27 February 2010

UMNO needs serious introspection

In my last posting I touched on the necessity and inevitability for BN and UMNO in particular to strengthen itself and to win back the trust of the people in general and the voting public in particular.

Never ever depend on the weaknesses of the alternative party to secure and regain the lost seats in the last General Election as it would not be durable and resilient enough to defend future assaults of the opposition parties.

One should appreciate that the opposition is not like the opposition of 2 decades ago but the opposition of the day is already a real alternative to the current ruling government that UMNO leads.

PKR has tasted power in 5 states sharing with its components PAS and DAP and the alternative front is now in the maturing process with intermittent and alternating moments of stone hurling among them.

BUT all those sorrowful quarrels among the PR leaders are all seen as physical hiccups but in principle their followers are still going for one mission that is to replace BN as the government for the people.

The quitting of a few leaders in PR should be taken as normal occurrences for a new and infant coalition.

UMNO (old one) too in its early age used to face similar intricacies in the early fifties when the differences between leaders then, led some of the leaders with religious preferences to quit the party and formed PAS.

Now PAS remains as the oldest Malay Party in place of the original UMNO as the deregistered party was denied its legal revival by Mahathir’s administration in 1988 who formed a then new Party called UMNO (baru) in February in 1988.

On historical and chronological record he(Mahathir) was the last President of UMNO and the first President for the new UMNO.

Let us be watchful over some of the salient and outstanding differences between problems in PR and BN and let us look at the issue as pragmatic as possible and it’s needful to be owned up by the leaders and members of the two political fronts.

Basically as I have said PR is a new political identity formed among the three main opposition parties PAS, DAP and PKR and the front had succeeded in breaking the almost complete dominance of BN, hence took over the control of 5 state governments.

The ruling party was in complete disarray and this situation gave the PR the opportunity to make their existence felt and became the alternative choice to exhausting members of the BN in the last GE.

The bashing on Abdullah Badawi by his predecessor Mahathir made UMNO members themselves voting for the alternative party and Mahathir was the main person to bring drain out the support of UMNO members from BN: just to be sure to injure Pak Lah and force him to retire.

Mahathir himself left UMNO he formed in 1988 and came back when Najib replaced Pak Lah in March last year.

On records of honestly written history Mahathir had deserted the old UMNO and he also derelict the new UMNO he formed but this time only for a brief period as he came back to the fold when Abdullah retired.

While UMNO was on trial from its own doing and became the worse for wear, Pakatan Rakyat became the choice for the people including leaders and members of UMNO in the process of soul searching.

It simply means that the big number of seats that PR secured in the last GE was in actuality does not resemble the genuine support of the people but instead due to the animosity UMNO was fronting.

PR in the states they rule have managed to have considerable grip on the grassroots as the lowest government administrative level ie the JKKK are now mostly controlled by PKR members and leaders at that level.

BN would have to face mounting battle to regain the support of the grassroots in the coming GE and only solid and new disposition of UMNO and BN can offer them a chance to return.

BUT has UMNO changed for the better to exist as a morally dignified party to the eyes of the voting public?

More importantly does anyone believe that there are no troubles and no intra party clumsiness within their leaders especially at the higher echelon?

Are we cock sure that there is no power push and pull over within the party?

This question deserves a bit of deliberation and forethought in my next posting may be, OR maybe not.

Let us see. I shall come back perhaps in one or two days from now.

Thanks……………………………………………….Aspan Alias


  1. Aspan!!

    What is the problem. Umno can definitely survive if the members can replace all in the MT.

    It is whether they want to change or not.

    No problem.

  2. 'old man disease'; that is the answer for Umno's problem.

    The party is too old and what the leaders want is just amusement and don't say anything that can make them don't like you.....i mean like treating an old man or woman.

    Just amuse them bro. Just say what they want to hear.

  3. Impossible! bak kata AR Tompel dalam sebuah filem Melayu.

    Impossible! Najib tak dapat nak memenuhi piawaian kepimpinan kerana imejnya yang bersangkutan dengan kerja yg tidak baik.

    Macam mana nak baikki Umnolah bang!!!


  4. Salam Sdr Aspan,

    Memang diakui bahawa Umno mempunyai pelbagai masalah dan kelemahan yg sebahagiannya amat serius dan kritikal, tetapi melihat kepada senario politik dan perkembangan keadaan semasa,harapan Umno/BN untuk memenangi dua pertiga kerusi Parlimen di dalam PRU akan datang tidaklah mustahil.Saya berpindirian demikian kerana saya beranggapan bahawa sebahagian besar mereka yg memilih pembangang dalam PRU yg lepas telah termakan hasutan pihak pembakang yg dirancang dan dilaksanakan dengan begitu teliti dan bijak dengan mengexploitkan segala kelemahan UMNO dan kerajaan serta mengadakan pelbagai aktiviti dan propaganda yg mewujudkan sesuana seolah-olah kerajaan BN terlampau lemah,hilang kawalan,korup dan tidak prihatin terhadap masalah rakyat.Kenaikan harga minyak dan barangan lain serta masalah jenayah yg begitu kerap berlaku dan demostrasi jalanan yg diadakan tanpa tindakan berkesan dari pihak berkuasa membuat rakyat bosan,hilang keyakinan dan benci kepada kerajaan.Keadaan ini ditambah menjadi lebih terok lagi apabila PM Dollah Badawi ditonjolkan olih pihak kawan dan lawan,termasuk juga blogger,sebagai PM yg lemah,flip-flop,kaki tidor, pengamal rasuah dan kronisma.Buktinya sudah dapat dilihat apatah lagi ianya diperbesarkan lagi olih pihak pembakang dan orang Umno sendiri maka terbentoklah gambaran yg amat terok dan negatif sekali.

    Dalam keadaan demikian,suasana dalam Umno turut bercelaru dengan adanya kumpulan dan puak puak yg masing masing berminat merebut menjadi calon.Keadaan menjadi lebih parah apabila ramai calon yg terpilih bertanding bukannya yg disokong olih akar umbi tetapi yg kononnya ditaja olih Tingkat 4 dari Puterajaya.

    Keadaan yg seburok ini tidak pernah berlaku dalam sejarah tanah air dan peluang keemasan ini dimanafaatkan olih pembakang semaxima mungkin.Peluang semacam ini tidak mungkin akan wujud lagi dimasa masa akan datang.Apatah lagi rakyat kini sudah melihat dengan jelas tentang keupayaan ,keberkesanan ,lagak dan perwatakan yg dipamirkan olih para pemimpin parti pembangkang ini.Apa yg nyata mereka ini jauh lebih terok daripada pemimpin Umno/BN.Pendeknya, bagi mereka yg rasional,waras dan tidak taksub kepada sentimen ugama dan perkauman yg menebal mereka akan kembali memilih UMno/BN di dalam PRU akan datang.

    Askar Tua

  5. You said,"Are we cock sure that there is no power push and pull over within the party?"

    Of course there is no power push and pull over within UMNO if there is no cock and bull story created by UMNO people themselves who somtimes have got no principle.

  6. aspan my friend,

    you know, within UMNO there are already moves by certain quarter to destruct somebody's leadership.

    So what you said is perfectly right and I suggest Najib should check within in backyard.

    A little bit is already surfacing bro.

  7. so glaring! muhyiddin is suspected to play foul on his boss.

    the invisible hands behind it is none other than.....oh no not now, we shall see later bro.


  8. Tuan...saya dulu merasa sangsi dengan PR bila mereka memerintah negeri negeri yg dimenangi namun bila contohnya Selangor menubuhkan SELCAT walaupun baru berkuasa dan telah menjalankan tugasnya saya fikir PR memang boleh menggantikan UMNO/BN.

    Selagi persepsi rakyat menyatakan semua pemimpin dan ahli UMNO korup/rasuah mereka akan lemah selama lamanya.


  9. uda,

    Pemimpin UMNO memang keseluruhannya korap.
    Di negeri saya, Selangor, Khir Toyo yang mengaku pernah menjual tempe dan sebagainya mempunyai rumah yg puluhan juta.

    Sampai skrg MACC tak ambil tindakkan. Tetapi pegawai w/rakyat PKR ditangkap dengan isu.2 atau 3 ribu.

    TG Nik Aziz dicari-cari isunya sedangkan Khir Toyo sampai hari ini tak ditangkap dan dibicarakan.

    Siapa tak kenal dengan Nazri Aziz dan Dr Mahathir sendiri.

    Saya bukan menyebelah mana-mana tetapi kerajaan yg berkuasa tidak adil dan saksama.

    UMNO tetap parti yang rasuah. Najib tak mungkin dapat menyelesaikan perkara ini kerana dia sendiri pun dipandang serong dlm hal rasuah ini.

    Habis bagaimana dia nak selesaikan isu Rasuah yang hina ini.

    Harap uda faham.

    jiman. k selangor.

  10. jiman. k selangor

    Memang benar kata saudara. Bila rasuah sudah dianggap biasa dan dengan duit itu digunakan untuk belanja anak bini dan (kawan) bagaimanakah kesannya.

    Sekarang sy mendengar banyak kakitangan awam yg memang dah lama terlibat dalam rasuah...kalau setakat RM10 pun depa kebas sebab nak naikkan fail (walupun kecil tetap rasuah walaupun nama berbeza seperti duit kopi misalnya).

    Pernah depan mata saya mamat ni kerja kat Pelabuhan (teka la agensi kerajaan mana duduk kat sini) boleh bersalam ngan org awam kat luar salam berselit duit. Terkejut saya dan terus saya beredar kerana kalau ini sebagai contoh memang jahanam Malaysia akhirnya.

    Pemimpin Borek Rakyat Rintik

