03 July 2008


Kadangkala, saya terfikir apa yang akan menimpa kita selepas isu-isu besar yang kita dengar memenuhi dada-dada akhbar dan media-media perdana negara kita.

Apa yang didengari dengan telinga dan nampak dek mata kita, pemimpin-pemimpin besar negara sedang sibuk bercakap tentang 'bontot'.

Dalam dua tiga hari ini Abdullah Badawi bercakap tentang 'bontot', Najib pun bercakap tentang 'bontot', Anwar memang dari dulu hingga ke hari ini dikaitkan dengan 'bontot', Syed Hamid Albar juga ada reaksi berkenaan cerita 'bontot’dan menteri-menteri kabinet kita tidak terlepas daripada berbincang mengenai isu 'bontot'.

Malah di mana-mana pun sekarang kita dengar cerita bontot, bontot, bontot dan di mana-mana setiap bibir yang bergerak bercakap tentang bontot.

Rupa-rupanya, apabila kita menjadi pemimpin kita mesti berbincang tentang bontot.

Saya tidak faham kenapa bontot menjadi isu besar, kerana kita ada bontot masing-masing yang dikurniakan Tuhan…kita jaga sahaja bontot masing-masing.

Saya rasa pelik ada manusia yang ingin naik atau turun dengan menggunakan bontot.

Memang patutlah negara kita jadi bercelaru kerana otak dan pemikiran kita lebih-lebih lagi para pemimpin terlalu fokus kepada bontot.

Inikah yang dimaksudkan oleh orang ramai bahawa orang bodoh berfikir melalui bontot?

Saya sudah naik loya apabila bangun setiap pagi orang menelefon saya bertanyakan tentang bontot Saiful Bukhari yang saya sendiri tidak kenal.

Saya hanya menjawab, “Si Saiful ini pun saya tak kenal, macam mana saya nak tengok bontot dia? Bontot saya sendiri pun saya tak dapat tengok, macam mana saya nak tengok bontot dia. Tanyalah perkara-perkara yang lain. Kita fikirkan hal negara kita. Hentikan cerita bontot ini. Jaga bontot sendiri, jangan biarkan sesiapa mendekatinya.”

Seluruh dunia memerhatikan kita bercakap tentang bontot…tak bolehkah kita berfikir tentang kenaikan harga barang ataupun cara untuk hidup dalam menghadapi situasi seperti ini?

Pemimpin UMNO lebih baik mencari jalan keluar daripada isu bontot kerana kita sayangkan negara.

Bontot ada fungsinya sendiri, biarkan dia melaksanakan tugasnya secara ‘natural’.

Kita ada banyak tugas lain yang perlu dilaksanakan……kita lupakan sahaja isu bontot ini.

Yang penting sekarang, kita bina negara kita dengan menggantikan pemimpin-pemimpin yang sudah tidak berguna dengan pemimpin yang telah terbukti berjasa dan mempunyai jiwa untuk rakyat.

Tiada siapa yang akan rugi jika kita memberanikan diri untuk merubah perjalanan politik dan pentadbiran negara yang kita sayangi ini.

Kita bincang tentang perkara yang lebih memberi manfaat….kita hindarkan diri daripada berbincang tentang bontot ini kerana ianya melambangkan kerendahan kewibawaan mental kita.

Sekian……………………………..Terima Kasih.


  1. Betullah Bang Pan, asyik-asyik bontot. Dia ingat kepala nak bagi kat dia. Sorry, kepala kita bagi kat TR!

  2. I think the government is now being distracted by the latest issue of Anwar's sodomy case. Its leaders are now focusing more about the latest affair and now it looks like they are putting the current volatile economic crisis at the backseat rather than moving forward to find the best solution to counter this serious threat the rakyat are facing now. Politically, the situation is very fragile and there is an element of uncertainty as to what will be in store for the rakyat to hold on in the next months to come. The stock market is dragging downward at a faster rate and the cost of living is increasing practically by the day. It is very frightening indeed.

    Last two days we saw Anwar had a political rally at the Shah Alam stadium.There was a big crowd attending to the rally listening to what Anwar had to say about the whole affair. His ardent followers are so naive and gullible so much so he is making them completely "deaf, blind and dumb" !! Make no mistake about it. Anyway, what do we expect of Anwar resembling like a seasoned "quack doctor" who had been seeing plying his trade selling expired medicinal products behind the backlane of Masjid India for umpteen years. His credibility is GROUND ZERO and I just could not imagine if he were to be our Prime Minister? You can be rest assured he will become a dictator. He can manipulate the minds and hearts of the rakyat by applying his oratorial prowess to the maximum until the rakyat become MORON so that he could rule this country with his hand in a velvet glove.All the stadiums in the country will be at his disposal to have continuous ceramah to brainwash the rakyat, nothing else. At the end of the day there will be no economic development and our country will be doomed to become a "pariah" state.

  3. This whole affair has become out of hand. It is madness! I think Anwar is crazy and a very desperate man. He seems to be making use of others to accuse everybody for his vested interest. The American CIA must be sponsoring and pouring a lot of money to destabilise our country. Can we really trust Anwar at all. I am very sceptical about Anwar's behaviour. A very shrewd politician and if given him the power I think our country will be topsy turvy. I am very concerned on this latest political development. It is tarnishing our country's image and very frightening indeed. It looks like everybody is very nervous of the whole affairs. How can we face the current economic crisis when we have to face all these unsettled problems.It is very damaging indeed.I THINK ANWAR IS A POLITICAL CLOWN OF THE FIRST ORDER AND A VERY DANGEROUS MAN WHOM I BELIEVE CANNOT BE TRUSTED!! I think Tun M was right in sacking him. He is a nuisance. HE IS HAVING SPLIT PERSONALITY AND I DON'T THINK HE DESERVES TO BE ADMIRED AT ALL! Yes, Anwar is a good orator and can attract a lot of audience, no doubt about it. But does his fiery speeches carry any substance or just rhetoric?
