05 July 2010

Najib - Team Manager for Primadonas?

In my last posting I wrote the preamble about the whole issue of Felda which the public is obliviously shunned out from the whole truth and I promised to continue on writing to the best of my knowledge about the comings and goings in Felda.

BUT let me take a brief leave on Felda issue as I am more enthusiastic to write on Najib’s messages in his speeches when they were speaking at the Pekan and yesterday.

In Pekan we expected Najib to give a new lead as how to go on with managing UMNO which is waning day by day in support and the clear corrosion of the party members sense of belonging towards this 22-year old party.

He only touched on the same ancient issues like calling every UMNO member to work as a team and to work hand-in-glove with the leadership.

He quoted example of the football world cup teams which we saw and unexpected to win over the favorites because of their good team work. He had said this in Bagan Datoh last week and he is repeating the same in his own Division yesterday.

He said,"I don't want to see primadonas who only play by themselves and who thrive to score the goals themselves."

BUT is he a good team manager in the first place? A good teamwork should come from a good team manager. How is Najib going to mange a good team with good teamwork if there are still loads of defective player in his team?

How to have good team players when Nazri is still in the forward? How could we have a good teamwork when Nor Mohammad Yaacob is still in the team when he is suspected of ‘selling’ the game for personal wealth and gains?

Why is he still allowing Rais Yatim to be the player when he has no more stamina to initiate a counter attacks against the opposing team? To counter attack the team needs fast player to do it. How can he rely on Rais to counter attack when he is not able to run even to the middle of the field?

He has the expertise of amusing the team manger and that makes him to be the most lasting player in the team. Mohammad Hasan is another player who is in the same league with Rais.

What about our defense? Does Najib really understand what he says? The defense lineup are the MBs. Can Mohammad Hasan defend NS? Most of UMNO divisions in NS and its ordinary members in the state think that he is just a primadona of the state.

So does Rais. In NS team nobody wants to pass the ball to him as he is not capable of returning the passes to other members of the team. He is a loner in the team and wants to score the goal himself. Rais, and Mohammad Hasan can’t even take a short penalty kick. In short all the players in NS are primadonas like what Najib is saying loudly.

NS team are almost certain to loose to the opponent if the team manager for the state is not replaced within these few months to prepare with viable and strong team for the next tournament.

I am too sure that in other states there are only primadonas, just ‘shok sendiri’ and they are hordes of political ‘masturbators’.

What is the reason for these weak players in the team? Normally in any football team the team manager would be blamed and be made accountable. All the team managers of the early favorite’s teams which did not perform have left South Africa for home.

In France the team manager was question by Parliament for their dismal performance in South Africa. Maradona’s fate as the Argentinean team manger is at stake and decision on him will be made known in 2 weeks time.

So does for the England’s team manager who led a failed English team South Africa, Capello. The chances of them being unceremoniously dropped as team managers are almost certain because of their failures to form good teams in the World Cup in South Africa.

Now let us look at our own team. Najib is the team manager. Has Najib succeeded in fielding good players in his team? Right now his national team is impregnated with players who play for the expensive club and they are too used to big money and prizes.

They are not interested in getting a win for the team and the nation. They are just interested in money and glamor and they actually the real primadona in the real sense of its meaning. They want the balls by themselves.

In actuality our team is a lineup of primadonas that Najib mentioned in Pekan.

If Najib is serious to have a good teamwork for the national team he can just choose one of the two options available for him; firstly he should change the players altogether and find those who are capable of playing as a team player. OR he resigns as the team manager as the nation is going to question his capability to lead a good team.

Najib needs all the courage to do either one of those 2 options.

If he chooses to resign as the team manager than he can join people like me who play at the position like many others are capable of; that is to play the ‘right outside’ position.

The ‘right outside’ is very safe position. We will still be in the stadium but the position is about 15 meters away from the playing field. At this position we can shout and yell and it is easier to see where a team goes wrong.

We can shout at the players if they don’t perform and we shall clap our hands and extend them with gratitude and appreciation if they perform by scoring reasonable number of goals and ultimately win the matches.


  1. Salam Saudara Aspan

    UMNO must have a moral and principled leader - the above head and shoulder kind to Lim Kit Siang, Anwar Ibrahim and Haji Hadi. It now seems PM Najib can never be to us looking up to him kind of leader?

    So the next best thing is PM Najib must be the top notch Manager! And we say he can never be what with he has are sub-standard players/team members?

    We have now reached to the same earlier conclusion that UMNO has no leadership be it in a person or in ranks of leaders. And what has it become!

    Malaysia and in particular the Malays in UMNO are living dangerously in dangerous times, aren't we?

  2. saudara aspan,

    tengok muka najib ni pun macam primadona jugak....muka bulat dengan bibir merah jambu...

    dia nasihat orang lain tapi tengok bini dia, botox rosma ni macam primadona , sebiji macam imelda marcos....

    entah berapa juta ringgit handbag kat bilik dia...mungkin ada dalam 100 handbag berpuluh2 ribu ringgit beli masa shopping kat london, paris dan new york...

    bini sendiri tak boleh control tapi nak nasihat orang.

    Pernah dengar cerita insider yang telah bagitau RPK bahawa Najib ditampar oleh Rosmah di bilik meeting depan orang kat Mindef....

  3. Saudara aspan,

    Najib kata RPK ini pembohong besar.....betul ker....

    orang paling dikhendaki di Malaysia ialah RPK, kenapa???

    Is RPK so called crime worse than what Razak Baginda did??

    Razak Baginda slept with Altantuya (no syariah case, why??), got commissions in submarine deal, now shaking leg in London with his family while RPK is being pursuit.

    Razak baginda has abetting to killing or hiding powerful people behind the blowing up of Altantuya.

    RPK has said he only giving info by what his Deep Throat in the Armed Forces Intelligence friends have told him about Rosy and a colonel and his wife being at the place of the killing....

    The two killer UTK faces never been revealed...why?? will they be executed or there will be some kind of wayang with some drug addicts taking their place....

    Just like Hollywood movie...send them out to Indonesia or Europe with few millions with their family.

    We dont even know whether they are in Jail or not at the moment. No news of execution date also...

  4. Salam Saudara Aspan,

    Ternyata sekarang PM Najib tidak mempunyai keberanian,keazaman dan keupayaan untuk menjadi pengurus pasukan yg handal dan berkesan.Beliau mungkin ternampak sebagai seorang pengurus yg bijak dalam aspek teori dan perancangan di atas kertas.Beliau juga semacam tahu tentang segala kelemahan dalam pasukannya.Perkara ini terbukti dengan adanya gesaan dan kesungguhan beliau menasihati ahli-ahli UMNO supaya berubah dan berkerja kuat sebagai satu pasukan.

    Dengan pengalaman yg ada padanya yg diperolehi melalui proses memegang pelbagai jawatan di dalam parti dan kerajaan sekian lama,dan dengan daya inteleknya yg tinggi,beliau pasti tahu bagaimana cara dan kaedah untuk merubah, memperbaiki,memperkukuh dan memperkuatkan pasukannya supaya ianya menjadi sebuah pasukan yg mantap dan berkesan yg boleh menjamin kejayaan.Malangnya,setakat ini, beliau didapati tidak mampu bertindak dan menterjemahkan segala teori dan perancangan kepada gerakkerja dan perlaksanaan yg diharapkan itu.Kegagalan beliau berbuat demikian ialah kerana beliau,secara semula jadi,tidak mempunyai sifat keberanian dan ketegasan yg diperlukan bagi menghadapi keadaan dan suasana politik yg dihadapi sekarang.

    Barangkali beliau hanya sesuai menjadi nakhoda kepada sesebuah kapal yg cuma melayari lautan yg tenang dan laluannya mudah sahaja serta dibantu pula oleh anak-anak kapal yg terlatih,setia dan fokus untuk mencapai misinya.Dalam keadaan sekarang ,dimana lautan terlampau bergelora dan anak-anak kapalnya keletihan dan terlalu leka dengan urusan peribadi, beliau mempunyai hanya satu option sahaja(bukan dua) iaitu,"...he resigns as the team manager...".

    Askar tua

  5. Hahahahaha.... Good one...again !

    Siapalah bagi modal cerita bola kat najib, Najib dah jadi macam maradona, konon dialah yang paling tererr. Bila kena balun, malu tak terkata.

  6. Bos, nak linkkan cerita ni and maybe c&p a few notes in my blog.

  7. Sdr dinturtle,

    No worries bro, you may c&p any line of my article in your blog bro.

  8. Askar tua,

    Orang putih kata 'Plan your work, work your plan.'

    Dalam kes Najib ni, hanya ada 'plan your work' TAPI tak ada 'work you plan'. Mungkin atas sebab-sebab yang anda huraikan.

  9. Saudara Aspan,

    Saya harap saudara dapat delete Parpukari dari blogroll sdr. Artikelnya jelek dan memualkan dengan panggilan nama yang tidak beradab. Kalau begini blogger UMNo berperangai, orang2 atas pagar seperti saya semakin jauh. Lihat artikelnya sebelah. jijik!
