27 September 2010

"I shall be around still" - Taib.

Taib Mahmud is not stepping down. “His family members do not want him to stop serving the people” he said. “l shall continue on as the people want him to continue, and therefore I must not disappoint the people” he said it aloud to some 6500 people at Hornbill Skyhawk hangar in Kuching recently.

The statement by this 74-year old Sarawak BN leader ends the speculation of whether he stays in the feverish political ambience of Sarawak. In other words he is telling everyone that he is indispensible and does not have the time to retreat and retire. He still remains as the one and the only leader available to serve the people among the 2 million odd population of Sarawak.

The heavy issues against him that led to the defeat of SUPP candidate that represent BN in Sibu by-election months ago does not shirk his urge and appetite to stay at the helm like an emperors the Chinese dynasties. The Chinese dynasties ended with the Qing in 1910 when the people initiated ‘the people revolution’.

He insists that he stays while the process of forming a new team is in progress. No one knows how the up-to-the-minute team is like but this can be another justification for him the stay on in the subsequent election as by then this new team would still be ill-equipped to take on the mantle. So Taib’s plan is meandering towards reassuring him to stay on even in the subsequent state election in 2016. Hence he is not retiring; as no one in Sarawak is fit replace him, at least within his life time.

The multi-ethnic and multiracial attribute of population in Sarawak make up for Taib to rule with tight fist that anyone that he sees as a threat to him will always encounter with problems which in the end be shown exit door and consequently be in political oblivion. Names like Abang Abu Bakar, Adnan Satem, Effendi Norwawi and numerous others within PBB were taking turn to be ostracized unceremoniously.

Hence the leadership vacuity in Sarawak became so unambiguous and Taib stands tall all alone without fearing anyone outdoing him within Sarawak BN. Now the dummy god Taib is under tremendous pressure from the public instead of the leaders. The voting public feels that he has been over staying and that sentiment over his obsession to cling to power is unbearable to some.

BN Sarawak has more or less identical problem to that of the Peninsula. SUPP represents the Chinese and that party’s support from the Chinese is dwindling and it is going to affect all the urban and sub-urban constituencies. The rejection in Sibu by election was an obvious indication that the Chinese are taking DAP as an alternative party for them. George Chan has mountable problem in demanding to contain the support from the Chinese as had always been before.

If MCA members are deserting BN because of UMNO, in Sarawak SUPP is rejected because of PBB leadership, in particular Taib himself. Of late Taib is facing rejection as his time to call it a day is long overdue.

The voting public is waiting anxiously for a new leader to sit on the driver’s seat as Taib has lost all his appeal and effectiveness to steer the state to a greater height. The voters in the urban and sub-urban are some what ready for political adjustment.

However Taib and his PBB/BN is still confident of getting the majority votes in the hinterland as BN will be more advantageous with their easy accessibility to the voters. BN has all the means to reach the Rumah Panjang with Iban domination.

It is expected that the ruling party will disallow the opposition to get to the hinterland by not allowing helicopters and small planes flying the opposition leaders to fly within the state during the election period. The state government had done that before and nothing can stop from doing it again.

With the power of money of Taib, the voters in the hinterland will incline to give their votes and support for Taib and his party. If the opposition election workers are serious of getting to reach these groups of voters they have to travel by land days or week before the voting date to stay near to them.

Now can Taib and his party win the government by just having the support deep rural voters? Even if Taib wins the whole rural voters the losses in the urban and sub-urban with Chinese majority may only give back the government with razor-thin majority in the State Legislative Assembly without the two third majorities like what is faced by NS State Assembly and Perak dubious State government. BUT some quarters are more inclined to believe that BN is going to experience a simple defeat in this coming crucial State Election.

The wind of change is ever growing in Sarawak and many quarters believe with Taib’s intention to loiter around still, to the best BN will almost loose the government. OR the whole chunk of winning BN candidates will be at the opposition bench.


  1. Aspan, Everybody will be around. Najib and Muhyiddin be be around.

    The fella Nor Mohammad Yakcop will be around as well as Taib Mahmud and Musa Aman.

    Nazri Aziz, Tengku Adnan and Ghani Othman will still hang around. The newly wed Bung Mohktar will still be there and the fake Shabri Cik will still be the candidate for BN.

    Don't forget; Rais Yatim still has the appetite to continue in the Cabinet and Mahathir is still in politics.

    All in all politics of this nation will be the game of te same old people.

    You want a change?..than vote for the alternative parties. For as long as you support BN, you will see the same boring faces around.

    It's sickening bro.


  2. Sarawak akan hilang statu sebagai 'fixed deposit' bagi BN.

    kalah hilang 10 kerusi Parlimen BN dari Sarawak maka lingkuplah BN keseluruhannya.

    Taib Mahmud rules as if he is the Maharaja. He takes almost anything from the rakyat.

    He should have gone a long time ago.


  3. Bro, sebenarnya dimana-mana negeri dalam negara kita rasa tidak puas hati itu sangat besar dan terang, kerana berbagai-bagai masalah setempat yang pada akhirnya menjadikan pemerintah tidak dihormati olehrakyat.

    Kalaulah Taib Mahmud misalnya melepaskanjawatannya kepada penggantinya sepuluh tahun dahulu keadaan tidak akan menjadi seperti hari ini.

    Begitu juga diSabah; siapa yang menjadiKetua Menteri akan menjadi kaya raya yang tidak terhingga sedangkan rakyat memerhatikan tingkah laku mereka yang memimpin setiap ketika.

    Kalau rakyat memberontak didlam peti undi maka kita tidak boleh menyalahkan mereka kerana negara ini mereka juga yang punya. Mereka berhak untuk membersihkan keadaan jika pemimpin tidak mampu melakukannya.

    Tetapi ini adalah fenomena biasa. Sesuatu yang kuat akhirnya akan lemah. Sesuatu yang popular akan jadi berlainan.

    Begitu juga yang memerintah lama akan digantikan akhirnya. Perubahan tetap merupaka perkara yang berlaku secara natural.

    Keadaan berbeza mengikut waktu dan zamannya. UMNO sudah terlalu takbur. Begitu juga PBB diSarawak. Mereka memperlakukan rakyat seperti rakyat ini bodoh dan tuli.

    Sekarang termima lah giliran untuk digantikan. Isu perkauman yang selalu menjadi benteng pertahanan BN selama ini sudah tidak diterima rakyat lagi.

    Rakyat tidak berpecah. Hanya pemimpin pemerintah yang inginkan perpecahan kerana mereka akan hanya kekal jika ada perpecahan.

    Aspan, you just wait. Changes have to come if we are serious in wanting a change bro.

    Amin Miri.

  4. Asalam,,, Tidak ada yg baru sebenar dalam pengumuman pihin sri taib, rakyat telah menduga taib hanya main wayng kulit, bila dia nak melepaskan jawatan cm tempoh hari,, Taib tak akan lepas dari jawatan cm, walaupun desak dari komponen parti dan parti umno, najib, taib akan kekal selagi pbb y g ada masih gaya yg lama, sokong membuta tuli, sebab apa ??? Pbb dan bn pemimpin sama sahaja, tidak ada beda, pasukan yg menjadi rakyat menderita?? Betul lah kata aspan kita pbb, mengarap dokongan dari rakyat yg masih buta hati,, mereka masih dapat di janji,, dan mereka masih dapat di beli?? Hanya itulah kekuatan pbb dan bn hari ini???, Rakyat yg mata nya terang dan hati nya tahu,, telah menahan sekian lama pendertaan,,, Setiap wakil rakyat yg ada di swak, semua nya jutawan, rumah besar, kereta besar, segala nya besar dan mewah,, maaf tak termasuk yb pr lah... Kemungkinan piliharan raya i ada dalam masa terdekat,, sudah pasti pbb dan bn akan menguna resouce yg ada, dari pegawai kerajaan, polis, tentera, spr, dan terlalu banyak sumber yg di perkuda kan untuk menyampai kemenangan. Penipuan dalam pilihan adalah perkara biasa d sarawak,, gertakan, menakut2 npengundi , sentimen perkauman, semua menjadai modal pbb dan bn ??? Taib tak akan dapat di undurkan dari cm, melainkan mindset,, rakyat yg ada di luar sini, memberi undi maut kepada semua calon bn, tak kira, melayu, melanau, iban, cina, bidayuh,. Ok lah, biarlah kali rakyat sarawak mungkin menjadi lebih bijak dan cerdik, memilih pemimpin mereka?? Seandai nya masih di tahap lama,, sudah pasti yb yg menang akn menjadi billionier semua,,, Tq

  5. Salam Pak Aspan,

    Tak mengapa kalau tuan punya badan tak mahu stepdown. Rakyat kena guna kuasa undi.
    Anyway, jawatan ketua menteri dianggap jawatan tetap. Jawatan menteri adalah stepstone untuk kaya.

  6. Saudara Aspan

    Banyak telah dibincangkan tentang korupsi meluasa menjadikan ada desakan kerajaan BN perlu dikalahkan pada PRU 13 - absolute power corrupts absolutely!

    Tetapi di Sarawak apa absolute power ini tidak akan digunakan se-maximanya dengan apa jua tujuan dan cara? Saya pasti Kerajaan PBB/BN belum boleh dapat dikalahkan pada PRS ini atau PRS yang selanjutnya melainkan Taib Mahmud sudah mati!

    Lain pula disemenanjung kerana disini absolute power telah banyak terkikis dengan lebeh ramai sudah dan mulai sedar dan kegunaan absolute power yang berlebihan hanya akan memakan tuan!
