31 March 2010

Can New Economic Model heals people like Pak Din?

My intuition told me that the unveiling of the New Economic Model (NEM) yesterday wouldn’t be the subject for one to be eagerly waiting for as there was no excitement of waiting.

There have been not much public discussions on the subject and over all not many were watching and listening to the speech yesterday.

Yesterday I was with different groups of acquaintances at 3 different locations and not all knew that PM was unveiling the plans of the NEM.

“Were you listening and watching the NEM speech by PM today?” I asked a friend and he wittily answered, “Oh no! I don’t have the privilege to waste time on it bro. I went to the Lake Club to do some exercise. I think it is wiser thing to do. We have been overly fed with speeches of that kind since 2 decades ago but the happening is from bad to worst. Keep fit by not listening to political rhetoric with gorgeous jargons.”

“You do not want to know what is planned by PM.” I asked him seriously.

“What for bro. listening to the speech may make me ill. It is all ‘wayang bro.’ It is certainly an act of showmanship rather than to divulge the real content and substance, and I am too sure about it. It is not going to happen as said in the speech. No lah don’t let me know anything about it. It blunts my appetite” He said uprightly.

"I have enough of Najib's promises and big speeches with loading promises. All promises evaporate in the air just like that." he continued.

Another friend asked him, “So you choose to apathetic about what’s going on around you? And you think that is right stance? We should take some pain to understand what is all about Din!”

He answered back in Bahasa Melayu, “Eh, aku dah jemu. Nanti aku tanya kau balek setahun dari sekarang; jika ada apa-apa organic differences. Aku jamin tak ada apa-apa! Kita jaga tubuh badan kita baik-baik, kita bukannya muda lagi Aku dah tak baca paper lagi. Berita TV aku tengok section sukan saja. First 15 minutes berita TV aku tak tengok dah 1 tahun. Kau nak menyibuk itu urusan kau. Bila dengan aku kau orang cerita benda lain yang berfaedah. Lebih baik kita belasah roti jala ni”

We can do nothing to anybody like this and I am sure he must be too disillusioned with the happenings of recent time. AND that was not an isolated feeling. It is rampant.

I have not read what the contents of the speech till to this hour, but I do hope that the New Economic Model would heal feelings of many like Pak Din. The apathetic attitude of the public can cause serious political contempt in the long run especially for the Malays.

Economics is the subject that I know too little, and I have a lot of apprehensions to discuss about it. I don't have the economic knowledge like PERKASA President, Datuk Paduka Ibrahim Ali, Ali Rustam, shafie Apdal, Azeez Rahim, Noh Omar and Khir Toyo have.

BUT what matters to me now is how to get back and enlighten the spirit of huge number of people like Pak Din.

We are suffering from crisis of confidence. Not many pay attention to whatever leadership says.

Everyone is free to think otherwise.

Thanks………………………………………….Aspan Alias


  1. How does Najib's Rhetorical new Economic Model compare with the Pro-active, Vibrant & Dynamic Singapore Model?

    If there is no POLITICAL WILL to restore that Westminster style Democracy with the Rule of Law, inline with our our original 1957 Constitution, tackling the Corruption issue, etc as the fundamental basis of our Policies, it just becomes another of Najib's "Syok Sendiri" Rhetorics...


    Even the Hongkong Bloomberg interviewer was not impressed with Najib's "Jaguh Kampung" response.

    He does not have any "Intelligent Leadership Charisma" & looks more like a "Hen Pecked" husband rather than the PM!

    I would like to share this with you...the Pro-active, Vibrant & Dynamic Singapore Model

    Singapore International Political Economy



  2. Flyer 168,

    Thanx bro for your input and opinion. It helps.

  3. Salam bro,

    Penyampaian bagus seperti PM_PM dulu juga. Tapi saya sudah rasakan ini satu lagi pembentangan yang tidak membawa kemana-mana.

    Tapi tengoklah mungkin kali ini ada pembaharuan. Jangan macam yang lepas-lepas.

    Kalau dulu KJ dikatakan mempengaruhi PAK Lah, kali ini ada pula mama dirumah mempengaruhi PM.

    Tak semenggah betul.


  4. Bermacam-macam yang Najib janjikan, perubahan tak juga kunyung tiba.

    Itu lah sebabnya krisis kepimpinan itu bertambah parah.

    Jika tidak ramai yang mempercayai kata-kata pemimpin bagaiman lah kita nak memperkuatkan keyakinan rakyat terhadap kerajaan.

    Sekarang beliau berjanji lagi. Tak tahulah samada ia akan berjaya melunaskan janji-janji beliau.


  5. Bro Aspan,
    Short but nice writing. By the way you should also talk about the 350000 Malaysian of all races migrating to other countries.
    It is awful situation.

    Jalil B

  6. ya abang aspan,

    saya rasa la, your friend right, sebab selama saya hidup la kan, dah 37 tahun... tak pernah saya dengar orang2 berkata " Ahli politik kita menepati janjinya. Tak kira la dari parti mana sekali pun. Ada la orang tua yang dah meninggal, menceritakan janji ahli politik nak buat jambatan.. hmm.. dah meninggal orang tua tu, tiang jambatan pun takde."

    Pada saya, cerita Najib tu maksudnya lebih kurang macam ni jerr... GLC's jual share sebab takde duit... full stop. End of story.. boleh bagitau saya, mana projek yang GLC's jaga ada untung? BO liao alias kosong la... Lepas dia jual, sapa dapat duit tu???
    siapa beli share tu?? Panjang lagi putar belit tu..


  7. Saudara Aspan . melancung luar topik skit

    Rakan rakan semua, kalau nak tahu macamana rapatnya Anwar Ibnrahim dengan regim Zionis Israel sila ikut link di bawah

    GEMPAR; Disini ada bukti terbaru Anwar ada rakan dalam kerajaan ZIONIS Israel

  8. kita anak melayu,
    Pertamanya itu bukan dokumen rahsia kerajaan.
    Keduanya dokumen itu boleh didapati dari kalangan pegawai yang ada acess kepada dokumen itu.
    Ketiganya, Rahman Dahalan yg memulakan isu ini patut sedar yg perjanjian yg ditangani oleh pemimpin kita wujud.
    Keempatnya, isu ini isu bunut kuali mengatakan buntut belanga itu hitam.
    Kelimanya duit rakyat dipergunakan untuk berbelanja kepada atu kontrak yang belum lagi mendatangkan hasil

    Jangan momokkan satu-satu pihak yang keterlaluan.
    Buruknya Anwar kerana tidak ada kuasa.
    Kalau berkuasa orang ramai tidak akan sebut semua ini.
    Sebenarnya Melayu sudah hancur..baik dalam UMNO atau yang diluar UMNO.

  9. Aspan,

    Tak payah tegok di luar...

    Di dalam UMNO sahaja kita semua sudah melihat bagai mana "Komplot2 Puak2 Melayu/Muslim sudah bergaduh antara mereka sendiri kerana $$$ & Kuasa....

    Bukan untuk Rayaat atau Negara...

    The "Self Inflicted, Self Destruct Mechanism" is already in motion...

    Call this the Karma cycle, Divine Intervention, Retribution & whatelse have we....

    Melayu "Di-Hancurkan" oleh Pertubuhan Melayu sendiri semenjak 1969...

  10. You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?
