07 July 2008

Why I support Tengku Razaleigh

I have been asked many times by friends and associates why I am unremittingly supporting Tengku Razaleigh (TR) since I became active in UMNO over 30 years ago.

Some appreciate me for my stand but many more think I am just wasting my time for a person whom they think can never make up in politics since he was scientifically ostracized by Dr Mahathir and his followers since 30 years ago.

A few came to advise me to change my stand and go for a leader who observes me personally and make some personal gains for me and my family like many other politicians do.

I have been turning deaf ears to the opinion because I am living to see justice and fairness prevail at certain reasonable level.

TR’s politics and his human side make me resolutely believe the he would finally become the savior to our current political uncertainties.

He has undoubtedly achieved high level of resilience in facing crisis and that makes him very eligible to manage complexes in political scene of Malaysia.

TR has organically contributed to the nation with huge efforts and personal sacrifices for the nation which the young populations have almost forgotten.

He has been sidelined by the ruling group because of politics coupled by unsympathetic media which were all controlled by his political adversaries.

In a Malay and Malaysian politics, good and worthwhile leaders are not welcomed as it is only for those of court jesters like as they are good in amusing the big leaders with inferior quality.

TR’s personal efforts and contributions were unmatched by any UMNO leaders of his time and also the current ruling leaders.

To some, they believe the unrivaled personal profile of TR makes every ruling and aspiring leaders feel unsecured if TR was to be in the corridor of power let alone to be in the highest office on the land.

I have been writing already too much of what TR has done for the Malays and Malaysians and need no more repetition.

His role at international playground went up as far as being the chairman for the Board of Directors of the World Bank, IMF, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Islamic Development Bank (IDB), all at the same time.

For our own record no one in this wide world have the profile of heading 4 international institutions with 4 different functions, not even from anybody from USA and Europe.

None of our sour grape leaders, especially among those of his peers who aspired to rise to the helm wanted this to be the common knowledge of Malaysians as they don’t have that much laurels to rest on.

But all these records are proven to be suicidal for his political path as he became the target of envious politicians since by supporting him they feel that TR would outshine them in all turfs of politics.

But TR is still a leader as he never brood over what colleagues and foes did to him and he continues on going through the thorny path in his political endeavors as he believes that the truth cannot be concealed all the time.

Someday, somehow he believes that he would be there not for glamour but for the purpose of doing a massive repair job for UMNO and the government.

I am firm of my opinion that TR is spared by the great Almighty for the Malays and the sanctified Malaysian to lean on in time of uncertainties like what we are facing currently.

I hope what is said by me, can give a bit of why I am always at the prayer mat hoping to fulfill my dream of living in solace within the borders of a well-managed nation.

For that intend and purpose I always have the confidence in TR to take on the driver’s seat for the noble sake of our generation.

That’s all for today.

Thanks……………………………………………Aspan Alias


  1. Salam Bro,
    Don't worry, i support Ku Li 100%.

  2. Ekau kono kojo kuat, jang !! kah,kah, kah. Sorrylah orang Johor cakap orang nogoghi.Janggal kan?

    Ekau macam mano nak tolong TR? Tu bangang-bangang ketuo Bahahagin Boria semuo dok sokong Pak Lah 100%. Apo pendirian mereko? Nogoghi dio dah kono rampas Pakatan Rakyat, dio orang maseh sokong Pak Lah lagi. Kan bangang namonyo tu !!
    Kau cerito sikit lah !

    Dio orang memang dah "pokak, buto dan bisu". Akal mereko pendek.

    Pak Lah has overstayed his welcome. To be blunt he is just hopeless. He does not contribute anything at all ever since he became Prime Minister from day one. He has no backbone. He is weak and the worst part he has no brain to move the country forward. He is too dependent on others to feed him with ideas and proudly claim that the ideas are his, What a shame! Pak Lah tak ada maruah langsung untuk menerima hakikat bahawa dia telah tidak berjaya sebagai Perdana Menteri yang berkalibar. Dia haprak dan half past six!!!Rakyat sudah terima hakikat ini tapi Pak Lah buat "pekak, buta dan bisu" sahaja dengan harapan yang tinggi melambong kononnya dia boleh mempengaruhi ahli UMNO yang otak mereka masih lagi bebal dengan cara hanya bagi makan nasi lemak harga 10 sen kapada mereka. Itu sudah cukup untuk meraih sokongan disamping pujuk rayu macam orang "gilo talak". Itulah harga diri setengah ahli-ahli UMNO yang otak bebal .Pak Lah juga memang tidak ada harga diri sungguhpun dia tahu bahawa rakyat sudah tidak boleh menerima kepimpinannya yang haprak! Masihkah orang UMNO terlena dan khayal lagi macam Pak Lah juga dan tidak sedar diri bahawa suasana politik sekeliling mereka sudah berubah 360 darjah tidak menyebelahi UMNO !! Ayoh, bangunanlah dari tidor wahai ahli-ahli UMNO. Celikkan mata kamu dan dan pandang jauh-jauh dan dengan ikhlas tanya diri sendiri apa akan terjadi kapada UMNO jika Pak Lah terus memimpin kamu.Ke bulan, ke bintang atau ke LONGKANG !!!

  3. Pan,
    ado kaum kerabat ekau karang surat ni dari Rombau. Ekau bacolah.....

    kepado pak lah... PM paling sey sayang...

    namo sey ni KARIM...pengundi bedaftar DUN CHOMBUNG, PARLIMEN
    ROMBAU...alaaaa tompek si KERY yg abah'eh JAMALUDIN tuuu...tak kona'????
    menantu PAK LAH tu laaaaa....suko bona' sey ngan dio tu...ghaso nk buek
    menantu lak...

    sey nulih surat ni bukan apo...sajo yor nk ucap'an timo kasih kek pak lah
    sobab naik'an hargo minyak ari tu..
    lopeh ini bilo hargo minyak naik..hargo barang lain pun naik gak
    laaaa...banggo boto' sey ghaso...mcm duduk kek LAS VEGAS lak...HIDUP PAK

    sey janji ngan pak lah yg sey akan ubah tebiat sey dari makan ikan kombung
    yg dah merah menyalo mato'eh & pocah bedorai porut ikan tu pado ikan koring

    sey sanggup bekoban untuk UMNO dan bn..
    anak sey yg 7 org tu yg dh buleh buek team futsal tu boleh la bekojo lopeh
    sekolah buek bantu mak ayah diorang ni haaa...kok tk bekojo pun buleh la
    jadi mat rompit kek SENAWANG tu...dapek gak la duit sesikit...buleh gak la
    menoruskan tradisi keluargo sey ni yg nyokong UMNO dan bn

    ghaso2 sey ni nk ubahsuai bilik bilik yg ado kek ghumah sey...nk buek
    tompek bolo ikan & tanam sayur cagho hidroponik (apo binchek'eh ni???) sey
    tepakso tanam kek dalam bilik sobab sey tingga' kek umah flat...

    rebet yg pak lah bagi kek sey memang melampuh2 lobeh'eh dari keperluan

    bilo sey congak2.. sey cumo guno 20 sen yor duit minyak moto sehari.. ado
    la untung 21 sen...bak kato si SAIDA AF6 "ok la tuuuu"

    sey tak pakai pon keto.... sobab bilo minyak naik hargo.. sey kono jual
    datsun kotak mancis sey tu.. dapek gak la duit....tokih2 pun ado la

    team futsal sey tu, sey nak suruh eksesais hari2 berjalan kaki tak pun
    naik beska' poie sekolah...ado la 5 km...dokek yor tuuuuu...
    walaupon gaji sey ni rm 1000..sbona' eh terlobih cukup untuk keluargo sey...

    buek permulaan nk ngubah kehidupan sey..
    sey tak akan guno'an gulo bilo buek kopi... tak akan guno'an topung untuk
    buek kodok

    sey nak ganti'an bogheh ngan ubi... tiap hari sey ngan keluargo akan
    berposo (kecuali pado hari hari yg dilarang beposo)
    sey akan buek minyak masak sendiri
    itu antaro caro sey ngubah caro hidup..
    ade banyak laie caro
    semuo kerano UMNO dan bn...

    dan sey mintak bona' pak lah naik'an laie hargo minyak yg ado..
    bukan tu yorrr.. sey mintak bona' naik'an laie hargo tol sobab org sbolah
    rumah sey nih org pembangkang. ..dio slalu guno highway, biar padan muko
    dio...tu la...suko bona' nyokong pembangkang. ..PAKATAN RAKYAT konon...palo
    hayah dio tu...

    nnt pak lah buleh la melawat sey dan sedokah pado sey solai kain pelikat
    bilo dh nak dokek2 pilihanraya nanti...
    insyaallah kain pelikat tu sey nk bubuh dlm frame dahtu gantung kek rumah...
    tapi jangan lupo lak.. pak lah sain otogeraf yor kek kain tu....

    jgn lupo pak lah.. naik'an laie hargo minyak..
    jgn la diturun'an gaji mentori2 tuuu..siannn diorang...kang apo lak anak
    bini'eh nk mentodarah.. ..
    sey totap nyokong pak lah..

    akhir kato biar pak lah sonang, janji kami papo kedano.. hidup UMNO, hidup

    sekian timo kasih..

    ps/ sampai'an salam sey kek si KERY samo PATRICK BADAWI tu yor..tak lupo
    gak tuan punyo syarikat SCOMI...sapo tah namo'eh...lupo lak...

    pocah kaco, pocah golas,
    sudah baco, harap baleh.

  4. I already emailed to my friends this article...please don't give your writing on TR.
    Ini semua gerak Allah, insyallah mesti ada rahmatnya....saya pun tak akan putus Asa untuk work for TR...kebetulan baru balik dari utara tinjau tinjau...negara kita pelik sikit ...lebih kurang 1440 orang perwakilan dalam Malaysia terdiri dari ahli UMNO yg tentukan siapa jadi President UMNO dan PM Malaysia....fikirkan ....orang ini yang mesti di convinced kan..dia lah penentu 23 juta rakyat yang lain hanya tenguk aje.

  5. The difference between you and Pak Lah is like "langit dan bumi". He is really suffering from inferiority complex of the first order. So to cover up his weakness he tends to be authoritative in his action. And the funny part is that the leaders of UMNO seem to like a weak leader so that they can always be in the comfort zone.As such, these leaders will feel very secured with their current respective positions. They know that Pak Lah is hopeless but they do not want to rock the boat because it might affect their position too. It is a very simple deduction. All these leaders are actually hypocrite leaders only thinking of their vested interest.In fact, all of them have no credibility and no backbone. They too are suffering from inferiority complex. In the final analysis, you will see that these haprak and HP6 UMNO leaders will continue to be "deaf, blind and mute", short of being moron.It is just like the blind leading the blind and at the end of the day they will fall like Humpty Dumpty!

    Pak Lah is totally lack of wisdom. He is actually just a follower who depends so much on his "gurkhas". There is nothing in terms of his personal attributes to be classified as a respectable and honourable Prime Minister. I am really ashamed to have him as Prime Minister. I am sure Tun M must have regretted picking him as his replacement.

    He has been mentioning about reforms practically everyday. I wonder what does he really mean by reforms. Most of the time he seems to be talking like a parrot but when you ask him to explain further about certain issues he will literally blink his eyes and gave superficial answers. This is a reflection of him being unable to digest in detail all issues that are in hand. He lacks the capacity and sustaining power to think beyond.

  6. KUALA LUMPUR, July 8 (Bernama) -- All the Umno divisional leaders in Selangor have agreed to nominate Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to defend the post of Umno president at the party elections in December.

    Apa macam, Pan? Betul ke? Nampak gayo semua Ketuo Bahagian UMNO dah jadi macam tongong, bahlul, baghal,bangang !! May God Bless UMNO !!

    I have nothing much to express my sad feeling except to wait for UMNO to be dumped by the rakyat. The best alternative is to symphatise with PAS.

    You see how corrupted and irresponsible the Ketua Bahagian. Siang-siang dah buat kenyataan sokongan just for their vested interest. What a shame !!

  7. Pak Lah is biting the hand that feeds him. He is very ungrateful, indeed. He is actually suffering from cultural shock because I think he did not expect to become a Prime Minister.It was beyond his wildest dreams. After all, what do you expect from Pak Lah who had failed even to manage a small outfit like KOBENA which I think by now is considered defunct. As the Malay saying hidup segan, mati tak mahu. That's the personal quality of Pak Lah. He doesn't even have the cut to be a CEO of a small listed company.The least he can be is to become an entreprenuer of a small kedai runcit in a kampong. So he is in fact very lucky indeed to become a Prime Minister through "BACKDOOR" without even being challenged to test his true colour among UMNO members. He was more or less being fed with a silver spoon by Tun M. Unfortunately, Tun M high expectation of him to be a Prime Minister as good as him or even better has become just a dream. He is more or less backstabbing Tun M and he has failed miserably to carry the Malaysian flag to greater height. Malaysia is now back to square one like 50 years ago.

    He has offered nothing and delivered nothing at all to the development of the country for the last 5 years except misery. For 5 years at the helm he can only proudly announced 5 "corridors" as his development "flagship" and also the controversial Islam Hadhari. But until today I don't see any progress at all to these corridors. So the best thing for UMNO members to do is to show him the way out to the real "backdoor corridor of Seri Perdana".

    If he continues to manage this country the way he is managing now without any clear vision which direction he is going to move forward, I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel. We will continue to be lagging behind and might even become a failed state. It will be a nightmare, indeed! All the strenuous efforts that Tun M had built up to project our country's image and to bring it to the status of developed country by 2020 will just be a pipe dream (tin kosong)! May God Bless US ALL !!

  8. salam saudara

    Rasanya rakyat sendiri sudah meluat dengan apa yang berlaku dalam politik negara sekarang.Rakyat sudah bosan dengan perjalanan politik yang semakin kotor,jijik, dan memualkan

    Perbalahan antara pemimpin negara adalah untuk kepentingan peribadi tanpa mengambil kira kepentingan rakyat apatah lagi dengan berbezaan pendapat kalangan mufti yang semakin mengelirukan rakyat....

    Tibalah masanyA KITA perlu berfikir
    untuk kepentingan umat dan berharap satu kepimpinan yang berkaliber boleh mengemudi kita

    Fikirkan tentang dirimu. Jika satu bangsa telah mula berfikir, tidak ada satu kekuatan pun yang boleh menghentikannya -(Voltaire)


  9. Pak Lah must be honest to himself that he is just not capable to lead the country, period. He does not have the quality of a Prime Minister.The rakyat have made up their mind and have come to a solid conclusion that after 5 years of running the government he has failed miserably to move the country forward. I think it is enough for him to taste the position of a Prime Minister. What is the point of holding to power when he is not able to deliver and has lost the respect. Respect is to be earned and he could not get that respect anymore. He should not continue to be in a state of denial. He is cheating himself. So it is better for him to resign gracefully rather than being ridiculed by the rakyat. He should be ashamed of himself knowing very well he could not be an effective Prime Minister. Why must he wait any longer? He does not deserve to stay on anymore. The writing is clearly written on the wall.

    UMNO members must do somthing to tell Pak Lah loud and clear that he has overstayed his welcome and must go gracefully.It is not fair for the rakyat to continue depending on him knowing very well he will lead the country to NOWHERE !!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Pak Belalang, you re indeed very conforting, in respect of change that need to happen and we appreciate your active comments.

    Pak Lah is just the person who thinks that we are all the kind like the ones who are around his circles.

    He does nothing else but day dream everyday.

    He litererally has become a political destitute...nothing more, nothing less...Thanks.

  12. Pak Belalang, The statement by UMNO Selngor is done by the reconditioned leader Mat Taib.

    He is saying things which are not real. The grass roots are not with him.

    Dont worry bro. He can support Pak Lah but the grass roots just hate his statements.


  13. Joe, you are a kind man and i hope i can get your time to sip a glass or two teh tarik

    Thanks for the unremitting support bro


  14. Shahbandarmalakat, I agree with you as the truth cant be concealed all the time.

    The divine intervention is part of the believe we cant ignore.

    Just be on the straight path, godwilling the nation will prosper with new leadership

