23 July 2008

Muhyiddin chickened out

I was called by a friend from Muar informing me that Muhyiddin had announced his decision to defend only his position as the Vice President of the party at his Branch annual meeting two or three days ago.

With this announcement, it too tells that he is very fixed up to make a good decision for himself and speculation would be rife that he is not cleared of something that encumbers him to be a viable candidate for the Deputy President post.

I hope he is not another Najib who has to be happy with all the doubtful intrigues played on him by the PM just because of his personal hiccups within him.

Can anyone tell us why Muhyiddin is out of the race for the top two positions?

Why is he ‘chickened out’ by raising the white flag too early and crashes even before taking off?

If the news is true, UMNO would be perennially in problems and many people think that we now have to rely solely on Tengku Razaleigh for the change in UMNO.

This new set of VPs would be the ultimate successors to the party leadership after the general assembly, and Abdullah would have the comfortable alliance with the leaders he alleviates.

As I have mentioned in my previous writing for Muhyiddin to maintain the VP post, he has to go through painstaking effort as too many candidates are vying for the position.

Casually I can see that he may not make up for the VP anymore, even though I don’t pray for bad happening befall on him.

The chance for him to win the Deputy President post is easier than retaining the current VP of the party.

He is in the position to play a fitting role to the efforts made by the grassroots to see changes in the leadership.

Does he not realized that Abdullah wants to change the set at the VPs?.....and it does not include him (Muhyiddin)?

The people are so hopeful that Muhyiddin to move with anyone confronting Abdullah and sacrifice for them and be one of the few that they can count on.

The peoples’ desperation for the change is real and won’t subside with his (Abdullah) promises and coaxing that he would change for the better because of his incapacity to do so.

Muhyiddin should resign to the fact that the people are in search of whom should be assisting Tengku Razaleigh for the change as the consequence of maintaining the current leadership is scary and nerve-racking.

The problems in UMNO are not ineradicable if we set our priority in proper perspective and be courageous enough to press for changes through democratic process.

I sincerely thought he could be the man that we can get proud of, as he is relatively much better than those lined up in the supreme council.

He is still not convinced that he is at the best of time to move up by backing Tengku Razaleigh for the President post of the party and preparing to take up the Premiership after Tengku Razaleigh retires in just five to six years to come.

That’s worth waiting for isn’t it?

Thanks………………………………..Aspan Alias.


  1. Looking at the enormous wastage and losses incurred by the government over certain projects that had been cancelled or delayed is a clear indication that Pak Lah has lost control in the administration of the country. He is a confused lame duck Prime Minister, who after 5 years at the helm is still struggling how to move the country forward. It is rather sickening to have a Prime Minister who is so weak that he could not even think the simplest idea or formula to create value added to the economic well being of the rakyat. The rakyat now are very restless to see what is really happening to the country. Nothing is right politically and economically under Pak Lah's administration.And yet he is still having big ego trying to stay on until year 2010. Is he out of his mind? Shame on him !! He doesn't gain anything at all in terms of his image whether he resigns today or stay on till 2010. Everyday he is becoming a laughing stock of the rakyat who treat him as if he is like a real "clown". I just wonder how can he sleep well every night when he knows exactly that he is no more an important asset to the country that can bring "miracle" to the already distressful state of affair!!

  2. Pan,
    Mahyuddin chickened out? Orang Johor or orang Muar like me particularly must be very disappointed if it is true. Kalau betul lah aku rasa suruh je lah si Kadar Shah di calonkan terus sebagai Timbalan Presiden. kah,kah,kah !!

  3. "Does he not realized that Abdullah wants to change the set at the VPs?.....and it does not include him (Muhyiddin)?"

    Bang Pan,

    It might be true since Khaled Nordin shows intention to join VPs race.

  4. 100 hari selepas keputusan pilihanraya diumumkan kerajaan persekutuan yang dibentuk masih lagi pincang. Perpecahan di dalam UMNO, MCA dan MIC bukan lagi satu rahsia. Hilangnya jiwa "semangat membela nasib rakyat" oleh pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO dan Barisan Nasional menambahkan lagi pepecahan ini berlaku. Kejatuhan 5 negeri ke tangan Pakatan Rakyat pada pilihanraya lalu disebabkan rakyat mulai rasa tertindas diatas apa yang disajikan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Barisan Nasional. Jika dilihat secara positif keputusan pemilihanraya yang lalu adalah satu proses ke arah "negara maju" bagi rakyat memilih pemimpin yang benar-benar membela nasib mereka dan bukannya hanya taksub pada sesuatu parti atau parti yang hanya tahu mencanagkan "Ketuanan Orang Melayu".

    Persoalan kini mampukah Tengku Razaleigh membuat "comeback" setelah lebih 20 tahun menyepi dari menjawat jawatan utama pemerintahan negara dan mungkin segala keringat segala jasanya yang ditaburi sudah pun dilupai oleh generasi muda dan orang-orang UMNO baru sebagaimana lenyapnya parti "Semangat 46" di borang undi SPR.

    Namun ini adalah cabaran yang harus didokong oleh jentera Tengku Razaleigh bagi meyakinkan perwakilan UMNO bagi meraih sokongan yang mencukupi untuk bertanding di dalam Pemilihan UMNO yang akan datang. Disamping perlu meyakinkan rakyat, khususnya generasi muda di dalam membersihkan UMNO bahawa tiada lagi "mind-set" yang mengatakan "UMNO adalah parti yang sibuk membela nasib orang-orang UMNO dari memperjuangkan hak bangsa Melayu" sepertimana yang diamalkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO kini kerana Tengku Razaleigh umumnya jua adalah cop buatan UMNO sepertimana penasihat PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

    Sebagaimana Pak Lah yang dahulunya dikenali sebagai "Mr. Clean" begitu juga Tengku Razaleigh seharusnya mempunyai "trademark" yang kukuh bagi meyakinkan semula kepercayaan rakyat. Jasa-jasanya yang semakin dilupai harus menjadi ingatan semula akan kewibawaannya memerintah negara. Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim contohnya mendapat kepercayaan mengemudi kerajaan negeri Selangor adalah hasil yang dicanangkan oleh beberapa media tertentu mengenai profil ketokohan beliau di sektor korporat dan jasa-jasa beliau yang terdahulu yang amat bersesuaian bagi mengemudi negeri maju seperti Selangor berbanding doktor gigi yang hanya mempunyai aura 'tempe' bagi mencantikan wajahnya.

    Jika Tan Sri Mahyuddin memilih untuk hanya bertanding sebagai Naib Presiden UMNO pada pemilihan UMNO yang akan datang, beliau seharusnya sedar akan persaingan sengit yang harus beliau hadapi. Pada saat ini Tan Sri Mahyuddin seharusnya sedar bahawa beliau tidak mungkin akan mendapat undi penuh dari negeri Johor dimana Johor mempunyai beberapa nama besar yang juga berhasrat untuk menandingi jawatan Naib Presiden UMNO pada pemilihan akan datang.

    Pengumuman Pak Lah menamakan Datuk Seri Najib sebagai pegantinya pada June 2010 di dalam peralihan kuasa adalah satu tamparan buat Tan Sri Mahyuddin sekaligus mengketepikan beliau sebagai penganti Pak Lah bagi menjawat jawatan kerusi no. 1. Sebagaimana umum mungkin percaya bahawa pengumuman itu hanyalah bersifat sementara bagi mendapatkan kekuatan orang-orang Najib bagi membantu mengukuhkan penguasaan Pak Lah di dalam UMNO dan apabila tiba waktunya belum pasti peralihan kuasa akan berlaku seperti yang dijanjikan sebelum ini. Adakah ini yang dinantikan oleh Tan Sri Mahyuddin bagi terus berdiam dan terus menyokong kepimpinan Pak Lah dari memasuki kem Tengku Razaleigh? atau haruskah beliau menyertai kem Tengku Razaleigh menumbangkan pemimpin no. 1 dan no. 2 negara, yang dilihat lebih memudahkannya menjadi orang no. 1 selepas Tengku Razaleigh bersara dari merebut jawatan Naib Presiden yang belum pasti dapat dimenanginya berikutan terlalu ramai nama-nama besar menyatakan hasrat merebut jawatan Naib Presiden pada pemilihan kali ini.
