15 June 2010

PM's new nickname : Najib TPM

Do you all know that PM Najib has a new nickname?

It is “Najib tak pernah muktamad’ or with acronym ‘TPM’. It is not easy or pleasurable for anyone to give names to anyone especially to a leader holding a position of a PM.

It certainly derives from the habitual ‘push and pull’ syndrome on almost all of his decisions that make people feel he deserves to be known by that nickname.

A nickname can destroy a leader as the name actualizes from the image that a leader develops and which he carries along with him.

Najib has been seen as retreating all decisions directly or indirectly whenever he confronts public resistance and antagonism. He never decides resolutely.

The latest was on the gambling and betting license which was issued to Ascot Sdn Bhd which is owned by Vincent Tan and in turn sold to his public entity Berjaya Bhd for over half a billion ringgit.

Najib has in fact answered a question in Parliament saying that no license has been reissued to Ascot Sdn Bhd without taking into account that Berjaya Bhd had already notified Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange about the corporate transaction between Ascot and Berjaya Bhd.

His statement in Parliament only created misunderstanding in the House of Parliament and mystifies the general public.

Actually Najib was compulsively lying to the House and it is a severe Parliamentary misconduct. If what he said in Parliament was true than KL Stock Exchange must take action against Berjaya Bhd for reporting non existent deal and transaction as that is a very serious offense.

Najib was saying that no license has been reissued to Ascot which was withdrawn in 1987 as he was waiting for public reaction, and this excuse is very lame as he should not have be seduced or enticed to consider issuing the license in the first place.

He should have anticipated the repulsive and revolting reaction from the Malays as they are Muslims and also from the non Malays as well as the political parties which are dominated by them.

He should have deprecated and disapproved gambling as he is a Muslim himself and the PM of a nation with Islam as the state official religion.

To introduce GST was his personal idea and that too made him as indecisive as there are sectors of public who are not agreeable to the idea and the decision was postponed indefinitely and it seems that would not be reviewed anytime soon.

The plan to take away subsidy on petrol was seriously announced to be implemented in November last year but that decision was withdrawn again.

While the rakyat thumbed up the reversal, thay brought home one point; their PM is never firm or never ‘muktamad’ with almost all he decides.

So he is now called as Najib TPM, or ‘Najib tak pernah muktamad’ in some parts of the market place. Many say that there won’t be anything ‘muktamad’ from Najib, before, present and the future.

Thus how can he transforms the nation as he has promised? There will never be one.

There will be still a stale and musty government waiting for the day of its ruin.

Thanks……… ……… ……..Aspan Alias.


  1. Saudara Aspan,

    This shows that our PM, Najib 'Tak Muktamad' has no balls! Or his balls dah kena pegang orang lain?

    Zaman Pak Lah dulu, orang kata dia PM 'flip-flop'. Nampaknya Najib 'tak muktamad' is no better than Pak Lah.

    Kesian rakyat Malaysia, dulu dapat PM yang asyik tidor saja; sekarang dapat PM yang mamai pulak (tanya orang Kedah apa itu mamai).

  2. One more bos - Najib Bapa Vernakular !

  3. Najib is okay but his life partner spoils him. He cannot decide on his own.

  4. Haha Aspan. That's a gem.
    I was rolling on the floor, laughing. RMAOFL lor cakap orang sekarang.
    Tepat sekali kepada yang Tak Pernah Muktamad.
    I rasa macam ni. Bila dah nak muktamad, Rosy-Posy cakap Tunggu Dulu I belum kata muktamad.
    Ada orang panggilnya Rosmajib, ada yang Jibby, Red Lips.
    Apa lagi kawan-kawan, nama yang boleh diberikan kepada PM kita yang dikasihi??
    Start now..1.2.3.

  5. Dalam politik malaysia ni especially kalau sentuh pasal BN, flip-flop ke apa ke.. mmg tak dapat dielakkan. Kenapa?

    Kalau ikut pemerhatian..blog dah bersepah-sepah kat Malaysia. Media alternative yang mana spade tu dikatakan spade, bukan benda lain. Masa era Mahathir dulu, mmglah takde flip-flop sebab kita takde channel lain utk read+komen alternative view. Kita ikut aja...

    Flip-flop ni mainly terjadi sebab masih terlalu ramai rent-seeker, dan perkara itu dah berakar umbi sehingga sangat susah nak dibuang. So bila ada rent-seeker keliling, mulala keluar keputusan yang entah apa-apa. Menteri pun dilantik sebab loyalti atau atas dasar politik, bukannya sebab depa pandai dalam bidang masing2.

    So Najib ke Pak Lah ke semua mesti flip-flop. Najib cover sikit, so even dah ada decision jadila TPM (konon-konon nak survey pandangan rakyat). Terimalah hakikah rakyat ni tak bodoh dah, sama-ada mereka buat bising atau tidak aja. Buatlah yang terbaik walaupun ia adalah wishful thinking...

  6. Salam Sdr Aspan,

    Nampaknya berbagai gelaran dan panggilan telah dianugerahkan kepada DS PM Najib sekarang.Panggilan Jibby,Red Lips dan Rosmajib telah lama diterima beliau,dan barangkali darjahnya tidaklah berapa tinggi,sekadar membawa implikasi yg kurang mesra.Kemudian itu,baru-baru ini satu lagi gelaran yg agak lebih tinggi sedikit darjahnya,iaitu PINKY telah dianugerahkan kepada beliau.Ekoran dari itu kesan negatif mula terasa.Dengan anugerah terkini dan tertinggi darjahnya,iaitu TPM yg diumumkan oleh saudara itu maka memuncaklah kesan negatif yg akan menimpa beliau.Anugerah ini amat bertepatan dan sungguh signifikan.

    Biasanya apabila seseorang pemimpin itu mula diberi gelaran negatif ia merupakan petanda awal iaitu orang ramai sudah mula hilang rasa hormat dan kewibawaannya juga diragui.

    Gelaran TPM ini memuktamadkan pandangan atau persepsi orang ramai terhadap PM Najib sebagai pemimpin yg lemah dan tidak teguh dengan pendirian atau keputusan beliau.Persepsi ini akan menghakis dan menghapuskan keyakinan orang ramai terhadap kewibawaan dan keupayaan beliau mentadbir dan menguruskan negara ini seperti yg dirancangkan itu.Walaupun perancangan dan dasar yg dirangka itu baik tetapi perlaksanaannya lemah dan tidak dapat dijayakan secara berkesan maka segalanya itu
    akan gagal.

    Jika setiap dasar dan keputusan yg telah diputuskan akan dibatal atau ditangguh apabila mendapat bantahan orang ramai,sudah pastinya segala urusan pentadbiran akan terbantuk dan mungkin tidak dapat bergerak.Kelemahan ini sudah pastinya akan diambil kesempatan sepenuhnya oleh pihak pembangkang.Jika beginilah keadaannya,saya percaya UMNO/BN akan menerima kesan yg jauh lebih buruk daripada PRU 12 didalam keputusan PRU 13 nanti.

    Askar Tua

  7. Did anyone really think that this guy has what it takes to be the PM of Malaysia? But then again, I must point out that UMNO Baru never have or more accurately never was intended to produce politician with statesman stature and that was specifically inbuilt into UMNO Baru by it's creator the ever "hot balloon - mega size ego but there's really nothing inside" TDM. So we've have had a "dicktator" with mega ego for 22 years and then was replaced by Mr No Ego but "Go Slow, I'm drowsy!" and now we have Mr Pink M "Gohead-Gostan" but never ever come!

    Thus I would hope that those "thinking" UMNO Baru members to reflect on this flaw and reassess their raison D'etre.

  8. Najib's red lips-are they for real? or because he applies lipstick/lip gloss three times a day? or Rosmah applies them on him as part of her wifely duties?

    I suggest the PM stop the lipstick routine as it is not helping him with his reputation. I mean, there's a limit to vanity. A total bald look plus dyeing black his eyebrows and mustache will do wonders to his image. A slight tan will also help. Tun Abdullah has a much more macho image than him.

    sri hartamas

  9. if pak lah is label as flip-flop.... maybe najib is gohead-gostan is apt......ie foot ball gambling licence

  10. To my Chinese pals

    Please love Najib more. He's trying very hard to please you.
    He sent his youngest son for an intensive Mandarin course in Beijing.
    According to the mum, the boy sacrificed his summer holiday to study the language.

    ari hartamas

    He was born with the red lips.
    As to dyeing his hair, moustache or eyebrows, I don't think Rosmah will allow it.
    You must remember Rosmah is two years younger than Najib.
    I too prefer him that way.
    Only Anwar, Chua Jui Meng and Zahid Hamidi colour their hair.
    I guess these guys placed more importance on sartorial elegance.

    Bro Aspan

    Apakah hukumnya mengata pemimpin?
    Satu ketika dulu, Tok Guru Nik Aziz kata boleh.

  11. uiet Despair,

    You say that Rosmah is 2 yrs younger than Najib?

    The truth is, Rosmah is 3 yrs older than her husband.

    operater talipon, bahau

  12. Hello talipon bahau

    Esei tau pasal dak Rosmah tu kawan lamo.
    Dak Najib pulak sekolah samo ngan my brother yang mudo pado nyo limo taun.

  13. Rosmah ni bini no 2 Najib....

    Rosmah juga pernah ada suami no 1 sebelum kenal Najib....

  14. @Quiet Despair

    Bukan setakat mengata dibolehkan!...Pemimpin sepatutnya dari mula dahulu patut diperiksa secara critical takut apa cacat-cela padanya dari apa dan mana segi tidak akan mendatangkan mana-mana bala kepada kami yang dipimpinnya. Kerana kita terlampau segan-segan tidak ikut kata ulamak tidak "mentelanjangkan" Najib kita sekarang didepankan dengan cacat-celanya. Salah siapa apa pangilan TPM, C4, Najis, etc sekarang jadi padan dan tepat baginya?
