22 February 2010

Politics & Democratic Varieties

Politics is a medium and intermediary of power. Whoever wins in political pursuit or battle will own and take the mantle to rule, and subsequently possesses the emancipation to formulate policy and follow through with its implementation of those guiding principles.

In a democratic system of government power is gained through the mandate and majority, to the very least with simple majority from the eligible voting population.

However winning the mandate to own power is much less problematical than to preserve it as many who secured power will in essence fight with their own inner selves.

The intensity of battling against own selves is dependent on the degree of purity of the claimed democracy one nation practices.

In a matured democracy, the stability of government is normally more visible as the democratic process is more transparent and the voting public is more accountable for the choice they have decisively made.

In this kind of democracy the government chosen would be an authentic choice of the actual feeling and aspiration of the voters lining up to the polling booths and there are less contaminated by other noxious and venomous elements that influence the spotlessness of pure democracy that is at work.

The western democracy whether we like it or not, is seen to be more transparent, and that crafts fashionable stability as we currently witness in all the eleven Scandinavian countries and states.

The constituent that makes the up-to-the-minute stability and immovability in these nations is what we call as Legitimacy of its Democracy.

Legitimate democracy makes up legitimate and genuine government which in sequence will create genuine stability as the support and the votes acquired is unadulterated by parsimonious elements by the ruling and incumbent parties.

In this matured democracies like the Scandinavian countries democracy does not make John and Mike quarrel seriously even though they have different preferences of choice.

One does not even know who is supporting which party or leader and the General Election goes on, sometime unnoticed by the international community.

Name calling among those offering candidatures is almost unheard of and leadership changes are a normal component of their system.

The candidates of their National Elections are normally personalities perceived to be of high integrity, dignity and decorum.

If they are revealed of their past depraved activities, and there is a change of public perception on them, they would normally discontinue their candidacy without exertion as they take moral ethics as the main ingredient before serving towering public offices.

Any aspirant to serve the public would be meticulously introspecting himself to ensure that he is ethically and morally fit to offer his candidature for any position to serve the public without contempt and derision.

In other simple meaning, it is the legitimacy of the candidacy as clean and approving quality that is of optimum importance for a real and authentic democracy to prevail.

What is said is just bits of important clues of how to build a line of well respected administrators of any nation which want to be respected by their own people and well regarded by international community.

Now let us examine where we are if we are to take these bits of valuable clues as our index or benchmark for our leadership points of references.

Does Najib’s publicity campaign on the Key Performance Index (KPI) has made some references to the bit that is written and does it include the moral ethics as main part of the so-called KPI?

Does he take seriously corruption and power abuse to be in the main parcel of his highly publicized attempt to combat corruption without fear or favor?

OR is he still closing both eyes on any corrupt behavior of his Cabinet lineup and the 18 high profile cases that the public has been promised to be acted upon?

Does he have the enough will to act against his own corrupt personalities whom are dear to him like what the matured democratic leaders of the matured nation can do?

OR has he made any attempt to inspect himself from all those points of references that the real and actual values needed for the goal to transform this country to an advanced nation?

These are some of the salient and pertinent points for our PM to ponder. As it is now, he has been 'manufacturing' promises to all Malaysian as from the moment he took on the mantle.

Can he ultimately sell all the 'manufactured' promises? Time tells.

Thanks…………………………………………….Aspan Alias


  1. Kita tunggu jamgut sampai mencecah tanah, UMNI tidak akan sampai ketahap yg saudara impikan itu. Jgn saudara berangan-angan, malah umno akan terus dirosakkan oleh pemmpin dan semua ahlinya.
    Kita bukan putus asa tetapi itulah yg akan kita jumpa.
    Selamat maju jaya sdr Aspan.

    ibrahim koyan

  2. Gone were the days of enjoying politics of people with sanity.

    Sanity?..nore beb.

  3. What you have just expressed is true and you hit a bulls eyes sdr Aspan.

    In Scandinavian countries they are not worried about choosing whoever contesting because every single detail of a candidate is being assessed up to the meticulous details.

    By doing so anyone thay is chosen has a very minute chance of being questioned about their integrity in making decisions.

    A brief number of years staying in one of those countries made me quite familiar with what you have just Aspan.

    Their rakyat are very straight in mentality and they are far more civil compared to the people who are in the high political hierarchy.

    jane and jill

  4. If they are revealed of their past depraved activities, and there is a change of public perception on them, they would normally discontinue their candidacy without exertion as they take moral ethics as the main ingredient before serving towering public offices.


    How about Mat Isa whom you had been supporting him during the by-election?

    Isn't that double standard and hypocrisy?

  5. agreed.


    Dr Sinbab

  6. Salam hurmat Sdr Aspan,

    Apa yg diungkapkan olih saudara itu adalah satu keadaan yg amat ideal bagi kita di Malaysia ini.Masyarakat di sana mempunyai mutu keperibadian dan integriti yg jauh lebih tinggi daripada orang kita di sini.Mereka akan terasa amat terhina dan cukup marah jika kejujuran,integriti,etik dan keperibadian mereka dipersoalkan.Mereka yg mempunyai masalah berkaitan dengan integriti dan kejujuran seperti penipuan,pembohongan dan rasuah tidak akan menampilkan diri bagi merebut apa jua jawatan diperingkat kepimpinan.Penilaian utama yg diambil kira terhadap mereka yg ingin menjadi pemimpin ialah mutu peribadi yg dinyata diatas,dengan mengambilkira kelulusan akademik,kewibawaan dan kaliber yg ada pada mereka.Sedangkan kita disini perkara itu tidak menjadi pertimbangan utama.Mereka yg terbukti terlibat dengan rasuah, penipuan dan pembohongan, bukan sahaja menawar diri untuk bertanding tetapi telah terpilih dan menang dalam pertandingan merebut jawatan diperingkat kepimpinan.Justeru itu,kita tidak harus meletakkan harapan yg terlalu tinggi untuk mencapai tahap tersebut kelak nanti kita kecewa.

    Namu demikian ianya tidak mustahil untuk kita berubah kearah itu tetapi ianya memerlukan seorang pemimpin yg hebat,kuat dan berani serta bijak dan mempunyai mutu integriti yg tinggi dan bersih daripada segala persepsi yg negatif.Sejarah telah membuktikan bahawa perkara ini bolih berlaku.Tapi dukacitanya kita tidak mempunyai pemimpin yg betul-betul hebat seperti Kublai Khan dinegara kita pada masa ini.

    Maaf cakap,melihat kepada keadaan sekarang,PM DS Najib dilihat semacam tidak berupaya membuat perubahan dan trasformasi yg digembar gemburkan itu.Sebab nya terlalu banyak.Diantaranya ialah:

    1.Beliau mempunyai kredibiliti yg negatif kerana telah dikaitkan dengan kes rasuah pembelian kapal selam dan pembunuhan yg berkaitan dengannya.Walaupun perkara itu tidak terbukti tetapi seluroh dunia tersebar berita itu.
    2.Dalam memerangi rasuah beliau tidak nampak begitu bersunggoh kerana setakat ini hasilnya tidak seberapa.Kes salahlaku dan politik wang dikalangan ahli-ahli Umno,mithalnya,langsong tidak diberi perhatian.Begitu juga dengan amalan rasuah yg begitu meluas dan merebak didalam Angkatan Tentera yg berlaku sejak dari dulu lagi dimana ada diantara Jeneral mempunayai nilai aset harta pulohan dan ratusan juta ringgit sepertimana dinyatakan didalam blog "mind no evil".
    3.Terlalu banyak masalah negara yg diwarisi nya yg semuanya perlu diberi perhatian serius sedangkan kebanyakan menteri- menteri kabinetnya tidak begitu membantunya.Kejadian kejadian seperti penyeludupan pasir,pendatang tanpa izin,masalah pengakutan jalan raya,kawalan harga barangan dan projek terbangkalai terus menerus menjadi isu perbualan orang ramai.
    4.Dalam hal politik pula ,Umno/BN berada dalam keadaan cukup lemah dan usaha kearah membaikpulih nampaknya tidak begitu ketara dan menyungoh kerana setakat ini tidak ada banyak kesan dapat dilihat selain daripada nasihat dan seruan kearah pengukohan parti masing-masing.
    5.PM DS Najib dilihat terlalu berhati-hati dan kadang-kadang terlampau berlembut dan bertolakansur.Lantaran itu ada pihak mengambil kesempatan untuk mendapat manafaat yg mana pada masa yg sama akan membuat pihak lain merasa kurang senang.

    Walau apa pun PM DS Najib nampaknya begitu bersunggoh dalam melakasankan tugasnya.Samada ianya membawa hasil yg diharapkan atau tidak hanya masa akan menentukan nya.Sama-sama lah kita tunggu dan lihat.

    Askar Tua

  7. Those 'kafir' politicians in the first world countries seem to exhibit and act in ways that are more in line with Islam and moral teachings. By the kafir's political standards, none of our top political leaders deserve to stay in their positions, and must exit immediately.

    sri hartamas
