23 January 2009

Happy Chinese New Year, The year of the OX

To our Chinese friends and families I wish them Happy New Year, and may this year of the Ox brings us the happiness and our Nation blessed with perpetual peace and wealth and live within the border of a nation in consolation.

I wish to share all my Chinese friends who believe that the year of the Ox is an exceedingly good year as the year would bring wealth and happiness.

Despite of the world economic downturn, all of us hope that the year of the Ox would be the year of hard work and seriousness as characterized by the hard work of an Ox.

Malaysia is not spared from facing and enduring the effect of the world economic downward spiral and let us hopes that we will be led by leaders who are prepared to work like an Ox.

Almost half a million of workers are imminently to be laid off just in weeks as announced by a cabinet member just days ago, and it is a clear admonition that the economic slump has already reached our borders and no leader in the government should deny this fact.

Back to the Year of the Ox, it would start on the 26th January with 15 days festival, which lasts on the 9th February. If we can recall the years of the Ox since the 20th century, the years were 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and the current year of 2009.

The Chinese believe babies who are born in the year of the Ox will have very positive traits in them that would be in them until their death bed.

Generally the people who were born in the year of the Ox are very patient in nature, strongly charactered and the most important and positive nature is the quality of a Master Planner.

They are honest, very responsible, reliable and logical; hence people with problems would go to Oxen for advice.

An oxen normally hates failures and generally they would always succeed in their well-thought planning.

As they are born leaders they are self-reliant and always prefer to handle their problems alone, with an innate ability to achieve great things.

However an Oxen has negative traits; they are normally stubborn and do not give priority to Public Relation effort as they believe in themselves in obsessions.

I know at least 2 known leaders who were born in the year of the Ox; they are none other than Dr Mahathir and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Dr Mahathir was born in the Ox year of 1925 while Tengku Razaleigh was born in 1937 also the year of the Ox.

These two leaders have strong characters and for those who are long in UMNO would be able to witness these two leaders who were born in the year of the Ox interact each other and culminated their strong believe in their own individuals that led to their great fight of 1987.

Both have contributed incalculably to the nation. One could see Mahathir’s contribution as his history is still young while Tengku Razaleigh had given his life to UMNO with massive involvement in development of the nation’s economic make-up.

He was the real architect of the financial strength and economy of the country which made Dr Mahathir’s job as Prime Minister much easier; much easier than his effort to sideline Tengku Razaleigh from the mainstream politics during his long tenure as the Prime Minister.

With this current political hiccups many are hopeful that the man who was born in 1937 year of the Ox to be the Prime leader of the nation as the one who was born in 1925 year of the Ox had become one; in fact the longest that history of Malaysian politics can reminisce.

In fact this is the only available choice for the betterment of the current political and economic animosities.

Many people can distinguish that leader who was born in the year of the Ox can mitigate problems currently faced by BN and the government.

On the international political horizon let us wish Barrack Obama another son of the year of the Ox best of luck and may he become a President of US with dissimilarity to his predecessor, the War President, George Walker Bush.

Thanks……………………………………….Aspan Alias


  1. Pas Wilayah Persekutuan akan memulakan kempen himpunan 100 ribu membantah PPSMI dengan mengadakan ceramah khas pada 1 hb Februari 2009, Ahad, jam 9 malam, di Markas Tarbiah Pas Pusat Taman Melewar Kuala Lumpur.

    Pemidato utama ialah Naib Presiden Pas, Tuan Hj Mohamad Sabu dan Prof Abdullah Hassan (UPSI).

    War-warkan dan datang beramai-ramai tanda sokongan anda.

    Daulatkan Bahasa Melayu.

    Makluman : SABTU 7 Mac 2009 Tarikh Perhimpunan Raksasa Menentang PPSMI oleh GMP

  2. Happy New Year to you and the family, too, bro.

    Did you know Kuli has started his blog at Razaleigh.com ?


  3. Our existing leaders also have the traits of the ox....they don't work like an ox but surely they have brains like the ox.

  4. Tuan, kalau ada masa kunjungilah blog saya. Salam perjuangan

  5. Melayu mesti bersatu. Bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita roboh. Itulah Nasib Melayu. Tak boleh salahkan sesiapa. Buatan kita sendiri akhirnya Melayu kena "main bontot" depan belakang. Kalau kita sahaja kena "main bontot" tak apa tapi kesannya juga kena kepada anak cucu kita. Fikir-fikirlah. HIDUP UMNO hiduplah Melayu. Make no mistake about. Sesiapa yang cuba hendak lari dari hakikat ini mereka dalam keadaan "state of denial" yang akan makan diri merka sendiri berserta generasi yang akan datang.
