11 August 2010

Thumbs up for Khalid Ibrahim.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is invited to sit in the state mining subsidiary KSSB and this is the best way to proof to every quarter that the state is practicing transparency in its administration. Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim wants MACC to be together in KSSB to observe that there is no element of corruption and abuse in handling the sand issues in the state.

This is certainly a courageous move and if is accepted the issue of alleged corrupt practices in KSSB will be instantaneously be put to an end. BUT this move might no be liken by Noh Omar or Khir Toyo as they have to unearth other issues to harm the reputation of the Selangor PR government.

If everyone is serious to observe intelligibility and transparency on sand mining issue in this richest state, the invitation by the Selangor MB for the MACC to sit in the office of KSSB must be accepted with ovation from the public.

So far this move is the most courageous among all the states in the country and the clear intention to combat corruption by the PR MB of Selangor would be a huge contribution to Pakatan Rakyat in securing the public confidence from the voting public.

I would suggest that TS Khalid Ibrahim should give UMNO the credit for being an effective opposition in the state Assembly and let us call upon the rakyat to let UMNO to remain as opposition and PR as the ruling party in the state.

So this is another proof that UMNO is an effective opposition and no other party can play a good and effective role as an opposition. so let them be on the opposition bench, say for another term in Selangor State Assembly.

On contrary Khalid and his team should deserve a praise for being sensitive to issues surrounding the public interest and now we have already discovered the best resolution in running the Selangor State government; PR be the ruling party while UMNO and BN as an effective opposition.

If UMNO can play a good role as an opposition in Selangor it may be a good idea that it be applied in other state governments and subsequently followed by the Federal government in Putrajaya.

As long as the government is a government with accountability and the leaders do not appropriate anything owned by the rakyat and be prepared to be observed by the agency to check on any corruptible activity give them the chance to rule.

What matters most to us is the leaders administrating us are responsible and accept the separation of power both in the state and at Federal level.

May be TS Khalid should also invite representative from MACC to sit as an ex-officio member in the State Exco meeting. If that is done PR will remain in power in Selangor and that will be a good testimonial exhibit for the public to evaluate the worthiness of the government that PR rules.

Interesting, isn’t it??


  1. negeri Selangor negeri berlobang-lobang, ni yang kau banggakan...

    lakonan lakonan, dari jauh orang dah bau busuk, masakkan boleh ditutup dengan lakonan macam tu..

    rakyat tak sebodoh Khalid lah Aspan..

  2. Would Khir prefer to remain as opposition when he's the one targeted zero opposition for Selangor prior to PRU-12?

  3. Apa ke halnya ni Saudara Aspan?
    Cakap orang UMNO tapi syok kat PKR.
    Baik isytihar jadi orang kuat Anwar.
    Tak tahu ke kita merana bawah PKR Selangor?

  4. Jakun,

    apa yang u meranakan?

    keduanya salahkah saya kalau saya puji kerajaan yang ingin peluang kepada rakyat melihat MACC tengok pentadbiran dari dekat? Bukankah tindakkan berani.

    Apa pula kena mengena dengan Anwar. There is nothing personal or politics here.

    We should be lavish in praising good things and deeds.

    It's has been too long waiting for sanity in politics of the state where I reside.

    If we have been good why did the people choose PR instead of BN in the last GE?

    To anon 20:16, I just want you to answer one straight forward question: Are you telling everyone that the rakyat were 'bodoh' in the last GE?

    You better ascertain who are the ones who were 'bodoh'

    Thanks a lot.

  5. Sdr2,

    Lupakah bagaimana rasuahnya Khir Toyo dulu?

    Habis dikebasnya. Bini pun sama naik, ingat?

    Kali ini biarlah saya undi PR buat pertama kalinya.

  6. mahaza, khir Toyo may get what he wanted, ie the zero opposition...meaning BN may loose all.

  7. bro Aspan, anybody can say anything, over all PR government is better than previous BN administration.

    it's UMNO which is trying to admonish the PR gov.

    the worst of PR is much better than the best of BN.

    be brave to admit it.

    umno, ttdi

  8. Yes bro, UMNO is fit to be an opposition and the party can remain to be at the opposition bench.

    It's UMNO pressure that make TS Khalid called for MACC to sit in KSSB.

  9. yes aspan, ganyang itu jakun

  10. Anon 2 yang puji Khir Toyo mungkin bermimpi nak ikut sekali pergi Disneyland Tokyo kot.

    Banglo Bali Khir Toyol kat Shah Alam memang cantik dari luar dan atas....Harap kita semua dapat lawat ke dalam seperti yang di buat ADUN UMNO dulu tu....

    Kalau UMNO nak buat baik, bermula dari negeri2 yang masih dikuasai mereka. Tunjukkan kepimpinan yang tiada rasuah, telus dan berintegriti.

    Jangan asyik memekik tak tentu hal psl pembangkang, pasir etc...curi pasir ni semua didokong kroni2 umno....apasal ganggu kerajaan negeri? Apa polis buat? Kenapa Polis tidur ???? Kalau orang curi pasir , angkut lori, apasal polis x boleh tangkap ker...lori speeding 300km/hour ker??? Jangan wayang la dgn kamera TV3 dan Karam Singh Walia...kalau ada pun orang PR bikin salah, kena sack mcm DAP tu...kalau AG nak dakwa dia, buat lah....

    ...melaka pun dipimpin ali rustam tidak ada idea yang betul2 memikat pengundi....mcm asyik tidur jer....cerita2 bodoh dari MB ni adalah keluar paper mcm nk beli 'eye of malaysia'

    MB2 dari Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perlis, Sabah dan Sarawak pun senyap jer...semua low profile....sibuk balun kot sebelum kalah GE nanti....

  11. Bro Aspan,

    Masih ramai lagi MENTALITY kampong macam JAKUN, anon 22:16 menyebabkan bangsa melayu tak boleh maju..

    Kalau berpolitik itu, kalau membenci seseorang atau parti, dia akan membenci sampai MATI, tak kira seseorang itu membuat KEBAIKAN yang direstu TUHAN...

    Kita mengutuk Yahudi berfahaman Zionis...
    Tapi sebaliknya kita pun berfahaman Zionis...lagi BUSUK dari Yahudi zionis


  12. memaang baik tindakan itu...bukankah ini antara keterbukaan yang dilaungkan dalam 1Msia PM Najib?

    Salahke kalau kata baik...

  13. Sesungguhnya...orang-orang Muslim sedang "berpuasa" (bukan setakat lapar & dahaga saja...)jadi berilah komen anda yang membina dalam bulan yang mulia ini.
    Syabas saudara Aspan kerana bersikap adil, tindakan yang baik haruslah di puji & yang tidak elok itu haruslah ditegur bukan dikeji...tidak kira samada PR atau BN kerana tanpa rakyat tiadalah kerajaan.

  14. Sir,

    My full admiration to you as a muslim and as a malay saudara. Yes, let us all do what's right and stick to "amal maaruf, nahi mungkar". To those hooligan who are still not mentally fully developed, let them keep on barking and we know that they are excellent at that...barking! Sir, you're in my prayers and in the prayers of all muslims. May GOD be with you always.


  15. Jakun

    Benar cakap awak tu. Blog ini jadi macam blok penyokong PKR pulak.
    Semunya puji memuji. Tak de bantahan.
    Hambar saja. Takkan takde yang sokong UMNO.
    Pergi ke blog orang UMNO. Semua dibenar bersuara.
    Ke mana pergi si Quiet Despair dan Shamsul Anuar dan Joyce?
    Seronok tengok mereka berdebat. Rancak jadi blog ni.
    Kita boleh ramai-ramai taruk depa.
    Ini yang ada Schenker dan Nick yang mual tengok mereka mengampu.

  16. Orang UMNO akan merana kerana tak lagi dapat projek free untuk jadi kaya. Tengok saja Istana Arwah Zakaria di KLang.
    Pak Tua

  17. So shallow mentality, whenever you talk facts you're labeled as Pro Opposition....
    I suggest those "diehard fans" of umno, worship umno as religion and idolise umno "corrupt leaders" as prophet..

    May umno bless you

  18. Saudara suksa Debat,

    Saya banyak kali juga beri ulasan. Tetapi saya perasan banyak kali juga ulasan saya tak disiarkan.

    Apa yang saya nampak kes pasir menjadi-jadi bertambah teruk dibawah pemerintahan kerajaan sekarang.

    Dan dalam hal berlainan, saya dibewritahu oleh kawan saya yang berasal dari Sabak Bernam, habis segala bangsal dan tanaman yang diusahakan oleh penduduk kampung ditanah kerajaan dimusnahkan.

    Kalau dizaman UNMO memerintah, ia benarkan orang kampung usahakan tanaman dan mohon tanah TOL, kini semuanya dimusnahkan.

    Saudara Aspan munkin tak "nampak" yang orang Melayu di Selangor Rata-ratanya menyesal pilih PKR. Mula-mula kepercayaan pudar bila Anwar tak berani bersumpah.

    Kedua menyampah juga bila tempat maksiat berkembang subur di Selangor.

    Saya tak pasti aspan ahli UMNO atau tidak. Kalau dia ahli UMNO, mungkin tak ada orang pernah bagi tahu dia akan UMNO pun ada jasanya juga.

    Dari cara Aspan cakap, seolah olah UMNO terlalu rasuah. Ye ke? Tapi dia tak pernah tanya kenapa hasil pasir di selangor menjunam bila PR memerintah.

  19. UMNO ini agak defensif sekarang ni bro. Kita tahu lah kerana kita sudah 39 tahun menyertai UMNO ini termasuk UMNO lama dululah.

    Saya ketawa melihat UMNO menggunakan isu pasir, sedangkan semasa UMNO memerintah dulu Selangor tidak pernah dapat lebih dari RM5juta setahun, sedangkan PR tahun ini sahaja sudah mengutip hampir RM15 juta. Itu pun belum cukup setahun lagi tu.

    Saya bro ada masalah dengan ahli-ahli cawangan saya. Mereka ahli UMNO tetapi berapa kerat sahaja yang akan mengundi UMNO?

    Hampir kesemuanya nak undi Pakatan.

    Ketua cawangan lain pun begitu masalahnya. Nasiblah!

    ketua cawangan frust, selangor

  20. There is no way UMNO can come backlah Aspan. Keyakinan UMNO akan kembali diselangor, ibarat mimpi disiang harilah tuan.

    To UMNO, go somewhere elselah.


  21. Shansul anuar,
    Kes pasir makin menjadi-jadi bwh kerajaan PR kau (kononnya) 'nampak'..
    Mase BN dulu, untung pasir sekitar 5 juta, bawah PR untung pasir belas2 juta kau pulak 'x nampak'?

    Bro Aspan,
    I respect your opinions..you r so open..unlike some goons like Jakun@sewaktu dengannya...macam katak dibawah tempurung.....umno dh nyawa2 ikan pon, still berlagak macam tuan..ceh..

  22. Suka debat,

    You accuse us of sucking up? Mengampu? To what end? Hoping to get a contract from Aspan, getting a gomen tender with Aspan's recommendation letter? Hoping for duit raya from Aspan? Wanting to be bestowed with " Wira Bangsa Melayu" or "Hero Melayu" from UMNO Bkt Bendera? Come on lah guys! If you have irrefutable facts and argument to put forward, just let us have it! Otherwise don't insult our intelligence with lame labels and accusation! Or better yet, just grow a brain! Then let's have a proper debate!


  23. I'm looking forward to your comment on why MACC cannot find anything wrong in Toyol's rm24m mansion. How this guy, born in Indonesia, can be a MB of the richest state in M'sia. Maybe, just maybe, he was picked by someone who wasn't a 'pendatang' himself from Chennai.

  24. Dear anonmymous,

    Correction. Dr Khir was born and bred in Malaysia. He is off a Javanese descent.

    At eve of independence, his father was already the subject of The then sultan of Selangor. I fail to understand the rationale of your remark.

    Since when it becomes an issue. For your info, Kit siang was only recognised as citizen of this country at stroke of independence.

    As for "pendatang" dari Chennai, there is nothing to be embarassed with your ancestors. I am sure you are proud of your ancestor even if they came by tongkang to find "rezeki" in land ruled by a muslim Malay Ruler.

    The difference is that the "pendatang" became PM. With the post( so much coveted by Anwar until he believes he can play GOD), he had the right to choose who became MB. and he chose DR Khir.

    That is his right. And you need to respect his choice.


    Actually you got the fact upside down. Better verify your "facts" first. The sand revenue is much greater under BN as compared with that of under pR. The RM5 million is actual;y revenue from PR era. The revenue during Dr Khir's era is much bigger. Check your facts first.

    Yes Sir. that is the fact. As for Khir's mansion, until today MACC is unable to find any fault as there is none in the first place.

    Dr Khir had published the facts ( together with receipts) in blogs. Despite whatever he said, people like you still cant accept reality thaT he bought the mansiion for less than RM5 million.

    Instead, you chose to believe what a grocery shop owner said. I believe that guy was getting personal as he was suspended for throwing ( literally) books in the State Assembly during Khir's tenure as MB.

    As for Aspan, the way he talks shows that he does not believe in UMNO. So, my advice is just leave UMNO. If in his writing, he cant even admit one good thing that UMNO did, then leave.

  25. Shamsul Anuar,

    did you ever go to school? Did you read report about the sand issue? You are the one who shud check the facts.

    Who are u to ask bro Aspan to leave UMNO? Berapa tahun awak jadi ahli UMNO?

    Belajarlah lah sifat 20. Sifat bersalah salahan itu bukankah menjadi ascence agama kita.

    Aspan marah UMNO sekarang kerana UMNO tidak berjasa seperti dulu.
    Lain-lain perkataan UMNO pernah berjasa tetapi tidak lagi sekarang. Jadi salahlah anggapan sdr yang Aspan tidak pernah mengaku UMNO itu pernah berjasa. Kalau kau baca tulisannya sejak setahun yg lalu kau akan jumpa fakta ini.

    Shamsul, you burden UMNO with your narrow minded thinking. Your are a fuck up UMNO member.

    You must be wasting your time in school. I bet you. Baru jadi ahli UMNO setahun jagung dah nak jadi juara.

    Kamu ni ibarat anak muda julung berkeris, hinggakan batang pisang pun kau nak sanggah. Bodoh!!

  26. Shamsul Anuar,

    As Anonymus
    (14 August 2010 06:27:00 GMT+08:00) mention, is you that should check your facts...

    Actually you got the fact upside down. Better verify your "facts" first. The sand revenue is much greater under BN as compared with that of under pR. The RM5 million is actual;y revenue from PR era. The revenue during Dr Khir's era is much bigger. Check your facts first.

    Sand revenue is greater under BN??WTH?? still duduk bawah tempurung ka?

    It's OBVIOUS that MACC unable to find any fault on Khir Toyo case..not only Khir Toyo but of all of the BN top gun....e.g, the latest is Taib Mahmud million dolar business empire..why MACC just stay silent?? Sarawak Report have revealed so much evidence...

    If you are not AWARE, what MACC currently doing is hunting BN's Ikan Bilis and the oppostion. I hope there wont be another TBH.

    Eventhough Chinese and Indians are 'pendatang'(quoting you)..Bumi ALLAH ni luas...sama2 la kita berkongsi & makmurkan.....

    Jgn duk bwh tempurung lagi ye, g la surau selalu, dgr kuliah...baru terbuka sket hati tu..

  27. You see? we just read the issue of sand revenue last week in the main stream media.

    Under BN the revenue had never gone up above 5 million, while the current state government until had collected 15 million.

    The UMNO rouges still insist that BN government collected more.

    This is the quality of UMNO minds. They are just menegakkan benang basah. So UMNO deserve to loose again.

    Bila dah pandai membaca dan menulis nanti baru boleh kita undi.

