23 February 2017

Najib can be well remembered if he owns up his mischiefs, Mahathir has done it

Current leaders of UMNO are interminably schmoozing about the past history of successes of the party and they expediently claim as theirs. The successes of the current leaders especially those in the ruling party elites and the government are only to contribute pains and miseries for the people. They are all out to destroy past efficacious records of our fore fathers who built up this nation through sweat and tears.

Since the eighties all the solid democratic institutions were invaded by unsecured and spiritually weak leaders who only think about the security of the positions and power they joyously in love with. Usually these inferiority complex leaders will never want to see good and budding leaders to be around in the hierarchy of power and instead choose to bring together contemptible sycophants to amuse and to keep his or her position without disturbances and feelings of insecurity. 

The unsecured leaders will never want to co-exist and accept the concept of separations of power as the inferior feelings in him will see the separation of power may bring him down when he commits offenses and encroachments on the system of government. He would take pre-emptive actions by dismantling the system and takes all powers centrally into his own bare hands.

He can now have all the power with him without fear of being disturbed by the check and balance system that is practiced in all advanced and matured democratic nations. We were deeply thrown into this environment when the Judiciary was raped by the executive in 1988 and the Judiciary has been on trial ever since and has never recovered till today. The dismantling of separations of power was the root cause for the current environment and to retrieve and to go back to the true democratic system will be a massive enterprise for us Malaysians. 

Dr Mahathir maybe recognized leader who could manage his own system of democracy without the sound democratic institution. He himself was a system. BUT that system can’t guarantee works well by others who lead the party and the government after him. That was the reason why a nation must have a standard manner of managing a country and that is practiced in all advanced and matured countries. AND part of the system is to respect the separation of power.

Now Najib is taking the dismantling of the separation of power expediently for his advantage as Mahathir had inherited the system where the PM controls everything. The PM has the power and influence to put anyone in prison as he wishes and he can free anyone out of prison. The power that is vested on Malaysian PM is much more than the power of US President. That is the reason why Najib Rule-by-Law instead of following Rules of Law. Najib displaced the investigation team on 1MDB by sacking the AG to cover-up the heinous 1MDB scandal. In actuality Najib like Mahathir used to be, has the power of  an emperor.

Mahathir didn’t abuse the power he had absolutely; Najib is taking every law in his own hands. Najib is the judge, as well as the AG. The new minted AG whether we like it or not is perceived to be a rubber stamp of the 'cash' crazy Najib. Let us not talk about the rest as every thinking Malaysian can add two and two together regarding Najib's tales of power abuses and his corruptions related issues.

Umno and Najib are having day dreams as they are in denial that Umno will be dumped. The issue is Umno is keeping irresponsible leaders to lead them and therefore Umno has to be done with in order to stop the menace done by the party towards the country. Compounded to their political madness the country is now facing inconceivable economic and social complications beyond restoration for as long as the current line of leaders are still dawdling shamelessly in Putrajaya.

We are facing serious economic problems as our domestic demands are too small to weather the now stunted growth as well as unsustainable household debts across the board. The plunging of exports with the fall of tourist arrivals together with the plunging of government revenue and ringgit depreciation against the green belts are very severe. Without a respectable alternative leadership to the eyes of the economic community internationally the country will be on the perpetual pain and aches.

Umno has only one choice in order to remain relevant; that is to have the entire leadership line to go off. The ever hungry leaders must have some common sense to admit that Umno is already at the edge of high and slippery cliff. Once it falls it will fall heinously and the party will be history. If Najib wants to be remembered as a responsible leader to his party, quitting from every position is the only sensible thing to do. OR else he will be remembered as the person who was responsible for the dreadful demise of his party and that will be boldly transcribed in many history books read by our coming generation.

As I have said in my last posting Najib must find some kind of face-saving device and leave after which to live in repentance ever after. Let’s find the most decent leader to start the nation anew as this blog has regularly said since years ago. Najib should come to term those human beings, more so for those believing in spiritual life elements would want to live in solace at the end of one’s life. Leave the nation to someone who can bring everything on the drawing board and restart the nation anew for fresh ambience and environments.

If Najib owns up all the misdeeds that he has committed to the country he has the right to have that soothing life in the end. If he is unable to show could cause for the country he still have the chance to be remembered as great leader by sacrificing all positions that he is currently in love with. He must think deeply for the sake of the country and more noble for his mother and family and his own self. He must be strong in his inside self to take up the challenge that he fails to do till to-date.

It’s tough enterprise for Najib to own up his failures but if he succeeds in taking up that challenge and find the face saving device and retires he will be greatly remembered by all Malaysians and our generations.

Just be like Doc Mahathir, he admits and owns up his failures and now he is all out to do all the repair jobs on all his mistakes to the country, the government and its politics. He will be great again if he succeeds, which I think he will.

(To be continued)


  1. I agree with you but he has to deal with his better half. I think his goose is cooked.

  2. Bro Razip is right. I read somewhere that Tun Raha pleaded with Najib to make peace with TM and leave immediately.
    But guess nadi sudah jadi bubur. May Allah granted our wish to see the demise of umno once n for all.
    Amin Robbilalamin.

  3. demise umno is the ultimate solution...its now or never

  4. demising umno is the ultimate mission...its now or never
