Dalam kehidupan kita sebagai manusia, yang dicipta oleh Maha Pencipta sebagai makhluk termulia, kita diberikan otak dan pemikiran bagi mempelajari nilai kehidupan dalam semua bidang dengan menggunakan akal fikiran.
Manusia dicipta dalam bentuk Muhammad yang tidak diberikan kepada makhluk-makhluk ciptaan-Nya yang lain untuk menjaga kerahsiaan dan kebesaran-Nya.
Tanggungjawab ini tidak diberikan kepada makhluk yang lain seperti gunung, haiwan dan sebagainya.
Manusia diberikan kemampuan untuk mencipta sesuatu dengan menggunakan apa yang disediakan-Nya dan kesemuanya ini adalah menggunakan modal-modal yang asli yang dicipta-Nya dalam bentuk asal.
Dengan pemikiran dan akal anugerah Tuhan ini, manusia mencipta kapal terbang dengan menggunakan besi keluli, kayu, minyak, getah dan ribuan bahan asli yang dicipta Tuhan.
Akal fikiran inilah yang membuatkan kita mampu memakmurkan kehidupan manusia untuk Pencipta menunjukkan dalil-dalil kebesaran dan keperkasaan-Nya.
Lebih jauh lagi manusia boleh belajar daripada haiwan yang juga merupakan kejadian asal Tuhan Maha Pencipta.
Perlakuan manusia diberikan tahap yang tinggi berbanding dengan perlakuan haiwan, tetapi kita mampu berfikir dan belajar secara perbandingan dengan haiwan.
Oleh kerana itu amatlah besar tanggungjawab yang diberikan kepada kita manusia untuk menggunakan akal fikiran kita dan belajar daripada af-aal Tuhan yang lain termasuklah haiwan seperti kerbau dan lain-lain.
Salah satu perkara yang dituntut Tuhan ialah untuk menggunakan akal agar tidak menerima perkara yang tidak baik yang datang daripada manusia yang tidak menggunakan akal fikiran dalam berbuat sesuatu.
Ini adalah kerana kita tidak mahu disamakan dengan kerbau contohnya, yang hanya mengikut sahaja ke mana hendak dibawa oleh elemen-elemen yang hendak menyesatkan kita.
Sebagai seorang yang hidup serba kekurangan semasa membesar di kampung dahulu saya banyak belajar secara applied learning ini.
Dalam keadaan dan situasi Negara yang tidak memberangsangkan ini saya teringat bagaimana saya boleh belajar tentang kehidupan daripada tingkah laku haiwan ternakan ibu saya.
Semasa berumur 12 tahun saya ditugaskan oleh ibu kesayangan saya untuk membawa balik kerbau dari sawah padi ke dalam kandangnya yang berhampiran dengan rumah.
Kerbau ini dicucuk hidungnya dengan rotan yang dipanggil kelikir oleh orang kampung saya.
Saya ikatkan kelikir tadi dengan tali yang disebut sebagai dendan dan tugas saya ialah untuk menarik kerbau ini ke dalam kandangnya hampir setiap hari sehingga kerbau itu disembelih untuk jamuan kenduri kahwin seorang saudara kami.
Kerbau ini sebenarnya tidak susah untuk mengikut kerana tali yang diikat di kelikirnya itu kendur sahaja dan ini bermakna kerbau ini mengikut sahaja.
TETAPI apabila saya menariknya untuk mengikut jalan yang lain kerbau itu tidak mahu mengikut. Saya cuba menaikkannya tetapi dia meronta dan tidak mahu mengikut saya.
Maka saya terpaksalah mengikut jalan yang biasa saya bawanya untuk sampai ke rumah saya.
Di sini saya menghargai pelajaran ini. Rupa-rupanya haiwan seperti kerbau tadi pun tidak mengikut secara membabi buta segala arahan saya.
Maka saya sangat hairan kenapa kita sebagai manusia yang diberikan akal oleh Tuhan mengikut sahaja segala perkara oleh manusia yang lain seperti pemimpin yang cuba membawa elemen-elemen yang boleh membinasakan bangsa kita yang sedang terumbang-ambing dalam siasah bangsanya.
Saya dikritik oleh seorang dua yang tidak mahu menyingkap benak mereka yang tidak nampak kenyataan bahawasanya kita sudah sampai ke tahap kehancuran siasah kita.
Saya menulis dengan terbuka kerana saya tidak mahu terlibat dalam menjatuhkan bangsa saya sendiri yang kian hari kian tersinggung kehidupannya oleh kerana kekosongan kepimpinan yang begitu jelas.
Saya mengambil sikap ini kerana suatu hari nanti saya yakin apa yang saya perkatakan hari ini akan menemui kebenaran.
Selagi kita tidak mahu menerima hakikat yang kita sedang berada dalam keadaan yang tidak stabil, selagi itulah kita menghampiri kebinasaan yang memangsakan bangsa kita sendiri.
Nuh (a.s) dikatakan gila oleh masyarakatnya kerana membina kapal yang besar di tengah-tengah padang pasir yang kontang. Selama 800 tahun Nuh membawa risalah kebenaran, baginda hanya mempunyai 83 orang pengikut.
Akan tetapi, akhirnya ditunjuk oleh Tuhan bahawa 83 orang itulah yang benar dan seluruh umat semasa itu ditenggelami air bah yang besar termasuklah anak dan isteri Baginda yang ingkar dengan seruan Nuh untuk berubah ke arah kebaikan.
Siasah kita sudah sampai ke tahap yang tidak boleh bertahan lagi sekiranya penghormatan rakyat tidak dapat diraih oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang sedang memimpin kita.
Sudah terlalu banyak keaiban yang dilakukan oleh pihak yang bertanggungjawab dan bayangan untuk berubah tidak juga terbayang.
Keretakan di dalam parti-parti yang memerintah semakin hari semakin ketara; baik UMNO, MCA & MIC mahupun parti-parti lain.
Kesemuanya ini tidak lain dan tidak bukan disebabkan oleh kegagalan pemimpin-pemimpin untuk berlaku adil dan mengenepikan impian rakyat yang sudah mual dengan politik kotor yang tiada batasnya.
Mahu tidak mahu perubahan tetap akan berlaku. Jika pemimpin tidak mahu berubah rakyat akan mengubahnya.
Hanya masa akan menentukan. Tidak ada dalam sejarah dunia mana-mana keadaan politik seperti yang kita alami dewasa kini akan bertahan. Ianya akan berkecai.
Yang menjadi mangsa ialah rakyat marhin seperti saudara dan diri saya yang kerdil ini.
Menyesal dahulu pendapatan, menyesal kemudian tiada gunanya.
Kalau tidak dipecahkan ruyung masakan dapat sagunya.
Mencipta perbilangan-perbilangan di atas oleh orang-orang tua dahulu bukan secara kebetulan; ianya tercipta atas hakikat kehidupan manusia yang sebenarnya.
Sekian…………………………………………..Aspan Alias
31 August 2009
28 August 2009
MCA is crashing
The sacking of Dr Chua Soi Lek as the Deputy President for the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) is putting BN in deep predicament and the effect can nail the coalition to rip apart and going through political fragmentation.
Many thought that Dr Chua would be suspended for 3 years to worst case circumstances and certainly a total sacking did not even cross to the mind of any one.
The decision by Ong Tee Kiat to sack his Deputy is unexpected and it reflects the immaturity of this 52 year old President.
He has made brash, clumsy and slapdash decision as the public sees it as a decision based on his personal dissimilarities with Dr Chua. Ong Tee Kiat forgets that MCA is a senior member of the coalition and any kind of major decision will give undeviating effect to BN.
MCA is adding salt to the injury that UMNO and other components are facing. This is not the first time MCA is facing internal problems in its long history.
We should still remember the issue between Tan Koon Swan and Neo Yee Pan and earlier there was a serious problem in this party when Michael Chen left MCA for Gerakan and few other incidences which I have forgotten.
But in those days UMNO as the leader for the coalition was strong enough to assist as a coalition partner in solving problems faced by her component parties.
Ghaffar Baba as the Secretary General of BN did splendid job and managed to reunite the splitting MCA not once but numerous times and he was a temporary President of MCA while MCA was recuperating from a serious split.
BUT MCA of today does not enjoy that privilege anymore as UMNO itself is facing serious internal problems in hand. MCA can’t rely on Najib as Najib himself is unable to unravel the tribulations within his party.
Requesting for Najib’s assistance as the BN Chairman to intervene might end up in what a popular Malay adage says ‘Seperti Tikus Membaiki Labu’. If UMNO as a leader of BN wants to intervene it is just like a case of the ‘mute trying to help the deaf’.
UMNO is not able to act as a leader of the component as the party does not have anymore leader who is magnanimous enough to be a qualifier to reconcile the ailing partner.
Never let a problematic leader to intervene…that is just what MCA should remember.
Tee Kiat should enjoy having Dr Chua as his Deputy as that would make the party strong in long term period.
Ong Tee Kiat should have learnt from mistakes of UMNO when Mahathir on no account wanted his Deputy to be of a strongly supported leader.
Mahathir is a definite record holder by having 4 Deputies changing hands while he became number 1, but let us agree among ourselves that destroys UMNO after he left.
We may not be able to rule for long decades if we have strong Deputy, but the party would last longer and healthier.
That is what sacrificing is all about. UMNO of today is in shamble mostly because he wanted to be the Master far too long and while he was enjoying himself at the top he did not realize that the party had become too weak in its immune system.
That explains why UMNO is in deficiency in the immune system and it is very acute. In other words UMNO is currently suffering from Acute Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and now the party is just waiting to be in the obituary list.
A few commented in my e-mail saying that the 21 year old UMNO will die just before Mahathir leaves us because this UMNO is HIS not for the Malays.
Mahathir will witness the calamities that UMNO is facing while he is still living and let us allow him enjoy watching the end result of all his misadventures.
I would appeal to MCA to reconsider for reconciliation among leaders even though the dissimilarities are palpable. Please learn from the mistakes committed by UMNO.
If MCA is not able to reconcile then the fall of BN is the only option. As Malay adage goes, ‘Tepuk dada tanyalah selera’.
Please bear in mind that the public is just tired of watching the shenanigans of their leaders which seems to worsen by weeks and days.
If the leaders fail to address the harms among them, the people will.
Thanks……………………………………………Aspan Alias
Many thought that Dr Chua would be suspended for 3 years to worst case circumstances and certainly a total sacking did not even cross to the mind of any one.
The decision by Ong Tee Kiat to sack his Deputy is unexpected and it reflects the immaturity of this 52 year old President.
He has made brash, clumsy and slapdash decision as the public sees it as a decision based on his personal dissimilarities with Dr Chua. Ong Tee Kiat forgets that MCA is a senior member of the coalition and any kind of major decision will give undeviating effect to BN.
MCA is adding salt to the injury that UMNO and other components are facing. This is not the first time MCA is facing internal problems in its long history.
We should still remember the issue between Tan Koon Swan and Neo Yee Pan and earlier there was a serious problem in this party when Michael Chen left MCA for Gerakan and few other incidences which I have forgotten.
But in those days UMNO as the leader for the coalition was strong enough to assist as a coalition partner in solving problems faced by her component parties.
Ghaffar Baba as the Secretary General of BN did splendid job and managed to reunite the splitting MCA not once but numerous times and he was a temporary President of MCA while MCA was recuperating from a serious split.
BUT MCA of today does not enjoy that privilege anymore as UMNO itself is facing serious internal problems in hand. MCA can’t rely on Najib as Najib himself is unable to unravel the tribulations within his party.
Requesting for Najib’s assistance as the BN Chairman to intervene might end up in what a popular Malay adage says ‘Seperti Tikus Membaiki Labu’. If UMNO as a leader of BN wants to intervene it is just like a case of the ‘mute trying to help the deaf’.
UMNO is not able to act as a leader of the component as the party does not have anymore leader who is magnanimous enough to be a qualifier to reconcile the ailing partner.
Never let a problematic leader to intervene…that is just what MCA should remember.
Tee Kiat should enjoy having Dr Chua as his Deputy as that would make the party strong in long term period.
Ong Tee Kiat should have learnt from mistakes of UMNO when Mahathir on no account wanted his Deputy to be of a strongly supported leader.
Mahathir is a definite record holder by having 4 Deputies changing hands while he became number 1, but let us agree among ourselves that destroys UMNO after he left.
We may not be able to rule for long decades if we have strong Deputy, but the party would last longer and healthier.
That is what sacrificing is all about. UMNO of today is in shamble mostly because he wanted to be the Master far too long and while he was enjoying himself at the top he did not realize that the party had become too weak in its immune system.
That explains why UMNO is in deficiency in the immune system and it is very acute. In other words UMNO is currently suffering from Acute Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and now the party is just waiting to be in the obituary list.
A few commented in my e-mail saying that the 21 year old UMNO will die just before Mahathir leaves us because this UMNO is HIS not for the Malays.
Mahathir will witness the calamities that UMNO is facing while he is still living and let us allow him enjoy watching the end result of all his misadventures.
I would appeal to MCA to reconsider for reconciliation among leaders even though the dissimilarities are palpable. Please learn from the mistakes committed by UMNO.
If MCA is not able to reconcile then the fall of BN is the only option. As Malay adage goes, ‘Tepuk dada tanyalah selera’.
Please bear in mind that the public is just tired of watching the shenanigans of their leaders which seems to worsen by weeks and days.
If the leaders fail to address the harms among them, the people will.
Thanks……………………………………………Aspan Alias
27 August 2009
Permatang Pasir : Predictable result, predictable consequence
Once again our leadership displays their incompetence with the depressing defeat of BN in Permatang Pasir by-election.
The defeat with 4553 majority is a real big disapproval to the BN as the turn out of the voters were just 73% compared to 82.6% in the last General Election.
BN’s claim that they managed to reduce the majority by 800 odds votes is a flaw as the turn out were 2000 less than the turn out of last GE.
Even though the result was predictable, the result of this disgrace and humiliation was not expected when our leaders were all painting the false confidence to the people all along the election campaign course of action.
Zahid Hamidi, the State Liaison Chief came up with convincing statement that there were strong indications that BN would ultimately be the victor while Muhyiddin was saying that there is already a shift of support from PAS to UMNO.
I feel so sorry for these 2 leaders for their broad day light dream. In the first place UMNO always have the habit of choosing defective candidates in almost all election and never take pride in everything they do.
This cincai attitude is going to thrash UMNO and BN to position which they have never been before and the leaders should bear witness the fall due to their own illegitimate leadership worthiness.
To me the variation between the ‘Should’ and the ‘Actual’ is so wide apart that from now on we trust that these leaders are not able to compute even a simple statistical and mathematical figures.
If they really understand and were sensitive to the actual feeling of the people they wouldn’t have come up with these kinds of thoughtless statement as that brings down the public confidence of the party in the eyes of the people.
With this extent of rejection it adds on to the theory that BN is already ready for convincing defeat when facing the coming General Election with scanty representations from UMNO in both Federal and State Legislative Assemblies.
To me Muhyiddin is totally of no consequence as all the by-elections which he took charge all end up in failures. It looks like Muhyiddin is more of a liability to the party.
Muhyiddin and the rest of the leadership have been harping and trying to rest their laurels on the misunderstandings and hiccups between the oppositions in particular PAS and PKR to hope for a win but this strategy proved ineffectual.
It cleanly means the public does not take the resignation of Lunas PKR State Assembly from his party and the Kampung Buah Pala issues do not give any negative impact to the opposition in Permatang Pasir by-election.
Corruption remains the main issue consumed by the Permatang Pasir voters. The sodomy issue did not make any positive grade for BN as the public is seen to be fed up with the staled issue.
In my writing few weeks ago I used to ask if there is anybody who can tell me what make corruptors are less sinful than a man who commits sodomy.
Islam as emphasized that committing corruption is as good or as bad as eating the flesh of your own siblings and family members. This is not my words but it is the words of God.
Thus it is not appropriate for a corrupt government party to admonish any individual who is alleged to commit sodomy and claim the right to be given the votes and support.
UMNO has to put all leaders who are perceived to be corrupt to rest and disallow them to be leaders any longer if they still want the party to regain the trust and support from the people.
It is going to be a real effort to find incorruptible leaders in UMNO but I am quite sure that there is at least one or two among the Parliamentarians who can command the respect of the people.
It has to be done now or never. Any slight stoppage in resolving the problem in UMNO and BN would make PR as the ultimate victor.
Time and tide wait for no one and to exercise the new deal it needs sacrifices from everyone.
One should know where they stand and to find and to point who should go is very uncomplicated exercise with no exertion as almost all of them are corrupted in the eyes of the public.
To me almost everyone in the Cabinet is an automatic qualifier to withdraw and let a new guy who has the confidence of the people of all races to seat at the driving wheel.
Owning and admitting all mistakes is the one and the only option that Najib and the rest of the leadership line up should take if we are serious about wanting to save this country from falling to the opposition.
Anything less would make PR a sure and definite vanquisher in the next GE. If UMNO is so serious in wanting to experience the ultimate defeat, maintaining the current line up is the best option to take.
The verdict on Soi Lek in MCA by the MCA disciplinary board is another issue that would add salt on the wounds of BN. Please remember that Soi Lek is not going to lick his wounds alone and he will bring MCA to catastrophe.
Soi Lek is not small and without influence in MCA, or else he wouldn’t be voted in as the Deputy President with thumping support over Ka Chuan who the favorite choice of the Party President.
This upfront and honest view may be taken offence by our leaders and their foot soldiers but there is no other choice but to stand upright and bear with their ferocious reaction.
Another truth prevailing on the ground is that even ordinary members of the party is already open to accept that UMNO is falling apart, thus mentally ready to accept any party to rule them.
It is a bare truth. Painful, isn’t it?
Thanks……………………………………………………..Aspan Alias
The defeat with 4553 majority is a real big disapproval to the BN as the turn out of the voters were just 73% compared to 82.6% in the last General Election.
BN’s claim that they managed to reduce the majority by 800 odds votes is a flaw as the turn out were 2000 less than the turn out of last GE.
Even though the result was predictable, the result of this disgrace and humiliation was not expected when our leaders were all painting the false confidence to the people all along the election campaign course of action.
Zahid Hamidi, the State Liaison Chief came up with convincing statement that there were strong indications that BN would ultimately be the victor while Muhyiddin was saying that there is already a shift of support from PAS to UMNO.
I feel so sorry for these 2 leaders for their broad day light dream. In the first place UMNO always have the habit of choosing defective candidates in almost all election and never take pride in everything they do.
This cincai attitude is going to thrash UMNO and BN to position which they have never been before and the leaders should bear witness the fall due to their own illegitimate leadership worthiness.
To me the variation between the ‘Should’ and the ‘Actual’ is so wide apart that from now on we trust that these leaders are not able to compute even a simple statistical and mathematical figures.
If they really understand and were sensitive to the actual feeling of the people they wouldn’t have come up with these kinds of thoughtless statement as that brings down the public confidence of the party in the eyes of the people.
With this extent of rejection it adds on to the theory that BN is already ready for convincing defeat when facing the coming General Election with scanty representations from UMNO in both Federal and State Legislative Assemblies.
To me Muhyiddin is totally of no consequence as all the by-elections which he took charge all end up in failures. It looks like Muhyiddin is more of a liability to the party.
Muhyiddin and the rest of the leadership have been harping and trying to rest their laurels on the misunderstandings and hiccups between the oppositions in particular PAS and PKR to hope for a win but this strategy proved ineffectual.
It cleanly means the public does not take the resignation of Lunas PKR State Assembly from his party and the Kampung Buah Pala issues do not give any negative impact to the opposition in Permatang Pasir by-election.
Corruption remains the main issue consumed by the Permatang Pasir voters. The sodomy issue did not make any positive grade for BN as the public is seen to be fed up with the staled issue.
In my writing few weeks ago I used to ask if there is anybody who can tell me what make corruptors are less sinful than a man who commits sodomy.
Islam as emphasized that committing corruption is as good or as bad as eating the flesh of your own siblings and family members. This is not my words but it is the words of God.
Thus it is not appropriate for a corrupt government party to admonish any individual who is alleged to commit sodomy and claim the right to be given the votes and support.
UMNO has to put all leaders who are perceived to be corrupt to rest and disallow them to be leaders any longer if they still want the party to regain the trust and support from the people.
It is going to be a real effort to find incorruptible leaders in UMNO but I am quite sure that there is at least one or two among the Parliamentarians who can command the respect of the people.
It has to be done now or never. Any slight stoppage in resolving the problem in UMNO and BN would make PR as the ultimate victor.
Time and tide wait for no one and to exercise the new deal it needs sacrifices from everyone.
One should know where they stand and to find and to point who should go is very uncomplicated exercise with no exertion as almost all of them are corrupted in the eyes of the public.
To me almost everyone in the Cabinet is an automatic qualifier to withdraw and let a new guy who has the confidence of the people of all races to seat at the driving wheel.
Owning and admitting all mistakes is the one and the only option that Najib and the rest of the leadership line up should take if we are serious about wanting to save this country from falling to the opposition.
Anything less would make PR a sure and definite vanquisher in the next GE. If UMNO is so serious in wanting to experience the ultimate defeat, maintaining the current line up is the best option to take.
The verdict on Soi Lek in MCA by the MCA disciplinary board is another issue that would add salt on the wounds of BN. Please remember that Soi Lek is not going to lick his wounds alone and he will bring MCA to catastrophe.
Soi Lek is not small and without influence in MCA, or else he wouldn’t be voted in as the Deputy President with thumping support over Ka Chuan who the favorite choice of the Party President.
This upfront and honest view may be taken offence by our leaders and their foot soldiers but there is no other choice but to stand upright and bear with their ferocious reaction.
Another truth prevailing on the ground is that even ordinary members of the party is already open to accept that UMNO is falling apart, thus mentally ready to accept any party to rule them.
It is a bare truth. Painful, isn’t it?
Thanks……………………………………………………..Aspan Alias
20 August 2009
Losing Permatang Pasir is definite
My health was taxing me a bit for the past 3 weeks and this is the first time that I touch this writing machine. For the past weeks I missed the active interactions with my regulars who read my humble opinion on issues surrounding us.
Now I am facing some problems of choosing which topics to write as issues afters issues crop up for the past weeks while I was recuperating in the house after contracting vertigo.
I choose to make some light comments about the by-election in Permatang Pasir as the result of this by-election is of great consequence to the ruling BN especially in the coming General Election (GE).
Let us all consume the crude fact that the result of the coming Permatang Pasir by-election will be the ultimate and real indicator of BN’s future fate.
Losing this by-election will move BN closer to the edge of a high cliff waiting for a big fall that would ultimately sink the party in perpetuity.
BN once again proves it incapacity to put up acceptable candidate in this by-election when Rohaizat Othman, its candidate, is plaque by multiple personal encumbrances to make him fit to be a reasonably viable candidate.
Out of the thousands BN fails to come up with a member who is free from moral defects and it seems choosing a wrong guy as a candidate has always been a usual flaw in UMNO.
As it is UMNO is seriously facing traits individuality problems and with Rohaizat candidature it compounds the issue to another height.
This issue gives Muhyiddin a real tight slap on his face as a day before the disclosure of Rohaizat’s real status he (MUHYIDDIN) was proudly saying that BN is fielding the best candidate to face the election with all the potentials of a sweet win.
Now it is apparent that PAS is going to be the unambiguous victor and to the mind of many, the victory would further humidify the hope of BN recuperating from the current crisis of confidence.
It is a clear disposition of carelessness, negligence, irresponsibility and rashness of the State UMNO headed by Zahid Hamidi as well as the inability of Muhyiddin to be the chief of operation for this by-election.
To me BN is crashing even before taking off. This misadventure that BN is committing is not small in consequence as it brings down the members’ confidence in the leadership which right now is already at the lowest tip.
Muhyiddin and Zahid have to take accountability to this mishap and these 2 leaders are not able to address the issue instantaneously BN is already booking confirmed ticket to the opposition bench in the coming GE.
I have a bizarre and a strange idea to solve the problem faced by UMNO in Penang especially for the Permatang Pasir by-election.
As we are a definite loser we should save the image of the party by withdrawing from the election.
UMNO should own up their mistake by forcing Rohaizat to withdraw and by doing so UMNO can show up to the voting public that that are serious in doing away all defective aspiring candidate to represent the party in any election, be it General or by-election.
To me by doing so we at least bringing home one point, that is ‘perfect candidature or no candidature at all’.
After all UMNO has already set a precedent in Penanti by-election that the party has no qualm not participating in the by-election.
By going and following through a definite loser due to our own fault is a very silly act for an old party like UMNO.
Thanks…………………………………………….Aspan Alias
Now I am facing some problems of choosing which topics to write as issues afters issues crop up for the past weeks while I was recuperating in the house after contracting vertigo.
I choose to make some light comments about the by-election in Permatang Pasir as the result of this by-election is of great consequence to the ruling BN especially in the coming General Election (GE).
Let us all consume the crude fact that the result of the coming Permatang Pasir by-election will be the ultimate and real indicator of BN’s future fate.
Losing this by-election will move BN closer to the edge of a high cliff waiting for a big fall that would ultimately sink the party in perpetuity.
BN once again proves it incapacity to put up acceptable candidate in this by-election when Rohaizat Othman, its candidate, is plaque by multiple personal encumbrances to make him fit to be a reasonably viable candidate.
Out of the thousands BN fails to come up with a member who is free from moral defects and it seems choosing a wrong guy as a candidate has always been a usual flaw in UMNO.
As it is UMNO is seriously facing traits individuality problems and with Rohaizat candidature it compounds the issue to another height.
This issue gives Muhyiddin a real tight slap on his face as a day before the disclosure of Rohaizat’s real status he (MUHYIDDIN) was proudly saying that BN is fielding the best candidate to face the election with all the potentials of a sweet win.
Now it is apparent that PAS is going to be the unambiguous victor and to the mind of many, the victory would further humidify the hope of BN recuperating from the current crisis of confidence.
It is a clear disposition of carelessness, negligence, irresponsibility and rashness of the State UMNO headed by Zahid Hamidi as well as the inability of Muhyiddin to be the chief of operation for this by-election.
To me BN is crashing even before taking off. This misadventure that BN is committing is not small in consequence as it brings down the members’ confidence in the leadership which right now is already at the lowest tip.
Muhyiddin and Zahid have to take accountability to this mishap and these 2 leaders are not able to address the issue instantaneously BN is already booking confirmed ticket to the opposition bench in the coming GE.
I have a bizarre and a strange idea to solve the problem faced by UMNO in Penang especially for the Permatang Pasir by-election.
As we are a definite loser we should save the image of the party by withdrawing from the election.
UMNO should own up their mistake by forcing Rohaizat to withdraw and by doing so UMNO can show up to the voting public that that are serious in doing away all defective aspiring candidate to represent the party in any election, be it General or by-election.
To me by doing so we at least bringing home one point, that is ‘perfect candidature or no candidature at all’.
After all UMNO has already set a precedent in Penanti by-election that the party has no qualm not participating in the by-election.
By going and following through a definite loser due to our own fault is a very silly act for an old party like UMNO.
Thanks…………………………………………….Aspan Alias
01 August 2009
What's Happening To Our Nation
No one can do the approximation what is the ultimate corollary of tomorrow in our political, social and everything relatable to our lives.
The milieu of uncertainty is all-encompassing and comprehensive. We have lost the actual and total direction as to where we are heading for as everything is in topsy-turvy and disordered.
Each party in the ruling coalition is having individual direction and does not seem to be united in many issues that surround us and it is more apparent after the Last General Election (GE).
The Malays have far been detached to their precious values and culture and of late we see glaringly that they are feeling too disturbed with the sharp and extricating demands made by our non Malay citizens.
The non-Malays are already too open in questioning the content of the Federal Constitutions and claim that the government has been misinterpreting all the provision in it and pooh pooh the Malay special rights and the Malay race as a whole.
In parallel the Malays are very much divided and this situation has been predicted by many but leaders of those days were not sensitive enough to circumvent the divide to happen by taking every thing for granted.
All institutions like the Judiciary and the Police in particular are corroding and have been prostituted by ungainly and ungraceful leaders who are power crazy and obsessed in caring just for their personal political ends.
The Malays do not have even a single leader in the line up that can be trusted and none has the attribute of a nationalist as they should be. In essence they have destroyed the Malay party to an extent that it is already beyond comprehension and recognition.
All regards and respect that UMNO have been enjoying as the lead party for the component is evaporating and UMNO leaders seem to be not concerned about it.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin has owned up the weaknesses of UMNO by saying that the party will regain the trust of the people in 2 years. I don’t know what make him be so sure about that.
He does not recognize that the party has been mutilated by their leaders for the past 2 decades and how would it possible to do the repair job within 2 short years?
Does he realize that part of the encumbrances to do the repair job is because of the inmate line up in which he is part of it?
How could a dirty mop clean the floor? How could the perpetrators to the party do the repair job?
Muhyiddin is saying that UMNO members will be sent for courses to rebuild their commitments towards the party. Well it sounds good but what about the top leaders?
To my simple mind the top leaders like the President, its Deputy and Vice Presidents should be sent for the courses first. In actuality they are the ones who need real grilling.
They must be convinced that corruption is the worst sin and as I have written in my last posting it is worst than committing sodomy.
In that posting too, I reminded the leaders and everybody including my humble self that committing corrupt practice is like eating the flesh of our own siblings and family members. It is not my word; it is the word of God.
I over sped along the motorway about a week ago and I was stopped by the police. I was so heartrending seeing the mata-mata putting on a badge like written on it "saya tidak ambil rasuah" or something like that.
I don’t see Inspector General of the police (IGP) Tan Sri Musa Hassan putting on the badge.
To my mind this kind of badge should be used by all Cabinet Ministers and all personnel of Departments with high propensity for corruption to happen, like front officers in MB’s office, JKR, JPJ and all the assistants and supporting staff of Cabinet Ministers, and many more.
How could corrupt mata-mata (if ever they are corrupt) squander tax payer’s money in billions?
To me putting up this kind of exertion on the low ranked police personnel is totally an unfair act and should be scrapped off instantaneously. It is crudely a humiliation to them who serve the nation under the burning sun day in day out.
Why just act on humble low rank policemen while bigger corruptors are further up in the hierarchy and other government servants and politicians.
MCA has not stopped blaming UMNO for the dismal performances in the last G Election as they had to suffer the losses and shared the shameful outcome.
MCA has felt that it serves too little for them to be in BN as they have to withstand all shenanigans of UMNO leaders who fail to earn reasonable respect from their component members in particular and the public as a whole.
MCA leaders and loyal members feel that they are torn between the allegiances to BN and to secure support from the community they represent. If there are hopping and crossing the floor from MCA it is understandable and no one should be blamed for it.
The new leadership realizes that the non Malays are much too unhappy with the political circumstances and he opens up his leadership image by propagating 1Malaysia slogan.
To much of confusions, the slogan is accepted with distaste. There is no clear description of the slogan and I am deadly sure that the Cabinet members themselves don’t understand what the slogan means.
The slogan is open for misinterpretations and consequentially would cause confusions. As far as I am concerned I believe Najib is a great believer of Malaysian Malaysia and if that is the case he would be more appropriate to be a leader of DAP.
In short the slogan is of no purpose as it only divides the mind of the people and consequentially injures the public confidence in the leadership.
The Chinese were not giving attention to MCA because the party is the tool for UMNO dominance and to be the yes man and the recent statement by Ong Tee Kiat that it is always better for MCA to be independent to regain the Chinese confidence in the 2nd oldest party in the country.
As for MIC and GERAKAN the parties are technically a defunct. They have lost all avenues to regain the voters' confidence. The Indians are happy that they are more represented through Pakatan Rakyat and DAP and leaving MIC alone is no qualm.
I see that the Indians are united but they prefer to unite outside the BN. They are in all parties within the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and they are the main workforce to circumvent the effort to strengthen MIC.
Among my Chinese close friends they have they have in their opinion that MCA has a good chance for recovery but they insist UMNO must improve.
They have consistent view that UMNO has failed to put up good disposition of good leadership and do away with the leaders with corrupt image top to down.
They believe MCA leaders involved in PKFZ issue are all retired and have nothing to do with the current leadership. BUT the current leaders may also be affected if they do cover-ups for their predecessors.
The middle class Chinese believe that MCA have to be independent from BN; in other words they should be outside BN first before they can regain the support of the Chinese.
They also believe and admit that Malays should be the leaders in the government but they want to see that UMNO do their part by showing seriousness in putting up the leadership lineage.
To them the current set in UMNO is not at all viable to expect positive outcomes in Malaysian political environments. They believe that the current set of leaders in UMNO do not have the clue as how to manage a multiracial population.
What is more worrying is that BN epicenter of support is in East Malaysian States of Sabah and Sarawak. For all the years BN could formed the Cabinet line up without much demands from those 2 states as BN was evidently strong in the peninsular.
The situation has reversed as the East Malaysian states are providing the ultimate strength of the BN.
Now that the opposition is making active inroads in the sates coupled with the ill health of Abdul Taib Mahmud, the great warlord of Sarawak, it is going to tax the influence of BN in the state.
Any slight animosity within the 2 states especially Sarawak would guarantee catastrophe for BN because the prospect of BN regaining the people support in the peninsular to this date is almost zero.
Taib has been the axis of power in Sarawak for more than 2 decades, and like Dr Mahathir he has not prepared the state for trustworthy successors.
While he was power for those decades all potential and good leaders were sidelined as he was more interested in keeping the power for himself and the leadership vacuum becomes evidently serious.
Any leader who overstays in power will inherit ungainly political situation and to fill in the wide vacuum may be costly as all the cream among leaders are retired as the warlord Taib didn’t want to move out.
Big names like Adnan Satem, Norwawi Affendi and many others have gone into oblivion as the warlord never want them to succeed him as he takes the rich state of Sarawak is own personally by him.
I can make a calculated guess that what happen in the peninsular is going to happen in Sarawak in more serious extent.
Sarawak can no longer be dependent on the Federal leaders as the leaders in Kuala Lumpur is not conducting themselves as leaders whom the multiracial population can lean on.
In the end I must stress that UMNO will soon become an orphanage party if their leaders are not willing to sacrifice and put the party’s safety above their personal glorious but selfish concentration.
UMNO is facing another test of the people’s confidence in the coming Permatang Pasir state constituency by election.
I hope UMNO will prove that they now on the way for recovery through this by election. Any short of winning would add the impotency of the party and it slowly but surely becomes a destitute political organization.
Than this 21-year old party will unceremoniously be abandoned like the pure and true UMNO which was made defunct by its top leaders 21 years ago.
To UMNO and BN I wish them best of luck in the coming Permatang Pasir by election as the result would reflect the actual performance in the coming GE.
I may prepare the TEMPLATES of the comments from the BN and the PR leaders over 3 assumptions; if BN manage to reduce the majority of the winning PR. Secondly if the PR wins by bigger majority and finally if BN manage to win the election even by very simple majority.
Thanks……………………………………………………………..Aspan Alias
The milieu of uncertainty is all-encompassing and comprehensive. We have lost the actual and total direction as to where we are heading for as everything is in topsy-turvy and disordered.
Each party in the ruling coalition is having individual direction and does not seem to be united in many issues that surround us and it is more apparent after the Last General Election (GE).
The Malays have far been detached to their precious values and culture and of late we see glaringly that they are feeling too disturbed with the sharp and extricating demands made by our non Malay citizens.
The non-Malays are already too open in questioning the content of the Federal Constitutions and claim that the government has been misinterpreting all the provision in it and pooh pooh the Malay special rights and the Malay race as a whole.
In parallel the Malays are very much divided and this situation has been predicted by many but leaders of those days were not sensitive enough to circumvent the divide to happen by taking every thing for granted.
All institutions like the Judiciary and the Police in particular are corroding and have been prostituted by ungainly and ungraceful leaders who are power crazy and obsessed in caring just for their personal political ends.
The Malays do not have even a single leader in the line up that can be trusted and none has the attribute of a nationalist as they should be. In essence they have destroyed the Malay party to an extent that it is already beyond comprehension and recognition.
All regards and respect that UMNO have been enjoying as the lead party for the component is evaporating and UMNO leaders seem to be not concerned about it.
Tan Sri Muhyiddin has owned up the weaknesses of UMNO by saying that the party will regain the trust of the people in 2 years. I don’t know what make him be so sure about that.
He does not recognize that the party has been mutilated by their leaders for the past 2 decades and how would it possible to do the repair job within 2 short years?
Does he realize that part of the encumbrances to do the repair job is because of the inmate line up in which he is part of it?
How could a dirty mop clean the floor? How could the perpetrators to the party do the repair job?
Muhyiddin is saying that UMNO members will be sent for courses to rebuild their commitments towards the party. Well it sounds good but what about the top leaders?
To my simple mind the top leaders like the President, its Deputy and Vice Presidents should be sent for the courses first. In actuality they are the ones who need real grilling.
They must be convinced that corruption is the worst sin and as I have written in my last posting it is worst than committing sodomy.
In that posting too, I reminded the leaders and everybody including my humble self that committing corrupt practice is like eating the flesh of our own siblings and family members. It is not my word; it is the word of God.
I over sped along the motorway about a week ago and I was stopped by the police. I was so heartrending seeing the mata-mata putting on a badge like written on it "saya tidak ambil rasuah" or something like that.
I don’t see Inspector General of the police (IGP) Tan Sri Musa Hassan putting on the badge.
To my mind this kind of badge should be used by all Cabinet Ministers and all personnel of Departments with high propensity for corruption to happen, like front officers in MB’s office, JKR, JPJ and all the assistants and supporting staff of Cabinet Ministers, and many more.
How could corrupt mata-mata (if ever they are corrupt) squander tax payer’s money in billions?
To me putting up this kind of exertion on the low ranked police personnel is totally an unfair act and should be scrapped off instantaneously. It is crudely a humiliation to them who serve the nation under the burning sun day in day out.
Why just act on humble low rank policemen while bigger corruptors are further up in the hierarchy and other government servants and politicians.
MCA has not stopped blaming UMNO for the dismal performances in the last G Election as they had to suffer the losses and shared the shameful outcome.
MCA has felt that it serves too little for them to be in BN as they have to withstand all shenanigans of UMNO leaders who fail to earn reasonable respect from their component members in particular and the public as a whole.
MCA leaders and loyal members feel that they are torn between the allegiances to BN and to secure support from the community they represent. If there are hopping and crossing the floor from MCA it is understandable and no one should be blamed for it.
The new leadership realizes that the non Malays are much too unhappy with the political circumstances and he opens up his leadership image by propagating 1Malaysia slogan.
To much of confusions, the slogan is accepted with distaste. There is no clear description of the slogan and I am deadly sure that the Cabinet members themselves don’t understand what the slogan means.
The slogan is open for misinterpretations and consequentially would cause confusions. As far as I am concerned I believe Najib is a great believer of Malaysian Malaysia and if that is the case he would be more appropriate to be a leader of DAP.
In short the slogan is of no purpose as it only divides the mind of the people and consequentially injures the public confidence in the leadership.
The Chinese were not giving attention to MCA because the party is the tool for UMNO dominance and to be the yes man and the recent statement by Ong Tee Kiat that it is always better for MCA to be independent to regain the Chinese confidence in the 2nd oldest party in the country.
As for MIC and GERAKAN the parties are technically a defunct. They have lost all avenues to regain the voters' confidence. The Indians are happy that they are more represented through Pakatan Rakyat and DAP and leaving MIC alone is no qualm.
I see that the Indians are united but they prefer to unite outside the BN. They are in all parties within the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and they are the main workforce to circumvent the effort to strengthen MIC.
Among my Chinese close friends they have they have in their opinion that MCA has a good chance for recovery but they insist UMNO must improve.
They have consistent view that UMNO has failed to put up good disposition of good leadership and do away with the leaders with corrupt image top to down.
They believe MCA leaders involved in PKFZ issue are all retired and have nothing to do with the current leadership. BUT the current leaders may also be affected if they do cover-ups for their predecessors.
The middle class Chinese believe that MCA have to be independent from BN; in other words they should be outside BN first before they can regain the support of the Chinese.
They also believe and admit that Malays should be the leaders in the government but they want to see that UMNO do their part by showing seriousness in putting up the leadership lineage.
To them the current set in UMNO is not at all viable to expect positive outcomes in Malaysian political environments. They believe that the current set of leaders in UMNO do not have the clue as how to manage a multiracial population.
What is more worrying is that BN epicenter of support is in East Malaysian States of Sabah and Sarawak. For all the years BN could formed the Cabinet line up without much demands from those 2 states as BN was evidently strong in the peninsular.
The situation has reversed as the East Malaysian states are providing the ultimate strength of the BN.
Now that the opposition is making active inroads in the sates coupled with the ill health of Abdul Taib Mahmud, the great warlord of Sarawak, it is going to tax the influence of BN in the state.
Any slight animosity within the 2 states especially Sarawak would guarantee catastrophe for BN because the prospect of BN regaining the people support in the peninsular to this date is almost zero.
Taib has been the axis of power in Sarawak for more than 2 decades, and like Dr Mahathir he has not prepared the state for trustworthy successors.
While he was power for those decades all potential and good leaders were sidelined as he was more interested in keeping the power for himself and the leadership vacuum becomes evidently serious.
Any leader who overstays in power will inherit ungainly political situation and to fill in the wide vacuum may be costly as all the cream among leaders are retired as the warlord Taib didn’t want to move out.
Big names like Adnan Satem, Norwawi Affendi and many others have gone into oblivion as the warlord never want them to succeed him as he takes the rich state of Sarawak is own personally by him.
I can make a calculated guess that what happen in the peninsular is going to happen in Sarawak in more serious extent.
Sarawak can no longer be dependent on the Federal leaders as the leaders in Kuala Lumpur is not conducting themselves as leaders whom the multiracial population can lean on.
In the end I must stress that UMNO will soon become an orphanage party if their leaders are not willing to sacrifice and put the party’s safety above their personal glorious but selfish concentration.
UMNO is facing another test of the people’s confidence in the coming Permatang Pasir state constituency by election.
I hope UMNO will prove that they now on the way for recovery through this by election. Any short of winning would add the impotency of the party and it slowly but surely becomes a destitute political organization.
Than this 21-year old party will unceremoniously be abandoned like the pure and true UMNO which was made defunct by its top leaders 21 years ago.
To UMNO and BN I wish them best of luck in the coming Permatang Pasir by election as the result would reflect the actual performance in the coming GE.
I may prepare the TEMPLATES of the comments from the BN and the PR leaders over 3 assumptions; if BN manage to reduce the majority of the winning PR. Secondly if the PR wins by bigger majority and finally if BN manage to win the election even by very simple majority.
Thanks……………………………………………………………..Aspan Alias