17 September 2009

Bagan Pinang, consolation win

Muhyiddin Yassin the Deputy UMNO President will be announcing the candidate for UMNO in Bagan Pinang by-election on the 29th September at 5pm while Najib would also be in that constituency at about 6pm.

The presence of both the President and his Deputy on that day is a reflection of how important this by-election to the BN to have the chance of winning a consolation victory in the series of by election.

So far BN have been taking losses all the way in all the 8 by-elections in this Peninsular since the last General Election (GE). In Penanti, BN decided to give walkover to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to evade the bashing from the opposition.

In Bagan Pinang, what is needed is not just a win but a handsome majority of more than 2,433 secured by the late Azman Mohd Nor in the last GE.

If the majority is going to be less than 2,433 it is promising a tough occurrence in the coming GE as it is now Negeri Sembilan (NS) is on the brink to fall to the opposition.

The fact remains that the distrust towards the current ruling government is widespread nationwide and it does not spare NS from facing this domino effect.

In the last GE, Pakatan Rakyat were ill-prepared to face the election and the good showing of the party despite of the halfhearted preparation and putting up weak candidatures in most of the State and Parliamentary Constitutions in the State.

The people were already prepared for a change and to find alternative to UMNO and BN, and anybody who put up a candidature against the ruling party then were given the support.

Pakatan Rakyat itself were much taken aback considering the massive support for them and had they were seriously doing the preparation they would have ruled the State by now.

PR is now more prepared and witnessing the successes the party achieved in Selangor, Perak, Penang and Kedah as well as Federal Territory the party is gaining more support without much exertion.

Based on this background I was without any prejudice suggested Isa Samad as the candidate as his position in the constituency is some what better than any other names.

Let us agree among ourselves that the voters are going for someone whom they are familiar with and have the records of good showing in term of services the constituency.

Isa just fit in the criteria as he has been with the people in the constituency of Teluk Kemang for almost 30 years.

Even while he was suspended from the party Isa was always with the people in Teluk Kemang and remained loyal to the party and took no qualms with the politically motivated conviction against him.

Personally I am not in love with Isa but I must admit without any prejudice that he is the icon for Teluk Kemang and can be the one who ultimately brings home the consolation point that UMNO desperately needs.

Further to this point, Isa can be the most fitting leader who can patch up all factions in the State BN and UMNO which is too fractious under Mohammad Hassan’s stewardship.

Never forget Isa was the only NS State head who managed to get almost 100 percent representations for BN in the State Assembly while National politics was in shuffle.

Any intra-party foul play high up in the party will only injure UMNO and can be a fertile soil for Pakatan Rakyat to advance its presence in Teluk Kemang and the State as a whole.

UMNO would then be like an injured dog licking its own wound.

Thanks…………………………………………Aspan Alias


  1. Aspan,

    Isa banyak masalah.

  2. Isa telah mencukur balak balak diNS selama dus dekad.

    Rentikanlah Isa tu.
