30 May 2015

To break the country, support the current cabinet, to make it worst ask them to fix it back

The success of a government is the success of its Cabinet. The Cabinet is actually managing the country and there is no one person managing a country especially in a democratic country like ours. This country is not a Kingdom which an absolute monarch rules everything.

This country is a Federation that was formed in February 1948 and it moved on to seize the independence from the British in 1957. When we achieved independence the Malay Rulers whom before that had the sole power to govern their individual states empowered the people to government themselves through a democratic system until today. The Malay rulers from then on remain as the Head of States and both the states and the Federal were turned into Constitutional Monarchy system.

At the Federal level the nine individual Malay Rulers takes turn to become the King for the Federation for five-year term. The Yang di Pertuan Agong and the other brother Rulers are equal in status at their individual states but he is the ‘first among equal’ at the Federation.

Yang di Pertuan Agong is the Head of the Federation and he constitutionally empowers the country to be managed by a Prime Minister and the cabinet chosen from the elected representatives in the House of Parliament. So in essence the country is managed by the Cabinet appointed by King and the fate and future of the nation rest on the capability and capacity of the Cabinet chosen from the elected representatives to govern the Federation.  

All the Cabinet members appointed by the King are equal and the Prime Minister is the ‘first' among equal among them. The Prime Minister and the cabinet members hold equal responsibility and accountability. This is the cardinal principal of how the cabinet is run alongside with their responsibilities and functions as severally accountable to all consequences of their decisions made in the weekly Cabinet meetings. Every decision that any one of the Ministers wants to do must be endorsed and validated by the sitting Cabinet. No individual Minister can do anything at their Ministries’ whim and fancies' without the validation from the sitting Cabinet.

I am revisiting this issue on quite regular basis as there are clear signs that Cabinet members of the day do not understand their functions as members of the cabinet when disturbing issues like 1MDB and the Felda disputes come to the fore. We have heard Muhyiddin questioning the goings on of 1MDB. In actuality he was questioning his own decision because he was in the cabinet meeting which took all official decisions on how 1MDB to be run.

1MDB which is fathered by the Cabinet has disgracefully failed. This issue has been loitering in the minds of most Malaysians for the past five years but none of the Cabinet members had raised even their small fingers to address all complains and grumbles of the people on the conduct and affairs of the debt-ridden 1MDB. 1MDB’s dubious activities have been in suspicions for more than four years now. It’s only in past weeks that a few of those in the Cabinet raised their concerns for their own irresponsible doings.

The Cabinet and the PM should now get together and decide the time of their departure from the government just like they collectively and severally decided to allow 1MDB to commit all wrong doings, if possible instantaneously.

It looks like if we want to break the nation, give that job to the current Cabinet members and they will break the nation into pieces and if we want to make it worst also give them the task to fix it back.

29 May 2015

Astaghfirullah !!

Pemimpin utama kita tidak mahu belajar untuk menjadi pemimpin yang baik seperti pemimpin-pemimpin banyak negara yang sudah maju. Disebaliknya Najib lebih cenderung untuk mengambil tauladan dan pelajaran dari pemimpin-pemimpin negara-negara yang tidak senonoh yang tidak mengambil tahu hal rakyat dan masa depan negara mereka.

Najib mendapati sangat susah untuk menjadi manusia pemimpin yang baik dan dihormati oleh rakyatnya dan masyarakat antarabangsa. Bagi Najib membuat baik itu sangat menyusahkan beliau. Beliau sanggup untuk terus mentadbir negara walaupun beliau sendiri tahu yang beliau telah merosakkan negara dengan begitu teruk dan tidak sepadan sekali dengan nama Malaysia yang sebelum ini dianggap sebagai negara contoh dalam banyak hal dan bidang.

Najib amat susah untuk mengakui bahawa rakyat sekarang bukan boleh diperbodohkan lagi. Beliau masih tidak menyedari yang beliau sudah dipandang rendah bukan sahaja oleh masyarakat Malaysia sendiri tetapi oleh masyarakat antarabangsa sekali. Najib selalu sahaja hendak melakukan ‘equation’ kemampuan berfikir beliau dengan kemampuan rakyat berfikir.

Najib masih percaya yang tekanan untuk beliau berhenti itu sengaja diada-adakan oleh setengah pihak seolah-olah mereka yang menekan beliau untuk berhenti itu suka hendak melakukannya. Tidak ada siapa yang bergembira untuk melakukan tekanan terhadap sesiapa untuk berhenti, tetapi keadaan yang membuatkan banyak pihak mahukan Najib berhenti sahaja kerana beliau terlalu menyusahkan rakyat ramai.

Tidak juga ada yang mahu mendesak Ahli-Ahli Jemaah Kabinet untuk berundur tetapi keadaan yang mendesak yang menyebabkan ramai yang mahu Menteri-Menteri Kabinet berhenti kerana terlalu lemah dan gagal untuk melaksanakan tugas mereka sebagai Ahli-Ahli Kabinet negara.

Kabinet membiarkan apa sahaja yang dilakukan oleh Menteri Kewangan negara selama ini. Hanya sekarang sahaja yang ada suara dari kabinet untuk bersetuju yang Najib perlu menjawab persoalan yang diajukan oleh rakyat, sedangkan mereka jugalah yang bertanggungjawab kenapa Najib sebagai PM dan Menteri Kewangan bebas untuk melakukan kemungkaran terhadap ekonomi dan politik negara. Mereka mendiamkan diri sahaja melihat 1MDB diperlakukan sebagai syarikat ‘SPV’ oleh setengah pihak yang bertaraf kroni terhadap Najib untuk menyelongkar semua khazanah negara untuk diperaidkan sesama sendiri.

Apabila keadaan sudah menjadi tidak menentu lagi baru lah kedengaran pemimpin dalam Kabinet seperti Muhyiddin mengeluarkan perasaan tidak puas hati terhadap apa yang berlaku terhadap 1MDB. Itu pun bercakap disebalik tabir sahaja. Pandangan beliau itu tersebar hanya apabila ada orang yang tidak dijemput dalam perjumpaan tertutup itu menyiarkan ucapan beliau dalam media massa alternatif yang menjadi ‘viral’ itu. Dalam pada tidak bersetuju dengan apa yangb berlaku didalam 1MDB, sebulat suara pula Kabinet membenarkan untuk disediakan RM950 juta untuk ‘standby credit’ untuk 1MDB itu. Apa semuanya ini?

Sudahlah Najib tidak bertanggungjawab, Ahli-Ahli Jemaah Kabinet yang bergaya dan glamor semuanya itu lebih lagi tidak bertanggungjawab dan tidak mahu menerima ‘accountability’ terhadap jenayah 1MDB terhadap negara. Semuanya bercakap terhadap kepentingan agama, bangsa dan negara, tetapi kita lihat agamanya tiada, bangsanya kehilangan identiti dan negaranya menjadi kucar kacir.

Sekarang tidak ada siapa dikalangan Ahli-Ahli Jemaah Kabinet bersedia untuk meletakkan jawatan untuk menunjukan sikap bertanggungjawab dan menjaga maruah kepimpinan mereka dikhalayak ramai.

Hakikatnya semua Jemaah Kabinet wajar berhenti sahaja kerana mereka tidak faham fungsi jawatan yang mereka rebutkan selama ini.  Orang nak jadi Menteri mereka pun nak jadi Menteri. Apabila sudah jadi Menteri mereka tidak pun memahami apakah fungsi mereka dalam Kabinet itu.

Sesungguhnya semua mereka ini adalah pemimpin-pemimpin yang ‘confused’ dan tidak mempunyai harga diri, baik sebagai orang berbangsa Melayu tetapi juga sebagai seorang yang mengaku sebagai penganut agama yang suci kita ini. Astagfirullah!!

28 May 2015

Najib was not elected by the people to be the PM

Najib is on the offensive attack on Dr Mahathir incessantly through his blog writings. The latest of his writing Najib alleges Dr Mahathir as telling lies and all the claims by the former PM against him were untrue. However Najib does not put effort to explain why USD1.16 billion were transferred to Jho Lo’s account from 1MDB. It has been validated that any money transacted in 1MDB has to get the approval of Finance Minister who is also the advisor to 1MDB.

The public has conclusive perception that Najib as the advisor of the 1MDB was the sole person who decides everything on the money dealings in the debt-ridden Company by guarantee now known as GLC.  There is no necessity to for Najib to deny the fact, as no one can believe him any longer. Najib has to tell lies stage by stage until he believes his own lies.

Najib insists that he was democratically elected to the position he holds now and Mahathir should stop attacking him as attacking him is attacking the people. He emphasizes that Mahathir should keep away from the government’s goings on and just leave it to the current generation to deal with politics of this country. This is the point that I want to touch briefly as it is not true that he was elected by the people to the PM’s position.

The Prime Minister of this country in actuality is not elected by the people of all races. He was made to be the Prime Minister not even by all the Malays. A Prime Minister Najib is elected and made to be the PM only by Malays in UMNO.

That is the system practiced in Malaysia ever since we achieved independence. Whoever the President of the party is will be elected to be the PM as UMNO is leading the ruling components. The president of UMNO who is also an elected representative to parliament will be endorsed by the Federal Legislative as they have the command of the House.

So by convention whoever among the Legislative members wants to be the PM must strive to be the president of UMNO as that was agreed among the component members of Barisan Nasional (BN). For decades the presidents of UMNO were elected by few thousand delegates in the annual general meeting of UMNO. The almost thirty million Malaysians have got nothing to do with the election of the Prime Minister.

The president of UMNO used to be decided by only three thousand odds delegates. It was only in the last party election where the number of eligible UMNO Malay voters for party leadership was moved up to forty six thousand delegates.

Hence Najib’s claim that he was elected by the cross-sections of the rakyat was utterly baseless and unfounded. When budding and good quality leaders in UMNO were ostracized and systematically ousted from the highest governing lineup in UMNO the choice of the party presidents and their lineups were the choice between the weak and the treacherous leaders.

UMNO has been in vacuum of leadership to the extent that the party has to be dependable on the scums and lowly categorized leaders like Najib and his colleagues in the UMNO Supreme Council and the Cabinet.That’s why UMNO is looked down upon by the ordinary people as the party fails to propose and to upfront viable leaders for them to rest their hope upon for their generation.

The current system of electing a Prime Minister is only good if UMNO can produce to the public the most viable and astute leader to manage the whole nation with high magnanimity and great patriotism for the people to lay their hope for better Malaysia.  

26 May 2015

The Cabinet should resign, and compel Najib to quit

The concepts of accountability in the Cabinet and in the House of Parliament have to be taken seriously and it should now become the fundamental and cardinal culture in managing the government (Executive) and the Legislative. The absence of the elements of accountability among the Legislative members and the executives (Cabinet) is the main contributing factor that drags the nation into the situation of uncertainty of today.

We can see with our naked eyes that most of the cabinet members and the Legislative are trying to renounce their accountability for their misjudged and miscalculated decisions they made in the Cabinet. As an example many among the cabinet members were trying to lump the blames to the PM alone over the issues surrounding 1MDB. As I have mentioned in the last few postings if Najib resigns everyone in the cabinet ought to go together and simultaneously with him. In other words the whole cabinet should resign too.

The MP of Pekan is equal in status with the rest of the MPs in the Legislative body. The House of Parliament appoints him as the Prime Minister to lead the cabinet as the Prime Minister. Najib and the rest of the Cabinet members are in essence equal but since he is appointed to lead the cabinet he is what is judged as the ‘First among Equals’ by being the Prime Minister.

Therefore all decisions by the government are Cabinet decisions and all are collective in nature. Whether the decisions are righteous or debauched each and every one who sits in the cabinet is accountable for it. Despite of the massive outcry from the public about the bad conduct of the debt laden 1MDB the Cabinet was acting in ensemble with the PM Najib by approving the standby credit of RM950 million to pay for miscellanies of 1MDB just over three months ago.

In the House of the Legislature all of its members are also accountable to their constituents and making decision against the wish of their constituents is labeled as an act of contempt against the people who elect them to the House. Now each and every one among the members of Parliament should exercise serious introspection on their own self and look inward to know whether they are up there for their constituents or for their own big bellies.

It’s too intimidating to see and to hear the same Cabinet members who allow the bad goings on in 1MDB to plot for the expelling of the PM with whom they together made all decisions on 1MDB. The finest thing for them to do is to ask for Najib to quit together with them.

They should vacate all their positions in the Cabinet and give way for others who are more credible to craft a new nation that is frantically needed by the people.

23 May 2015

Najib is ready to be replaced, but not by his disloyal mate

At last Muhyiddin is saying it. All board members of 1MDB should be sacked and call in the police to investigate all the goings-on in 1MDB. The closed-door meeting with quite a number of UMNO leaders was videotaped and the video is going on viral in the social media presently.

To many observers it is a strong signal from him that he is not with Najib anymore and we do not know how to reconcile with the decision made in UMNO supreme Council meeting two weeks ago that wanted Najib, Muhyiddin and the rest of the supreme council members to unite and move forward with the agenda to transform the nation in a team. The council meeting agreed to the notion that people outside UMNO are trying to split the leadership lineup.

However in the closed door meeting Muhyiddin in the open wants the whole bunch of board members of 1MDB to be sacked and call in the police to investigate. Well, it’s good to say that but the question is why that kind of statement came out too late when 1MDB is already devastated and damaged? Calling for the board members to be sacked could mean to include the advisor of the devastated company that is Najib himself.

Nonetheless we have to come to term that Muhyiddin statement was part of the movements in UMNO to oust Najib as the party president and the head of Malaysian government. Of course it is also the gracious move to put Muhyiddin as replacement for Najib. Muhyiddin says he stands by his words and something has got to be done to put 1MDB issue to bed.

By the words of Muhyiddin in the closed door meeting, we can simply deduce that the non-existence of accountability in our leadership these days. 1MDB issue is the issue against the whole Cabinet because it’s the government that decided to form 1MDB and decision was cabinet decision.

Muhyiddin and the rest should have quitted the Cabinet if he had been in disagreement on how 1MDB was managed by Najib and the whole board members of the MOF company by guarantee. But he was not ready to quit the job and to leave the glamorous job in the Cabinet but instead he severally decided to approve the RM950 million standby credit for the ailing 1MDB. Wasn't that a irresponsible act?

If Muhyiddin and the rest of the Cabinet were smart as he claims in the video the Cabinet should have mitigated the issues surrounding the Cabinet approved company 1MDB years ago before turning too sour like today. By keeping quiet and allowing the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister to do anything without hindrances is very irresponsible on the part of the Cabinet.

Muhyiddin is like distancing himself from Najib and it is an act of disowning accountability on the devastated 1MDB. It’s very discriminating act to lump all burdens and accountability on Najib alone. Each and everyone in the Cabinet should be severally accountable over the 1MDB issues. If Najib goes all should go together with him.

We ought to resign to the fact Najib had made erroneous decisions because of the weak and clueless Cabinet members. The other bigger problem is the Cabinet members do not understand to appreciate the spirit of accountability. This is a very huge disappointment of the rakyat towards the Cabinet members. 

Najib should now realize that he is at the verge of licking his wounds alone without anyone in the Cabinet to support him like the way they used to apple-polish him before 1MDB issue surfaces. Muhyiddin and many Cabinet members are now finding excuses to place Najib in isolation. They are moving against Najib with the absence of decorum and ethics.

Surely one of the turn coats is desirous to replace Najib who subsequently would put our nation in perpetual jeopardy. Business will be as usual. We will be going for roadshows again and again unendingly as long as the replacement is from leaders within the same mold and frame.

20 May 2015

Forbid Najib to continue leading us

Najib is now the busiest Prime Minister of all time, not to govern the country but to ensure he retains his current position as the head of this corrupt government. He is too busy defending himself ever since the rakyat uncovered all his pranks and they are not trusting him any longer. The most serious disease of the PM is the crisis of confidence the worst faced by any Prime Minister of the country. He has serious and believability problems which he is unable to mitigate, however hard he attempts. 

Malaysians are not paying attention to him any longer. He is perceived to be a compulsive liar and he is now wasting his time trying to retrieve his lost reliability. He is now portrayed as a man who does not have any truth in every word he utters. Telling lies is his full time duty and he is unable to get back even a slight of trust that he had lost totally.  Lies and Najib are now synonymous.

Najib had not answered anything to questions posed by Dr Mahathir and many others down here. When asked who instructed Sirul to kill Altantuya he gave a very evasive answer by saying that he was not involved with the murder.

He has been with his ‘cock and bull’ stories in avoiding the questions posed on him. 1MDB is owing RM42 billion and when asked where was the money that was retrieved from Cayman Island hidden, but he came up with another big  lie by telling us that the money was parked in a Bank In Singapore. Before long we found out that the money was not there.

Najib can never answer issues against 1MDB as there are elements of looting and stealing money from 1MDB. As I have said many times earlier that 1MDB looks like a SPV (special purpose vehicle) company used to siphon out money for certain people and this company was set up with this intention right from the first day of its inception.  

Instead of giving simple and direct answer Najib chooses to attack Dr Mahathir to deviate our attention to questions posed by Dr Mahathir on him. He plays personal sentimentalities by reminiscing and recalling the time when he (Najib) used to save Mahathir from heinous defeat in the hands of Tengku Razaleigh in the ’87 battle in UMNO. He is now using every possible mean to tell the generation that Mahathir is not grateful to him for not returning his favor when he is in misfortune.

To Najib Mahathir must return his favor at all costs even to the extent of allowing him to plunder and to mismanage the resources of this rich nation that he has milked dry. Najib wants Dr Mahathir to clap his hands when the PM buys a jet liner bought by the government for him and his wife and family members to use while the country is in overly indebted situation.

Najib wants Mahathir and everyone else to consent him telling bunch of lies in Parliament by admitting that he keeps the money in Singapore for the purpose of circumventing BNM’s interferences in the money movements. In the end we found that the money was not even there. So where is the money?

Hence the ousting of Najib from the leadership of this country is truly a noble purpose. In fact it is sinful to keep on permitting Najib to stay on as the PM even though the effort to oust him can be tougher than ousting the colonial masters before we achieved the independence.

Let’s forbid Najib and his platoons to inebriate the country into deeper and harmful complications. Please protect our country from these bunch of perilous felons.

19 May 2015

Just waiting for the forum to find a people's PM

I am in the opinion that the system of selecting and appointing the Prime Minister that we practice presently is out-dated as it creates more harm than good. Najib claims that he is elected to the position by the rakyat but that is fallaciously mythical.

Constitutionally Prime Minister should be appointed by Parliament. Whoever enjoys the support of the majority Parliament should be the Prime Minister. The majority could be a simple majority to make one of the elected representatives to be the head of the government. Hence Najib like the previous PMs of the country were elected by few thousands delegates in UMNO annual general meetings. The members of other component parties do not have the say in determining who should be the PM.

The delegate system of UMNO in determining who to be the PM is ridiculously irrelevant especially when party is now burdened with irresponsible and deluded mind leaders especially at the top stratum of the party. UMNO is suffering from the huge vacuum in leadership as such that anyone who is elected to lead UMNO is inevitably incongruous to lead the nation.

It has been proven that the last two PMs were not eligible and decent enough to lead the country as the PM. UMNO has had vacuum in the leadership as the leader of UMNO had not focused on leadership development since 3 decades ago. As I have said many times no one in the UMNO Supreme Council is fit to assume the country’s leadership while we are in anxious need to have a new PM to save the country.

Now this blog is very captivated to find that at long last there are strong voices concur with this blog that we need a PM for the people irrespective of all races and ethnicity. We want the people to find a new PM, not just the proposal and names from UMNO and BN. Zaid Ibrahim seems to be very vocal on this issue and his effort to assemble the thinking and the real voice of the people in a forum on the 23rd May should be responded with enthrallment from all walks of life.

The forum as Zaid has politely ascertained, will choose none other than Tengku Razaleigh as the alternative to Najib to lead the country and he is an UMNO man and Malay. Hence there is no reason for UMNO leaders not to support the move as the choice will enhance UMNO itself. Since UMNO is unable to find its own leader, let us find one for them.

Let us be rest assured that the predicted choice of the forum is the best leader for Malaysian yet to emerge. The fascinations among the ordinary people are building up since hearing that the forum will be organized as a serious memo to the nation.

We need a new and fresh government badly, nothing less.

16 May 2015

Najib's instantaneous retirement an irreplaceable gift for the rakyat

We know with certainty that Najib’s claim that he still enjoys the support of the people is not true and all those facets and facades are made-ups.  The four thousand crowds in Tawau were inflated to forty thousand and that four thousand were mostly Indonesian workers who work in the plantations around Tawau.

The MP for Kalabakan apparently was provided with financial support to assemble as many people as possible to stand in front of PM Najib to clap and to scream for support after every word that came out of Najib’s mouth. The support was faked and stage-managed for the purpose of media publicity. Those who came for the rally were paid and of course the money originated from Putrajaya.

Way back in Kuala Lumpur Najib was ‘forcing’ the Cabinet members and the opportunistic MPs to be with him to impress the public that he enjoys the support of the people. Initially Muhyiddin was seen to advance away from Najib and was ready to lead many Cabinet Ministers to jump off from the PM’s sinking ship but was chickened out after the four-eyed meeting with the distressed PM before the Supreme Council meeting few days ago.

What transpired and transacted between them in their four-eyed discussions are somewhat easy to guess. Muhyiddin is in no exception in committing falters and offences to the people and the nation. He too is carrying baggage heavy enough to take any addition of burden with him. Thus Muhyiddin has no other choice but to swim and float with the flow like a dead fish.

As an adage goes, the good is for the good while the bad will go for the bad. That is what the actual reason for Muhyiddin to chick out and so do the rest of the confused leaders with him. As I have mentioned in my last few postings the divide now is between the rakyat irrespective of race, religion and their political inclinations against the ruling leaders in particular Najib.

All Kit Siangs and Hadis as well as Anwars and disillusioned Malays, Kadazans, Dayaks and others are all out to show an exit door to Najib. Najib should take this opportunity to live in repentance ever after.

Every ordinary man and woman wants Najib to go if possible instantaneously. Najib’s retirement is the most irreplaceable gift for each and every Malaysian.

How not to be? His immediate retirement can be of help for the country to reborn as a new and vibrant nation led by an astute and exemplary technocrat. Don't you agree with me that this is a great contribution that Najib can offer to the nation? 

13 May 2015

Mahathir still have the chance to restore his statesmanship

Najib is attempting his best shot to maintain at his current position in the party and the government. He is hectic these few weeks and months soliciting support from his own party leaders as there were quite clear indications that he would be toppled by his own colleagues in the party. He is preparing to defend himself from being challenged by his colleague as the party president. He is also in defense of his position as the Prime Minister as pressure for him to quit is becoming more exerting. 

The sitting PM is facing fierce pressure from numerous organizations including some from UMNO that he is in need to retire as he is doomed to be the most irresponsible and detested PM in all time history of this country. The most disturbing person to Najib was his former mentor Dr Mahathir Mohammed. Dr Mahathir on the hand has the moral right to pull him down as he was the one who paved the way for Najib to ascend the undeserving positions as Prime Minister and the party president.

Najib should be more thankful to Dr Mahathir as it was the weakness of Dr Mahathir that Najib expediently took advantage to successfully holding lofty position. By his admission Mahathir has the strong tendency to choose wrong persons to lead the country and the worst of them all was Najib Razak. However there is an easy answer as to why Dr Mahathir had made recurring mistakes in his choices.

Mahathir had always put his personal preferences ahead of what the country’s leadership essentials.  Both Abdullah Badawi and Najib were weak personalities he props up to be leaders whom he (Mahathir) thinks would be grateful to him in return for the positions they earned undeservingly. Mahathir should now realize that choosing the undeserving persons to lead will be ungainly to the nation and to him personally.

In effect Mahathir will be read by history as the leader who underwrote to the destruction of the nation by propping up contemptible and unworthy leaders to inherit his leadership. That history will stay forever and will be read by generations after generations. Mahathir does not have the privilege of time as his age is fast catching up.

He won’t have the age of Prophet Noah who lived for 950 years to see and mend all the destructive consequences of leaderships of his mold as I have recurrently mentioned in my writings. It must be conclusively confessed that Muhyiddin and the rest of the leaders in the Supreme Council are all leaders who are within the mold that Mahathir has developed for more than two decades of time. Replacing Najib with anyone of them is no change.

I believe Mahathir still has the chance to restore his appearance as a statesman and a leader who was truly magnanimous to work out for the Malaysians while he is still living. Mahathir should realize that he has been circled by too many 'Abdullah bin Ubai' that have put him in perpetual unhappiness. 

12 May 2015

The split is between the rakyat and the ruling elite

UMNO President alleged the people outside the party are trying to destroy UMNO by splitting the leaders.  Najib says that the Supreme Council is solidly behind him and at the Supreme Council meeting yesterday every member of the council wanted him and Muhyiddin to work together and steer the country forward. Khairy Jamaluddin, the UMNO youth head confirmed that nobody within the Supreme Council was asking Najib to step down.

On the other hand the ordinary citizen are putting the UMNO President and the credulous party leadership lineup on trial as they feel the party leadership is seen to be swaying away from serving the people. Najib and the lineup in the Supreme Council are seen to be reckless and irresponsible horde of disappointing and inacceptable leaders of the Malays and Malaysians.

The Supreme Council is drenched with confused and gullible individuals who refuse to admit that they are more of a liability than assets to the party and the people. The President especially is often making ‘crony-driven’ decisions which end up in creating UMNO as the fertile soil for corruptions and misdeeds to thrive. If they are truly earnest crop of leaders the issues on 1MDB, Felda and the LUTH would not have surfaced.

1MDB in the first placed should not have existed at all. The company was conclusively looked upon as SPV (special purpose vehicle) for the leaders to loot the tax-payers wealth and money. When queried by the people led by Dr Mahathir Najib had never given any definite answers but kept on giving wrong and deceitful answers.

They lie and keep on lying through and until today Najib has never answered anything about the MOF investment arm. I reckon that Najib has an ineffective forked-tongue as his lies are easily traced by anybody who has sensible level of thinking capability. Najib has proven to be a completely incapable leader as he doesn’t even have the capability to lie smoothly.

The split as I have strongly emphasized is a split between the ruling leaders and the rakyat. Looking from the other angle the rakyat is more united now than ever before.  They are united in fronting the evils caused by the distasteful leadership and his cronies in the party and government.  Now the opposition and the BN supporters have unfasten their differences for the sake of saving the country from further destructions.

I have to say this much which may not be the liking of some people in the government side of the divide. In crude reality there are no more opposition parties and the BN. The divide now is between the ruling elite and the rakyat of all parties and inclinations. That was the reason that this blog has been unfailingly calling for an astute leader and judicious enough to lead the nation and everyone works under him sincerely to repossess the joyous ambiance we used to enjoy before.  

They are burying their differences for the sake of the country they love dearly. They don’t have other place or country to live like our top elite leaders in the country presently have. We are the ordinary and loyal subjects to the country and our elegance is only to this blessed nation but poorly managed by her dubious and poorly bred leaders.  

As one Malay adage goes ‘dimana bumi dipijak di situ langit dijunjung’.

11 May 2015

Najib hates check and balance but loves cheques and whatever balance in the government kitty

Najib is retorting inhospitably towards Dr Mahathir and called the former premier as an ungrateful being.  Najib reminisced that Mahathir too was undergoing moments of difficulties like he now going through.  And his (Najib’s) support for Dr Mahathir then saved the former premier being thrown out of power and would not have been able to rule for twenty two years, claims Najib.

Najib recalled that while he (Mahathir) was sitting PM, he was pressured by half of his Cabinet members and UMNO supreme Council to quit. Najib claimed that his last moment U-turn and supported Dr Mahathir gave him (Mahathir) another  long lease of power that stretch for twenty two years.

Everything now seems to turn personal and Najib is hanging to every bit of object that floats in front of him to survive from sinking. Now he chooses to go a head-on clash with Dr Mahathir by labeling the former Prime Minister an ungrateful being. He reminisces and recalled the time when Mahathir was in total desperation when almost half of the Cabinet turned against him and called for his resignation.  Najib recalls how he made a U-turn and gave Mahathir the support he in dire needed.

In actuality Dr Mahathir had already reciprocated by paving the way for Najib to be the Prime Minister, the position we now realize he meagerly deserves. By his own admission, Mahathir told the crowded audiences in the K Club Taman Melawati last month that he was indulged to give the opportunity for Najib to lead the country to reciprocate the deeds that Tun Razak accorded to him in the early seventies.

Najib can’t be going on asking for return of the favor his family offered to Dr Mahathir as Najib has proven to be a colossal burden to the nation. Najib has failed miserably to seize the opportunity to be remembered as a good and truthful leader to the nation that can be read by the future generations. It is not just Dr Mahathir who realizes the flaws in his leadership but that flaws are generally perceived by wide cross sections of Malaysian irrespective of races and religions, the urban and the rural Malaysians.

To Najib politics and positions in it is personal ownership for any leader who leads. His conduct and moral is of no significance to the nation and the people. In Tawau two days ago he shouted and yelled at Mahathir for not giving him the freedom to act exuberantly managing the country owned by the people by his whim and fancies. He can plunder the nation’s resources and manage the country without strategic and accurate planning for the people. 

He takes the country and everything in it as his personal ownership and he does not like check and balance as part of democracy we practice. He only loves cheques and the balances in the country’s treasury and agencies and disallows anybody to watch how he spends. He doesn’t want anybody to get involved in spending.

He only wants the public to get involved when he feels that there is a need to tax the people. He wants the people to get involved to support any move to tax them. Any move to resist the new taxes will end up in police arrests and locked-up in police stations and subsequently charged in court.

I think the people should do some counseling on Najib just the way he wants to see a student Nur Fitri of Imperial College to be counseled for keeping thirty thousand of child porno in his computer in London. If Najib wants Nur Fitri to be counseled for keeping that huge number of child porno, he himself should be counseled for allowing hundreds of billions of ringgit lost and evaporates in the thin air from the government treasury and its agencies through their dubious acts that were criminal in nature.  

I think the crime that Nur Fitri committed was too trivial as compared to the political and economic crimes he commits unendingly.

08 May 2015

Should we douse all hopes for better future?

The decision of Tabung Haji to purchase a lot of the TRX property for RM188 million from 1MDB gives us another proof that the embattled investment company of the Ministry of Finance was true and true liability to all Malaysians, and this time the government has decided to get the pilgrimage funds to bail out the company. Now other government agencies with money must on standby to bailout all the other failed enterprises that Najib and the Cabinet have misadventured.

It was not a prudent investment decision as the resolution was done only on the 24th of last month when the 1MDB issue was heating up. It was an ad hoc decision in the move to bail 1MDB which has failed to move forward because of massive loan and debts that they were unable to alleviate. Efforts to get additional loans from various international financial institutions were met with failures and letdowns.

1MDB has been managed by devious and deceitful team right from the first day of its operation.  Somebody or few other individuals who were oblivious of integrity and morality were all out to ride on the MOF investment arm for personal gains and exaltation. They loot the public funds for their benefits as they feel that every bit of money in the government pool were their grandfathers and great grandmother’s.

In short 1MDB was set up to be special purpose vehicle (SPV) for the looters and the plunderers to milk the nation dry. The decision to get Tabung Haji to bailout the devastated 1MDB was not unpredictable as our tax payers will usually bailout this kind of company and this exercise is not uncommon to happen in this country since three decades ago.  Malaysians are forgiving lots and always on standby to bailout companies that were ruined shamelessly by their own leaders.

It’s is beyond comprehension hearing the Cabinet allows this debauched deals to be transacted without hindrance.  Now it’s not wrong to tag our Cabinet as a cursed cabinet as they continuously making decisions that are against the people they govern. We must all be aware that any country like ours is governed by a Cabinet headed by a Prime Minister.

Both the Prime Minister and the Cabinet members are members of the Federal Legislatives. Both the Prime ministers and his Cabinet members are Members of Parliament. In essence both Najib and the Cabinet members are equal in status and among them they choose a Prime Minister.

The Cabinet is to lead the country that has mandated them to govern for certain number of years and in Malaysian case for 5-year term. In other words morally the PM is the first among equal and in any decision made in the Cabinet. Any positive or negative consequence on the decision made all members of the Cabinet Members have got to take accountability.

That is the reason while the move to oust Najib is morally and politically fair and mandatory but that move should be alongside with ousting the whole members of the Cabinet as they are equally accountable for taking deadly and devastating decisions for the country.

This relatable component of administration has not been followed, adhered and observed for more than three decades and that resulted in only the Prime Minister having to go but the accountable members of the Cabinet remains. Abdullah Badawi was shown the exit door for his mistakes but the Cabinet Members including Najib remained. Hence Najib took over Abdullah and he commits the worst off mistakes and glitches to the country.

Now, can any member of the cabinet deny accountabilities in the dubious deal of Tabung haji and 1MDB? The Cabinet was made to approve the standby credit of RM 950 million for 1MDB which has been utilized to the fullest.  Now the Cabinet has decided to make Tabung Haji to bailout 1MDB by ‘forcing’ Tabung Haji to purchase the land purchased by 1MDB for RM 4 million at an inflated price of RM 188 million?

Thus the corrupt and dubious acts committed by the leaders and 1MDB have the rakyat to pay all the bills for the wrongs committed by 1MDB, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. In this latest issue the Tabung Haji depositors are taking their turn to pay for their leaders delinquencies.

We have been addressing all the pains but never ever had attempted to address the actual disease contracted by our mandated leaders. As long as this scandalous culture persists we should douse all hopes for better government in future.

07 May 2015

TR should alternate the present leadership

For the past months it has been very eventful period especially with matters regarding the weakest PM that we have in almost six decades of independent Malaysia. As I have said in my earlier posting we are in real need of a genuine leader for definite and expeditious rectifications of the current disquieting environments that everyone is facing.

It’s now a conclusive outlook that the country needs a new alternative leader that fits to revamp this disordering country. This blog have been unfailingly emphasizing that this country truly needs a special leader who is capable to redraw the country’s plans and paths of progress right from the drawing board. In essence we are in need of a new nation, saying it candidly.  

Let’s take all debacles and shambles that befall on us presently as blessings. Nothing good can come before we go through all the mills of evils. When great evils occur great good will soon follow. I have also been saying that we are at the darkest part of the night, but the darker the night the nearer we are to the dawn. I am for one believes that the worst will soon be over and we are drawing close to the dawn and experience a new light of hope and optimism.

We have already heard of suggestions by certain quarters to have a leader who owns high judiciousness and benevolence to bring all disputing parties and groups together and live in co-existence and respecting each other for the purpose of achieving our ultimate goal that is national unity.

For the first time ever in fifty-eight year independence, some opposition leaders are voicing their positive judgment on an UMNO member to realistic tenacities in mitigating the present difficulties. They name Tengku Razaleigh as the most suitable choice as he has had the sterling record of contribution to the national politics and nation building while he was in the government before he was systematically sidelined by some UMNO leaders in the late seventies and the early eighties. I am not going to write about his excellent testimonials as those have been extensively elaborated of late by many quarters including this blog and to those who take the pain to do exercise some soul-searching.

As a Malay and a perfect gentleman that he is, TR is the most practical and hands-on leader to accomplish our national goal and to repossess the ambiance and atmosphere that we used to rejoice before. He represents the Malay and the indigenous which forms the huge majority of the country’s populations. We must resign to what a Malay proverb says, that is ‘berpijak di bumi yang nyata’. We must stand on reality that the nation needs a wise Malay leader who is capable in achieving and delivering national unity based on the Malay perspective.

The clear defect of the present ruling Malay leaders was the main component that contributes to the present depravity to the country. The Malay ruling leaders have miserably failed to earn respect and regards from Malaysian from the diverse and dissimilar races that we have.

The main pillar for united Malaysian is when we have judicious and well regarded Malay leader to lead this blessed nation perpetually. Again I emphasize that we have to ‘berpijak di bumi yang nyata’. If the Malays fail the country is going to fail.

That was why the suggestion by some quarters that TR to lead is the most sensible proposition that comes by in recent weeks. He should have been leading the country long time ago anyway. He just fits in to the current needs of drawing away from the current intemperance and depravities.  

It’s reassuring to hear that even an opposition party is prepared to spare Tengku Razaleigh the rectitude and space for this UMNO member to alternate the present UMNO leadership to lead the nation. 

That simply means that there is not much problem with UMNO even to the opposition. It’s the current distasteful appeals of the UMNO leadership that apprehend their support for the governing leaders.

Hence it’s TR who can retrieve UMNO back to relevance if the Malays and UMNO care to soul search intensively.

05 May 2015

Can we or can we not find someone astute enough to bring changes?

Not everyone truly comprehends the issues that generate uncertainties we face at the moment.  The issues surrounding us are plentiful but too much attention has been focused on grave personal issues of the Prime Minister with his failed and credulous Cabinet lineup.  

There are numerous other issues cropping up even before Tun Mahathir came out in the open deliberating on 1MDB, the murder of Altantuya Sharibuu and other unsullied weaknesses of the sitting PM. Najib’s personal issues are already too massive that leads to unremitting calls for him to step down in efforts to circumvent the total collapse of the elected government.

The manner Najib manages the government is appalling as the system that works on the government under his administration is perceived to be the worst in all time history of independent Malaysia. We have the biggest Cabinet among many countries in the world but we create the biggest unmanageable results and outcome. Technically and morally we are already a failed nation.

We are growing through the most testing time as we are crumbling in every pitch. Our leaders are acceding to the calls of evils albeit claiming to be struggling for religion, race and the country. How are we going to obliterate the perceptions of the world that we are in a nation that is impregnated with huge corruption activities and the powerful plunderers and pillagers of the country’s rich resources?

We are unchallenged for high national debts that exceed 62 percent of our GDP. I don’t know whether that includes debts created through the off-budget agencies. We are indebted heavily and the leaders are still trotting the world to find more loans to keep this ill managed nation afloat.

How could a country like ours that is blessed with rich natural resources being trapped in indebtedness to a level much higher than great nations like Indonesia with populations of eight times bigger than us? Indonesia does not have national debts to this level and we are waiting for someone to tell all to what is happening to all the wealth graced upon us.

Let us not deny the fact that we are in critical situation and it’s hard to comprehend how the plunderers are going to solve their own irresponsible acts. We can’t trust anyone who perceived to be looters to address the problems including Muhyiddin and the Cabinet who give undivided support and allow Najib to act unitarily conspiring against the people. The Cabinet members have a lot to answer for this fearful state of affairs.

We also have other big issues that have been unloved over the past decades. We have not addressed cancerous matters relating to the East Malaysian States of Sarawak and Sabah. The two states are having numerous disputes that need to be stabilized with the Federal leaders as the presence of the two states cannot be paralleled with other individual states in the Federation of Malaya. We cannot treat this issue as trivial and if not settled affably it is going to be cancerous and harmful to the sovereignty of our Federation.

The deafening voices of the people from the two eastern states are now becoming more evident and that need legitimately experienced and astute leader to address it.  Regrettably no one within the current leaders in the party and government has the skill to alleviate these problems as they are not aware of the issues and how it will affect the Federation. Worst of it all they don’t really appreciate the existence of both states in the federation. East Malaysians remain with the outlooks of being colonized by the Peninsula Malaysia ever since the day they joined the Federation in 1963.

Who are the astute man and leader that we need to unravel the nation’s difficulties and complications?  Can we or can we not find someone within us who is born just to enslave himself for the country we love back on track to save the country from this  scary state of affairs?

If time permits, let us talk about it in the next posting. It may be tomorrow or it can be a little later.

03 May 2015

Samada dari darah Bugis, Minangkabau atau Jawa, kalau dah berbuat salah berhenti

Najib telah bercakap tentang darah keturunannya bagi memberitahu semua yang beliau tidak akan mudah menyerah kalah apabila didesak untuk meletakan jawatan oleh bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Mahathir Mohammed. Beliau berkata beliau berdarah Bugis dan tidak sekali-kali menyerah kalah. Pantang anak Bugis menyerah kalah, katanya.

Beliau tidak pula memberitahu kita samada orang Bugis itu tetap akan mempertahankan kuasa jika telah melakukan kesalahan moral dan politik terhadap negaranya. Semasa dahulu kita tidak ada kerajaan demokrasi. Oleh yang demikian bagaimana Najib mengukur sifat orang Bugis itu tidak akan menyerah kalah.

Kita bukannya hidup di zaman silam yang peperangan itu adalah peperangan fisikal dan kekuatan Bugis itu mungkin menunjukan yang Bugis tidak mudah mengalah. Tetapi sekarang ini Perdana Menteri yang berdarah Bugis ini seolah-olah menyatakan kepada kita yang Bugis itu tidak mengira samada dia boleh memimpin atau tidak kuasa mesti dikekalkan. Yang penting bagi mereka ialah kuasa semata-mata.

Bagaimana pula dengan ramainya orang yang berdarah Bugis meminta beliau berundur sekarang ini? Saya rasa orang berketurunan Bugis juga ramai yang bersama meminta Najib berundur dan menghormati semangat demokrasi yang kita amalkan. Demokrasi bukan hanya dengan memenangi undi dalam pilihanraya. Demokrasi itu mesti membawa bersama semangat dan moralnya. Malahan meminta Najib berhenti oleh pemimpin UMNO itu merupakan tindakan demokrasi yang cuba untuk mengelak parti yang dipimpinnya terjunam dalam pilihanraya yang akan dating.

Saya bercakap dengan ramai sahabat dan rakan yang berdarah Bugis juga. Tetapi mereka terlupa yang mereka berdarah Bugis dan mahu Najib turun dari kuasa. Mereka mendahulukan keselamatan Negara dari darah Bugisnya. Tidak perlulah Najib mengecikan perjuangannya. Setelah memainkan isu bangsa sekarang nampaknya Najib telah memilih ruang lingkup perjuangannya yang lebih sempit lagi dengan menggunakan isu ‘clan’ yang ada dikalangan rumpun Melayu itu sendiri.

Bagaimana dengan yang berdarah Jawa? Bagaimana pula dengan mereka yang asalnya dari darah Minangkabau dan Mendailing. Bagaimana dengan suku Batak dan yang lain yang ada dalam rumpun Melayu itu? Mereka juga merupakan orang yang tidak mudah menyerah kalah. Dr Mahathir mempunyai darah India dan terbukti beliau juga tidak mudah mengalah. Dr Mahathir yang mempunyai darah India dalam dirinya telah berjuang tanpa mengaku kalah. Malahan ramai pemimpin-pemimpin berkalibar diperangi beliau dan semuanya telah kalah. Malahan Dr Mahthir masih lagi berperang kali ini dengan Najib yang berketurunan Bugis ini.

Kita sekarang bercakap tentang negara dan rakyat merasakan Najib sepatutnya berundur kerana terlalu banyak isu peribadi terhadap beliau yang beliau tidak berkemampuan untuk menjawab. Beliau bolehlah mengaku yang beliau sebagai hulubalang kaum Bugis tetapi beliau sudah diminta untuk berhenti oleh banyak pihak. Yang suruh berhenti tidak pun sedar yang Najib itu berketurunan Bugis. Samada beliau ini dari keturunan Bugis atau India beliau perlu berhenti dan melepaskan tanggungjawab yang beliau gagal melaksanakannya.

Elok diberitahu Najib yang semua orang susah untuk mengalah. Baik ia datang dari suku apa sekalipun. Yang melakukan kebathilan akan berjuang dan tidak mengaku kalah dan yang memperjuangkan untuk kebaikan pun tidak mudah mengalah.

Yang boleh mengalah kalah ialah orang yang sedar tentang kesalahan yang mereka lakukan dan sanggup berhenti dan bersara semata-mata untuk kebaikan negara. Kumpulan ini adalah kumpulan yang baik. Kalau Najib benar-benar memperjuangkan kebaikan beliau patut bersara kerana beliau sendiri tahu yang beliau telah melakukan perkara yang tidak baik untuk negara. Hanya kerana ketamakan dan keegoan beliau sahaja yang membuatkan beliau tidak mahu berhenti.

Bukankah perletakan jawatan beliau itu boleh memperbaiki keadaan? Bukankah Najib sering berkata yang beliau berjuang hanya untuk kebaikan? Berjuang untuk rakyat ini bukan semestinya dengan mengekalkan kuasa, sebaliknya dengan melepaskan jawatan dan kuasa juga merupakan perjuangan yang baik untuk rakyat jika perletakan jawatan itu akan memberikan hikmah untuk negara dan rakyat.

Perjuangan yang sebenar-benarnya ialah memerangi nafsu diri sendiri. Itu merupakan perjuangan dari lahirnya kita sampailah keakhir kalam kita. Itu merupakan perjuangan yang benar-benar perjuangan. Tetapi kalau kita berkeras berjuang untuk menyambung dan memanjangkan kebathilan itu adalah perjuangan yang salah terutamanya kepada rakyat yang ramai ini.

Rakyat tidak kira mereka Bugis atau Minangkabau dan Jawa, sedang memerhatikan lagak laku pemimpin dari keturunan Bugis ini. Saya yakin orang Bugis sendiri ramai yang mahu Najib meletakan jawatan agar semua rakyat yang berketurunan Bugis, Minangkabau, Jawa serta yang lain seperti Kadazan, Murut dan Iban mahu perubahan.

Kalau Najib lebih mendengar panggilan yang bathil maka yang mempejuangkan kebenaran pun tidak mudah mengalah. Kami juga tidak  mudah mengalah dengan permainan mereka yang dipandu oleh nafsu tamak haloba kerana melawan nafsu dan ketamakan itu adalah wajib bagi mereka yang mempunyai agama.

Apa yang nak dibanggakan kepahlawanan zaman silam kaum Bugis kerana mereka juga sedang berada dalam arena politik dan bukannya peperangan fisikal dengan tobak dan pedang lagi. Dalam politik ini peperangan ialah peperangan mental dan bukannya peperangan menggunakan tombak seperti yang dilakukan oleh pahlawan-pahlawan Bugis atau jawa dan Minangkabau.

Jika kita bermain kuasa dengan otot itulah yang menyebabkan ada pembunuhan dan penipuan yang begitu ketara pada hari ini. Tunjukan keunggulan kaum Bugis itu dengan mengaku salah dan bersara sahaja dari politik dan tentunya ia memberikan persepsi baik terhadap orang Bugis itu.

Saya mempunyai ramai sahabat dari kaum Bugis dan semuanya adalah orang baik-baik belaka. Sikap dan sifat Najib ini tidak melambangkan sikap dan nilai kemanusiaan orang Bugis itu sendiri. Kenapa berlindung disebalik sukunya sekarang ini. Sudah ‘desperate’ sangatkah?

01 May 2015

If Najib is replaced by his own cabinet member, that will be another devilish government

Najib’s claim that he has the solid support from his fellow Cabinet members is debatable. No one in his correct and sensible mind will bite his notion that he has the true support from the Cabinet members he appointed. In actuality most of his appointees in the Cabinet are playing double game behind the Prime Minister Najib. His fellow colleagues in the Cabinet are trying to disown the spirit of collective responsibility and accountability and wanted to let Najib to surface with the problems alone and unassisted.

Most of them wanted Najib to answer the question posed by Mahathir in the issue of 1MDB and various other issues that engulf Najib since months ago. When Najib’s chips are down his own appointed men in the Cabinet are hesitant to stand by him. Some are going in the open asking Najib to answer the entire questions put forward by Mahathir to answer. Muhyidin, Shafie Apdal and the youth chief are among the Cabinet members who came out joining the chorus of Mahathir asking the PM to answer all the queries from Dr Mahathir.  

It is morally and ethically flawed for Cabinet members to unfasten their responsibility in answering Mahathir’s aggravating questions to the Prime Minister. Muhyiddin and the whole Cabinet members should be jointly accountable and be able to answer all allegations against the Prime minister. All Cabinet members should be able to answer on behalf of the Prime Minister as all deals in 1MDB were collective Cabinet decisions.

It abhors when hearing Cabinet members denying their liability on the 1MDB as they should know the entire goings on in any company that is owned by the Ministry of Finance. In the quiet some of the Ministers give inexcusable reason that Najib had never informed the Cabinet on the deals of 1MDB. How could that be?
They should have demanded from the PM in the weekly meetings about 1MDB as this issue had cropped up in the open for the past four years. By not querying the PM about the deal is as good as collaborating with the dubious act of the Finance Minister and the PM.

It is unspeakably irresponsible for any Cabinet member to deny responsibility on this issue by asking Najib to answer all queries from Dr Mahathir and other pressure groups.  Muhyiddin and the rest in the Cabinet have lost all their dignity by denying directly or indirectly their accountability in the awful deals of investment arm of the government.

In reality if Najib is ousted by this issue the whole Cabinet lineup should quit as they were appointed by this ailing Premier. It is depressing to discover that there are groups are in the act of installing Muyiddin as the PM once Najib is ousted.  Please realize that he is part and parcel of the weak Cabinet that made all the decisions on 1MDB.

Muhyiddin and the Cabinet were working hand-in-glove with Najib and the Cabinet to approve the proposal by Najib and 1MDB to give RM950 million as standby credit for 1MDB. If the Cabinet including Muhyiddin were at all honest to circumvent the conned act of the PM they would have shot down the stand-by credit of RM950 million for 1MDB proposed by Najib.

Hence replacing Najib with Muhyiddin will put us at risk of returning to more insurmountable problems in the near foreseeable future. Then we are not solving the problems but instead giving another lease of evil, devilish and irresponsible regime to manage us in perpetuity.

Let us admit that the spirit accountability is already out of fashioned these days.