07 March 2016

If international court clears Najib from any criminal wrong doings we stop asking him to quit. But now...

If only Najib had sued WSJ, Sarawak Report and other international media houses his situation won’t be as worse as he is facing now. He insists that he has no wrong doings over the 1MDB issues and he has the newly minted AG to agree with him and called off the case from further investigations.

If he is truthful and honest he would have sued the international media houses and come out clean and he would not have to sack Muhyiddin, his own Deputy and he does not need to sack the former AG and to transfer  investigation officers from one department and put them in ‘cold storage’.

He would have not bothered the Swiss AG to have extra work and he would have not put the Chief of Goldman Sach for the region to resign and would have not put many other senior officers from few international banks to get fired from their banks.

Everything would have gone fine and there should not be any more quarrels over the issues both nationally and locally. We have to say this because he can’t be fighting against the negative and damaging perception by people internationally. The only way for him to stop the discussions and deliberating on this issue is to sue all the international medias and if he is clean he will come out clean and have that sweet victory.

So the question is why Najib needs to travel round the globe to find means to cover the issues against him. His supporters just can’t allege the international media that those newspapers were all out in big conspiracies to topple Najib. Why do they need to do that?

As long as Najib is not suing and come out clean in the international court Najib is perceived to be guilty. We here should not be long winded by talking about what Dr Mahathir had done wrongly while in power. The need now is to settle the groaning issues that have speedily brought the country to shamble. Two wrongs can't make one right.   

Until Najib goes to court efforts to oust him must be intensified. We shall immediately stop the move the moment the international court gives the innocence verdict favoring Najib. That’s it.

BUT why is he not suing the international media? The answer is obvious isn't it?


  1. pak aspan...

    kata orang tua-tua...

    bukit takkan runtuh disalak anjing...

    dah tu, kenapa perlu dilayan "salakan anjing" tersebut?

  2. All would have been fine if he had been truthful with nothing to hide. He could have answered Tun Mahathir's there and then satisfactorily, if he had nothing to hide. But he didn't. Knowing Tun Mahathir all these years, he is a person who is thorough, and would not do anything big without research and proofs. Like you said Aspan, if only Najib would ......., our beloved Malaysia would be in such a mess. As Tan Sri Sanusi Junid puts it, he and Tun Mahathir are on borrowed time, and want nothing more than to have Malaysia be on the right track for future generations. How could Tun Mahathir be with umno that he loved so much when umno is no longer for the Malays but untuk Najib only. I pray to Allah swt that these misguided, soulless beings be guided to the right path so we could move on to make the greatest and richest country in the world for our children and their children. I can be done because Tun Mahathir had proved and shown that it could be done.

  3. NAgib RAzak and his gang of misguided MINIONS need to be KICK out from Parlimen. They can choose to do show on their own or we the RAKYAT will shove their asses out coming this PRU 14.

  4. He religously believe CASH IS KING

  5. The problem persists because UMNO people are corrupted. Everyone of them.They are not stupid. They love money. Their wives love the clothes, jewellery, palatial homes, apartments in London, Perth, Melbourne and even Monaco. Their children love luxury cars, dine in 6 star hotels and have a string of girlfriends following them in penthouses in Bangsar and Mont Kiara!

    1. Spot on! UMNO is just corrupt, period. As long as you are in the right camp, money just flows in without having to work.....

  6. Najib clearly did a illegal money moneuvering and gone to extreme measures to hide it. No respect to Malaysian laws and certainly against all the principles of Rukunnegara. Do we wznt hom to continue and be our PM? IT IS AN INSULT TO THE MALAYS.

  7. Why don't the three million UMNO members sue WSJ on behalf of their Dear Leader and put the issue to bed. The members are 101% convinced their leader is innocent so they should put their measly annual subscription to use. And the warlords can chip in more.

  8. Why Mr. Cash is King is not suing the international media, Mr. Shahbudin? I suspect that since the Bangsatwan is a slave to King Fulus, there is no concern anymore about Immorality - what's right and what's wrong, what's true and what's false! No wonder Hellfire is going to be fuelled by bangsats and jahats.

  9. Sorry Mr. Aspan Alias, my comment at 11:55 was meant for you sir. Its just that you and Mr. Shahbudin are on the same frequency, I visit you both often.
