16 September 2008

Muhyiddin: Credibility at stake

We are going to get trapped to another moral issue in Malay and Malaysian politics; the leaders are not acquainted as yet to the moral and ethical values of real and true democracy.

I am again touching on Tan Sri Muhyiddin’s recent call for Abdullah to exercise the handing over the baton to Najib instantaneously, and that was as good as a vote of no confidence to his weak boss, Abdullah.

“I have not done anything wrong to Pak Lah! I am not resigning!” he said shamelessly.

For all intent and purposes, what he said were all perfectly alright, and I wish to share his views on Abdullah’s incapability to revive the political, economic and social and so on and so forth for the nation.

We are not talking about right or wrong, but we are talking about ethics of a democratic leader, as his reluctance to accept the fact he is morally and ethically obliged to resign.

Muhyiddin has not done anything wrong but he must resign.

Many quarters have been criticizing Zaid Ibrahim over lots of issues but he is a true democrat as he criticized the use of ISA on Raja Petra and Theresa Kok with his resignation letter.

Whether the PM accepts the resignation is a different issue but one who criticizes the PM must resign…that’s it.

As for Najib he was very unambiguous that he would want to see the understanding between him and Abdullah on the succession plan to be rescinded and now he wanted UMNO divisions to decide.

He is apparently changing his earlier stand calling everyone to support the June 2010 succession plan.

Najib sounded very diplomatic but in essence he was saying fuck off with the agreement and let the grass root members decide, and surely he was very confident that the members would tilt to his side against Abdullah.

Both the verbal and body languages of these 2 leaders were obviously and latently understood by everyone and Abdullah, if not careful in his calculations of politics will soon become an orphanage leader.

BUT whoever wants to be seen as leaders with basic finesse should instantly make quick and appropriate decision, which is in line with pure democratic essence.

Muhyiddin’s language is too telling that he now does not respect the Prime Minister which I equally share with him.

Once said in that disposition, he should have delivered his resignation letter parallel with his stern statement on Abdullah. It is a very basic moral of democracy.

I am far from disagreeing with Muhyiddin and I accept his reasons for saying it, but what bothers me is his moral obligation to resign is not observed.

He was actually not obliged to say what he has said, if clinging to the position he currently holds is his ultimate.

Had he observed the moral obligation and be accountable to what he said he would have been the hero and he may be able to be in a better position in just transitorily future.

As till now Muhyiddin is another Abdullah who does not see democracy from the genuine angle; they are just one and the same.

Anyway that is his own funeral and he can still stick to his value…after all it is not at all uncommon value to leaders of today.

For that very reason, I have wanted to see Tengku Razaleigh be the next leader in order to prove the difference….and let us all rejoice the new feeling in Malaysian politics.

Just get our finger crossed.

Thanks…………………………Aspan Alias.


  1. dear aspan, a mandate has been given to pak lah and bn to administer the country though not two thirds.
    a message that pak lah has been taking lightly.
    it dont seem like he understands the writtings on the wall.
    he alone cannot be blame. people like his deputy and other deputies
    are not behaving like they should too. everyone in bn especially umno sees that this is the best time to upgrade oneself by giving false hopes and fake pictures of a strong showing because only then can they have pak lahs confidence and trust. they know what its like down below but they are not telling. while members of the alternatives speak the truths but is put aside.
    the cake is not sweet anymore but yet they swallow only to find them in pain.
    umno leaders will never and have never acceped or admited wrong even when they are wrong. the same can also be said of leaders and members of the bn coalition. to them they think they are angels while everybody else are just born to be fooled.
    accept defeat in grace they cant so they point fingers and the culprit they think is pak lah.
    this old men is still in a honeymoon mood and cant open his eyes to see who has been decieving him. and that right under his nose.

  2. Your writing seems to be attacking Mahyuddin and Najib very harshly. It looks like a sign of desperation. What a pity to use such strategy to promote Ku Li.
    No, you shouldn't be hitting them using "below the belt" tactic. Not a very good move. I think it is a mistake, Pan!!It will be backfired and waste all your effort thus far.

    You seem to be asking everybody to resign. I don't think it will happen that way for sure. That's the reality and Ku Li will have to face the challenge head on. No easy way, Pan.

  3. Dear Aspan...

    Well said. Like a true Democrat. Betoi ke tu....? Nak tanya sikit. Kenapa anda pilih Ku Li untuk ganti Pak Lah?...... Apa istimewanya Ku Li? Apakah bila Ku Li jadi PM, negara akan kembali aman dan makmur seperti dulu kala? Atau, adakah UMNO relevan dalam kancah politik generasi sekarang.

    Kita dah berubah yob.....Memang betoi, UMNO banyak jasa. Merdeka, Pembangunan dan Pemodenan antara jasa jasa yang di limpahkan UMNO kepada Malaysia. Tapi yob, sekarang zaman tanpa had dan sempadan. Zaman tanpa had dan sempadan ini tidak dapat di ikuti UMNO. UMNO sudah pincang dalam zaman ini. Sewajarnya, UMNO harus sedia kan diri untuk hadapi zaman tanpa had dan sempadan ini. Tapi, mungkin 10 tahun kebelakangan, UMNO dah tiada visi. UMNO terjebak dengan keinginan ahli ahli nya dan kejayaan individu dan pemimpin nya. Sehinggakan UMNO lupa untuk menyiap kan diri nya untuk hadapi zaman tanpa had dan sempadan ini. Maka, adakah UMNO relevan lagi. UMNO dah tiada visi, perancangan dan sebagai nya. Melain kan, UMNO yang dilihat kini, lebih mengutamakan agenda mempertahankan ahli ahli dan pemimpin pemimpin nya. Rakyat diketepikan.....

    Dah mengantuk...nak tidur. nanti kita sambung lagi

  4. Pan,

    Kalau UMNO dah hancur kerana Melayu dah tak sokong lagi maka bolehlah digantikan dengan parti bangsa Jawa. Orang Jawa Malaysia terutamanya di Johor perpaduannya lagi kental daripada Melayu.

    Orang Melayu dalam UMNO banyak sangat kerenah. Semua dah pandai. Bila semua dah pandai masing-masing nak tunjuk "act" dia teror.

  5. salam saudara ,

    saja nk kongsi email yg saya terima

    Fw: Teka teki nujum pak belalang.

    Soalan 1

    Tukang Soal : 'Didalam baju hamba, ada sebatang kayu yang telah
    dipilih,bagaimanakah kia mahu tahu yang mana UMNO dan yang mana PKR..??'

    Ahli Nujum Negara : 'Mintak pada hamba..!! Apabila sebatang kayu
    diletakkan di dalam air, yang condong ke bawah itulah UMNO dan yang
    menegak ke atas itulah PKR..'

    Tukang Soal : 'Sebabnya...!!??'

    Ahli Nujum Negara : 'Sebabnya... Kita pun telah tahu sekarang ini parti
    UMNO hampir tenggelam manakala PKR makin tinggi kedudukannya...'

    Soalan 2
    Tukang Soal : 'Dua ekor anak itik yang baru menetas, yang manakah UMNO dan yang manakah PKR..??'

    Ahli Nujum Negara : 'Ini senang saja, kita letakkan kedua anak itik ke
    dalam bekas berisi air, yang mengejar itulah PKR dan yang lari itulah

    Tukang Soal : 'Sebabnya...!!??'

    Ahli Nujum Negara : 'Sebab di dalam negara kita, musuh PKR hanyalah UMNO yang patut kita kejar.. Bukan Parti Amanat Bangsa di Indonesia atau Parti Rak Tai di Thailand..!!!'

    Soalan 3

    Tukang Soal : ' Ada sebuah masealah, jarang-jarang!!!... Empat... kad-dang, kad-dang,

    Apa itu..???'
    Ahli Nujum Negara : 'UMNO!!!'

    Tukang Soal : 'Buktikan..!!'

    Ahli Nujum Negara : 'Satu... Baaanyak-banyak... Ertinya, ahli UMNO
    memang banyak dalam negara ini...

    Dua... Sedikit-sediiikit... Ertinya, sedikit sahaja yang berani bersuara
    dari bilangan ahli UMNO yang banyak itu...

    Tiga... Jarang-jarang... Ertinya, jarang-jarang yang kita dengar
    pemimpinnya berani melawan...

    Empat... Kad-dang, kad-dang... Ertinya kad-dang, kad-dang barulah kita
    dengar dan lihat ada pemimpin tertinggi UMNO yang mahu mendengar suara ahlinya...'

    Soalan 4

    Tukang Soal : 'Dimanakah terletaknya kekuatan Laksamana UMNO..?? Di
    kerisnya kah? atau di jenteranya kah..???'

    Ahli Nujum Negara : 'Kekuatan Laksamana UMNO bukan terletak pada
    kerisnya ataupun pada jenteranya...'

    Tukang Soal : 'Dimana terletak kekuatannya..???'

    Ahli Nujum Negara : 'Kekuatan UMNO hanya terletak pada TOYOL-TOYOLnya!!'

    Tukang Soal : 'Buktikan!!'

    Ahli Nujum Negara : 'Laksamana UMNO begitu bergantung kepada
    toyol-toyolnya untuk menonjolkan kekuatannya... Iaitu toyol dari Media
    Prima, toyol dari Berita Hairan Polis serta toyol dari Utusan Meloya..
    Toyol-toyol inilah yang menampakkan Laksamana UMNO nampak hebat walaupun hakikatnya mereka luka parah...'

    'Biasalah... UMNO akan memungkiri janji dan suka lari dari tajuk apabila
    kalah dalam apa-apa pertandingan..

    Soalan Extra

    Tukang Soal : 'Kalau Ahli Nujum telus mata dan betul bijaksana...!!!
    Apakah yang ada di genggaman beta...????'

    Ahli Nujum Negara : '........... ISA !!!..'


  6. Pan,

    Aku nak jumpa kau minum teh tarik lepas raya. Bulan puasa sebuk solat terawikh. Nak table talk sikit. How to contact you. Aku tak nak cerita pasal politik. Nak cerita hal famili. dengar isteri kamu, Ella tak sihat. How is she? I heard dia baru keluar dari hospital.
