20 August 2009

Losing Permatang Pasir is definite

My health was taxing me a bit for the past 3 weeks and this is the first time that I touch this writing machine. For the past weeks I missed the active interactions with my regulars who read my humble opinion on issues surrounding us.

Now I am facing some problems of choosing which topics to write as issues afters issues crop up for the past weeks while I was recuperating in the house after contracting vertigo.

I choose to make some light comments about the by-election in Permatang Pasir as the result of this by-election is of great consequence to the ruling BN especially in the coming General Election (GE).

Let us all consume the crude fact that the result of the coming Permatang Pasir by-election will be the ultimate and real indicator of BN’s future fate.

Losing this by-election will move BN closer to the edge of a high cliff waiting for a big fall that would ultimately sink the party in perpetuity.

BN once again proves it incapacity to put up acceptable candidate in this by-election when Rohaizat Othman, its candidate, is plaque by multiple personal encumbrances to make him fit to be a reasonably viable candidate.

Out of the thousands BN fails to come up with a member who is free from moral defects and it seems choosing a wrong guy as a candidate has always been a usual flaw in UMNO.

As it is UMNO is seriously facing traits individuality problems and with Rohaizat candidature it compounds the issue to another height.

This issue gives Muhyiddin a real tight slap on his face as a day before the disclosure of Rohaizat’s real status he (MUHYIDDIN) was proudly saying that BN is fielding the best candidate to face the election with all the potentials of a sweet win.

Now it is apparent that PAS is going to be the unambiguous victor and to the mind of many, the victory would further humidify the hope of BN recuperating from the current crisis of confidence.

It is a clear disposition of carelessness, negligence, irresponsibility and rashness of the State UMNO headed by Zahid Hamidi as well as the inability of Muhyiddin to be the chief of operation for this by-election.

To me BN is crashing even before taking off. This misadventure that BN is committing is not small in consequence as it brings down the members’ confidence in the leadership which right now is already at the lowest tip.

Muhyiddin and Zahid have to take accountability to this mishap and these 2 leaders are not able to address the issue instantaneously BN is already booking confirmed ticket to the opposition bench in the coming GE.

I have a bizarre and a strange idea to solve the problem faced by UMNO in Penang especially for the Permatang Pasir by-election.

As we are a definite loser we should save the image of the party by withdrawing from the election.

UMNO should own up their mistake by forcing Rohaizat to withdraw and by doing so UMNO can show up to the voting public that that are serious in doing away all defective aspiring candidate to represent the party in any election, be it General or by-election.

To me by doing so we at least bringing home one point, that is ‘perfect candidature or no candidature at all’.

After all UMNO has already set a precedent in Penanti by-election that the party has no qualm not participating in the by-election.

By going and following through a definite loser due to our own fault is a very silly act for an old party like UMNO.

Thanks…………………………………………….Aspan Alias


  1. the real fact is, UMNO and BN cannot be supported anymore.
    Let's close the issue on BN and let us focus on the effort to replace BN.

  2. I am just too happy to be out of UMNO. No regrets bro.

    Now PAS has managed to retain the seat, let us all bersembahyg syukur.

  3. I don't blame you bro for hard critics on our party.

    As long as the culture of Ampu Mengampu UMNO will never last.

    So bro, I adore you for being open on all issues.

    Congrats bro.
