17 March 2010

NEM announcement - some commentary templates

Let us get away from the MCA issue just for a bit moment. Until the actual rearrangement of settings in the lineup by the respective Presidential Candidates comes to crystal clear, let us smoke cigars on the side line, and say about some other issues fronting us.

Another forthcoming big happening this month is the unveiling of the New Economic Model (NEM) by the PM Najib.

We are certain that all the usual guys who would be called to comment on the NEM are already having their templates set for the purposes of responding to the media calls minutes after the PM speech.

Let us list down the possible templates that are already in place.

The usual professors from various universities who often appear on TV screens would say, “This is the Economic Model, I consider being the best that we have come across. The NEM is going to be the policy that is guarantying the future of the nation and generations. DS Najib has unveiled the best that no other PM before has ever thought of”.

The businessmen cum politicians may have the following to say, “DS Najib has made the 1Malaysia concept comes too real and everybody is going to be happy and everyone is going to enjoy the fruits of DS Najib’s leadership now and forever.”

UMNO leaders can just follow this template; “Kepimpinan DS Najib amat membanggakan kami kerana sifat beliau sebagai seorang yang sangat prihatin terhadap masalah rakyat. Kita boleh menyaksikan keprihatinan beliau melalui ucpan beliau sebentar tadi yang telah mengambil kira kehendak rakyat semua kaum. DS Najib telah menggariskan rancangan seperti membasmi kemiskinan tegar di kalangan rakyat”.

Samy Velu may say, “Ini merupakan satu strategi pembangunan yang amat mantap dan telah mengambil kira nasib kaum India yang amat memerlukan pembelaan. Saya begitu bangga dan MIC menyokong punuh Model Baru Ekonomi yang DS Najib baru umumkan. I have served politics under 5 PMs...this is the best.”

PERKASA may comment in a bit different tone, “Kami menyokong Model Baru Ekonomi yang diumumkan Perdana Menteri, hanya apa yang kami nampak, peluang untuk orang Melayu masih lagi kabur, tidak ada kepastian yang orang Melayu akan dapat menyaingi bangsa lain dalam kegiatan dan peluang ekonomi yang disediakan.”

The estranged PKR Parliamentarian Zulkifli Nordin will say, “It is not Islamic. We have to answer to Allah if we are not planning based on Islamic principles and views.”

Bloggers will surely be commenting, “Apa hendak lagi! Kalau tidak juga menerima apa yang dipaparkan oleh DS Najib, you can go to hell. Kalau Anwar Al-Jubri jadi PM, bolehkah si Jubri ini menggubal pelan baru ekonomi seperti yang DS Najib buat? Boleh blaah laaa!!”

Other credible bloggers may say, “It would just remain a plan. We are apprehensive on the implementation part of it. Better not to comment as this NEM would be announced in two stages. This is just the first stage and we are not sure of the next one.”

Economic editors for the main stream media will give good comments and it may sound, “The government has good plans to prepare for the infrastructure for the nation to emerge as high income nation and thus will attract Malaysian Professionals abroad to return to Malaysia and serve the nation.”

So these are the possible comments that we may read and hear. One thing for sure; all the commentators will understand and digest all contents of the speech instantaneously when TV cameras and media stand in front of them.

It would be made possible as the templates are already in their minds and note books.

I am sure there are many more possible templates of comments, but these are the nearest to the reality.

BUT I hope it will really become reality in outcome of the New Economic Model soon to be announced.

Hopefully the nice stage-managed commentaries will be followed by real and reasonable act of appropriate implementation of the plans with rounded support of the people.

Many are as petrified as in past 2 decades; announcements of policies like this were just acts of national periodical rituals with no stuff.

Let us pray that what is planned by the current administration are with substance of actual economic value for all Malaysian to rejoice.

Well, it’s enough for the day.

Thanks…………………………………Aspan Alias


  1. he..he..he.. you have a naughty piece bro.

    The templates are real man....we normally listen to those kind of praises every time big speeches is done.

  2. Bro. all reigning PMs are the best PM for Samy. You know ha? Can we peciprocate by saying Samy is the best ever President of MIC?..can we??

  3. hehehe... kita pakat2 tengok woyang ramai2 lerr...


  4. Saudara Aspan,
    You must been having watching too much TV.. hahaha

    But, have to say, what you've written very sounded how they are today...

    ~ OnDaStreet

  5. Aspan,

    I feel the New Economic Model, or any other economic models can be sucessful to meet required objectives, provided the following must be done :-

    1) A new and capable well respected economic architect, be appointed as Prime Minister and Chief Executive.

    2) Independance of the Judiciary be restored.

    3) The great "Petronage Machine" be dismantaled.

    4) Impeachment proceedings on previous PM's and members of thier cabinets on crimes against the people.And if found guilty, be stoned to death.

    5) DYMM YDP Agong, be given the power to sack the Prime Minister.

    Sokong, jangan tak sokong......


  6. And please la.. return the oil royalty back to Kelantan people.

    It is just too obvious to ignore (buat tak tahu), and you wanna tackle bigger issue? Okay probably this is not done to avoid incurring the wrath of the 'great' Che' Det.

  7. Blogger flyer168 said...

    Just to share with you a portion of Lee Kuan Yew's Speech at the S Rajaratnam Lecture on 9th April 2009...

    "Singaporeans must always be prepared to maximise our opportunities and manage the challenges. In an era of increasing rapid and convenient transportation and communications, political leaders frequently meet each other at bilateral and multilateral summits; and they become comfortable to phone each other through secure lines.

    Ambassadors do not influence foreign policy so significantly.

    Sound foreign policy requires a prime minister and a foreign minister who are able to discern future trends in the international political, security and economic environment and position ourselves bilaterally or multilaterally to grasp the opportunities ahead of the others. Able foreign ministry officers and diplomats who give insightful recommendations based on dealing with their counterparts and assessments on the ground can greatly assist the Foreign Minister and his cabinet colleagues towards this end.

    But ultimately, it is the Prime Minister and other key ministers who decide on changes in policies. At face-to-face meetings over long hours they can sense each other’s thinking and leanings before their officials are privy to them. Hence, our foreign policy from 1965 was settled by the PM and his key ministers.

    A mediocre PM and cabinet will decline our standing with other countries and we will lose opportunities like the lead we enjoy in Free Trade Agreements or Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreements with the US, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, and our close relations with the oil states of the Gulf.

    Let me return to the complexities of Singapore’s relations with our neighbours. The events that led to our independence are receding into history. These different complexities are not the result of historical baggage, but of basic differences in political and social systems.

    Baggage is something we can discard. Political and social systems we cannot change so easily.

    Singapore is a multi-racial meritocracy.

    Our neighbours organise their societies on the supremacy of the indigenous peoples, Bumiputras in Malaysia and Pribumis in Indonesia. Though our neighbours have accepted us as a sovereign and independent nation, they have a tendency to externalise towards us their internal anxieties and angst against their own minorities. This is unlikely to go away.

    Time has worn down many of the sharper edges in our relations with our immediate neighbours. A habit of working together in ASEAN has also helped. Singapore is now more established, internationally and regionally. Forty years ago, many did not believe Singapore would survive, let alone prosper.

    We have a strong economy, accumulated robust reserves, developed a civil service of integrity and ability, a mature and capable foreign policy team, and institutionalised our systems.

    We have strategic relationships with the major powers. We have a credible defence capability. The SAF is an insurance in an uncertain world.

    Each successor generation of Singaporeans must build on these assets and work out their solutions to new problems, seize new opportunities and avoid impending disasters in an ever changing world. The perennial challenge is to remain competitive.

    To be competitive, we must remain a cohesive, multi-racial, multi-religious nation based on meritocracy. We have to strengthen our national consciousness at a time when the forces of globalisation are deconstructing the very notion of nationhood.

    All countries face this challenge. A country like America has over 200 years of history to bond its citizens.

    We have only 40 years. But so long as the succeeding generations of Singaporeans do not forget the fundamentals of our vulnerabilities, and not delude themselves that we can behave as if our neighbours are Europeans or North Americans, and remain alert, cohesive and realistic, Singapore will survive and prosper."

    Now how does our PM compare with LKY?
