21 June 2009

Unity talks : Fact or Fallacy

Is UMNO beginning to realize where its stands now and what the party can expect in the coming General Elections (GE)?

Does UMNO know that the party is drooping and sagging and going for the dressing down by the voting public? Are their leaders having the worries like I do about losing in the coming GE?

If the party is not doing anything to correct its mistakes and misadventures, has it started to prepare itself to be a splinter group sitting on the opposition bench just after the coming GE in all Legislative Assemblies?

UMNO Deputy President, TS Muhyiddin (TSM) has already using religion to entice PAS to work with UMNO for the sake of the Muslim Unity and he emphasizes that to forgive and to forget is what the religion wants us to observe.

Tengku Razaleigh was the first UMNO leader to moot the idea of Unity Government many months back but other UMNO leaders were abrasive and uncompromisingly against the idea.

While what he (TSM) says is very right on his religious rationale, it is only said when UMNO is on the way for almost total rejection. While UMNO was in the height of popularity there was nothing said about unity and PAS was tainted to be a party of appalling and ghastly attributes by UMNO.

This is the issue that Nik Aziz is struggling to forget and accept that it is natural and inbuilt attribute of UMNO, especially the new ONE.

One point for our own introspection; UMNO must ensure there is unity within the party itself. As it is, within the party, there are clear irritable issues that make the party even more fractious than before.

How could we go and talk to another party while we are weak? We should have been talking to PAS long ago when we were strong? BUT we took different stand by hammering and admonishing PAS while were having muscle and strength.

Mahathir is coming with more issues when he is beginning to disagree with Najib over the third bridge issue which Rosmah is believed to have mutually agreed with one another with Singapore’s MM Lee Kuan Yew(LKY) for it to be built.

LKY recent visit trail adds up more irritation to TDM and he visibly was too annoyed when the visit gave Rosmah the high lights and Najib allows this new culture of getting spouses of leaders to be part of decision making for a nation. I agree with Mahathir to the fullest on this.

Mahathir expressed his disappointments in his speech in Ipoh yesterday and his worries about what is in the making in UMNO and BN as a whole.

He clearly disposed his uncertainties over the future of the Malays, even though he was the man who changed the total culture and the political paradigm and pattern of the country that resulted to the present nightmares.

This 3rd bridge issue is likely to escalate. It is not a small issue as the crooked bridge issue was one of the main contributors to Abdullah’s plummet.

Is Najib going to face the bridge issue like Abdullah? If it is, than the bridges in issue are like sirraatulmustakim bridges which both Abdullah and Najib failed to cross.

Compounding to this subject, many people including the nosy Mahathir who are not happy with the muqabalah between PAS and UMNO which is the hot theme of the day.

Mahathir is not pleased that Unity is just between Malays as the other races would protest resulting in split of BN and Malaysian politics will be along deep inter-racial divide. Again, I concur with his opinion on this pertinent issue.

As it is, the non Malays are already on the other side of the boundary of this divide and the overly emphasized issue of PAS/UMNO talk is going to send the non Malays further apart from giving the support to UMNO/BN.

DS Najib seems to wane his leadership day by day and outwardly seen as helpless and vulnerable on numerous issues.

Meanwhile PAS is strengthening; whether the much-talked about Unity Government issue is successful is not important.

The important and relatable point that the party brings home is to warn her partners in Pakatan Rakyat not to take PAS participation in the loose coalition lightly as she has a desperate UMNO to work with.

PAS can now tell DAP especially not to rejoice too much when the party tastes power as the Malays is still and forever the political master in this God blessed nation.

As long as Malays lead politically the ambience of living in this country would be soothing…and this is in actuality the message PAS is trying to deliver to its coalition partners.

PAS is already in the position that UMNO used to enjoy when come to workings in togetherness with the multiracial population of the country.

The people trust PAS much more than UMNO and for UMNO to regain the full trust she used to enjoy would be tough as the credibility of its leadership have been too much in jeopardy at all levels.

PAS has learned immensely from mistakes committed by UMNO. The arrogance that UMNO has been displaying with the borrowed power for the past recent years make the appetite of the people including the young Malay voters to support the party are getting blunted.

While the Malays are in exodus to support PAS the more liberal Malays are joining the non Malays to join PKR which is multi racial party that seems to be more engaging for them.

Pakatan Rakyat at the very moment just need to convince the Malays that they are well protected which the Federal Constitution provides. Anything less would turn Pakatan Rakyat into just a temporary hidey-hole for the disillusioned Malays who are at odds against UMNO.

Lastly there is another point which needs moderation of good and magnanimous leaders that is the economic issue.

Developing the nation’s economy is one thing but the effort for equitable distribution is another. No nation would be in stable political environment without equitable distribution and fair opportunities for the deserving lots.

If the government fails to develop big chunk of middle class among the population the stability of politics would not be assured as this group of the population gives a big and momentous direction for any country which takes democracy as her ruling system.

Thanks…………………………………………………Aspan Alias


  1. sdr aspan,
    it is well said and we just hope for the best to come by.
    inbuilt in you is crudely politics and you narrate the issue well.
    i wish i can write like just you have written bro.

  2. Sdra Aspan,

    I quote your statement:

    "Does UMNO know that the party is drooping and sagging and going for the dressing down by the voting public? Are their leaders having the worries like I do about losing in the coming GE?"


    If you are worried that UMNO will lose in the coming election then you should be responsible enough to help UMNO leaders by writing articles that are not detrimental to UMNO. Reading your articles you don't seem to be supportive to the UMNO leadership but continue to criticize its leaders practically every article of yours especially subtly condemning Najib and trying hard to promote Tengku Razaleigh. I think you are hypocrite of the first order. Be truthful to yourself Sdra Aspan what actual you want UMNO to be?

    You still want Tengku Razaleigh to be the Prime Minister but UMNO grassroot members have rejected him by not nominating him for the presidency candidate. So how is he going to be the Prime Minister? Through backdoor ke ? I don't see any logic for you to project the good image of Tengku Razaleigh by telling the whole world that he is the only leader who could turnaround the economy.

    I really wonder what really you want from UMNO or from Najib?

  3. Tok Jantan,
    Forgive me if my answer pricks you as I think you need to introspect yourself a bit.

    You have the habit of getting upset whenever I mention TR in my writing.
    Can you just tell me which line of my article that I professed TR to be the PM.

    I was just saying that TR is the one who mentioned the unity government...that is all.

    I was just saying when he suggested the unity government many leaders was abrasive about it.

    I thought my English was that simple and you shouldn't have problem of understanding it.

    You like to comment things which i didn't say.

    Saudara, I am sorry to say that you preconceived your opinion on me.

    Tok Jantan, i don't enjoy quarralling with you; hanya saya berharap janganlah cuba untuk menyelam air dalam tuggak.

    Anyway i don't blame you for that, because it is typical of UMNO followers.

    To you, nobody is supposed to mention TR. Mentioning his name will be deemed to promote him. Don't be blinkered by prejudices created by others.

    So lastly Tok Jantan, I am not the person as you alleged me, and let me return that allegation to your goodself.

    If you think that my article irritates you you may just ignore it.


  4. Aspan,
    You are more meaningful member of UMNO because you know what is wrong and right for the party.
    You don't answer people like To Jantan. He entertains only his prejudices towards person he does not admire.
    Ignore him

  5. Tok Jantan, awak sepatutnya komen tentang apa yang ditulis bukannya perkara yang tidak disebut.

    Saya bersimpati dengan awak kerana percubaan sdr untuk berforum memang belum sampai ketahap seorang yang rasional.

    Perasaan prejudis memerangkap saudara.

  6. How pathetic,

    A balls carrier in self denial.

    UMNO grassroots did not nominate TR? or was it not the G7 and the Division's office bearers who betrayed the UMNO grassroots? It was all about money and power. The instructions came from above so that the Presidency was won uncontested.

    So,Tok Betina...don't pretend that you are that naive....

  7. Aspan,
    what is said by you is real serious matter. I agree that UMNO is doomed. I am apolitical but I don't have that regards for UMNO anymore.
    UMNO is just parasites.
    Eh! in last election I voted for UMNO but for the next one it is going to be different.
    That party is not relevant anymore.

  8. salam bro.

    apa yang menarik minat saya ialah perpaduan melayu. kita seharusnya sedar bahawasanya inilah titik permulaan kepada apa saja perkembangan sama ada baik atau buruk pada perkara-perkara yang akan berlaku di kemudian hari kelak bak ibarat kalau masuk gear pun dah tak betul macam mana kereta itu akan boleh berjalan dengan bergaya.

    persoalan yang tak perlu timbul ialah who champion the issue? perkara seperti ini should have come and accepted from all corners. wahai orang kita, be more positive. jangan terlalu bernostalgia.

    saya masih yakin kepimpinan umno yang ada taklah sebebal sebagaimana yang dinilai serong oleh segelintir pengkritis kronik. mereka hanya tidak mempunyai 'magic' untuk mengiakan segala jenis permintaan dengan serta-merta.

    tetapi setelah menelitikan hujah-hujah bro, sekarang saya pula yang menjadi confuse. siapakah yang sepatut bimbang dgn pru13, pemimpin atau ahli umno? skrip-skrip politik yang sedang dipaparkan semuanya tidak menyelera dan begitu mual sekali.

    bro teruskan perjuangan.

  9. Aspan,

    ‘Developing the nation’s economy is one thing but the effort for equitable distribution is another. No nation would be in stable political environment without equitable distribution and fair opportunities for the deserving lots.’

    Well said!

    But then the 64Mil dollar question is how?

    NEP? What has 40+ yrs of NEP bring to M’sia?

    A group of enlighten middle-class Malay M’sian, with the well-being of M’sia at heart or self-interest? A perpetuate positive-feedback rent-seeking attitude, enforced by self-delusional entitlement under the Fed Constitution? A growing Gini Coeff among the have & have-not within the Malay M’sian is the syndrome that not one wants to admit & check-mate!

    The unity govt is only a very poor attempt in trying to prolong the legacy of NEP. In doing so, continuing the backwardness of the Joe Malays to the benefit of the elite Malays!

    The correct approach is to elect caliber personnel to head the various machinery of the govt.

    But then, another 64Mil dollar question arises - how to go pass the 'quota' entitlement that's so entranced within this public servant appointment?

    Hiding behind this 'quota' entitlement is the intrinsic ketuanan mentality. All the 'alpha' head must be of the right colour otherwise there will be a lost of maruah bangsa.

    There r more 64mil dollar questions waiting to be unearthed. No wonder there r so many public fund wastes/leakages within the current govt set-up.


  10. Tok Jantan,

    You should thank AA here. AA and people like SakMongkol is the dying and brave UMNO breed that dares to tell the TRUTH! even though it may not be to everyones liking. What for want to hide anymore?

    Everyone says once Badawi steps down, semua akan okay!

    is it really ?? Is it??

    i have a feeling its getting worse and worse and very soon, whatever you guys in UMNO do, will be too late.

    PRU 12 you guys say already tsunami, i think PRU 13 will be a killer tsunami for sure.

  11. Bro Aspan,

    This nation's rayaat & I share the "Despair & Hopelessness."

    Why are our UMNO/BN Leaders “Marginalising & Depriving” the Anak Bangsa Malaysia from achieving MERITOCRACY?

    Bapak Borek…Anak MESTI Rentek & tak boleh LEBEH PANDAI pada Bapak?

    Malaysia has been embroiled in racial politics and due to the fear of losing political power, all actions taken by the main party in power was never targeted towards bringing wealth to all.

    Wealth was distributed to the chosen few only. They were the cronies and the backers of the party leadership to perpetuate their own selfish ends.

    Seeing the efficiency and the progress achieved by Singapore caused the Malaysian leadership to suffer from an inferiority complex.

    That Malaysia should suffer from this complex was of its own making.

    In a recent interview, Kuan Yew said that Malaysia could have done better if only it treated its minority Chinese and Indian population fairly.

    Instead they were completely marginalised and many of the best brains left the country in drove.

    He added that “Singapore was a standing indictment to what Malaysia could have done differently”.

    He just hit the nail right there on the head.

    The Muslim Hadhari UMNO Ketuanan/BN Leaders are “Bankrupt of Intelligent, Legal, Constitutional, Political, Financial, Economic, etc SOLUTIONS”....

    Desperate People, at Desperate Times, will RESORT to Desperate Actions even if it means “Destroying” their “Honourable Family Legacy”, our National/State Constitution, our Monarchy, All this nation’s Institutions, Pillars of Democracy & the Rule of Law, their own “MALAY MUSLIM HADHARI” party “UMNO” beyond “Redemption”, their Own Kind, this country & its Rayaat!

    They & their “Mercenaries” will always be in Denial & therefore resort to “Alternative Tactics” which can only be found in their Gutter Politics & Law of the Jungle “Holy Book”!

    Party promotions based on “patronisation, nepotism, money politics, etc” without “Meritocracy and Proven Track Records” leads to “Leaders” that UMNO is inheriting...

    - “Elite, Ketuanan UMNO BEGGARS”.

    The only “Language they Speak & Understand” is “HEADS WE WIN, TAILS YOU LOSE”....

    It will only get "Worst"...

    With their Arrogance & Denials they have now caused "Diplomatic Tensions" even with their Asean partners!

    Remember “What goes round, will come round to these Desperate UMNO/BN Ketuanan Beggars” - Past, Present & Future.

    UMNO/BN's theme - "If we cannot have it then we will "Spoil" it for "Everyone".

    UMNO Baru is too deep in its 4th stage “Terminal Cancer” NOW, to be CURED”....Period!

    Every new day will be another “New Divine Revelation” to reveal the “Truth” towards UMNO/BN's Auto-Pilot “Self Destruct Implosion.”....

    This may happen sooner rather than later…

    I would like to share these articles with you & your readers on our GLCs & their cronies to rape this nation's assets dry....



  12. Why should I support UMNO if it is a party corrupt to the core?

    Unity talks?

    What is that if it's not a smokescreen? The basic problem is that UMNO is corrupt and it is trying to find it's way out through an easy door. Cheapskate.

    Najib's strong words on corruption? None.

    So, wait for its demise as long as that problem is not tackled.

    UMNO is full of ostriches burying their heads in the sand.

    Sorry, I won't support UMNO if a structural reform is not in placed. Let us all be clear on this. Many heads has to roll if there's going to be any real change. And time is running out. Why don't we just bite the bullet whether we like it or not this time.

    mat royan

  13. Contd....2

    Bro Aspan,

    Malaysia badly needs “Role Model” MATURED, EDUCATED, INTELLIGENT, ESTABLISHED Leaders, Politicians, Technocrats, etc of HONOUR with Calibre & Tolerance without Fear or Favour on Both sides of the Political Divide.

    Further, this nation Desperately needs Intelligent, Time Proven Pragmatic Successful modelled, Politiical, Legal, Financial, Economic & Social “SOLUTIONS” on BOTH sides of the Political Divide NOW , to mitigate the IMPENDING Political & Financial fallout.

    Since 31 August 1957, our Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra & his 1st Malaysian cabinet of HONOURABLE, ESTABLISHED TRUE TUANS administered the system of Wesminster style Democracy & with the Rule of Law respecting our National & State Constitution successfully.

    Let us ALL also learn that Tunku & his Malaysian cabinet of MATURED, EDUCATED, INTELLIGENT, HONOURABLE & ESTABLISHED TRUE TUANS, EARNED the RESPECT, TRUST & SUPPORT of ALL the Malayan citizens.

    It was in 1969 when our Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra was "Betrayed" by his Deputy (with the Elite Ultra Group) thereafter, the system of Wesminster style Democracy & with the Rule of Law respecting our National & State Constitution was "Hijacked" & turned into the "Ketuanan UMNO Ideology".

    In 2009 we are witnessing that "Ketuanan UMNO Ideology" going "Horribly Wrong" with Denials, Intimidations, Threats, etc convoluting it into "Gutter Politics & Law of the Jungle".

    The PRESENT LEADERS on BOTH sides of the Political Divide are "Trapped" in their "OWN QUAGMIRE" with no Win-Win SOLUTIONS....

    Malaysia NEEDS NEW LEADERS with Political MATURITY to ACHIEVE its Financial, Economic & Social CONSOLIDATION & STABILISATION.

    In these days of predatory capitalism and money politics, altruism and personal sacrifice for larger goals are rare commodities.

    It is the same for a community or a nation....

    We look for our "Heroes", people who can propel us to greater heights.

    If it is true that the search for such towering Malay figures has so far been futile....

    It is probably because the people concerned have been looking in the wrong places.

    We perhaps will have to look beyond UMNO and the Malay community as well - for, after all, there are towering figures among many ordinary Malaysians, irrespective of ethnic origin, if we care to look closely.

    Indeed, the attributes and values that we speak of and cherish are universal: high intellect, a high value system, successful careers, good economic standing, and well-respected culture and religion....


  14. Contd....3

    Bro Aspan,

    In multiethnic and multicultural Malaysia, one can and must draw valuable lessons from the experiences and important values of each of the ethnic communities.

    In doing so, one is nudging society in the direction of the once much-touted ideal of Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian race).

    There are hardworking people, for instance, in all of the ethnic communities in Malaysia just as there are intelligent people in these communities who can be a source of human capital and an inspiring example to all Malaysians.

    These are important attributes especially if they involve people who STRIVE and PERSEVERE in a situation where they eventually prevail and succeed with no (or little) state assistance such as scholarships and other facilities.

    Other equally important values and attributes are moral uprightness, critical-thinking and a principle-centred life.

    A towering figure - whether in Politics, Industry and Academia, as an example again - is someone who is not only intelligent, resourceful and creative, but also sticks to his/her beliefs and principles even though these may go against the mainstream or status quo.

    These industrious people should in fact be given recognition by the powers-that-be so that, firstly, they become a shining example for other Malaysians (not just Malays) to emulate...

    Secondly, their hard work and intelligence is given due recognition, which would encourage them to propel themselves further in the quest for excellence.

    More importantly, this kind of recognition can help stem the brain drain out of this country.

    This effort could involve Industry and Icademia, for example, where talent needs to be Nurtured, Recognised and duly Rewarded and where Academic and Professional Excellence is "Crucial".

    The country as a whole would benefit from such people who make principled decisions and take carefully considered actions.

    Giving views and ideas that are different from the management of a factory or a university should not be erroneously perceived as undermining its authority.

    If anything, they should be considered as a very useful contribution to knowledge building.

    If the search for our "True Grit" Towering Malaysians were to be "liberalised", then we would be able to appreciate the good in many of us Malaysians.

    In this 21st century context of Malaysian Nation Building & the creation of the "New Breed of Leaders, Politicians, High Yield Technocrats, etc".

    Despite the ravages of modern capitalistic living and rapacious politics, there is still a pool of Malaysians who are Altruistic, Disciplined, Principled and Loving and whose Actions and Beliefs can easily leave us "Humbled and Inspired".

    Until such times Malaysia can IDENTIFY “Role Model” MATURED, EDUCATED, INTELLIGENT, ESTABLISHED Leaders, Politicians, Technocrats, etc of HONOUR with Calibre & Tolerance without Fear or Favour,

    Malaysia CANNOT even THINK of having a 2 or 3 PARTY Political System of Government to mitigate the IMPENDING Political & Financial fallout.


  15. Contd....3 (Corr Version)

    Bro Aspan,

    In multiethnic and multicultural Malaysia, one can and must draw valuable lessons from the experiences and important values of each of the ethnic communities.

    In doing so, one is nudging society in the direction of the once much-touted ideal of Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian race).

    There are hardworking people, for instance, in all of the ethnic communities in Malaysia just as there are intelligent people in these communities who can be a source of human capital and an inspiring example to all Malaysians.

    These are important attributes especially if they involve people who STRIVE and PERSEVERE in a situation where they eventually prevail and succeed with no (or little) state assistance such as scholarships and other facilities.

    Other equally important values and attributes are moral uprightness, critical-thinking and a principle-centred life.

    A towering figure - whether in Politics, Industry and Academia, as an example again - is someone who is not only intelligent, resourceful and creative, but also sticks to his/her beliefs and principles even though these may go against the mainstream or status quo.

    These industrious people should in fact be given recognition by the powers-that-be so that, firstly, they become a shining example for other Malaysians (not just Malays) to emulate...

    Secondly, their hard work and intelligence is given due recognition, which would encourage them to propel themselves further in the quest for excellence.

    More importantly, this kind of recognition can help stem the brain drain out of this country.

    This effort could involve Industry and Academia, for example, where talent needs to be Nurtured, Recognised and duly Rewarded and where Academic and Professional Excellence is "Crucial".

    The country as a whole would benefit from such people who make principled decisions and take carefully considered actions.

    Giving views and ideas that are different from the management of a factory or a university should not be erroneously perceived as undermining its authority.

    If anything, they should be considered as a very useful contribution to knowledge building.

    If the search for our "True Grit" Towering Malaysians were to be "liberalised", then we would be able to appreciate the good in many of us Malaysians.

    In this 21st century context of Malaysian Nation Building & the creation of the "New Breed of Leaders, Politicians, High Yield Technocrats, etc".

    Despite the ravages of modern capitalistic living and rapacious politics, there is still a pool of Malaysians who are Altruistic, Disciplined, Principled and Loving and whose Actions and Beliefs can easily leave us "Humbled and Inspired".

    Until such times Malaysia can IDENTIFY “Role Model” MATURED, EDUCATED, INTELLIGENT, ESTABLISHED Leaders, Politicians, Technocrats, etc of HONOUR with Calibre & Tolerance without Fear or Favour,

    Malaysia CANNOT even THINK of having a 2 or 3 PARTY Political System of Government to mitigate the IMPENDING Political & Financial fallout.


  16. hei aspan,

    they know their position will be in great danger in the future. they had treated the country wealt as their grandfather money. As the ship is sinking, their only option is to empty it as quickly as possible so that the next who jump into the ship will get nothing. this is the thieves mentality and they will not spend any of their valuable time now to improve the country.
    my little comment.

  17. Mat Royan,

    l left UMNO when l was a young lad of 19 in 1988 together with my father when an old UMNO was declared illegal.Now an a grown up approaching 50s, l never regretted having left then.

    UMNO(Baru) problem started with 1987 contest for presidency. Until today l still hold TDM for wrecking UMNO and l never forgive him for setting up UMNO(Baru) which is a vechicle he created to cast away his politicall chalanger during his reign.

    Apa jua masaalah UMNO(Baru) ini boleh kita trace back pada krisis 1987. Bagaimana ia ditubuhkan, bagaimana perjalanan UMNO(Baru) dari mula hingga sekarang.

    Apa juga reform yang dibuat saya yakin ia tidak akan menyelesaikan masaalah yang dihadapi sekarang kerana asas penubuhannya tidak diatas asas yang kukuh.

    Dengan struktur yang dibina oleh TDM dalam tahun 1988 dan perubahan yang dilalui sepanjang TDM menjadi presiden, saya percaya tiada sesiapa pun boleh menyelamatkan UMNO(Baru). Saya tidak nampak ada dikalangan pemimpin UMNO(Baru) sekarang ini boleh membawa perubahaan sebenar untuk kembali kepada asal.Hatta Tengku Razaleigh pun tidak mampu merubah UMNO(Baru).

    Sebenarnya UMNO dan UMNO(Baru) adalah 2 entiti yang berbeza.


  18. Parti UMNO tidak ada masaalah. Begitu juga Parti PAS pun tak ada masaalah. Yang ada masaalah ialah mereka yang memimpin dan mereka yang dipimpin. Selagi yang memimpin dan yang dipimpin tidak ada pedoman yang jelas dan nyata dan terus mengikut haluan yang tidak menentu dan tidak fokus apa yang sebenarnya mereka kehendaki maka bercelarulah kedudukan bangsa Melayu.

    Unity government dah terkubur as expected. So what next? Will UMNO survive? Will PAS survive? Or will bangsa Melayu survive? Wallahualam !!

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