28 April 2010

Kembali kepada Cara PERIKATAN - bhg 2

Hasil dari PRK Hulu Selangor ramai orang Melayu khususnya UMNO telah menyalahkan orang cina kerana tidak memberikan dokongan dan sokongan kepada BN.

Ada pihak yang meminta supaya jangan lagi diberikan bantuan kepada keperluan orang cina yang memerlukan, kerana jika diberikan bantuan pun mereka tidak membantu calun BN.

Penolakkan orang Cina terhadap BN tidak berubah; sama seperti dalam pilihanraya umum 2008 dahulu.

Ada pula pihak yang mengungkit yang pemimpin MCA yang sepatutnya membawa sokongan orang Cina kepada BN telah gagal berbuat demikian dan secara ‘emotional’ meminta agar diketepikan MCA kerana MCA hanya membawa beban kepada BN.

Rumah sudah siap tetapi pahat masih berbunyi kata perbilangan orang Melayu kita.

Sesungguhnya pandangan-pandangan itu ada benarnya. Pada 18hb April yang lalu saya telah memberikan pandangan supaya kita kembali kepada konsep PERIKATAN dahulu, kerana saya dapat merasakan nadi-nadi bangsa Cina yang tidak akan memberikan sokongan kepada BN dalamPRK Hulu Selangor.

Apa yang berlaku pada hari ini memang sama dengan apa yang berkau semasa pilihanraya 1969 dimana orang Cina menarik balek sokongan kepada PERIKATAN.

Dalam keadaan politik yang begitu kompleks yang sedang dihadapi oleh UMNO sekarang ada baiknya kita meminta MCA menerima konsep PERIKATAN kembali.

MCA tidak boleh lagi menupang dagu dan membiarkan hanya UMNO yang berhempas pulas untuk menjayakan BN.

Sekarang dicadangkan agar orang Melayu bertanding dikawasan Melayu dan MCA bertanding dikawasan orang cina sperti pilihanraya 1969 dan sebelumnya.

Lagi pun GERAKKAN boleh dikatakan tiada lagi dalam kamus politik tanahair seperti semasa pilhanraya 1969 dahulu.

GERAKKAN hanya menyertai kerajaan apabila BN ditubukan, maka itu sebabnya GERAKKAN yang Berjaya mengambil alih kerajaan P Pinang sebagai kerajaan pembangkang terus diserapkan kedalam BN semasa Tun Razak menubukan BN pada tahun 1974 dahulu.

Masing-masing parti mesti mengambil tanggungjawab untuk meraih sokongan dari bangsa yang mereka perjuangkan. UMNO raih sokongan dari orang Melayu, MCA meraih sokongan dari kaum Cina dan |MIC meraih sokongan dari kaum India.

Maka UMNO mesti mengambil kwasan yang mejoritinya orang Melayu, MCA bertanding dikawasan orang Cina dan bagi MIC pula carilah kawasan-kawasan yang mempuntai personality kaum India yang terbaik untuk bertanding dimana-mana kawasan yang sesuai, dan biarkan pimpinan untuk membuat penelitiannya.

Dengan cara ini setidak-tidaknya UMNO akan dapat kembali meraih sokongan orang Melayu yang rata-rata sedang mempersoalkan ketegasan pucuk pimpinan hari ini.

Pandangan ramai ahli UMNO dalam kes Hulu Selangor ini banyak benarnya….MCA tidak mampu memberikan sumbangan kepada kekuatan BN.

Jika UMNO kembali bertanding dalam kawasan Melayu seperti semasa PERIKATAN dulu harapan untuk UMNO dfidukung kembali itu masih ada. Mana-mana pihak dalam UMNO yang tidak berpuas hati akan kembali mendukung UMNO dengan jujur.

MCA wajib memberikan tumpuan untuk mengembalikan sokongan kaum cina terhadapnya. Jangan terlalu bersandar kepada UMNO. UMNO mempunyai masalah sendiri yang masih belum terlerai.

Jika pandangan ini ada baiknya tengok-tengokkanlah, tetapi jika ianya tidak ada munafaatnya, anggaplah pandangan ini seperti angin lalu sahaja.

Sekian…………………………………………………..Aspan Alias


  1. MCA is a realistic party Aspan. As long as the Chinese benefits they won't mind losing.

    That is their struggle for their race. Unlike UMNO, MCA is only for their race.

    Have one heard MCA and DAP hitting each other in Hulu Selangor?

    UMNO is different, they are prepared to say PAS as infidel and other bad superlatives.

    That is the difference Encik.


  2. The very painful facts have to be accepted. DAP has higher integrity than MCA.
    That is why DAP is just fitting in for we, Chinese encik Aspan.
    Itu ada salah ka?

    jim yeoh

  3. Lim Abdullah, Kota Bharu.28 April 2010 at 17:07:00 GMT+8

    still talking about MCA bro? that is an obsolete partylah lah bang! Itu party plan..plan..mau mati. Guan Eng lagi bermaruah, tidak macam soi lek.

    sebenarnya bang PAS lagi bagus.

  4. BN supporters are disappointed as the Chinese still voted for PKR in Hulu Selangor despite of the vote purchase.
    They want the Chinese to be like Malays, pay a bit and you get their votes.

    ibrahim jam

  5. It is obvious and clear, it's only UMNO is BN. No MCA and no MIC.

    Just accept itlah!

  6. UMNO is BN while BN is UMNO. MCA is totally dilapidated of support.
    That is the truth.Everyone can say against this view...let them...let them.
    I just joined PKR today.

  7. Please believe me....Hulu Selangor is another Ijok man..

  8. It is very simple deduction Saudra Aspan. Leave the Chinese alone. Don't bother so much.It makes no difference whether they are in the oppositions or in the govt. Their attitude is typical of lalang.Tak lak untung tak lak support punya. Alak untung tentu alak support punya!!

    Their perception now is that the oppositions are stronger than BN and expecting that BN will tombang soon.

    But they are "DEAD WRONG"!!I think they miscalculate the whole poltical scenario expecting PKR to get more support from the Malays. The majority of the Malays have only two choices. Either UMNO or PAS. PKR is only meant for the snobbish elite few Malays in the urban areas only. Not enough to garner mass support from the Malays. I think finally PKR will just fade away without getting any bigger Malay support. When Anwar is no more in the political limelight PKR will be gone forever. Its downline leaders have yet to prove their leadership quality.

    Personally, I feel the Chinese are good in playing "political poker"!!

    It is time for the Chinese to reflect whether their political strategy is good for the nation. If they prefer to continue polarising themselves then it is just too bad.

    The future of this country won't be rosy at all. Believe me!!

    My two sen analysis!!!


  9. Sdr -ADI-,

    Getting the support of the Chinese is the basic ingredient for successful BN.

    Now they are not supporting BN at all and this poses great danger for BN's survival in the future.

    The Malays are also giving much less support to BN as the Malays have PAS and PKR.

    Many Malay intellectuals are tilting to PAS but UMNO supporters hate to admit this.

    Good Malays are now outside UMNO, and the bit of residue of good Malays in UMNO are totally ignored by leaders and members.

    So where do we go after this point?

    How long can we stand buying the voters with projects and cash award?

    I have been writing on this issue so many times months and years ago.

    The Chinese like DAP. Gone were the days where media could damage the DAP like they used to.

    People are more learned now and this is where UMNO fails to keep abreast with.

    I hope I am going to be wrong but deep in me I feel I am to be right.

    Thanks a lot ADI for your concern.

  10. So saudara Aspan what is your contribution in helping UMNO. You seem to be supporting PKR. You really went all out to support Zaid. So I think let UMNO sink for good. There is no ponit of continueing the struggle. THe Malays can support PAS or PKR. Everybody will be happy. And see how it goes!!! For the better or for the worse. Wallallhualam!!Keep our fingers cross. Ada dua harapan sahaja. Tienggelam atau timbul!!!

  11. 'How long can we stand buying the voters with projects and cash award?'
    This is why Moohideen wants to win HS with a 6,000 majority. If UMNO, BN is only an UMNO stooge ok, can win HS with a 6,000 vote majority most of which would be Malay votes UMNO can then claim Malay support has gone back to UMNO. Then UMNO would not have to keep buying expensive kataks and giving out projects to the voters. UMNO is rich but no one has unlimited resources and the civil servants are clamoring for a pay increment. In other words UMNO is running out of money to buy the UMNO contractors and voters.

    By the way the Security Services Association of Malaysia which is entirely Malay and UMNO in composition wants pay hike for guards postponed to next year. In other words postponed indefinitely. So much for helping the underpaid 99.99% Malay security guards. Once again the poor Malays get screwed. I would like to see how UMNO/Perkasa pin this greedy Malay business decision on the Chinese.
