mesti menerima hakikat bahawa jika tidak berani dan lemah untuk membuat perubahan dari segi "mind set", maka janganlah diharapkan UMNO dapat berubah wajah menuju ke puncak kejayaan. UMNO akan menjadi statik dan terus terjurumus kelebah kehinaan dalam PRU13.

    Ayoh ! ahli-ahli UMNO dari akar umbi, buatlah sesuatu yang bijak dan terbaik demi untuk kesejahteraan anak cucu bangsa kita akan datang supaya di kemudian hari mereka tidak terkapai-kapai dan akan menjadi bangsa yang sudah hilang maruah.

  7. Tun M had indeed made crystal clear analysis of the whole scenario that could affect UMNO in the next general election. And yet I doubt these UMNO members, particularly the top leaders would be able to appreciate and digest the serious implication of not wanting Pak Lah to step down immediately and have a fresh mandate to appoint new leadership of the highest quality and with impeccable integrity of the first order.

    This coming UMNO election is the best opportunity for UMNO to restructure and overhaul the whole UMNO organisation. It must start with the changing of the old guards. The President must go first without the slightest doubt and then followed by the rest of the leaders who are seen to be considered as DEADWOOD and are largely responsible for the humiliation, which almost cause the party on the brink of disaster.

    Assuming if this coming UMNO election remains status quo and there would be no major changes to the leadership, we can simply deduce that UMNO is very well on the way to "hell". It will be catastrophe! Make no mistake about it. Yes, the leadership maybe very happy to remain status quo but at the end of the day their happiness would be shortlived come 13th general election. I am not being superstitious but the number 13 to the minds of the non-Malays is supposed to be taboo. So if UMNO do not address its already dwindling support from the Malays and the rakyat by acting firmly to make the party realign back to its original course and direction then that very "superstitious" number might become "MAY DAY" for UMNO. If this happens as what mentioned Tun M, the whole new breed of future Malay generation would undoubtedly curse Pak Lah and the whole future generation of his family members have to carry the embarrassment of his unforgivable blunder towards the Malay race. It would certainly be written in the history books and also "Wikipedia" that Pak Lah is a failure Prime Minister who is responsible for his UMNO party to colaspse and causing the old Malay saying of "Melayu Tidak Akan Hilang Di Dunia" as just a perpetual myth.

    I would also like to extract a report from Bernama on what Lee Kuan Yew mentioned about integrity which I think is relevant for UMNO leaders and members to understand the true meaning of it:-

    SINGAPORE, July 12 (Bernama) -- Singapore has become successful and earned the respect of the world community today because it has been governed by able leaders who have high integrity and are not corrupted, former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said Friday night.

    He said that when Singapore became independent, the country did not have any wealth or resources to develop and, in addition, was facing many threats such as from the communist terrorists and the workers' union and even problems inside his People's Action Party (PAP).

    But with a first-class team of able and practical leaders who had strong will and belief in the country, Singapore managed to get out from the bad situation, Lee said at a dialogue session at the Economic Society of Singapore, here.

    He said the leaders then, including himself, had to make tough decisions to develop Singapore, including changing the labour laws, uniting the people by putting the Malays, Chinese and Indians in the same flats so that they could mix together, and making the people a workable society.

    He said Singapore progressed well until today because it had been managed by dedicated leaders who had a high sense of honour and level of integrity, honesty and competency and were not corrupted.

    Lee also said that the country was different from others as it had no room for making mistakes.

    Lee, who is currently Minister Mentor, said the country made the right decision by investing in defence and education by allocating the biggest budgets for the two sectors.

    Now the "little red dot", which many Singaporeans and others refer to Singapore as, was able to defend itself and no one could just march into the country and take it over, Lee said.

    He said the government also made the right move when it introduced English in the education system and put the mother tongue languages of the Chinese, Malays and Indians on equal footing.

    Lee said the English language had not only become the world's most spoken language but was also the language of the Internet world, and this had benefited the Singaporeans most.

    The former prime minister also said that the present leadership should now look for new leaders to replace them when they retired in less than a decade from now.

    He said that if they failed to recruit new leaders, the country would be taken over by the opposition parties who would have their own capable leaders, but he doubted that it could happen.

  8. Assalamu'alaikum wrbkth
    Sdra Aspan
    Scenario politik negara kita ketika ini amat menjijikkan. Orang-orang UMNO di bawah PM kini pula adalah seperti kerbau yang dicucuk hidung, semua okay dan 'bisa diatur Boss' sebab beranika flavour gula-gula yang dijanjikan.
    Pandangan, kritikan dan cemuhan rakyat macam juga dialoq dalam filem, 'kamu tu bodoh, bangang, baghal, kelabu asap' dan macam-macam lagi yang telah dilemparkan...namun semuanya ibarat menyiram air ke daun keladi..
    In the light of the recent announcement of that 'holy and magical month of June 2010', your relentless campaign and championing Ku Li, I have much doubt that it will ever materialised.
    Chin-up brother,.!!.. 'pantang pendekar berundur dan menyerah kalah' kata Saloma.

  9. Saudara Unggal, Usaha pihak TR untuk mendapat pencalonan memang rancak dilakukan oleh banyak pehak.

    Walau ramai yang mengatakan susah nak berjaya kerana tekanan kuat dari pihak yg berkuasa, tetapi kami tetap berkeyakinan yg ianya akan berjaya.

    Pandangan saudara saya hargai kerana saya boleh baca nurani saudara.

    Saya tahu sdr bersama kami dan saya pohon doa agar segala usaha kami akan dirahmati.
