21 June 2010

Change all or we lose the government

In my last posting I put up my frank and guileless opinion that BN may be able to sustain power at the Federal level but with stiff conditions and provisions. For BN to secure unconditional support like 2 decades ago is now history.

The condition and provision is definitely very tough to implement for leaders who are too used to commit offenses Scot-free with great immunity and no Law can convict them.

UMNO especially has to introspect itself to realize what has gone wrong and must be prepared even to cannibalize the party and to reconstruct it in order to be relevant in the eyes and hearts of the people and the Malays in particular.

The question is how to cannibalize and to reconstruct it?

UMNO must be serious in its attempt to revolutionize this Malay party, to be recognized as the guardian and to take custodian of Malay interest. All adaptation and adjustment to the party have to be done before the General Election.

Easing the pain to a disease is not helping a sick man. What is actually needed is to address the disease suffered by the man.

Taking in 2 tablets of pain killer to ease the regular pain-in-the neck does not help. The real appropriate solution is to address the high blood pressure may be or any other related disease that causes the pain-in-the neck.

So what is the actual disease of UMNO? UMNO is not human; it is just a political organization. UMNO is not able to misbehave or commit any wrong. UMNO has become an almost irrelevant and a destitute party due to the human beings who manage the party.

An important organization like UMNO has rules to follow and there are elements of dos and the don’ts. That is why UMNO has a printed constitution to guide each and every member to digest and follow the rules stipulated in it and those rules are meant to be followed and not to be broken.

BUT there is a small part in the book of UMNO constitution which is of prime importance and should be valued by everyone who wants to be a member; that is the spirit and the struggle of the party. In fact that is the main item of the constitution, and in UMNO, the struggles and the spirit of it is spelt in the article 3 of the constitution.

So with current state of affairs in UMNO, we should by now identify the definite disease of this party. Most of it has been mentioned in my last posting and many more postings in the past years.

CORRUPTION is the mother of all problems in this devilish and irresponsible party. Old and young, veteran and new members are already held ransom by corruption.

With unmitigated corruption in the party and government it brings along a lot of other consignments of devious standards and morals to the leadership and members that compounds the already complicated state of affairs.

CORRUPTIBLE act is an act of an acute and serious THIEVING. In fact it is much serious than an act of thieving.

Stealing will only make the victims in despair but CORRUPTION will affect and ruins what is not stolen as well as it involves tax-payers money and subsequently will send in many other sets of problems like misallocation of public funds and subsequently costs the government (tax payers) mountable amount of money being wasted and ill spent.

Misallocation of funds due to huge corruptible activities of the leaders and the government cost our students their future as there not enough of funds allocated for MARA to send them abroad for training and for their tertiary education.

Gigantic projects are proposed by the government with grand intention of corrupt leaders and implementers to skim from them and it is seldom meant for the real necessity of the rakyat. Public fund stolen through direct negotiation project is enormous and we can safely say that the quantum is in hundreds of billion of Malaysian Ringgit.

Corruption is the no 1 enemy for any country which wants to progress. Corruption rots the main thrust of any system in our case Malaysia as a nation.

Corruption and UMNO is synonymous and it is very tough exercise to do any curative move to stamp out this heinous habit. Old and bad habit like corruption is hard to go unless the people make them go through National Election.

Corruption and UMNO can be summed up by applying a popular Malay proverb, ‘UMNO dan rasuah itu ibarat aur dengan tebing, saling memerlukan diantara satu dengan lain’.

Old habits are hard to die. Can the top leaders of UMNO and BN manage to remove the ingrained opinion among the public that all of them are corrupt? Can they?

A corrupt community or group would not be able to find any solution to corrupt individuals within its group or community. Allowing the group of corrupt leaders to continue ruling the state will only infuriate the public and they will be finding alternative leadership through the ballot box.

While corruption is widely spread in this country no one has been convicted and jailed for that offense. The Ministers, the MBs and high public officers are known to be corrupt but none so far have been convicted.

Years ago Rais Yatim announced that there were 18 high profile corruption cases but until to this date none of the 18 has been brought to court of Law. So the public would not have any more compassion to maintain the UMNO government.

PKFZ issue involved MCA leadership but the Party’s head that had the intention to open up the issue was unceremoniously put aside by highly syndicated move through the party’s EGM recently.

Now that man is not in the Cabinet any longer as his retirement would make Najib and the rest of the MCA corrupt leaders to say on and cover up the case until everyone of us forgets the issue.

The perpetrators survive while the innocents become the scapegoats. They don’t ‘fuck’ care or have any concern over the 12 billion ringgit of public money involved in the scam.

The country is currently ruled by organized mafias and big cartels. Going for the truth is forbidden; we are supposed to be supporting men and women with big and powerful muscles.

In conclusion if the current ruling parties in the BN component still have the burning desire to remain in power, please change the whole lineup of the leaders and replace it with a new set with presentable image and disposition to face the aggravated voting public.

The lineup themselves must be courageous enough to sacrifice for the sake of the party's survival. If they have to go than they have to go.

Don’t ask anybody how to do it. The ordinary members must be in the open to go for that change.

We should only retain the current lineup if we have irrefutably decided to see BN losing the General Election and that is also your basic human right.

Thanks………………………………….Aspan Alias


  1. It is an ideal proposal but UMNO members won't do it bro.

    They rather lose the government. Bet you.


  2. Aspan, cadangan kau walaupun bagus dalam kontek demokrasi, ahli UMNO tak akan beranilah.
    Semua tak bertelor. Kau beranilah! Dengan nama terpampang. Tidak seperti setengah orang, sorok nama, guna nama samaram lagi.

    Tak jadi bro, UMNO tak akan buat. Kita bersedia untuk kalah sajalah!

    Doa-doa menang lagi. Kalau kalah aku pun tak ada sesalan. Mereka yg cari nahas.


  3. Saudara Aspan,

    Pada pendapat saya, apa yang saudara utarakan itu hanyalah sia-sia sahaja; seperti mencurah air ke daun keladi.

    Adakah saudara berfikir yang UMNO akan berubah? Kalau dah biasa makan besar nak kena ikat perut pula? No way ho se!

    Apa kisah kalau UMNO/BN kalah dalam PRU13? Pemimpin sekarang dah penuh tembolok masing-masing. Will they ever care?

    The only way for UMNO/BN to win is through massive electoral frauds and vote buying. Period!

  4. amatMok,

    Saya faham maksud sdr. Itu pun pandangan ramai.

    Saya hanya nak merekodkan yang kejahilan pimpinan UMNO sekarang akan membuatkan parti saya ini terdampar dihadapan rakyat yang terpaksa memilih pihak lain kerana membenci perangai buruk yang tidak mahu diperbaikki itu.

    Betul, pemimpin2 yang telah mengaut keuntungan besar melalui rasuah tidak akan kisah UMNO itu jatuh atau bangun.

    Yang akhirnya dipersalahkan adalah kita, dan mereka tidak akan mengakui kesalahn mereka.

    Begitulah nasib kita ini. Nak buat macam mana?

  5. Salam Saudara Aspan,

    Amalan rasuah dalam UMNO dan juga kerajaan sudah sampai ketahap kritikal dan amat menakutkan.Diperingkat parti,amalan rasuh tidak lagi dikatakan rasuah tetapi ianya disebut sebagai wang sagu hati,wang minyak,wang kopi,hadiah dan wang belanja apabila ianya terlibat secara perseorangan.Apabila dibuat secara rasmi melalui parti/kerajaan seperti meluluskan peruntukan segera berjuta-juta ringgit dalam PRU dan PRK samada untuk melaksanakan projek yg sudah berpuluh tahun tertangguh atau pemberian langsong kepada kaum-kaum tertentu,dikatakan sebagai usaha menyelesaikan masalah dan membalas budi rakyat.Sedangkan dalam tindakan ini mereka telah melakukan dua kesalahan,iatu membeli undi rakyat secara tidak langsung dan serentak mereka cuba membohongi dan memperbodohkan rakyat.

    Diperingkat kerajaan pula amalan rasuah ini lagi parah kerana ianya melibatkan beratus-ratus juta bahkan berbillion ringgit seperti apa yg saudara sebutkan itu.Kegagalan pihak berkuasa mengambil sebarang tindakan akan meujudkan persepsi bahawa kerajaan tidak kisah dan tidak memandang berat tentang rasuah.Sudah tentunya keadaan ini akan menggalak dan membiakkan lagi amalan durjana ini.Amat menakutkan kerana perbuatan rasuah ini adalah satu amalan yg amat berat dan serius yg ,jika tidak dibendung,akan meruntuh dan menjahanamkan kerajaan dan negara.

    Dalam kontek ini,sebenarnya apa yg saudara lakukan ini merupakan satu jihad yg amat dituntut oleh Agama Islam.Agama kita menuntut kita memerangi sebarang kemungkaran dengan apa cara yg termampu,samada dengan tangan,mulut atau,setidak-tidaknya, dengan hati dengan cara membencinya,walaupun ianya dikatakan sebagai tindakan yg paling lemah.

    Jika kebanyakan diantara kita melaksanakan tanggungjawab kita sebagai seorang Islam dan warganegara yg cintakan tanahairnya,dan tidak bersikap negatif dan pasif serta mudah mengalah maka saya yakin amalan mungkar dan durjana ini dapat kita perangi dengan jayanya.Insya-Allah.

    Semoga negara kita terselamat daripada malapetaka yg mungkin akan menimpa akibat daripada perbuatan manusia yg tamak,rakus ,perasuah dan pengkhianat negara,agama dan bangsa yg ada dikalangan kita di negara tercinta ini.

    Teruskanlah usaha saudara yg murni ini.
    Askar Tua.

  6. Aspan, It's normal that to maintain an old 'vehicle' is too expensive.

    It's more so with UMNO, the 'vehicle' which has not been maintained at all.

    Yr idea to overhaul this 'vehicle' is great but they will try to make it fail.

    Hence the 'vehicle' that you are in is going for a breakdown along the motorway.


  7. Orang UMNO skrg ni dah tak peduli lagi pasal rakyat. Yg penting hanya lah berapa banyak yg nak diisi dalam tengkolok mereka. Perubahan perlu pengorbanan yg berani dan perlu datang dari pemimpin teratas i.e. PM sendiri. DS Najib mesti menggantikan menteri kabinet Umno terlebih dahulu mengikut senarai yg telah diberikan. Sekiranya PM tidak beruapaya berbuat demikian, tak perlulah kita buang masa cuba utk buat yg lain termasuk mencegah rasuah dikalangan ahli Umno.


  8. Saudara Aspan
    SATU perbezaan pengikut UMNO berdasarkan pergaulan saya ialah PAS, PKR dan DAP mereka sembang penuh dengan Konsep, Falsafah dan Teori manakala UMNO bila sembang penuh dengan macam mana nak cari makan, yang dah dapat makan macam mana nak makan banyak. Kalau cerita makan saya tengok binatang pun pandai cari makan.

  9. Anon 15.16

    Memang PAS, PKR dan DAP ada konsep, Falsafah dan Teori.
    Tetapi kebanyakanya angan-angan Mat Jenin saja.
    Tidak reti nak melaksanakannya.
    Sebusuk-busuk UMNO, masih lagi menjadi tarikan so-called Ulamaks.
    Dilaporkan Asri contoversy tu akan masuk UMNO tak lama lagi.
    These Ulamaks can give PAS a run for their money.

  10. Bro Aspan,

    Kemasukan Dr Asri dan 100 ulamak ke dalam UMNO(baru) diharap menjadi answer to your prayers, bro.

    2. Semoga mereka dapat melaksanakan tugas mengembalikan UMNO(Baru) menghayati dan meneruskan perjuangan UMNO asal yang telah dimatikan.

    3. Jika usaha mereka ini berjaya, yang untungnya adalah orang melayu juga. Setelah berjaya memulihkan UMNO(Baru) diharap mereka berusaha merubah sikap yang penting adalah orang melayu melangkaui parti politik. Tidak lagi mengamalkan sikap menindas orang melayu yang tidak menyokong mereka.

    4. Dengan kemasukan mereka diharap, perbuatan menganaktiri orang melayu terutamanya di kelantan akan berakhir. Hak Royalti minyak diberi kepada rakyat kelantan.


  11. 100 ulama tak boleh buat apa.....kaki rasuah masih duduk atas kerusi KUASA....

    pepatah Cina. Fish rotten starts with its head.....Ikan mula busuk dar kepala,....ekor ikut jer nanti...

  12. Angan2 Mat Jenin PAS, PKR dan DAP dah rampas 4 Negeri...... Sanusi Junit Dulu suruh amalkan sikap Angan2 Mat Jenin...... Kalau tak percaya tanya orang2 lama... Umno baru telampau reti melaksana dan nak makan banyak hingga rasuah pun dia sapu sekali.. Rais Yatim faham sangat cerita rasuah ni dia simpan banyak cerita rasuan ...betul punya cerita bukan rekaan...

  13. Salam Saudara Aspan

    Apa kita bolehkah menaruh harapan sangat Dr Asri dan 100 ulamak mampu membangun semula UMNO?

    Ada ura-urakah pemimpin hendak atau sudah bertaubat?

    Dr Asri dan 100 ulamak itulah yang banyak berangan-angan Mat Jenin!

  14. Tengoklah Angan-angan Mat Jenin macam mana.
    Kalau nak rebut Putra Jaya 16 Sept, apa benda? Hancus.
    Just take the road to Damascus, boleh?

  15. To Quiet Despair, shankr78, Red Alfa,bat8 and all the anons,

    I must stress that we should welcome anyone, not only Dr Asri but the rest of the Malays.

    An act to stop any Malay to join UMNO is ultra vires and it's a grave misdeed. Remember one thing, UMNO itu Melayu, Melayu itu UMNO.

    BUT it is not the person who joins the party that matters now. It is the perception of the voting public to the party that is worrying.

    You may sit in a coffee shops or any other eating outlets and you can see how the public react when they see UMNO leaders when they sit at neighboring table; they whisper with pungent look at those leaders. They just look down on our leaders and they are not UMNO members or any other political party.

    It's the image..image. This kind of groups are certain voters of the opposition, not that they love the opposition but their hatred towards UMNO.

    They feel that they have been deceived by UMNO leaders and they know how CORRUPTION at work.

    They take every UMNO leader up there are in one way or another is corrupt.

    That's why I say that there need real and massive change in the party for its survival.

    It has to be somewhat revolutionary change, than they can believe that we are serious.

    Thanks bros.

  16. Remember one thing, UMNO itu Melayu, Melayu itu UMNO.

    But what about Melayu Liberal???

    I read a lot of the so called Malay (Pembela Bangsa type) bloggers villifying Melayu liberal...

    So...Melayu Liberal cannot join UMNO... right.....????

    Mamat (I just want to be myself....)

  17. Mamat,

    I am not that learned to understand what liberal Malays are.

    I hail from a kampung and I know I am a Malay.

    I don't know how to categorize myself to which group of Malay I am in.

    A Malay is a Malay; if there is anything attested to the word Malay, than he is not a Malay.

    Can anyone give me some brief of what liberal Malays are?

  18. Bro Aspan

    U are right. I too dont know what and who is a liberal Malay.
    I know only two Malays - pro UMO and pro-Pakatan
    Yes, all Malays and Orang Aslis have the right to join UMNO.
    But I feel Asri's thinking is not in synch with main-stream UMNO.
    Asri is more suitable with Anwar.
    I feel UMNO should be wary of accepting him.
    I fear he will create more headache to UMNO.
    Dont just acccept any Tom, Dick or Harry just to make up the numbers.

  19. Salam brader

    Terima kasihlah tulisan brader dah ada balik dah mcm nak kuatkan semula UMNO..tapi bahasa Inggeris brother hebat sgt lah kena bawa dictionary disebelah..agaknya sbb brader rapat sgt dgn samongkol AK 47 tak..

    Entri ini contohnya amat baik dibaca oleh budak 2 felda yg hanya tinggal mak bapak dio org je yg sokong UMNO tu..budak2 tu taklah PAS atau PKR sgt ..cuma marah kat UMNO je mcm sdra Aspan tak brapa suka kat Najiblah sbb Najib langsung tak tau nak hormat kat KULI..

    Mula-mula saya nak terjemahlah artikel tu ke Bahasa Myu..dah tu ubah fikiran ..lebih baik minta brader Aspan sendiri tulis balik artikel ini dlm bahasa ibunda...

    Brader cuma nak ingatkan ..tobalik tokolontang ko Aspan mmg diingati sebagai hulubalang daik UMNO ..so ..keep it that way-lah bro ...sbb jika terus mcm ni kita takleh lah ambil risiko Karpal & LKS jadi penentu dasar negara Myu ni bro...tolanlah yg pahit pahit tu brader...kulum gula gula kacklah selalu

    Thanks bro my first comment in yr blog ...

  20. Kerajaan Rom dan Parsi pun tumbang bila sampai Kodarnya takusahlah takbur dengan PUTRAJAYA tu duit aku ada dalam pembangunan Putrajaya sebab aku adalah pembayar cukai yang agak banyak dalam setahun....

  21. According to what I read in the anti liberal Melayu blogs. A liberal Malay is defined as those Malays that are basically Western in outlook, secular and does not subscribe to the Malay values (nilai-2 Ke-Melayuan) that is defined by let say Utusan, Berita Harian and the vocal Malay rights groups.

    So, as for me. I value liberal democracy, individual liberty and limited government and a liberal social order.

    So when I read those blogs, I feel that I fit the category of a liberal Malay- i.e. the Zaid Ibrahim type etc...

    So I guess I will not join UMNO as people there don't like (don't accept) people like me.... Perhaps at best they will accept me as a card carrying member, ikut saja... yes man only... don't say anything... but the minute I open my mouth and talk about what I believe in... sure kena hentam habis punya... ha ha ha...

    But it does not matter... i suppose I can live without UMNO

    And definitely I don't like PAS or DAP. Different ideologies...

    And even PKR..

    For PKR, I am not confident with the party - with so many of them turning into frogs...

    In Indonesia I may be called Golput - Golongan Putih - the kind of people who do not support any political parties during the New Order

    Anyway, back to the normally accepted definition of the Malay person...

    Can a Malay person "di-buang bangsa" i.e. 'di-nyah bangsa' because he or she proudly declare him/herself as a liberal Malay...?

    Perhaps there should be a term called : Pasca-Melayu... he he he...


    p.s. Refer to - Goenawan Mohamad
    (Catatan Pinggir Majalah Tempo, 17 Maret 2008) for a discussion of the term pasca Melayu

  22. Apa cerita Dr Asri pulak.....
    Apa ke benda ni... Mintak tolong dengan orang luar UMNO betulkan UMNO dan kuatkan UMNO.... Dr, Asri mirip kepada WAHABI... Aku bukan nak salahkan Wahabi tapi bila aku teliti siapa yang mirip Wahabi ni biasanya tak boleh ngam dengan aliran terbanyak dalam UMNO yg mendakwa Ahli Sunah Wal Jamaah,,, Tapi Politik punya pasan SAPU je... boleh Cover sikit penyakit UMNO yg sedang di hadapi dan akan terus membesarkan lagi penyakit yg sedia ada......
