21 July 2016

Congratulations PM Najib!!. "Malaysia Boleh!" "Semua boleh!"

Last night was like the night of world cup final. Most Malaysian and international community were watching televisions and computers to see the sequences and trailing the goings-on on the 1MDB issue which has now become world news after the US Attorney General made her press conference on the massive seizure of properties owned by members of Najib’s family and associates in New York through massive corruption and misappropriations of Malaysian public funds through 1MDB.

Just read and get yourself linked to all electronic and printed media throughout the world and you will never fail to get the updated news on how 1MDB’s money were siphoned through banks and money institution worldwide. Swiss Attorney General and authorities from Luxemburg are joining in the open probe with the US Attorney General Loretta Lynch and every corner of the world is looking closely to the corruption affairs that involved 1MDB and the related companies and individuals since 2009.

The world is now awakened by the news of 1MDB and all news agencies and electronic media of the world are now giving special attention to the crime created by 1MDB since 2009. They detailed out how the corrupt conspirators milked the Malaysia Sovereign fund 1MDB since then and the way the funds were squandered and looted were frightening to like-minded person to digest. It’s a real case of massive looting and stealing  which is beyond comprehension by the people responsible in 1MDB.

Now we know why PM Najib through his own admission that the trouble of 1MDB started with its failure to exercise Initial Public Offering (IPO). It was obvious that the need for 1MDB to float its companies was to get the public funds to cover all the monies squandered earlier and the failure to get the IPO done contributed greatly to the exposes of the heinous deeds of 1MDB that was led by its chairman of the investment committee, Mohd Najib Razak.

This blog is not able to upload every news reported in the international media as no printed and electronic media fails to cover the issues surrounding 1MDB. Just read New York Times, WSJ, Bangkok Post, all printed media in Britain as well as news print from Japan, Australia, United States and the rest of the world. Go to Reuters, AFP, Bloomberg, and NSK or just mention any news agency world-wide; you will not miss the news.

This was the real success of the slogan ‘Malaysia Boleh!’ Malaysia stands tall in the field of corruption. Malaysia is leading the world in this field. This case is rated to be the biggest scandal in the world history. Congratulations PM Najib!! Malaysia has made it!!

Next thing that Najib needs to do is to resign and retire. Just do that so that Tun Mahathir and the rest can put aside the idea of setting up a new party. Leave this country to a leader who can restart this nation anew. We need a total revamp of this beautiful nation again.


  1. Ambik kau Najib!!

  2. Kleptocracy at its best. Malaysians are most incompetent lot and most gullible.

  3. PM Britain undur gara2 Brexit. Bermaruah. And he is a Christian.
    Najib berani kah nak undur?

    1. Kesian la kat ROSMAH kalo najib 3 bedul dipenjara..

  4. Newspaper Malaysia bersubahat dengan penjenayah,sembunyikan berita gempar ni

  5. Mana kau nak lari lagi si Najiss

  6. To Najib ...a round of golf with Barack will settle everything. Like you said ..MALAYSIA BOLEH

  7. UMNO dan BN tentu amat berbangga dengan pencapaian Najib ini.

  8. Aku rasa duit FELDA (FGV) pun dia pusing macam ni. Mat Pen FELDA senyap ja: Naza

  9. one day this case will be the subject of study in universities around the world. Its quite interesting how the money trailed through various sham companies, banks and accounts around the world.

  10. Malaysian Official 1 = MO1 = Who Are You ?????

  11. ada 3 kekosongan untuk g ke marikh...kalau takat duk dalam dunia lg...mana ceruk pun pasti jumpa..
    nama mu di bibir umat manusia yg tau tentang malaysia dan 1mdb.
    tp masih ada mangkok hayun yg masih nk pertahan kan..
    ape yg mem tu cakap...
    they stole the money from people of malaysia...
    dah nk samoai ke penghujung jalan dah...tak lama lg kiok la tu

  12. Wow..kiranya Tun M dan geng2nya dengan bantuan kuasa media asing dapat membuatkan puak2 sana melompat2 kegembiraan macam menang World CUplah yer...bila US nak kerja keras pulangkan duit pada 1MDB semula.

    Yang PAsti Tun M dah berjaya setakat ini lah sebab bantuan publisiti DOJ(sebelum ni sekongkol ngan WSJ nak burukkan Najib x berjaya sebab Najib menang pilihanraya)

    Anwar dulu cuba pakai mahkamah Perancis nak tuduh Najib bunuh Altantuya x berjaya.

    Kita tengoklah sama DOJ dpat tak bantu 1MDB pulangkan duit yang hilang tu.


  13. Sebelum dia buat keputusan dia kena tanya hadi dulu. Kalau hadi kata boleh baru dia undur. Malangnya hadi belum boleh bagi jawapan sebab dedak dah kena sita dek amerika.

  14. Just seeing Hadi Awang snuggle up to Najib is unbelievable! That religio-politikus of Malay disunity has no shred of Islamic ethics. It's plain to see now what PAS is made of ... and how pervasive its rotten influence.
