22 November 2008

UMNO - A Destitute Party

UMNO has already at the point of desolation and it seems to be irreparable.

There are a few members who are valiant enough to submit reports and prove to Disciplinary Committee and the Anti Corruption Agency (BPR) over the issue.

1000 complains so far…small but too big for a ruling party that is entrusted to rule the country to bear…and please believe me that it is just at the tip of the iceberg.

God knows how long it is going to take to settle the issue, and as a long time member, I must insist that all these complains must be attended to and settle the issue amicably.

Judging from the number of complains, it is more than fair to conclude that the party is at the terminal stage as the people is now aware of the mischievous affair the ruling party is facing…it is unforgiving!

As Dr Mahathir has rightly said at Putra Jaya 3 days ago, the whole leadership should be replaced in order to face next General Election.

The party image just can’t make the party acceptable to them any longer.

“Don’t just address the pain, we should address the real disease!” said one party veteran at coffee table yesterday.

“Corruption and misuse of power is just the pain, the disease is the kind of leaders sitting at all levels in the party. It is their attitude, how they perceive issues and whether they know why they are there,” he continued.

“How do you think the problems can be possible?” I asked.

He said, "Start the nation all over again! The constitution has provided all the mean and medium of change. Start UMNO all over again and reconstitute it."

"MCA and MIC should follow suit! If it is not done the country is going to be devastated. Just find that somebody who is trustworthy enough to handle the issue and reconstruct the nation again."

“This is not the first time that the country is reconstructed, Tun Razak did it in 1974,…and it lasts until today. We see no reason not to do it if we really eager to see our nation is save with solid National Unity.” He kept on talking.

I know what he meant; even if the people vote in PAS or any other party ruling the country, the nation would still face problems as the inter-racial interaction is at critical stage.

We can’t afford the bloody happening anymore…we want to live in solace within the boundary of harmonious nation.

It is not just UMNO problem or PAS or PR problem; it is the national problem in totality.

BN, PR or any other party ruling this nation would not be the same anymore if the total national rectification is not done.

To conclude I must say starting anew is the answer to the current acrimony in the country.

Just think about it! If it need be we can do the deliberation anytime when it is needed.

Thanks…………………………………Aspan Alias


  1. Salam Perpaduan Ummah !

    ada kawan2 suruh saya ajak tuan blog untuk dtg join perbahasan bloggers pro BN vs pro PR..

    inisiatif ini saya usahakan untuk mengumpul bloggers yg berani dan sedar realiti politik sekarang.

    Add email saya, untuk kt beramah mesra dan bertukar fikiran dengan team kami ttg politik negara kita.

    Kita mengkritik tidak bermakna kita bergaduh, bersetuju tidak bermakna semuanya kita angguk memberi restu.

    Kita mahu bloggers menjadi pihak mempertahankan yang benar dan menolak yang salah. Dengan hikmah dan mauizah hasanah..

    Berani berkata benar dan nasihat dengan hikmah seperti tauladan keluarga Rasulullah, itulah yg kita mahu dalam mengumpul bloggers utk sesi sidang alam maya ini..

    Lagi banyak bloggers pro dan kontra bertemu sesama sendiri lagi bagus, untuk menajamkan lagi skill perbahasan dan pengetahun serta kefahaman kita terhadap sesuatu isu.

    harap tuan blog sudi datang dan sy tahu tuan memang orang yang berani @ 'ada telur' untuk bertukar fikiran dgn sesiapa sahaja..

    setakat ini blogger dariAnwarDotCom, Minda Intelek, Medan Info, ,GAP, PerakBangkit, SejarahMelayu, Nobisha, Waadat, Pilihan Anda, PerigiJernih, saudagarsenja, Sarfams, paspkrdap,utusanchemoq,abagtuah, pokotua, malim muda sudah menyertai sidang maya bloggers ini..

    Jemputan juga sudah dihantar ke bloggers lain seperti Kadir Jasin, Roslan SmS, Penarik Beca dll...

    Sila add email saya panglimaperangcyber@yahoo.com

    untuk agama,bangsa & negara kita !!

    Waktu Rasmi : 9 pm

    Waktu lain : bila2 masa bloggers online dan free untuk sidang.



  2. Yes...you may not be able to tell how to do it but at least you are giving the clue to any party/person or any entity to start planning what to do.
    Kita bersetuju yang sesiapa pun diantara yang sedang dalam MT hari ini akan dapat mempertahankan kerosakkan UMNO dan penerimaan ra'yat sudah tiada lagi.
    UMNO sudah jahannam, UMNO sudah rosak binasa dan tak mungkin orang yang merosakkan boleh membaikkinya semula.
    Kalau ada pihak yang boleh melakukannya, saya rasa UMNO boleh kekal.Kalau tidak ada UMNO akan hancur berkecai
    Syabas diatas pandangan sdr.

  3. in case, you feel i am a pro tun only, i wud like you to dispell that tot.

    this is an excellent piece.

    we shd be looking forward. address the symptoms and problems. enough of the factional issues.

    how much each wish to express our frustation of the past, it is a waste of time. there is no benefit from winning the debate.

    as an interested party, you cud be easily dispell as partisan. time is the determinant of truth and not debates.

    its time to express yr thoughts for the benefit of all.
