27 March 2016

Najib still have the chance to do good for the country

Everyone wants life in solace especially towards the end of one’s life.  What are the essentials to have that kind of life? If one was once a leader he wants life with free from any negative outstanding and guilt to the society and the nation. A retired leader wants no part of the society and the people he used to lead to come out cursing for mistakes and gaffes he committed while in power.  

One wants to be respected and be given due regards for the services he used to contribute to the society he used to lead. This is what life we regard as ‘peace and security’. If possible we want good prayers from everyone especially our neighborhood and that will be a real life of ‘peace and security’ I just mentioned. Having achieved this life we are certain of living with full self-actualization, a life that prepares us to leave the world without having outstanding to the people and more so with our creator.

A good and spiritually insulated leader will never forget the aftermath of his tenure of leadership. He will have to resign and retires. This part of life is the actual period whether he has done respectable deeds to the nation while holding the fort of power. This is a very critical part of one’s life especially for a longtime politician. There have been cases when great leaders in the end went on hiding and on the run till the end of their lives. Marcos went on exile till his death in 1989. Iddi Amin went on exile in Saudi Arabia until the end of his life and there were scores other leaders known to the world who ended their lives in heinous.

To me we are now facing a leader who is somewhat similar to at least one of these leaders who end their life in this atrocious manner as there were repenting too a bit too late. Najib will still have the time to repent and just do one good thing that is to leave before he is listed in the list of these despised leaders of the world. The best that Najib can do now is to leave the country’s leadership to person or persons who can save the country from his plunders, pranks and shenanigans. He is not able and can never be able to do the restoration job for the country himself. We hope Najib will take lessons from the experiences by hated leaders of who end up their lives in shame and disgrace.

What Najib is in need now is to find all avenues to live in solace while he approaches the end of his live. The money and wealth he accumulates can’t give him life in comfort in retirement. How could one’s life be in the ‘peace and security’ if he is cursed by the people he used to lead unless he enjoys living in a long haul run till his death.

Najib must remember that history will write about him and historians will uncover all his blunders that he commits by himself and that will be read by our generations. We hope Najib does not waste any more time for his own good.

Conclusively Najib has failed but that does not deter him to do good for now. He should leave and just don’t commit another mistake by leaving the leadership to anyone who is within the same culture that UMNO and BN has been practicing. By leaving the leadership to anyone who can do the repair job and restoration of this damaged nation. The people will take you differently from then on.

After all Najib must realize that his own Cabinet who shout aloud in support of him are plotting to topple him quite instantaneously. Apparently the support from his own Cabinet is a faked support.


  1. There is one way to clean his name that is by taking legal action on those WHO had tarnished his name with all kind Of accusations . If he successful he can continue to lead the country . The chances for him Win in all cases are . Up to this point he impliedly admitted all those issues thrown at him because he did not take any legal action at all against those accusing him.
    We are facing issues on integrity and moral Of politikal leaders . Which Of the existing UMNO leaders are free from issues....none....
    So IT is very clear that on papers they are the leaders Of the country but if you read between the lines they are leaders Of he leaders in lots of problems . If they are in troubles how do you expect they can manage the country transparently . Sports ministry lost rm100 million and if we take Singapore standard , Thai standard UK standard African standard ...that particular Minister should have resigned . If we take Japanese standards all our ministers must have committed HaRAKIRI.....but here they as happy as nothing happen ....we have with stand up PRU 14 unless some extraordinary happens .......there is no such thing as resigned for our politikal leaders.....

  2. Sbb NAJIB gerun kalo rakyat bangkit...pekung yg tersimpan takot terbuka dan boleh dipenjara.


  3. "Najib must remember that history will write about him and historians will uncover all his blunders that he commits by himself and that will be read by our generations. We hope Najib does not waste any more time for his own good."

    The wife will not give up her life of luxury, so suami kena ikut je.

    And Malaysia goes downhill...faster and faster.

  4. Too late for any chance. Malaysia has gone down the drain. Ibarat penyakit barah kronik dh tak bole di pulihkan lagi. Kalau kepentingan diri lebih dari segala2nya lebih baik berambus. He has to go. That's it.

  5. He has committed serious crimes and any sound minded Malaysian should accept such aperson to lead our country. It is now a personal integrity matter and not racial, religious or political matter. Its the universal rule which only the Malays UMNO refused to understand. Najib can repent but first he has to resign. If he wants to repent, be anak jantan. Resign and face the consequence. If not he knows what awaits him in his afterlife.

  6. Najib already caught with his pant's down and he is still screwing....pathetic.

  7. May be Pak Aspan. Get rid of excess this excess baggage ie Rosmah. Ada berani ke dia !!! .

  8. Tengku Razaleigh should make his move now otherwise he will be known as the Sultan's son with an illusion front to cover his cowardness and leave this world as a failed leader and forgotten from the Malaysian history.

  9. Sdr Aspan,

    I am very perplexed with your opinion in your article saying that Najib still has the chance to do good for this country. Its either you are taking the safe way or you must be thinking that there are some strategies available for Najib to resign and be saved by someone that he will not be charged for all his corrupt practices and turning this country into a laughing stock by the world with his 1MDB scandals. Najib is incapable to do any thing good for this country. He is a total destroyer, in every sense of the word. He has no clue what he is doing. The only thing he knows is to keep on lying one after another, thinking that the rakyat is dumb and stupid. Never before this country is thrown into the present situation. TH 1MDB scandals are beyond repair. Nothing is good to come from him. What all Malaysian should hope is that who ever that will take over from him as the PM, assuming that Najib has no other choice but to leave or be forced to leave, the new guy will have to take a stern action. Charged him in court and ensure that every single cent he had mismanaged in 1MDB scandals be returned.

  10. I thought Malaysian love to have liars and disbelievers as their leaders. Why fuss? Let them, maybe they could make their own record of stealing from Malaysian.

  11. I pray to Allah, hope this problem will be resolved as soon as possible. The longer this problem, the longer we are suffer. Our economy will affected and foreign fund will disappear from our country
