22 November 2008

UMNO - A Destitute Party

UMNO has already at the point of desolation and it seems to be irreparable.

There are a few members who are valiant enough to submit reports and prove to Disciplinary Committee and the Anti Corruption Agency (BPR) over the issue.

1000 complains so far…small but too big for a ruling party that is entrusted to rule the country to bear…and please believe me that it is just at the tip of the iceberg.

God knows how long it is going to take to settle the issue, and as a long time member, I must insist that all these complains must be attended to and settle the issue amicably.

Judging from the number of complains, it is more than fair to conclude that the party is at the terminal stage as the people is now aware of the mischievous affair the ruling party is facing…it is unforgiving!

As Dr Mahathir has rightly said at Putra Jaya 3 days ago, the whole leadership should be replaced in order to face next General Election.

The party image just can’t make the party acceptable to them any longer.

“Don’t just address the pain, we should address the real disease!” said one party veteran at coffee table yesterday.

“Corruption and misuse of power is just the pain, the disease is the kind of leaders sitting at all levels in the party. It is their attitude, how they perceive issues and whether they know why they are there,” he continued.

“How do you think the problems can be possible?” I asked.

He said, "Start the nation all over again! The constitution has provided all the mean and medium of change. Start UMNO all over again and reconstitute it."

"MCA and MIC should follow suit! If it is not done the country is going to be devastated. Just find that somebody who is trustworthy enough to handle the issue and reconstruct the nation again."

“This is not the first time that the country is reconstructed, Tun Razak did it in 1974,…and it lasts until today. We see no reason not to do it if we really eager to see our nation is save with solid National Unity.” He kept on talking.

I know what he meant; even if the people vote in PAS or any other party ruling the country, the nation would still face problems as the inter-racial interaction is at critical stage.

We can’t afford the bloody happening anymore…we want to live in solace within the boundary of harmonious nation.

It is not just UMNO problem or PAS or PR problem; it is the national problem in totality.

BN, PR or any other party ruling this nation would not be the same anymore if the total national rectification is not done.

To conclude I must say starting anew is the answer to the current acrimony in the country.

Just think about it! If it need be we can do the deliberation anytime when it is needed.

Thanks…………………………………Aspan Alias

12 November 2008

Ex-gratia hakim diperbesarkan, orang politik belasah ribuan juta tidak dihiraukan

Isu pembayaran ex-gratia hakim-hakim yang dipecat dan digantung dalam isu Tun Salleh Abas kembali menjadi bahan polimik di banyak tempat dan suasana sekarang ini dan tentunya ada politik di sebaliknya.

Bagi saya, isu ini sepatutnya tidak diperbesarkan, kerana jumlahnya hanyalah RM10.5 juta sahaja, tidaklah sebanyak jumlah bailout syarikat seorang anak kepada bekas Perdana Menteri pada tahun 90-an dahulu yang melibatkan setengah billion ringgit.

Jumlah itu dibahagi-bahagikan antara 6 orang hakim yang telah dipecat dan digantung tugas dengan cara yang tidak baik.

Jika hakim-hakim ini dibayar RM10 juta setiap bulan sekalipun, ianya akan memakan masa 500 bulan pembayaran untuk menyamai belanja yang ralyat bayar untuk bailout syarikat seorang anak bekas Perdana Menteri itu.

Itu baru kos pembiayaan seorang anak pemimpin UMNO, sedangkan rakyat tahu ramai lagi pemimpin-pemimpin yang merobek dan melakukan rasuah dalam jumlah ribuan juta ringgit kalau dicampur-campurkan rasuah yang dilakukan oleh semua pemimpin yang terlibat.

Apa kita sudah lupa bagaimana seorang pemimpin yang berkuasa yang terlibat dengan isu right issue UMBC yang melibatkan RM200 juta pada tahun 80-an yang akhirnya rakyat yang membayarnya?

Masihkah kita ingat bagaimana Fleet Group dirobek oleh pemimpin yang rakus dan ini merupakan syarikat kepunyaan kita ahli-ahli UMNO?

Sudahkah kita lupa kerugian RM600 juta dalam kes Maminco dalam tahun 80-an dahulu?

Jangan kita lupa apabila Bank Negara rugi lebih daripada RM35 billion dalam kes pasaran wang antarabangsa, yang akhirnya diisytiharkan rugi cuma RM9 billion setelah menjual banyak harta Bank Negara.

Tanya Menteri Kewangan Kedua kita sekarang ini tentang isu ini, kerana beliau adalah Ketua Bahagian, Treasury Bank Negara semasa kejadian itu berlaku. Kalau dia ikhlas memberitahu, kita akan dapat tahu cerita yang sebenarnya.

Allaahai……banyak lagi orang muda yang bercakap politik hari ini tidak tahu dan memahami perkara-perkara dahsyat yang berlaku dalam pentadbiran yang lalu.

Elok kita tidak membesarkan isu ex-gratia hakim-hakim ini kerana Tun Salleh dan rakan-rakannya dalam badan Kehakiman memang dipecat kerana keputusannya untuk memanggil kesemua 9 Hakim Mahkamah Agung dalam kes rayuan sebahagian ahli UMNO untuk menghidupkan kembali UMNO lama yang tidak disenangi oleh pucuk pimpinan semasa itu. Pucuk pimpinan masa itu mahukan UMNO lama terus berkubur kerana mahukan UMNO yang baru dengan pendaftaran yang baru. Bukankah ini hakikat yang tidak boleh disangkal?

Pencorobohan Badan Eksekutif terhadap Badan Kehakiman semasa itu adalah tidak wajar, kerana Tun Salleh hanya cuba mempertahankan kebebasan Badan Kehakiman yang diketuainya sebagai badan bebas yang sepatutnya dikekalkan seperti badan-badan kehakiman lain di mana-mana negara yang demokratik.

Kalau dah Perdana Menteri yang nak menentukan siapa Hakim yang patut mendengar kes rayuan ahli UMNO untuk menghidupkan parti mereka, apa kejadahnya ada Ketua Hakim Negara?

Saya telah pun menulis dalam blog saya ini tentang mengapa Tun Salleh dibuang atau dipecat. Orang lama seperti saya melihat dan mendengar dengan mata kepala saya semasa itu, hanya kita tidak mahu mengungkit perkara yang sudah lama berlaku itu.

Sesungguhnya Hakim-Hakim ini terkorban oleh politik kotor beberapa individu dalam UMNO ketika itu. Selepas pemecatan Tun Salleh, Badan Kehakiman kita menjadi bahan ejekan dunia kerana tiada lagi kebebasan untuk melaksanakan tugas secara bebas dan professional sampai ke hari ini.

Saya menyarankan kepada sesiapa yang tidak tahu cerita sebenar bagaimana Hakim-Hakim itu terpecat elok jangan sambung polimik ini. Jangan kita berbincang perkara yang kita tidak tahu, nanti malu sebab nanti orang yang memperbodohkan kita akan ketawa.

Jika ada di kalangan orang ramai hendak mengetahui cerita sebenarnya, elok kita adakan forum terbuka dan saya sanggup untuk menjadi salah seorang daripada ahli panelnya, walaupun saya tidak ada latar belakang undang-undang.

Jika kita sentuh isu ini mahu tidak mahu ia akan melibatkan Presiden UMNO dan PM ketika itu.

Nanti ramai yang merah-merah muka pula. Kalau hendak juga tahu apa sebenarnya berlaku ‘yang tersurat dan yang tersirat’, saya ulangi kita adakan debat terbuka tentang isu ini…itu yang paling adil.

Sekian…………………………Aspan Alias

Catatan: Buku ‘Time For Change’ tulisan Puan Marina Yusoff patut dibaca oleh semua yang berminat untuk mengetahui segala-galanya tentang kes Tun Mohd Salleh Abas ini.

10 November 2008

Muhyiddin yang menjolok buah, Ali Rustam yang menyambut

Sewaktu kecil dahulu, saya selalu mengambil galah untuk menjolok atau mengait buah mangga dan setiap kali saya menjolok mangga itu saya akan meminta kawan-kawan saya untuk menyambut buah itu supaya tidak jatuh pecah ke tanah.

Selalunya yang menyambut itu tidak perlu bersusah-payah menerjah galah ke dahan-dahan; kerjanya hanya menyambut dan menerima buah-buah jolokan saya itu dengan mudah.

Peristiwa ini mengingatkan saya kepada seorang pemimpin yang nasibnya sama seperti saya menjolok buah dahulu.

Pemimpin yang saya maksudkan ialah Muhyiddin Yassin yang telah menerjah galah kepada Abdullah Badawi dan apabila Perdana Menteri itu turun yang pasti mendapat buah yang lemak itu ialah Najib, suami Rosmah Mansor merangkap Timbalan Perdana Menteri sekarang.

Sekarang Najib selesa dengan pencalonan yang penuh sedangkan Muhyiddin pula terpaksa berhadapan dengan Ali Rustam yang mendapat sokongan Abdullah dan juga mendapat doa restu daripada Najib untuk menang jawatan Timbalan Presiden.

Kata orang, tuah ayam nampak dikaki, tuah manusia siapa yang tahu? Ali sememangnya menjadi idaman Najib untuk menduduki kerusi Timbalan Presiden kerana Ali tidak akan banyak karenah jika menjadi timbalannya.

Di samping itu, puak yang bersimpati dengan Abdullah pula akan memberi sokongan kepada Ali atas sebab-sebab yang orang ramai tahu iaitu untuk mengenepikan Muhyiddin yang mulut celupar yang menyebabkan Abdullah terpaksa berundur.

Yang menariknya lagi Najib pula berkata, “The more the merrier” apabila jawatan Timbalan Presiden itu ditandingi oleh 3 orang calon apabila Muhammad Taib juga layak untuk bertanding.

Najib mampu bercakap seperti itu kerana dia sudah selamat dan boleh tidur nyenyak sampai ke pagi, tetapi Muhyiddin masih terjaga tengah malam berkali-kali untuk menunggu hari nak siang.

Ternyata usaha Muhyiddin untuk menumpang kekuatan Najib dengan meminta supaya semua bahagian mencalonkan Najib sebagai presiden, sebagai satu usaha yang sia-sia.

Najib seperti sifatnya yang semulajadi tidak mahu memberi komitmen terhadap Muhyiddin yang bertanggungjawab menjatuhkan Abdullah untuk kepentingannya tidak mahu memberi komitmen untuk menyokong Muhyiddin secara terbuka.

Adalah natural bagi Najib untuk berasa selesa jika Ali Rustam menjadi Timbalan Presiden kerana Ali akan mudah untuk dikendalikan.

Ali akan sokong Najib tanpa belah bagi selaku Perdana Menteri.

Ali memang menyokong taat kepada sesiapa sahaja yang menjadi PM, malah keputusan beliau untuk bertanding jawatan Timbalan Presiden ini adalah tanda taat setianya kepada Perdana Menteri, Abdullah Badawi.

Jika Ali berjaya menjadi Timbalan Presiden, ramai yang berpendapat bahawa sepupu Najib, Hishamuddin Husein akan menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri kerana Ali hanyalah seorang Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Melaka.

Itulah sebabnya kumpulan Najib berusaha sepenuhnya untuk memenangkan Hishamuddin sebagai Naib Presiden.

Intuition saya berat mengatakan bahawa Muhyiddin akan mengusap jari seperti cucu saya yang berumur 10 bulan itu.

Kalau suatu ketika dahulu Tun Abdul Razak memilih birasnya Tun Husein Onn sebagai Timbalannya, tidak beberapa lama lagi Najib Tun Razak akan melantik sepupunya untuk menjadi Timbalannya.

Akhirnya kita semua dalam UMNO hanya menjadi hulubalang untuk keluarga yang sama buat selama-lamanya.

Kadang-kadang kesian juga saya tengok nasib Muhyiddin ini, tetapi apakan daya nasibnya itu adalah ditempahnya sendiri.

Sebelum sampai tarikh pertandingan itu saya cadangkan jenguk-jenguklah orang-orang Johor sendiri.

Muhyiddin tidak boleh salahkan sesiapa jika dikorbankan oleh orang yang berjaya disebabkan oleh pengorbanannya.

Muhyiddin mungkin orang pandai tetapi kebijaksanaannya kurang.

Sekian…………………………………Aspan Alias

07 November 2008

UMNO, the detestable party

I have been trying to bring to a halt talking and writing about this loathsome and detestable party, called UMNO, but I am in vain.

The deterioration of the party has become too unambiguous and it’s already a pain in the ass to everybody, men and women, Malays,, Chinese, Indians, businessmen and unemployed and everybody who at least have an unclothed grey matter who can think.

I have also heard some calling UMNO as a pest to the country.

Malaysians are watching very closely all the shenanigans and the pranks of top leaders and quite frankly the subsequent comings and goings of the party and the government is very predictable.

Everybody knows that UMNO is despicable in the eyes of the voting population as the party is ruled and managed by corrupt, untrustworthy, criminal prone, compulsive and impulsive liars, and clownish who are under the watchfulness of the people.

All the leaders are caught in a tight web of top leaders who in turn have unseen influence from dubious foreign power or even from their influential spouses which may endanger the national security.

No one among us should stomach this dangerous state of affairs as we are the ones who are going to suffer if not mitigated in one way or another swiftly.

Mohd Najib can’t even handle his own race or at least one of his family members and one can envisage how he is going to manage other races other than to concede blindly all their demands and quests at the expense of his or our own struggles.

Weak and playful leader like Najib would certainly not have the ability to strike the conciliatory balance on matters pertaining to the intertwining interracial complication which is now at a critical stage.

Parallel to this local political impurity we are already facing mountable international economic and financial crisis and his brief enrolment in the Nottingham University would not help him (Najib) to address this gigantic scale crisis.

The finance ministers of the European Union just concluded their emergency meeting in Brussels and they are serious in finding solutions to the financial crisis and to prepare cohesively for summit meeting of the G20 when they congregate in Washington next week for real serious meeting.

Conversely we are still talking about trivial matters centering on uncharacteristic images of our top leaders and the wickedly perceived future first lady of the country, the subject that is widely gossiped at every corner of the nation.

This has got to be stopped, and if need be Najib should morally resign to keep the mind of all Malaysian at peace to focus on rehabilitating the nation to the level we used to enjoy with
We are not interested in listening to personal matters of anyone, as the economic stimulus actions by every nation, big and small in facing the economic upheaval, do not receive positive response.

The well received election results in the US fail to be the stimulus for economic recovery and stock markets in American continent and Europe are tumbling with no positive signs of improvement.

Lowering of interest rates which usually boost the stock market does not strengthen he industry and so far the application of the entire conventional economic correction formula do not auger recovery even at marginal rate.

The crisis of this range has not been experienced by our generation and we need real technocrat and expert to handle this sickening environment.

It is too unfair to think that Najib can handle this unimaginable scale of economic meltdown and this opinion may offend his lieutenants, but a fact remains a fact and let us all accept this basic truth.

We have no time and space to amuse anyone as our generation is at stake. If UMNO cannot come up with viable and trustworthy leaders to lead the party, it will be an exhibit in the National Museum, at Jalan Travers in just few years.

It is enough for the day…and before I pen off can I have just one person to agree with me?

Thanks………………………..Aspan Alias

06 November 2008

UMNO cracks beyond recognition

The cracking in UMNO is far and wide and the party is beyond recognition, hence it has ceased to be the protector of the Malays and the nation as why it was put in existence.

The nearer Najib to the Premiership the more apprehensive we are as we are going to be in another long haul of enmity in politics trying to mend the wreckages he inflicted.

Najib through money and executive power with him can make every UMNO Division to nominate him as the party president, and become the Prime Minister but the rakyat at large do not see him to be a viable successor to Abdullah.

Najib can promise us the moon but we know UMNO will fling under his administration if ever he ascends to the premiership.

Najib is crashing even before he takes off, as the respect and regards for his ability to be irrefutable leader to keep the nation intact is zero and many wonder how he is going to lead the nation through next General Election.

In advance democracies anywhere in the world, image like Najib would not make him the Prime Minister. He has negative image centering on him and his wife who is talked about everywhere and every corner of the country.

Talks about JJ dishing out huge amount of cash for the purpose of nominating Najib are widespread and it is an open secret. We are bought through by our own money and resources through irresponsible delegates.

It’s all money…money…money! UMNO leaders are selling their souls!!

We can’t recognize UMNO anymore…..it’s beyond recognition!! Let us imagine how we are going to defend UMNO in next General Election with the screwed up image of the new party president?

It is reproachful! UMNO is too unfaithful to the Malays, to the rakyat and to the nation.

The line of leadership that we see are too adulterous to the nation and something has got to be done before it is too late.

UMNO has lost all bearings and it is moving towards disaster in swift velocity and they can’t bear to see their party destroyed.

Quite frankly the Malays are all at the crossroad and tendency for them to find alternative to unfaithful and traitorous UMNO is imminent as they already conclusive about the uncharacteristic leaders taking over the weak Abdullah.

The Malays are truly losing hope and the non Malays are having no regards to UMNO any longer and please tell me how UMNO is going to survive as dominant party.

The 2 alternative parties available for the disgruntled Malays are of course PAS or Pakatan Rakyat, and the consequent of the shift of support for alternative parties will be mammoth and palpable.

Having this background of politics is there any suggestion from any quarter as how to address the treacherous doings of UMNO to the people and to the nation?

What are the components doing about this? What are the Malay rulers doing? What are the constitutional experts doing?

Are we here just to look around helplessly witnessing the leaders of UMNO milking this nation?...looting and stealing the wealth of our nation?

Do we have at least a bit of sense of belonging for the country? OR are we just deaf and dumb?

Can we afford to be apathetic and unconcerned about what is happening around politics of this country?

If we want to see UMNO crumples, than Najib would be the best candidate to be the president for the party…and let us support him fully…after all he has been nominated to the position…and from now on just wait for the high fall.

It’s coming soon.

Thanks………………………………………Aspan Alias

01 November 2008

You pay me, I'll make you my leader

Money politics has been the odious culture UMNO has crafted to an extent that this Malay political party is decomposing up to the core.

UMNO is already a junk and debris that would be blown out of power by disillusioned voting public, and we don’t have to wait too long to see that to happen.

UMNO is no more a political party; it is already a business entity. Politically UMNO is a defunct and now it functions as a tool for businesses of politicians who have no business to be in business.

Some youth leaders at Divisional level are enjoying hard cash received in advance for their votes in the coming assembly and some have great tendency to sell their votes revealingly to all the aspirants for the youth chiefs.

I asked one of the delegates whether he has the sense of right and wrong when taking money from agents of the aspirants, and he spontaneously answered, “Uncle, that money they spend are all our money - tax payers money which they corruptly stole from us. I don’t have the guilt, no guilt at all!! At least this money can help to settle a bit of my bills.”

“If I don’t take it everyone else is taking it! It does not help the situation if I were to reject the offer,”
he said casually.

I could not answer it as I know that it is already an entrenched culture in UMNO and I know UMNO is already at the edge of high and slippery cliff just waiting for moments of high fall.

UMNO is over, and done with, and morally is already destroyed. I am helplessly witnessing the final dilapidation of the party and like many others, can do nothing other than biting my fingers in anguish….UMNO is in destitute.

I can’t help, but to conclude that this is what we inherit from Dr Mahathir…weak, corrupt, criminal-infested, unMalay, crooked and wicked leaders while he was focusing all his efforts for personal glories, profiles and legacies when he was in power for 22 years.

The history of this corrupt and untrustworthy party and government did not develop in 4 or 5 years; it started at least in 2 decades before this situation to come to this abhorring level.

Dr M has been condoning the corrupt practices by his people while he was in power and during Abdullah’s administration that practices just follow through expediently.

Dr M didn’t bring anyone to face the law, but wanted Abdullah to charge a few, who committed the offence during his (Dr M) administration.

Just to mention the obvious, Mohd Najib, JJ, Muhammad Taib, Annuar Musa, Shahidan, Rafidah, Daim, Khalil (who is now working in Malacca) and many others who are in the same category of image are all the products of Dr Mahathir.

Do we fancy to recognize that this as the success of Dr Mahathir?...Think and answer it to your ownself.

I am at the risk of being bashed by Dr M’s blind supporters but I have to come to term that the truth is always very pain to consume.

I must also admit that a good deceiver always win the heart of unthinking public.

But as a 57 year old citizen of this country, life is long enough to understand the real characters of leaders who are in the forefront. As Malay saying goes, “sudah boleh menyelam air di dalam tunggak”.

Everyone has the right to disagree with me now, but I prefer to get recognition of truth at the later stage, as ‘I want to smile last but the sweetest and laugh last, but the biggest’.

Thanks……………………………………….Aspan Alias.