04 January 2011

Selangor impasse - Opportunity for PR and BN to work hand-in-glove.

I am anxiously waiting for the sequence of events after the Selangor State Executive Councilors headed by the MB Khalid Ibrahim had an audience with HRH the Sultan of Selangor yesterday.

At the press conference Khalid told the crowded media crews that HRH had said that he has no more power to accept or to reject any nomination for the State Secretary post by the PSC. The power used to be constitutionally provided to him had been repealed by the Legislative during the UMNO-staged constitutional crisis in 1993.

The power was totally transferred to the Federal Government and HRH had advised the State Government to resolve crisis with the Federal authority amicably.

Now the PR led State Government is calling for an emergency sitting of the State Assembly to amend the constitution, giving back what was withdrawn from HRH Sultan of Selangor during the 1993 constitutional crisis. The amendment is expected to be unanimously supported by the members of the State Assembly including by the Law-Makers from UMNO and BN. UMNO has to support the proposed amendment as taking the reversed decision will put UMNO at odd with the Royal House.

To some political opinion UMNO is trapped by its own liable and ill intended acts. Since the Perak coup de tat almost 2 years ago UMNO had been hiding in the arm-pit of the Malay Rulers and had been trying desperately hard to lay wedges between the Rulers and the alternative coalition (PR).

UMNO does not realize that the Malay Rulers do not have enough power to protect them any longer and that is the result of the amendments they initiated on the constitution pertaining to the role of the Malay rulers.
The amendment that repealed the provision in the 159 (5) and the 181 (2) in 1993 was fatal for everyone as it reduces the power of the Malay Rulers to protect the Malays and safeguard the non-Malays.

But let us forget about the desolate past and we just look forward to see that both sides of the divide to work hand-in-glove to resolve the impasse. PKR has 35 in hands in the State Assembly, short of 3 to make up the 2/3 majority of 38 for the proposed amendment to go through.

It will be uncalled for BN representatives especially from UMNO not to support the amendments. If UMNO representatives are not with the amendment then their talk and shout about ‘mendaulatkan Raja-Raja Melayu’ all these while are all fallacies and not more than just hollow political slogan.

Borrowing one of the Malay proverbs, ‘nanti mata berpandangan budi kedapatan’; eventually the rakyat will decide. Do not forget that we are under the watchfulness of the thinking rakyat.

To both side of the divide, just do the needful.


  1. Bro,

    1. dalam permainan isu SS ini, UMNO(baru) dah kena checked mate dengan TS Khalid. Khalid should proceed with DUN sitting as soon as possible dan mesti adakan ntk merobah ketidakseimbangan of might antara UMNO baru dengan pembangkang, khususnya di kawasan majoriti melayu dan malay heartland.

    2. Itu satu perkembangan yang menarik untuk kita perhatikan. Apa akan jadi dengan roterik ketuanan melayu yang menjadi senjata berbisa UMNO baru selepas ini, masih berbisa lagikah atau sebaliknya. Bagaimana respond orang melay kepada UMNO baru pasca pindaan itu nanti.

    3. Mengenai cadangan kerjasama BN dan PK selepas ini, sat persoalan perlu ditanya dahulu. Bolehkah ke BN khususnya UMNO Baru bekerjasama diatas satu platform baru yang samarata? Sedangkan selama ini UMNO baru hanya tahu bermain diatas platform yang menyebelahinya sahaja?


  2. Tn. Hj. Aspan,
    BN sokong pindaan ini maka PM kena istiharkan cuti umum la sempena 'HARI INI DALAM SEJARAH' Kan mata pelajaran Tawarikh nak diperkenalkan semula. Mana aci menang bola piala suzuki dapat cuti umum. Hari penting buat daq je..Rakyat..He3..
    -sender Rakyat Penang lo.

  3. UMNO has to change to UMYES.
    This time, we can see who's the 'PENDERHAKA' --- UMNO is PENDERHAKA forever.

  4. hehehe...belum nampak draf dah ada yg nak melompat!...DAP nak kembalikan kuasa sultan?!...yg ada 'Sultan berkuasa dalam sesuatu hal tapi wajib mendapat pandangan atau nasihat MB(dlm kes Selangor...DAP la!)

    Oh ye!...tak nak mintak nasihat sheikh karpal ke?...diakan orang yg paling menyanjung sultan...sampai 2 orang sultan nak disaman!!

    hehehe...keluar dulu draf baru tengok sapa yg terperangkap!!

    opps!...jgn lupa baginda sultan pun nak tengok dulu draf baru boleh bagi perkenan adakan sidang DUN...klau sampah konpem kena reject!!


  5. Dear Tuan,

    All these messes have to be blamed on Tun Apanama. Dia ingat dia pandai, tapi bila Selangor jatuh kepada pembangkang baru pecah tembelangnya. Dia ludah ke langit kena mukanya balik. Itulah lain kali jangan jadi manusia angkuh, semuanya dia betul, tapi Tuhan yang maha kuasa ada perancangan dia sendiri, sekarang memang parti yang di tubuhkan olehnya itu memang parti penderhaka kepala sultan-sultan melayu termasuk Si Brahim katak tu. Mulutnya bising macam empty vessel but full of shits.
