25 February 2016

Stop blaming each other, we have the nation to save

There is no more time to blame each other in facing the worst political and governmental crisis, if not mitigated instantaneously will bring the country to  shamble. Everyone should be united in facing the most devilish government and it’s only unity that can bring success to the rakyats’ struggles to save their nation's future. Put aside all old personal dissatisfactions and prejudices for each other because we have the most urgent task that needs united stand and collective commitments to save the nation from further devastation.

While we agree with Tun Musa Hitam’s (TMH) view as to why politics of today goes down to this level, the situation of today warrants everyone including TMH to work hand in hand with the rakyat to get the country back on track as an independent nation that takes democracy as the way of governing the nation. I wish to call on TMH to join in the effort by many groups that almost represent the whole rakyat to put Najib aside before he put the country to worst crisis, politically, economically, socially and other turfs and arena.

Let’s not be consumed by vulgar and overly rude leaders like Nazri Aziz and few others in criticizing Dr Mahathir as they were the ones who enjoy themselves while Tun Mahathir was in power. If Nazri can call Muhyiddin as a dog that bites his boss, Nazri too is doing the same thing to his former mentor who gave him the glamorous Ministerial position which he meagerly deserves.

Having Nazri and the rest of his like who blatantly criticize Mahathir now itself was a mistake committed by Mahathir, as there were many others who much more fitter for all the positions that Nazri held while Mahathir was in power. So let us ignore what Nazri and few others say as they are just like a football professionals who change clubs that pay more salaries and always prepare to play against the old club that used to bring them to fame.

Now we have the country to save. Najib and the rest of the Cabinet members are unable to solve all the problems that the country faces in particular, the massive corruptions that happen in it. They are not resourceful to initiate organic moves to solve the glitches in the government.

Everybody should be working towards solving the nation’s problems and to join in the rally organized by Zaid Ibrahim on the 27th March is welcomed to show the solidarity among the people that we need Najib to go and leave the nation to the rakyat to find solutions to mitigate the serious impediments that we face.

Now Dr Mahathir has said that he is prepared to be jailed. It means if Najib is not prepared to be jail, let him go to the jail. The bottom line is the country is saved ever after with new ambience for the people to rejoice.

Tun Musa, do come out to save the country and let bygone be bygone. I am certain that TMH can lend his hands for the sake of the nation. We still respect his stature and we hope he takes this as his last service to the nation.


  1. But sir, Musa Hitam ( oh yes I call him by only his name ) too a unpro football player who is seeking for a new 3rd class club. How come at this time he only sees all mistakes that were done by the great Tun Dr Mahathir. Musa too was incompetent at that time.

    Right now, all of us must stay focus to get rid of the regime of hates that will be hated by our next generation for what they are today...

    Musa Hitam had been blackened inside out thus he cannot see clearly...

  2. Tun Musa Hitam has unresolved issues from his past, he blames other people but himself, so how can he help save the nation when he can't even help save himself?

  3. Malaysia's unity in diversity has been a farce all along. Her people blame each other and worse her leaders have been the most selfish kind with the current PM being the most rotten of all. If this pattern remains to colour this country Malaysia can dream on to rank as a developed nation. Third world status stays, indefinitely.

  4. Most of UMNO elected minister in cabinet at present is only a yes Man / Mem. Only a few is credible. I won't put the credible name here - don't want them to be kick out by Nagib RAzak. Nagib Razak only want 'loyal' people around him as sand bank. You don't have to be smart...the dumber the better.For BN to survive PRU14, NAgib RAzak has to go....unfortunatly Nagib don't give a hoot to BN survivability chance. As long as he is ok, the rest can go bottoms up. So to all BN components party, be prepared to take over the Opposition seats after PRU14.

    1. The bangsatwan will never get loyalty of the true kind from anyone. He's bargained for bootlicking comrades in corruption - that's his life story...

  5. It is ironic and comical to witness the most vocal individuals that are attacking and disparaging the Najib administration for the dire situations facing the nation now are the ones who started it all. They were and still die-hard umno leaders of yesteryear who cultivated among the entire umno leadership the tradition of cronyism and embezzlement of public monies and silencing opposition parties through fraudulent charges.Are they really honest and repentant of their past misdeed or are they angry that their loot are declining and quickly disappearing? One indication of their dishonesty is none is willing to denounce the very corrupt political party that harbours the culprits they are trying to destroy and join the many opposition parties and NGOs. Is there any person who believe that umno will suddenly turned pious and angelic when and if Najib is removed?

  6. Sorry. Nasir da jade Babur. Yesterday the Philippines observed the 30th anniversary of the departure of President Marcos. The yello revolution only manage to remove the fading flower but they failed to also remove the pot. The pot has been there for 30 years and continues to do the same damage. In the meantime 30 million new Filipinos have been added to the population who never knew President Marcos. The top 2 percent of the people enjoy high incomes and developed status the bottom 98 percent are enjoying the status they deserve.
    They trying hard and doing their best but the old guards and their children are wedded to the Canser of president Marcos.

  7. Apa lagi Moo. Nasi dah nak jadi bubur. For you to get back what you had is to go all out. No holds barred. If you really have the nation and Melayu at heart, nothing to loose, just spill the beans before they put you away under ISA. Your grandchildren will respect you forever.
