08 August 2008

Leadership in perennial troubles

Our leadership is perennially in trouble, and if there is no permanent solution to these endless tribulations as fast, our nation is going to be doomed.

I don’t believe we are destined to be in this political situation. The situation was self-inflicted by dishonest, dubious and higgledy-piggledy leaders.

I, for once, and until today never waived my stand and believe that this quandary was not unexpected to happen.

I sniffed the advent to these chaotic and disastrous politics way back in the late 70’s and I am proud to see that what I have been forecasting has become the order for these days.

There had to be a cause to the cause of us facing this unkind political ambience….just know a bit of history, it will help one to decisively make a proper stand on the leadership issues of today.

The new and uncharacteristic culture of UMNO set in since the era after Hussein Onn and we now became the grieving recipients to it.

There is no way that the controversial Najib can be a quantifiable successor to the dubious Abdullah, and so do with Muhyiddin and all the top brass UMNO leaders.

The once ‘looked upon’ Muhyiddin has ceased to qualify as the successor as he now bows to the current anomalous top leadership after months of cry for the leadership change….people have now perceived him as unimpressive leader.

Muhyiddin shamelessly is now returning to the fold of Abdullah and Najib and he is swallowing his own noisy words without qualms and he may be alone after this, like an injured dog licking its own wound.

I think he wants to save his position as a Minister, hoping that the rumors of his impending sacking from the cabinet won’t finally happen….as Cabinet position is his ultimate.

So I deduce we should not rest our hope in Muhyiddin and just bid him goodbye, as he has crashed even before taking off.

Now Muhyiddin has to struggle to maintain his VP post of the party, as there are many new aspirants for that position, most of whom are the loveable candidates for Abdullah.

So, whom do we think should offer the alternative leader other than Tengku Razaleigh?

There is none! It is only Tengku Razaleigh who has the standing to meet head-on with the disparaging and perennial hiccups in UMNO, BN and the nation as a whole.

To members who have a basic knowledge of UMNO’s history would be thankful to god that this man (TR) is still alive and kicking, and we are blessed for having him to be the savior of the nation from further obliteration.

He has the experience and has a very high personal profile nationally and internationally that makes him an automatic alternative leader for the country.

What all of us should come to term is that Abdullah has got to go and just live in repentance with his family members who are already in the high bracket economic standing.

No matter what, the responsibility of returning the nation to the preeminent standing is in our account.

Just bear that in our mind.

Thanks……………………………………….Aspan Alias


  1. TR umpama batang emas buruk yang tersimpan didalam laci yang usang. Batang emas yang perlu dikeluarkan dari bekas yang penuh dengan debu dan habuk. Batang emas ini jika digilap mampu menaungi Jambatan MRR2 yang kini rapuh dan retak kerana kerakuskan anai-anai sedia ada. Ia mampu bersinar menyalakan kehidupan dari nyalaan emas ditubuhnya namun jika ia tidak digilap ia akan terus usang berkeladak tersimpan di dalam almari memalapkan hari-hari yang mendatang kerana yang ada cuma batang besi yang cantik hanya pada awalannya dan karat apabila ditimpa hujan dan panas cuaca khatulistiwa.

    "Suara Perjuangan Anak Merdeka"


  2. Pak Lah telah menjatuhkan maruah orang Melayu dan yang sedih dan menjijikan ialah pemimpin UMNO yang lain juga turut bersama memainkan peranan melemahkan keutuhan dan kekuatan bangsa Melayu. Kini telah nyata dan terang bahawa orang Melayu telah diperlekehkan oleh pihak lain dengan segala macam tohmahan, cemohan dan cacian dilemparkan dengan tujuan untuk mengugat ketuanan Melayu dan hak istemewa orang Melayu. Mereka telah berani dan lantang mempersoalkan
    isu-isu sensitif yang melibatkan kedududukan istemewa orang Melayu.

    Mengapa suara sumbang dan lantang ini berani dikumandangkan hampir setiap hari oleh pihak tertentu terhadap orang Melayu?

    Umpamanya kita lihatlah sahaja bagaimana Bar Council,NGO dan setengah daripada "elite Melayu yang tak sedar diri" telah memainkan peranan mereka dengan mengadakan berbagai forum mempersoalankan isu-isu yang menyentuh maruah dan kedududukan bangsa Melayu. Saolah-olah bangsa Melayu sekarang ini dianggap sebagai "parasite" dan satu bangsa "bangsat" !!

    Ini semua berlaku akibat dari pemimpin Melayu seperti Pak Lah yang dah jadi ITEK TEMPANG kerana kelemahannya yang ketara sekali, tidak dapat memperlihatkan kualiti memimpin yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang.

    Yang anehnya, Pak Lah memang sedar yang dirinya tidak lagi mampu untuk memertabatkan maruah bangsanya tetapi masih lagi berhajat besar untuk berpaut kapada jawatannya walaupun akhirnya dia tahu ianya akan memudharat dan menghancurkan bangsanya dan UMNO.

    Pemimpin UMNO yang lain yang bersubahat dengan Pak Lah untuk sedaya upaya mempertahankan kedudukannya sebagai Presiden boleh ditakrifkan sebagai "dayus".

    Mengapa pemimpin UMNO yang lain sanggup bersikap "dayus" semata-mata untuk menjaga kepentingan dan kedudukan peribadi mereka? Adakah kelakuan begini menguntungkan bangsanya yang sedang dilanda dengan berbagai cobaan untuk menggugat maruah mereka? Fikirkanlah wahai pemimpin Melayu!

    I think it is now time to be "offensive" rather than "defensive" in order to maintain our dignity. To do this, there is no other option but to really get rid of Pak Lah NOW ! Time is running out or else the Maslays will be in serious trouble. Make no mistake about it.

  3. Pak Belalang... itek tempang kalau boleh bertelor tak apa, boleh buat telor masin.
