15 April 2009

Mahathir the happiest man Part 1

Najib is now the President of UMNO while Muhyiddin is his Deputy and that is what Dr Mahathir wanted all the way since he broke off the talking line with Abdullah Badawi since 2006.

Dr Mahathir has rejoined UMNO as he is not complaining much about the current political circumstances; he only has persona non grata with Abdullah and Khairy, and that was apparently the only reason why he helped UMNO to hell.

What he cares is only his wants and greed, and anything short he would damage the government and even the party.

In actuality Dr Mahathir is not that choosy about the right attribute of a leader to rule the nation in a proper manner.

Dr Mahathir is just like any ordinary member’s mentality and that is where and why Dr Mahathir feels so comforting having Najib to be the leader and deputized by Muhyiddin.

To Dr Mahathir his missions are accomplished except with diminutive disappointment over his son’s defeat in the contest for UMNO youth head to his arch rival’s son-in-law, Khairy; and that made him to decide not to attend the UMNO General Assembly in protest on the 26th March.

Unlike many on the street, Mahathir does not really bother to see Najib as a clean leader as his concern is to see Abdullah’s political demise and succeeded by some one whom he can turn and curve with.

He cares nothing for the people and to give a damn with the country’s political danger and I don’t think I can be wrong to say that he has a bit of a migrant mentality.

By days, weeks and months I personally see the real Dr Mahathir and if I can be permitted to say a line of Malay proverb, “saya sudah boleh menyelam air dalam tunggak” about this man who is very laudable to the eyes of the deceived lots.

Dr Mahathir is not irked or chagrined by stories written by major and mainstream newspapers worldwide about alleged involvement of Najib in the Altantuya Sharibuu’s murder case which is an automatic disqualification for ostentatious man to be the Prime Minister of this great nation if he does not come out in the open to clean his image and name.

He must go to courts and be firmly courageous enough to deny those allegations and sue those writers and if luck is with him he may even earn some clean money, the thing which he loves most.

Many expected Dr Mahathir to use his influence and get Najib to be on his toes and just do what he should in cleaning up his severely dented image.

Let us all see things objectively and agree among ourselves that with this extent of allegation against a Prime Minister of our sovereign nation, it is unbearable and if he continues to chicken out in this issue he has only one choice; that is to resign from all party and government positions and live in repentance.

Dr Mahathir in actual fact wants Muhyiddin to be the PM and he knows Najib’s credibility is at the lowest ebb and to him Najib may soon have to leave the position and give smooth passage for Muhyiddin to be the successor.

Dr Mahathir is truly an expert in mind game and also a good deceiver. History tells clearly he could deceive the whole UMNO members and leaders that other people were responsible for the demise of our original UMNO..... and almost everyone believed his cock and bull stories.

Dr Mahathir’s superb communication skills made him looked nationalist. He was the master planner to insubordinate Tun Husein Onn while he was the deputy to Husein and making use of forlorn and dejected Harun’s supporters which consequentially upstaged Sulaiman Palestine to contest against Husein’s position as the Party President.

Husein in the end announced that he was not defending his position in 1981. Hussein realized that he didn’t have the full support of members as somebody was expediently using discontented Harun’s supporters to insubordinate him from inside his trusted men around him.

The moment Husein announced his intention not to defend his position as UMNO President in 1981, the process of ostracizing Tengku Razaleigh begun as morally he was supposed to deputize Dr Mahathir when this man became the Prime Minister.

This was where Musa Hitam came in as he was one of those who felt edgy if TR became the Deputy to Mahathir. Mahathir was not at ease to have TR to deputize him as he was worried that TR may outshine him.

Both Musa and Mahathir were exceedingly discontented seeing TR were glamorously known and famous as he was recognized worldwide and the world made him the Chairman of World Bank in 1977 to 1982, the first person outside USA to sit on the chair.

Mahathir was not cheerful seeing Husein Onn giving all trust and important functions in managing the nation to TR especially in managing the nation’s economy especially in restructuring and reengineering economic distribution which was the core activity for the New Economic Policy (NEP).

Finally Mahathir got what he wanted; not to have anyone bright to be his Deputy and Musa sat on the chair of Deputy Prime Minister and he became the stop-gap partner of Mahathir until he found all excuses to displace Musa 5 years after.

Meanwhile TR was still maintained as the Minister of Finance as well as the Treasurer of UMNO as the delegates appealed for his continuous role in national politics and he held those positions until June 1984 when our great Daim came in to substitute him.

To Mahathir this was also an excellent opportunity for him to balance the new power man, Musa whom he has not trusted fully; Musa was just used to unseat the power man TR and subsequently made TR to check on the new uncharacteristic Musa.

Mahathir just sat pretty and save on the PM’s seat while watching his 2 pawns’ rivalry maintained at certain height.

Let me continue writing in series about Mahathir in my next writing. Let me write in series to see how Mahathir played his game until he managed to be on the helm of power for 22 years.

Please bear in mind that his personal successes were too costly for UMNO and the nation and the current adversities in Malaysian politics is definitely the consequence of his knifing politics which he enriched when he came to power.

See you in days, for 2 or 3 series of Mahathir’s successes in his personal politics which all were at the expenses of the nation and all deceived Malaysians.

Thanks……………………………………....Aspan Alias


  1. Malaysia is waiting for the next article. Already the Malaysia-Today has taken your article;


  2. Good writing!! Looking forward to the continuation. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. If it is true that Mahathir manipulated the situation which made it impossible for Hussein Onn to defend the president's post, thus allowing Mahathir himself to take over, then 2 persons, his (Hussein Onn's) own son Hishamuddin, and his nephew Najib must be the two most useless humans existing. They continue to 'angkat bodek' Mahathir so that they can cling on to their party and government positions.
    If they have any sense of honour and dignity they should have been able to fight for their positions without having to appease Mahathir in the process. Poor Hussein Onn. He must be rolling in his grave seeing his own son and nephew 'angkat bodek' the man who pushed him out so unceremoniously.

  4. and having harun idris charge for corruption and abdullah kok lanas under isa was part of his strategy "not to have anyone bright"?.. just thinking out aloud

  5. I am anxiously waiting to your continuation.

  6. Very interesting!. Can't wait the continuation.

  7. Bro, we always treasure truthfulness that you bravely write. Just write what you think as we have concluded that you are very frank and honest about your views.

  8. Very frankly, had Mahathir had not been in politics our generation wudn't have faced this kind of politics. He initiated the problems in UMNO with his shift of paradigm. Big corruptions started from his admin, money politics came from him in a big way and abuse of power was the main strenght. Everything he says now is is critics on himself..that is it.

  9. Does it matter wther Najid would to court and clear his the accusation upon him cos people will not believe him and start to parade and say the justice in Malaysia sucks.. DO or dont do he wis still be accused of murdering Attantuya.

    SO do you in mind to become our PM at current econpmic and political turmoil?

    I wonder is this smearing campaign arranged to tarnish Tun Mahathir? You must be one of them.. COngratulation on your malicious article that sudden get popularity from Malaysia Today..

    Go on and angkat Anwar, may be you will be lantik as Minister of information..

    Gee.. you are so...Could you tell us who would get you approval? Anwar? Pak Lah? Hadi Awang? Nik Aziz? DAtin Seri Wan Azizah? Cannot imagine Nik Aziz or Hadi Awang giving a speech in G7 or G8 summit next to all top world leaders and briliently discuss abt world issues..

  10. syabas Pan ..terus tulis..banyak orang tak tahu latar belakang orang yang mengaku dirinya seorang melayu, bahkan lebih melayu dari melayu...bila dah dapat gelaran 'ultra Malay' macam mana dia putar pula nak dapat support dari non malay bila pilihan raya 1990 dulu..dengan mengadakan projek mega macam klcc klia dan putrajaya semuanya menguntungkan siapa sebenarnya kalau tak taukey besar cina...buku "malay dilema"...saja di karang untuk menelirukan orang Melayu ..kalau di teliti sudah menyalahi pegangan Islam sendiri kerana dalam Islam tiada dilema... kita kena buat pilihan bila sampai ke persimpangan jalan , nak ke kiri atau kanan lepas tu tawakal bukan berdilema macam apa mamak ni cakap apa yang di suruh ada lah tawakal bukan berdilema..saya yakin ke kegembiraannya tak kekal bila dia dapati Najib Macam Dolah juga tak lagi dengar cakap dia ..dulu dolah dengan KJ nanti najib dengan Rosmah/JJ hahaha masa tu dia menyesal lagi.... tenguk lah Pan semua kuasa Allah belaka...

  11. Thanks for writing, for it shines thru the smoke and mirrors of the spinmeisters. Do carry on to point out the bare facts underneath the false gloss.

  12. Aspan Alias,

    Everyone of them UMNO Leaders are “Squeezing” each other by the “Orbs/Jugulars”....

    PM badly needs DPM & DPM (with his Business Agenda!) needs Mahathir, to survive....so!!!

    Yes, with the MACC, MACC Boss & their "Collection of Goddies" from A to Z in their possession now.....

    After what Agong had done for Incoming PM & DPM....

    They (desperate for Intelligent political Solutions!) officially appointed Mahathir to be the "Anointed Official Adviser of UMNO".....

    Now the “Anointed Adviser” have them both in his “Trap” with one son as Dy Minister of MITI & another Businessman son soon will be appointed as a “Senator” in due course (Semua APs bisa Di-ator!)....

    He now has to complete his “Dream Team” with “Idris Jusoh” & his 40 thieves....

    From Perak, we now have another State Constitutional Crisis (Agong appointed UMNO MB vs UMNO Leaders mind you!) in Trengganu, to continue the Oil Royalty plunder Kau, Kau Pt 2!

    With DSAI's blunder recently in Penang....

    Looks like it will spread to Penang, Kedah, Perlis, etc....

    Next we have the revisit of the JB/Singapore Crooked Bridge issue bubbling up when this nation does not need & can ill afford to build it at this point in time....

    The Grand Finale will be the "Slotting In" of our ex FM Daim to complete our "Adviser's Dream Tag Team Twin"....

    ALL together with his 2 sons he is now the “Taiko Adviser” to continue from where he left the last time....

    Fat Mama’s 1st reprimand to Najib....

    Bodoh....remove MB Mohd Nizar but forgot to remove Speaker Sivakumar!

    Now 2nd reprimand....

    Goblok....Listen to Mahyuddin to invite Mahathir to rejoin UMNO!

    Now....even Mama cannot help you, Stupido!

    There will definitely be “Fireworks”, so let us sit back & watch the Greatest show in Bolehland....

    Remember “What goes round, will come round to these Desperate Muslim Hadhari UMNO Ketuanan Beggars” - Past, Present & Future.

    The “Opressors” will “FAIL” & God Almighty will ensure “Justice” will be done.

    Do keep up your "Prayers" to God Almighty in your own way for "Sanity, Human Rights, Justice, Freedom, Equality & Peace to "Prevail" over "EVIL"

    Devine Intervention works Wonders.

    You go figure out....

