30 August 2008

UMNO bleeds

It’s so remorseful and apologetic to bear seeing UMNO and BN being ostracized to this extent at Permatang Pauh on the 26th August by-election.

The humiliation is too excruciating and God knows what would happen next as UMNO is still in denial to the actuality that the people are just unbending to reject the ruling party.

Paralleling to UMNO’s serious injury is the uncomforting statements by the component parties which indicated their displeasure towards us and this can drive us crazy.

The component is blaming us and the sense of insecurity expressed by Muhyiddin Yassin should be taken seriously by everybody and everyone in UMNO irrespective whether one holds positions in the party.

I am convinced that Muhyiddin has the clue as to what is going to happen to UMNO if changes do not happen in UMNO.

To simplistic mind of the young group of UMNO members they don’t compute how significant it is to survive UMNO as it has close correlation to the survival of their race and religion as well as to their generations.

If Muhyiddin is able to comprehend and compute the seriousness of the disease faced by UMNO he should put his personal interest behind him and come forward to find solutions with few other leaders who have the influence to change.

We must resign to the fact that the disease UMNO is facing right now is at a terminal stage.

Let me tell everyone, and that includes Muhyiddin; whoever is brave to go through this rough political storm will be the leader for the very near future.

It wouldn’t take a long time from now on, as God would only bequeath its blessing to someone who is brave enough to assist Tengku Razaleigh in weathering the storm.

UMNO needs a real fighter with truthful personality. UMNO needs a few brave leaders to fight head on with leaders who vandalize the party.

Rakyat is looking at us at close-up distance and they can see very clearly to what we do; bad or good.

The rakyat want security; they are in dire need to be ruled by sincere and magnanimous leaders and strong government.

They want leaders with clean image with no moral issues running against them.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin! Just stop wailing! Buck up and come with us to change UMNO back to preeminent status which we used to enjoy with.

Just stretch a bit of your muscle………the agony will be over.

God blessings are around us except that they come in disguise.

Thanks……………………Aspan Alias


  1. Pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO dah jadi macam "moron". Yes, UMNO stands for UNTUK MELAYU NO OTAK !! Mereka dah tidak boleh berfikir lagi. Mereka pekak, buta dan tuli. In no time the rakyat will disassocite themselves with these leaders who are having "monkey brains". They are just like the blinds leading the blinds, they go round and round and finally fall into the "longkang" like Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Pecahlah kepala mereka dan terbongkarlah rahsia bahawa mereka itu sememangnya mempunyai akal dan otak seperti monyet.Tidak dapat berfungsi dengan akal yang bijaksana dan rasional. Bolehlah juga diibaratkan mereka sebagai "lembu yang hidungnya diikat dan boleh ditarik kemana-mana sahaja asalkan ada rumput untuk dimakan. Itulah ibarat yang paling sesuai untuk pemimpin UMNO sekarang selagi Pak Lah jadi pemimpin mereka. "Diperlembukan" !!!

  2. Pan,

    Why don't you approach Pak Lah and say to him "enough is enough". Kita rakyat dah hilang kepercayaan terhadap kepimpinannya. Kelemahan pimpinannya telah nyata dan jelas memudharatkan UMNO. Tidakkah Pak Lah merasa dirinya bersalah melihat keadaan UMNO yang dah terombang ambing. Ahli-ahli UMNO telah mula menjauhkan diri dan menganggap UMNO dah TEMPANG DAN TERKULAI LAYU macam hidup segan mati tak mahu. Yang masih hidup ialah pemimpin yang bengap, tolol dan tongong sahaja.

  3. Pan,

    Pak Lah must resign after one week of Hari Raya. Kita mesti jerit beramai-ramai RESIGN! RESIGN!RESIGN ! jika dia buat rumah terbuka supaya matanya tak buta, telinganya tak pekak dan mulutnya tak bisu !!

    Laungan MERDEKA ! MERDEKA ! MERDEKA ! dah tidak ada ertinya lagi. 50 tahun Merdeka dihancurkan oleh Pak Lah dengan sekelip mata sahaja.

    Apa dah jadi? Apa nak jadi? Pak Lah dah jadi TULI !!!

  4. Pan,

    Ekau jangan lupo nak bertadarus. Den dah lamo tak dongor ekau mengaji. Den tau ekau terer ngaji surah al kafiruun !!

    Bulan poso ni ekau kurangkan hamtam Pak Lah dan Najib lah. Bagi depo ponyo otak rest dulu. Depo ponyo otak dah becolaru, dah jam. Dogil bonor-bonor, suruh bogonti liat sekali. Apo depo mau tunggu lagi. NO HOPE ! Habihkah boghas je !!
