18 October 2008

The Special Court on Malay Rulers

The Special Court on the Malay Rulers, which was set up soon after the constitutional crisis in 1993, made its maiden conviction on a Malay ruler on the 14th Oct and this is a real history.

DYMM The Yang Di Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan, Tuanku Jaafar ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abd Rahman was convicted and ordered to pay USD 1,000,000 to Standard Chartered Bank on a credit facility given to him quite a number of years ago.

Many, including me, take this as the beginning of the bereavement of the Royal Institution and the losing of a Malay identity which in decades to come would be an accomplished mission of anti Islamic group to dismantle the Malays as a race.

So, the immunity for a Malay ruler was then taken away for this purpose while UMNO leaders especially the top ones were enjoying immunity from litigation on offences they commit.

UMNO just went against the very institution they are supposed to protect for the leader’s personal politics and gains.

Out of 213 countries with governments we are the only race that is defined by the constitution of a country and unfortunately we are not proud of that provision.

Malay is always with a Ruler as defined by the Federal Constitution and the encroachment on the immunity of Malay rulers may only dent and place the identity of a Malay race in cavity.

Let us be reminded that UMNO is supposed to protect the Malays and not to prostitute them.

Putting a Malay ruler in court is also putting the whole Malay in court, and in this case putting all Malays in Negri Sembilan to court of Law.

The whole Malay community in Negri Sembilan is convicted and just do a little bit of thinking would prove what Dr Mahathir, Ghaffar Baba and the rest of the leaders then were all out to embarrass the Malays in totality.

We were never against any action on Malay rulers but it was not done in proper perspective as it was legislated based on vengeance and ill intended reason.

We were in the opinion that it is not proper to charge the Malay ruler with the Institution as the immunity has to be protected.

In this particular case Tuanku Jaafar should be temporarily abdicated and be sent to court as an ordinary citizen and in this case as Tunku Jaafar Tunku Abdul Rahman, not as DYMM Tuanku Jaafar.

Tuanku Jaafar was tried while he is still on the throne which is too heartache to stomach seeing the throne under litigation.

Every Head of State has the immunity. The President of United States has to be impeached first before he can be brought to court.

I dare say this in the open even there may be people who are displeased with my guts.

I am saying it for my personal record as time will tell the truth of what I am saying.

I am Malay and I want to remain so, even though many Malays are not with their race at heart anymore for their personal gains and glories.

I hope I live long enough to see at close range those Malays who believe they can go with their Rulers without immunity.

From now on they can enjoy seeing irresponsible politicians and leaders with immunity instead; where the corruptors, murderers, deceivers and other disorderly characters are well insulated from litigations with solid immunity with them.

I am saying all these not just for the sake of saying it; I am saying it because I am deadly worried about my race and my generation.

Yesterday the voices of the MCA youth Assembly wanting a Chinese to be the Deputy Chairman of BN is another clear manifestation of contempt for the Malays and the Federal Constitution.

This wouldn’t have happen if the Malay leadership is respected and well regarded by the fellow component parties.

UMNO leaders have been bent by the demands that are contemptuous to our pride and as a race by our united friends in the coalition.

As Malay adage goes, 'Lembutnya kita untuk disudu, kerasnya kita untuk ditakek'.

If I am no more living by the time the truth of what I am saying surfaces just recite for me ‘Al-Fatihah' once and I shall rest in peace ever after.

Thanks…………………………………………Aspan Alias


  1. Salaam,

    My question is why the ruler in question didn't want to pay what he owes the bank? This case would never have surfaced to the public if this had happened. The bank needs to recover its debts IMO. The case is just a matter of a standard loan recovery procedure, only the amount is astounding and it involves a ruler.

    I do agree that we as the Malays need to protect the Rulers, vice versa, except in this case it is hard to put a defence to the action.

    I also agree w you on the current leader being Pak Lah is weak thus, not respected causing UMNO being "bullied" by its fellow component parties and thus, UMNO being "bent by demands that are contemptuous to our pride and race" as you put it.

    UMNO has become very fragile due to this particular weak leader.

    Trying to put the blame and everything on Tun Mahathir though is a bit too far out. Every individual should be responsible for his/her own action. The system is there to protect all.


  2. it is so good to read from someone that is so malay at heart.truly.
    I have the same thought as u r on how our ruler shud be respected, this thing shud not even to be made known to the public at all cost. we call that daulat raja melayu. aan.

  3. Decision of the court should not be released to the public. They should seek audience with the ruler and announce it personally to the ruler concerned. If the Ruler has got conscience he should settle with the bank upon receiving the judgment.

  4. In this particular case Tuanku Jaafar should be temporarily abdicated and be sent to court as an ordinary citizen and in this case as Tunku Jaafar Tunku Abdul Rahman, not as DYMM Tuanku Jaafar.

    Tuanku Jaafar was tried while he is still on the throne which is too heartache to stomach seeing the throne under litigation.

    Every Head of State has the immunity. The President of United States has to be impeached first before he can be brought to court.

    apa yang kau katokan tu Pan memang topat...itu yang kito lawan dulu...Ini memang salah Mahathir...Sultan Sultan mesti ada immunity bukan apa pasal satu hari nanti orang tak akan hormat kedudukan itu...kita Melayu tulin ajo yang faham ..Melayu campur tak akan faham..mereka hanya berlagak dan bercakap jadi lebih melayu dari Melayu ..ini yang merosak kan UMNO.lihat di keliling kita Melayu macam mana yang menguasai UMNO ini sekarang.. Mahathir? semua orang tahu ..dulu anwar pun satu kapal dengan mahathir..kadir? Paklah ?Cina kwuantung

  5. what happened to Tuanku Jaafar is the result of Dr Det and his followers including you Sdr Aspan.

    It could have been discreet and just between the istana and the lender.
    No. but it was not to be. the lender thru agents and lawyers and the press felt it was humorous and pleasing to be able to have rediculed a MALAY ruler. much to the satisfaction of those who have grouses and hatred to the MALAYS albiet thanks to UMNO again

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