Keputusan pemilihan UMNO selesai sudah dan umum sudah tahu ke mana arah UMNO selepas ini dan ianya amat mengerikan.
Pendeknya keputusan yang kita lihat membayangkan betapa jumudnya UMNO dalam menentukan masa depan rakyat dan negaranya.
Saya selalu bercerita tentang dalil kiamat dalam tulisan-tulisan saya beberapa ketika dahulu.
Salah satu dalilnya ialah yang patut jadi pemimpin diketepikan dan yang tidak patut menjadi pemimpin ditegakkan.
Shahrir Samad dikalahkan, dan ramai lagi pemimpin yang sepatutnya menang tewas dengan teruknya.
Yang menggelikan hati ialah perwakilan memilih orang seperti Azeeez, ketua Putra yang berjaya mendapatkan tempat sedangkan Shahrir dan menteri-menteri gugur bergelimpangan seperti daun kering di waktu angin bertiup.
Menteri-menteri Besar semuanya kalah kecuali Musa Aman dari Sabah. Inilah kali pertama dalam pengalaman hidup bersama UMNO berlakunya keadaan seperti ini.
Siapa yang banyak menabur wang ringgit yang itulah yang menang dan orang seperti Shahrir yang tidak menabur tidak ada dalam ingatan perwakilan walaupun beliau adalah di kalangan hanya beberapa orang yang ada attribute seorang pemimpin dalan barisan Abdullah.
Kepada Shahrir, saya mengangkat topi dengan keputusan beliau untuk meletakkan jawatannya sebagai Menteri.
Sesungguhnya itu adalah pakaian pemimpin yang mengaku diri mereka sebagai demokratik.
Saya tidak nampak ramai pemimpin yang boleh melakukan tindakan yang mengikut semangat dan etika demokrasi seperti yang dibuat oleh Shahrir.
Apabila perwakilan tidak menerimannya untuk duduk dalam jawatankuasa tertinggi parti itu, maka adalah menjadi tanggungjawab moralnya itu untuk meletakkan jawatannya.
Shahrir tidak seperti Menteri-Menteri lain yang sanggup berbuat apa sahaja asalkan boleh duduk dalam Jemaah Kabinet Negara walaupun orang ramai memandang jelek kepada mereka.
Sekarang perwakilan mahukan Azeeez, ketua putra UMNO itu untuk jadi pemimpin maka UMNO ambillah Azeeez itu sebagai pemimpin.
Bagi diri saya sebagai rakyat biasa dan ahli biasa dalam UMNO yang tidak bersetuju dengan kemenangan Azeeez ini boleh pilih haluan lain, mungkin dengan berdiam diri terus atau memilih wadah perjuangan yang lain.
Kita yakin bahawa ramai orang sudah mula bertukar wadah setelah keputusan diisytiharkan, tetapi mereka tidak lari daripada akidah perjuangan.
Bertukar parti bukannya menjadi kesalahan; yang tidak boleh bertukar Agama dan akidah kita.
Lagi banyak pemimpin bercakap tentang perubahan lagi teruk keadaan di dalam parti.
Mungkinkah perubahan yang dijanjikan Najib ini ialah untuk membawa orang seperti Azeeez dan beberapa orang lain yang berjaya dalam pemilihan dua hari lepas?
Kalau kita ingin melihat perubahan seperti yang dijanjikan oleh Najib itu, kita memang sudah melihat perubahannya.
Perubahan yang ketara ialah permainan politik wang secara terbuka walaupun etika pemilihan nampaknya ketat.
Perubahan yang lebih nyata ialah terkeluarnya pemimpin-pemimpin yang ada sedikit sebanyak kepimpinan dan digantikan dengan pemimpin-pemimpin bertaraf Pak Pandir.
Perubahan yang tidak kurang ketaranya ialah perwakilan tidak menilai kemahiran seseorang pemimpin itu tetapi memilih mereka yang selalu bercakap seperti Bung Mokhtar, Mohamad Aziz dan beberapa Anjing Sukom yang malas rasanya untuk menyebutnya.
Dengan kemenangan Khairy Jamaluddin sebagai ketua pemuda Malaysia sudah pasti menjadikan Pemuda UMNO sebagai sayap yang tiada roh orang Melayu yang tulen dan ianya akan membawa pemuda ke arah lurah yang dalam dan menyemadikan UMNO di dalamnya.
Kadangkala saya cuba mematahkan jari untuk mengira berapa banyak dan jumlah wang yang ditabur dalam Perhimpunann Agung kali ini…tetapi tidak dapat jawapannya.
Kalau orang Arab Mekah dan Madinah berniaga dua bulan dalam setahun, orang-orang UMNO membuat bisnes tiga tahun sekali.
Saya diberitahu oleh beberapa orang perwakilan bahawa mereka mendapat tidak kurang daripada RM15,000 yang dikutip dari calon-calon yang bertanding.
“Dapatlah langsaikan baki tunggakan kereta saya di ‘finance company’ bang! Bukannya selalu, dia orang kebas lagi banyak bang!” kata salah seorang perwakilan kepada saya. Saya hanya mampu menjawab pendek, “oh gitu!”.
Saban tahun dalam Perhimpunan Agung parti Najib, Muhyiddin membuat ikrar untuk memperkasakan UMNO namun UMNO tetap menjadi bertambah lemah dan mempunyai masalah-masalah yang tidak terurai.
UMNO kini sudah dipandang sebagai makhluk perosak oleh orang Melayu dan rakyat jelata sehinggakan parti ini dengan pemimpinnya sudah dipandang rendah seperti anjing kurap yang melata.
UMNO dipandang seperti sampah-sarap yang bertaburan di tepi jalan dan rakyat menyampah serta jemu melihat pemimpin mereka.
Kepada Shahrir, saya sekali lagi mengangkat topi menghormati beliau dengan setinggi-tingginya.
Sesungguhnya beliau seorang pemimpin dan sebagai pemimpin tidak semestinya duduk di atas pentas.
Kita digalakkan sembahyang berjemaah kerana imam yang mengetuai jemaah itu tidak semestinya sampai doanya ke hadhirat Illahi; mungkin salah seorang jemaah yang ramai itu yang mampu bertawassul dan bertawajjuh kepada Tuhan dan Rasulnya dan doanya sampai ke arash untuk dimakbulkan Tuhan.
Begitu jugalah dengan kita dalam UMNO; Presiden UMNO itu hanya mengetuai jemaah ahli-ahlinya tetapi yang memperkuatkan parti adalah ahli yang ramai ini.
Dalam pemilihan tahun '87 hanya Tengku Razaleigh dan Rais Yatim sahaja yang meletakkan jawatan apabila kalah kerana itu adalah isi dan intiparti semangat demokrasi yang tulen.
Sebelum itu, pada tahun 1984 hanya Dato' Abdul Manan Othman sahaja yang tampil ke Dr Mahathir untuk meletakkan jawatan beliau sebagai Menteri Pertanian apabila beliau tidak dipilih menduduki Majlis Tertinggi.
Pemimpin yang sanggup berkorban seperti ini sudah jarang-jarang kita jumpa; yang kita boleh jumpa dengan mudah ialah pemimpin yang sanggup mengorbankan perasaan dan harta benda rakyatnya.
Bukan tidak ada pemimpin yang berkualiti seperti ini dalam UMNO; hanya mereka diketepikan kerana tidak sesuai dengan pemerintah semasa yang fakir jiwa dan miskin perjuangan.
Percayalah pemimpin sebenar UMNO berada di luar barisan; yang ada di dalam barisan adalah cebisan-cebisan sampah-sarap yang tidak bernilai yang hanya membawa penyakit kepada masyarakat yang mereka pimpin.
Selagi semua pihak tidak berusaha untuk mencari pemimpin sebenar untuk UMNO, selagi itulah kita tidak akan menjadi ikutan rakyat ramai.
Jika UMNO gagal melakukan pencarian ini, UMNO akan tumbang menyembah bumi, dan masa itu nanti jangan disalahkan sesiapa; salahkan pemimpin yang perwakilan pilih dua hari yang lepas.
Segala usaha telah dilakukan oleh pihak tertentu untuk memperbaiki UMNO serta menyedarkan ahli-ahlinya tetapi usaha murni ini masih tidak mendapat kejayaan.
Sekarang kita serahkan segala-galanya kepada Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa.
Lahaulawalaa quataillaabillah!!
Sekian………………………………………………….Aspan Alias
28 March 2009
22 March 2009
Ali & the rest should resign

Political situation has become cacar marba and who wants to be accountable for what is happening?
Someone has got to be responsible and take the accountability for the unprecedented problems and surely these problems cannot be solved through conventional traditions.
All these problems were caused by irresponsible, unscrupulous, uninspiring and unmitigated corrupt leaders and these negative traits have been in their bloodstreams.
It is noticeable that selective persecution is much in practice, in fact worst than ever before. Ali was found guilty for corrupt practice in the running of General Assembly but was allowed to stay on as the Malacca Chief Minister.
It is total disrespect of Law and highly dishonorable move by the party, and that was very clear attempt not to allow him to contest for the Deputy President post only.
For all intent and purposes Ali should resign from all government positions without any hesitant.
Khairy Jamaluddin was evidently proven to practice the same offence but he was just given a warning as he is the son-in-law of the president. This is sheer nonsensical disposition of the party’s attitude to their large family of party members.
Everyone wonders why Khir Toyo was found not guilty as he was trading the votes with money in the open and went on unhindered.
What about the other 900 odd complains; why are these complains not being addressed as yet and why General Assembly is going on as scheduled? Why these happenings are are not checkered?
There is no more law; politics undermine legal system and law is only applicable to persons whom the men in authority find objectionable.
While encroaching and battering the instituted laws institutions crash and collisions of their real functions and the political requirement for the material time make the whole nation in grave and weighty disorder.
Why is Najib too showy about his expected weaknesses to the extent that everybody with grey matter does not have self-reliance and believe in this biological son of Tun Abdul Razak? If he can’t handle these issues he should resign instantaneously.
While everybody is in deep trouble, Rosmah shamelessly made open statement that his husband is ordained to be the Prime Minister. Who is she to issue that kind of statement?
This woman is too enthralled and overly impatient to wait for her husband’s ascendance to the premiership. Public hullabaloo over her statement is heard nationwide and it only tops up the feeling of no confidence to Najib.
Everyone feels that in actuality Rosmah will be the de facto Prime Minister and this would send the country into eventual destruction.
History has proven to all that there were many great nations were thrown into total oblivion when the wives of those great leaders were so powerful over their great husbands.
Many great leaders became destitute when they were arm-twisted by unknown powers because of mistakes and ill-imaged wives and in the end the nation and its people suffer unendingly.
In veracity the country needs total cannibalism and reconstruct the nation in the spirit of togetherness and the love for the nation and it has to be managed by somebody outside the current bunch of self-claim leaders.
That was why the idea of having the Unity Government is the best solution to the current state of political affairs and it has to be done fast before UMNO vanished.
The current leaders especially Najib can promise heaven but let us be blunt enough to remind him there is an adage that says ‘a dirty mop can’t clean the dirty floor’.
Najib and the rest should be sitting outside and smoke cigars. If Najib claims that he is a great leader he has also the obligation to prove that he can also be a great follower.
The current manner of handling a nation is too risky to follow through as the people and their generations are the ones are going to suffer.
I advocate that the General Assembly to be set at a new date and in the meantime just amicably settle the numerous issues still unattended by the party.
This is the only manner to solve the overlapping problems and just for the first time set aside personal agendas over the needs of the nation and her good and hard working populations.
I am also advocating those leaders like Najib and the rest to get legitimacy of support from the members rather than hanging on through manipulation of powers which do no good to the country.
Get real support rather than securing it through patronizing of powers and that is not genuine.
In Ali Rustam’s case, it’s clear evident that UMNO allows leaders who committed corrupt practice to be retained as the Chief Minister and this is unbearable for anybody who is serious about achieving prim and proper leadership disposition.
For all that happened we should request for total revamp of UMNO, MACC, disciplinary Committee of UMNO and the whole leadership of the country.
All leaders of UMNO should resign as all of them are accountable for these nauseating circumstances. It looks like we have to start a nation again in order to have a reasonable government that can understand basic do’s and don’ts.
It’s time to pen off.
Thanks………………………………………………………………Aspan Alias
17 March 2009
UMNO on Life-Support
UMNO is at the terminal state and the recent happenings in the leadership level are beyond comprehension of any sensible mind.
Everybody including those who contribute to disunity is talking about unity and can we imagine Mohd Najib himself is talking about unity?'s a real joke isn’t it?
The fact remains a fact; if there is no Malay unity, there is no National Unity even if the Indians and the Chinese are fully united.
Only strong and united Malays can ensure united Malaysians. This remains the real and the true actuality of Malaysian politics. Anything less than that would cost the whole Nation’s peace and harmonious living.
UMNO has failed miserably to unite the Malays as the consequence of having ‘bad hats’ to be leaders hence there wouldn’t be any National Unity at any time soon if UMNO is still having the current line of leadership.
The latest happening in UMNO is on the issue of Ali Rustam, a Deputy President candidate, who is rumored to be disqualified on money politics issue.
All of us were made to believe that Ali threatened to uncover the other candidates’ money politics activities and Najib Najib’s dubious money politics is also not spared for the exposure.
I was also told that Najib was forced to called Tengku Ahmad Rithauddin the Disciplinary Board Chairman to spare Ali a lease of his political life by not taking actions against Ali and this made Tengku Rithauddin lost his equanimity by returning threatens to resign from the hot seat immediately.
In actual fact Ali has been tipped to win the Deputy President position and this is nerve racking news for Muhyiddin Yassin hence he was all behind the plot to disqualify Ali as he cannot stand witnessing Ali, whom he looks down upon winning the no 2 slot.
A source close to Ali told me that they are not against the disciplinary board decision but the committee is evidently going for selective harrying and makes Ali the victim like what happened to Isa Samad 4 years ago.
Ali was questioning why Muhammad Taib, Muhyiddin,and Najib himself through his close confidante, Jamaluddin Jarjis who dishes out cash in hundreds of million are spared from any action.
Let us all admit that Ali has the entire support from Malacca state UMNO and their shift to the opposition or to the least leaving UMNO for the independent can cause UMNO and BN losing one State Assembly and this is not impossible to happen in today’s political circumstances.
At this very moment, while I am writing this article I am told that there loads of Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) stationed at PWTC where Tengku Rithauddin is supposed to hold Press Conference on few the Disciplinary Board decision on Ali and many others.
FRU was called as Ali’s supporters were trying to hook and eye Tengku Rithauddin’s decision and this may cause turbulence among his supporters and ultimately injure the already fractious UMNO.
So, where are we now? Are we still in the position to address these animosities surrounding us? Why are we thrown to this depth of tribulations? Who among the top leadership is having the aptitude of offering solutions to these fix?
Abdullah Badawi is certainly not the material to solve the harms. His brain is so lazy to work and too afraid to face problems and has always stay distance from every political difficulty.
Najib does not have clue as how to even things out as he is the main contributor to this disorders. Najib has never been through mitigating national crisis as he is has always ‘play saves’ player in politics. To some, they feel that Rosmah has extra capacity than Najib.
(Oh let’s have a break…….there is a call coming in..maybe there is news about Tengku Rithauddin’s press conference).
Yes!! As expected Ali Rustam has been disqualified to contest for Deputy President’s post and that position is now left with Muhammad Taib and Muhyiddin to contest.
If this is the situation than I am surprised that Muhammad Taib will be the Deputy President and that would put UMNO to fractions.
Ali Rustam has all the reasons to react as he know Muhammad Taib is the bigger vote trader and is not put to the counter to answer questions on money politics.
To Ali Rustam, if I may say something; you have the right to react for the upsetting incident that happened to you. You are actually ostracized by a wife fearing man called Najib.
Ultimately the money politics by Najib and Muhyiddin is the most effective mode to sideline Ali for money politics committed by him (Ali Rustam).
It is so filthy, and politics of today is not the game for gentlemen….its a game for twisted and deceitful human being.
So to people like us, we just do what we ought to do…ie go for the unity government and let us do our last service to our beautiful nation.
Let us all leave these problems behind as we know neither Najib, Muhyiddin, Mat Taib or anyone else in the line up can solve the deep seated hitches within the leadership.
Thanks………………………………………………………… Aspan Alias
Everybody including those who contribute to disunity is talking about unity and can we imagine Mohd Najib himself is talking about unity?'s a real joke isn’t it?
The fact remains a fact; if there is no Malay unity, there is no National Unity even if the Indians and the Chinese are fully united.
Only strong and united Malays can ensure united Malaysians. This remains the real and the true actuality of Malaysian politics. Anything less than that would cost the whole Nation’s peace and harmonious living.
UMNO has failed miserably to unite the Malays as the consequence of having ‘bad hats’ to be leaders hence there wouldn’t be any National Unity at any time soon if UMNO is still having the current line of leadership.
The latest happening in UMNO is on the issue of Ali Rustam, a Deputy President candidate, who is rumored to be disqualified on money politics issue.
All of us were made to believe that Ali threatened to uncover the other candidates’ money politics activities and Najib Najib’s dubious money politics is also not spared for the exposure.
I was also told that Najib was forced to called Tengku Ahmad Rithauddin the Disciplinary Board Chairman to spare Ali a lease of his political life by not taking actions against Ali and this made Tengku Rithauddin lost his equanimity by returning threatens to resign from the hot seat immediately.
In actual fact Ali has been tipped to win the Deputy President position and this is nerve racking news for Muhyiddin Yassin hence he was all behind the plot to disqualify Ali as he cannot stand witnessing Ali, whom he looks down upon winning the no 2 slot.
A source close to Ali told me that they are not against the disciplinary board decision but the committee is evidently going for selective harrying and makes Ali the victim like what happened to Isa Samad 4 years ago.
Ali was questioning why Muhammad Taib, Muhyiddin,and Najib himself through his close confidante, Jamaluddin Jarjis who dishes out cash in hundreds of million are spared from any action.
Let us all admit that Ali has the entire support from Malacca state UMNO and their shift to the opposition or to the least leaving UMNO for the independent can cause UMNO and BN losing one State Assembly and this is not impossible to happen in today’s political circumstances.
At this very moment, while I am writing this article I am told that there loads of Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) stationed at PWTC where Tengku Rithauddin is supposed to hold Press Conference on few the Disciplinary Board decision on Ali and many others.
FRU was called as Ali’s supporters were trying to hook and eye Tengku Rithauddin’s decision and this may cause turbulence among his supporters and ultimately injure the already fractious UMNO.
So, where are we now? Are we still in the position to address these animosities surrounding us? Why are we thrown to this depth of tribulations? Who among the top leadership is having the aptitude of offering solutions to these fix?
Abdullah Badawi is certainly not the material to solve the harms. His brain is so lazy to work and too afraid to face problems and has always stay distance from every political difficulty.
Najib does not have clue as how to even things out as he is the main contributor to this disorders. Najib has never been through mitigating national crisis as he is has always ‘play saves’ player in politics. To some, they feel that Rosmah has extra capacity than Najib.
(Oh let’s have a break…….there is a call coming in..maybe there is news about Tengku Rithauddin’s press conference).
Yes!! As expected Ali Rustam has been disqualified to contest for Deputy President’s post and that position is now left with Muhammad Taib and Muhyiddin to contest.
If this is the situation than I am surprised that Muhammad Taib will be the Deputy President and that would put UMNO to fractions.
Ali Rustam has all the reasons to react as he know Muhammad Taib is the bigger vote trader and is not put to the counter to answer questions on money politics.
To Ali Rustam, if I may say something; you have the right to react for the upsetting incident that happened to you. You are actually ostracized by a wife fearing man called Najib.
Ultimately the money politics by Najib and Muhyiddin is the most effective mode to sideline Ali for money politics committed by him (Ali Rustam).
It is so filthy, and politics of today is not the game for gentlemen….its a game for twisted and deceitful human being.
So to people like us, we just do what we ought to do…ie go for the unity government and let us do our last service to our beautiful nation.
Let us all leave these problems behind as we know neither Najib, Muhyiddin, Mat Taib or anyone else in the line up can solve the deep seated hitches within the leadership.
Thanks………………………………………………………… Aspan Alias
15 March 2009
I feel the labor pain; waiting for the birth of a Unity Government
With the current opinionated circumstances it confirms the certainty that UMNO have lost the propensity of facing the voters with her long-established alliance partners MCA, MIC, Gerakan and the rest of the components in Semenanjung Tanah Melayu in the next General Election.
The birth of this Unity Government seemed imminent as the ‘labor pain’ is felt everywhere and hopefully newly born government will soon become reality.
UMNO ceases to be the party of mammoth consequences as she used to enjoy and if the party still wants to be felt and seen alive the Unity Government has got to be the order of the day for the party’s political endurance, and to co-exist with other parties to run this nation.
Time is fast shifting that UMNO does not have the ability to be shoulder to shoulder with the change due to incompetent, ineffectual, uninspiring and hollow minded leadership hence putting the party to definite oblivion, at the latest by the next General Election.
While UMNO is losing the main ground, PAS and other opposition parties are gaining momentously the support in the Malay heartland as the alternative parties for their political struggles.
Weaknesses in UMNO has become the strength of PAS and other opposition parties to garner and solicit support which the unguided UMNO members become an easy prey and expedient target for the opposition.
While PAS has yet to penetrate the whole political fabrics of the Malays, it is a sensible move for UMNO to co-exist with them and other parties for Malay political assurances and dominance.
In turn the united Malays should uncover cohesive mechanism to work mutually with other non-malay dominated parties to administer the country within the moral and constitutional obligations agreed before we formally achieved our independence in 1957.
As long as UMNO is with this dubious line of leadership and maintain the inane ego by denying the actuality that they are almost in the state of calamity, the party will be history and the current incoming Prime Minister; Najib, would bring the party to a painful death for the Malays.
The voting public is dragging their feet flat on the ground feeling the circumspection of Najib taking over the nation’s leadership as the fate of the nation is already predestined by him and it is nerve-racking.
For all intent and purposes the counter to these deep seated animosities in our nation’s political circumstances is to work within the Unity Government which has been wished-for by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and was later openly called by Haji Hadi, the PAS President.
The Unity Government will much diminish the heat of political uncertainty among the people.
As it is now they are already in state of ambiguity by the economic down spiral which is haunting each and every one of us down here.
Rasping politicking, be it intra or inter-party has to be put to a halt instantaneously to circumvent the effect of the worst economic tsunami that history can reminisce.
The messy intra-politics within UMNO and inter-party dressing downs among the major political parties can only impede the nation’s progress especially so during this world economic and financial cracking.
Agreeing to the concept of Unity Government is the preemptive step to avoid the clashes of mental, physical and cultural racially and it is the most comforting effort for our national ultimate struggle, i.e National Unity.
On the ground we can feel that the idea of Unity Government is well accepted and once it materializes there should be massive elucidation exercise done direct to the people through strongly equipped information committee meant to reach out to every one in the country.
The rakyat ought to be explained and none of them should be left out. I am suggesting making used to the fullest the JKKK or JKKR (for the Felda settlers) as these committees are the lowest government administrative level.
The state and the district information officers should be back to active role in disseminating all the new government agendas for the people directly and by doing so all unwanted elements which try to disorientate the mind of the people would be thwarted.
Depending purely on the cyber news can easily be doctored by irresponsible quarters to dampen efforts of unity.
As for me personally I am prepared to put these ideas on papers as this is the best manner of disseminating top to down news via ceramahs and massive but simple pamphleteering.
To the best of my knowledge and experience getting direct to the people is the ideal mode of elucidation to the people as we can acquire perfect peoples’ reactions and feedback on any issue for immediate amendments and adjustments if necessary.
By doing so the Unity government is inviting ordinary rakyat to be involved in the process of change which are good for them and their livelihood and just let Tengku Razaleigh guide the way; you and I know that he will do it neat and tidy.
This is the raison d'être why Malaysian of today feel that they are too far from the government and subsequently harbor dissatisfaction among them and ultimately cost the government power.
No democratic government can survive for long if their rakyat are left out without being consulted in any important government decision especially on matters involving them directly in their daily life affairs.
Time and space is forcing me to pen off and if time permits I shall be able to write on this concern at greater length in few days. It is such an interesting subject to brood over which will incite interest of everybody.
If it organically happens it will be the most graceful happening that is ordained on us by our greatest and merciful Creator.
Thanks………………………………………………………..Aspan Alias
The birth of this Unity Government seemed imminent as the ‘labor pain’ is felt everywhere and hopefully newly born government will soon become reality.
UMNO ceases to be the party of mammoth consequences as she used to enjoy and if the party still wants to be felt and seen alive the Unity Government has got to be the order of the day for the party’s political endurance, and to co-exist with other parties to run this nation.
Time is fast shifting that UMNO does not have the ability to be shoulder to shoulder with the change due to incompetent, ineffectual, uninspiring and hollow minded leadership hence putting the party to definite oblivion, at the latest by the next General Election.
While UMNO is losing the main ground, PAS and other opposition parties are gaining momentously the support in the Malay heartland as the alternative parties for their political struggles.
Weaknesses in UMNO has become the strength of PAS and other opposition parties to garner and solicit support which the unguided UMNO members become an easy prey and expedient target for the opposition.
While PAS has yet to penetrate the whole political fabrics of the Malays, it is a sensible move for UMNO to co-exist with them and other parties for Malay political assurances and dominance.
In turn the united Malays should uncover cohesive mechanism to work mutually with other non-malay dominated parties to administer the country within the moral and constitutional obligations agreed before we formally achieved our independence in 1957.
As long as UMNO is with this dubious line of leadership and maintain the inane ego by denying the actuality that they are almost in the state of calamity, the party will be history and the current incoming Prime Minister; Najib, would bring the party to a painful death for the Malays.
The voting public is dragging their feet flat on the ground feeling the circumspection of Najib taking over the nation’s leadership as the fate of the nation is already predestined by him and it is nerve-racking.
For all intent and purposes the counter to these deep seated animosities in our nation’s political circumstances is to work within the Unity Government which has been wished-for by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and was later openly called by Haji Hadi, the PAS President.
The Unity Government will much diminish the heat of political uncertainty among the people.
As it is now they are already in state of ambiguity by the economic down spiral which is haunting each and every one of us down here.
Rasping politicking, be it intra or inter-party has to be put to a halt instantaneously to circumvent the effect of the worst economic tsunami that history can reminisce.
The messy intra-politics within UMNO and inter-party dressing downs among the major political parties can only impede the nation’s progress especially so during this world economic and financial cracking.
Agreeing to the concept of Unity Government is the preemptive step to avoid the clashes of mental, physical and cultural racially and it is the most comforting effort for our national ultimate struggle, i.e National Unity.
On the ground we can feel that the idea of Unity Government is well accepted and once it materializes there should be massive elucidation exercise done direct to the people through strongly equipped information committee meant to reach out to every one in the country.
The rakyat ought to be explained and none of them should be left out. I am suggesting making used to the fullest the JKKK or JKKR (for the Felda settlers) as these committees are the lowest government administrative level.
The state and the district information officers should be back to active role in disseminating all the new government agendas for the people directly and by doing so all unwanted elements which try to disorientate the mind of the people would be thwarted.
Depending purely on the cyber news can easily be doctored by irresponsible quarters to dampen efforts of unity.
As for me personally I am prepared to put these ideas on papers as this is the best manner of disseminating top to down news via ceramahs and massive but simple pamphleteering.
To the best of my knowledge and experience getting direct to the people is the ideal mode of elucidation to the people as we can acquire perfect peoples’ reactions and feedback on any issue for immediate amendments and adjustments if necessary.
By doing so the Unity government is inviting ordinary rakyat to be involved in the process of change which are good for them and their livelihood and just let Tengku Razaleigh guide the way; you and I know that he will do it neat and tidy.
This is the raison d'être why Malaysian of today feel that they are too far from the government and subsequently harbor dissatisfaction among them and ultimately cost the government power.
No democratic government can survive for long if their rakyat are left out without being consulted in any important government decision especially on matters involving them directly in their daily life affairs.
Time and space is forcing me to pen off and if time permits I shall be able to write on this concern at greater length in few days. It is such an interesting subject to brood over which will incite interest of everybody.
If it organically happens it will be the most graceful happening that is ordained on us by our greatest and merciful Creator.
Thanks………………………………………………………..Aspan Alias
04 March 2009
Ibrahim Ali bukan "katak"

Kali ini saya ingin menyentuh tentang isu Ibrahim Ali, Ahli Parlimen bebas yang mewakili Pasir Mas, Kelantan yang akhir-akhir ini menjadi isu di kalangan pemimpin PAS dan juga pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO kerana serangan-serangan yang dilakukan oleh Ibrahim terhadap parti itu dan pihak-pihak yang lain.
PAS berpendapat bahawa Ibrahim patut berterima kasih kepada PAS kerana PASlah yang memberikan beliau kebenaran bagi Ibrahim menggunakan simbolnya dalam pilihanraya umum yang lalu yang membolehkannya ke Parlimen dengan kemenangan besar di Pasir Mas.
Cerita Ibrahim Ali katak kembali bergema dan orang ramai sudah mula bercakap tentang kemungkinan Ibrahim menyertai semula UMNO sudah menular dan ramai yang bertanya kepada saya tentang kebenaran berita itu.
Sebagai seorang sahabat kepada Ibrahim Ali sejak zaman kampus dahulu saya terpanggil untuk membetulkan persepsi masyarakat bahawa Ibrahim adalah katak dalam politik negara. Sebenarnya pemimpin pemimpin lain lebih katak daripada Ibrahim.
Kalau mereka katakan Ibrahim sebagai katak yang selalu bertukar parti, pemimpin lain seperti Menteri-Menteri dan Timbalan-Timbalan Menteri serta Menteri-Menteri Besar dan yang lain-lain pun sama, seperti katak-katak yang melompat lompat selepas hari hujan.
Mereka-mereka bertukar-tukar taukeh dari Ghaffar ke Anwar dan selepas itu dari Anwar ke Pak Lah dan sekarang ramai menafikan mereka adalah orang Pak Lah untuk bersedia melompat ke Najib.
Sesungguhnya semua antara ahli-ahli dan pemimpin-pemimpin dalam UMNO hari ini adalah katak. Apabila UMNO(Asal) dibunuh, semua ahli UMNO yang diketuai oleh Dr Mahathir telah lari menubuhkan UMNO(Baru) membawa jutaan ahli UMNO melompat ke parti yang baru ditubuhkan itu.
Antara yang ternama yang melompat seperti katak ialah Ghaffar Baba, Anwar Ibrahim, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Najib Tun Razak, Sanusi Joned, semua Menteri-Menteri Besar dan Menteri-Menteri serta semua pemimpin di semua peringkat.
Dr Mahathir yang ketika itu juga adalah Menteri Dalam Negeri tidak mahu menghidupkan UMNO(Asal) dengan menggunakan Akta Pertubuhan 1965 seksyen (70) kerana takut untuk mengadakan pemilihan parti sekali lagi.
Dalam keadaan itu Ibrahim tetap dengan usahanya untuk menghidupkan UMNO (Asal) dengan menyertai Parti Melayu Semanagat 46 dengan manifestonya yang utama untuk menghidupkan UMNO(Asal) jika diberi mandat oleh rakyat dalam pilihanraya 1990 dahulu.
Ibrahim telah bersama-sama ke mahkamah dan akhirnya membawa ke pilihanraya untuk menghidupkan UMNO(Asal) dengan tujuan untuk tidak mahu melompat macam katak seperti Dr Mahathir dan pemimpin yang lain yang telah ada parti yang baru bernama UMNO(Baru).
Malangnya, rakyat memberikan mandat kepada parti baru yang bernama UMNO (Baru) untuk memerintah negara maka barulah Ibrahim melompat ke parti UMNO (Baru) ini mengikut jejak Dr Mahathir, Ghaffar, Anwar, Najib dan yang lain-lain yang telah melompat dahulu daripadanya.
Pada hakikatnya Malaysia telah mengalami pertukaran Kerajaan Pusat pada tahun 1990 lagi…hanya rakyat tidak sedar kerana nama keramat UMNO yang terlekat kepada parti baru yang bernama UMNO(Baru) itu.
Itulah sebabnya ramai orang Melayu tidak terperanjat dengan kelemah UMNO sekarang ini kerana pada pendapat mereka UMNO sekarang adalah UMNO tiruan; kerana barang tiruan memang tidak tahan lama dan cepat jahanam.
UMNO(Asal) diibaratkan Ziela(asal) seorang artis yang jelita, sedangkan UMNO(Baru) ibarat Ziela, orang Utan yang menjadi Maskot Tahun Melawat Malaysia 1991 yang diperkenalkan oleh Sabaruddin Chik.
Kalau ada yang belum tahu lagi perbezaannya, Ziela orang utan itu berbulu seluruh badannya sedangkan Ziela asal yang artis tadi tak nampak pula bulu-bulunya…mungkin ditempat-tempat tertentu sahaja kot.
Itulah sebabnya saya begitu takut jika pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO hari ini berkelakuan seperti Ziela Maskot Tahun Melawat Malaysia 1991 tadi.
Berbalik kepada Ibrahim Ali, saya tahu hati budinya, siapa yang rapat dan mengenali beliau, beliau bukanlah seperti katak yang dimomokkan terhadap beliau.
Bagi saya pemimpin UMNO yang lain adalah lebih katak. Sekejap belasah Raja-Raja seperti tahun 1993 dahulu sekejap lagi ampu Raja seperti apa yang berlaku di Perak.
Perjuangan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO dini hari tidak konsisten dan tidak boleh dipercayai.
Kalaulah kita anologikan pemimpin UMNO seperti nakhoda kapal, anak-anak kapal seperti kita ini akan muntah-muntah diperlakukan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin kita….sekejap ke timur, sekejap ke barat dan entah mana-mana lagi nak dibawanya kita ini.
Semasa Anwar jadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri setiap yang menunjuk garang sekarang ini semuanya mengampunya, dan apabila Pak Lah menggantikan Anwar pemimpin-pemimpin yang mengeji Pak Lah satu ketika dahulu ke hulu ke hilir mengampu pula Pak Lah.
Sekarang ini orang-orang Pak Lah dalam kabinet sudah mula mencari jalan bagaimana nak meyakinkan Najib bahawa mereka adalah orang Najib.
Menteri yang benar-benar orang Pak Lah sekarang amat marah kalau kita kata bahawa mereka orang Pak Lah.
Sekarang ini siapa yang lebih katak?.....Ibrahim Ali atau pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO hari ini?
Jawapannya ialah; semua yang ada di atas itu adalah katak-katak yang sedang melompat-lompat untuk masuk ke kumpulan yang berkuasa.
He he he…katak mengata orang lain katak! Lucu..lucu!
Sekian……………………………………………………………Aspan Alias
01 March 2009
Fish rots from the head
As one popular adage goes, ‘fish rots from the head’, and that immaculately runs parallel to what is happening in Barisan Nasional (BN) of today.
Leaders and their leadership is the main difficulty for almost all BN component parties and that makes the members and the public in sticky situation.
MCA is facing almost the same problem which UMNO had undergone; sex and sodomy issue.
Like UMNO, MCA is facing the same issue of sex and sodomy against its Deputy President. Anwar faced the issue while he was a Deputy President of UMNO.
While Anwar was sacked from the party, Soi Lek is still at the position and we are waiting fretfully for the subsequence of events that MCA is going to go through.
While the issue against Soi Lek was still hotly discussed he won the Deputy President post as MCA delegates considered him as a very good ‘performer’…and he won the Deputy President post against Ka Chuan.
It is embarrassing that the political upbringing of Malaysia is apparent being subjected by the horny and warm spot in between the thighs.
Pakatan Rakyat Selangor is also facing problems with this particular spot in between the thighs of Elizabeth Wong and it shakes the PR state government of Selangor.
I was shown the photographs of Elizabeth Wong in bed sleeping alone semi-nude, but to my surprised there is nothing extraordinary in the photos.
Elizabeth Wong like any other female, is given by God the same thing that Rafidah, Sharizat and Rosmah or even Azalina Othman are having, and I think it all looks the same even though I am not too sure about it…someone has to come forward and confirm it to me.
So to Khir Toyo, please don’t be too nosy about this issue as I am quite sure that the person who is married to you has the same old thing given by nature.
The leaders especially of the BN must be focused in addressing the current acute economic evils instead of spending too much time politicking over contemptible and non-consequential issues.
You people up there are looked upon all the time at this current downward economic spiral as that involve the livelihood of the rakyat unswervingly. Please tell Najib not to buy over the government…earn it democratically through elections…as that would be more legitimate…please believe in legitimacy.
You must get the mandate of the people if you want to rule instead of taking it through impermeable take-over of the government through dubious means.
People are so worn-out watching the shenanigans and pranks of the BN leaders, principally the ones from UMNO.
Now that the Party elections are drawing near, the campaigning are again dyed by massive money politics and I personally saw money changing hands unhindered.
So the prospect of having disorderly and unmanageable leaders in the Supreme Council is very bright and we have to stomach the high jinks leaders to lead the nation again and again.
We are pretty sure that we are going to go through the same old problems and this proves that the election module in UMNO would only nurture corrupt leaders and drive the country to catastrophe.
Anyone within the line-up of the Supreme council can’t be the Prime Minister and to lead the country out the economic cheerlessness and political crumble the country is confronting with.
I am saying this aloud as I know I am just saying the right thing and I shall attest the truth of my statement once Najib or anyone else within this current line-up becomes the successor to the weak Abdullah.
To my simple mind, UMNO have to be totally reconstituted and start anew. The image and facet of the party has to be totally dissimilar to the present system by putting aside the current line-up as they are there through money politics and other doubtful means.
UMNO has to get the feel of the voting public, not just the view of the branch leaders as they are all being puppetted to be there and they are not able to give representative view of the public.
We have to do away with delegate system and allow every registered member to vote to avoid money politics and by doing so only the popular and acceptable personality would be the leaders for the locals and the national leadership level.
It can be done but the leadership is too afraid of exercising this module of electing leaders as they are not sure whether they can survive through this system.
This is the very main reason why I, together with the public opinion yearn for Tengku Razaleigh (TR) to make the changes as he is very magnanimous, gentleman and brave enough to lead with this proposal at hand.
TR does not have heavy baggage like other big leaders and he is just the only one available who can do the changes in UMNO before we face the 13th General Elections.
It has to be done now and procrastination may put UMNO into perpetual jeopardy.
If UMNO is in jeopardy, there would be imminent split among the Malays and it may end up in anarchy that may send the nation into major racial unrest.
For God sake, do not wait until this hurting episode comes by; it would bring this country into total catastrophe.
Let us go back to the original functions of UMNO; firstly, to provide viable leadership at all levels. Secondly, to be the custodian of Malay struggles in all continuum of life, thirdly to place the party as a medium of references by the Malays and all other races who reside within the borders of the country.
What we have just mentioned are just a splinter of responsibilities of the party apart from the main struggles which are spelt out in the Article 3 of the party constitutions.
For these struggles we need experienced and a leader who has undergone through the mills and passed through national political crisis and that is where TR would be the best option for the people to lean on.
We should circumvent careless, corrupt, negligent, unscrupulous and devious leaders to lead us especially for the number one position…as the number one leader is the determining barometer to see the country is driven in correct and proper direction.
Anything less than that, we would be revisiting the troubles that we have be going through. Remember that ‘a fish always rots from the head’.
It may sound felonious to some, but as I have frequently said, the truth is always painful.
Thanks …………………………………………..Aspan Alias
Leaders and their leadership is the main difficulty for almost all BN component parties and that makes the members and the public in sticky situation.
MCA is facing almost the same problem which UMNO had undergone; sex and sodomy issue.
Like UMNO, MCA is facing the same issue of sex and sodomy against its Deputy President. Anwar faced the issue while he was a Deputy President of UMNO.
While Anwar was sacked from the party, Soi Lek is still at the position and we are waiting fretfully for the subsequence of events that MCA is going to go through.
While the issue against Soi Lek was still hotly discussed he won the Deputy President post as MCA delegates considered him as a very good ‘performer’…and he won the Deputy President post against Ka Chuan.
It is embarrassing that the political upbringing of Malaysia is apparent being subjected by the horny and warm spot in between the thighs.
Pakatan Rakyat Selangor is also facing problems with this particular spot in between the thighs of Elizabeth Wong and it shakes the PR state government of Selangor.
I was shown the photographs of Elizabeth Wong in bed sleeping alone semi-nude, but to my surprised there is nothing extraordinary in the photos.
Elizabeth Wong like any other female, is given by God the same thing that Rafidah, Sharizat and Rosmah or even Azalina Othman are having, and I think it all looks the same even though I am not too sure about it…someone has to come forward and confirm it to me.
So to Khir Toyo, please don’t be too nosy about this issue as I am quite sure that the person who is married to you has the same old thing given by nature.
The leaders especially of the BN must be focused in addressing the current acute economic evils instead of spending too much time politicking over contemptible and non-consequential issues.
You people up there are looked upon all the time at this current downward economic spiral as that involve the livelihood of the rakyat unswervingly. Please tell Najib not to buy over the government…earn it democratically through elections…as that would be more legitimate…please believe in legitimacy.
You must get the mandate of the people if you want to rule instead of taking it through impermeable take-over of the government through dubious means.
People are so worn-out watching the shenanigans and pranks of the BN leaders, principally the ones from UMNO.
Now that the Party elections are drawing near, the campaigning are again dyed by massive money politics and I personally saw money changing hands unhindered.
So the prospect of having disorderly and unmanageable leaders in the Supreme Council is very bright and we have to stomach the high jinks leaders to lead the nation again and again.
We are pretty sure that we are going to go through the same old problems and this proves that the election module in UMNO would only nurture corrupt leaders and drive the country to catastrophe.
Anyone within the line-up of the Supreme council can’t be the Prime Minister and to lead the country out the economic cheerlessness and political crumble the country is confronting with.
I am saying this aloud as I know I am just saying the right thing and I shall attest the truth of my statement once Najib or anyone else within this current line-up becomes the successor to the weak Abdullah.
To my simple mind, UMNO have to be totally reconstituted and start anew. The image and facet of the party has to be totally dissimilar to the present system by putting aside the current line-up as they are there through money politics and other doubtful means.
UMNO has to get the feel of the voting public, not just the view of the branch leaders as they are all being puppetted to be there and they are not able to give representative view of the public.
We have to do away with delegate system and allow every registered member to vote to avoid money politics and by doing so only the popular and acceptable personality would be the leaders for the locals and the national leadership level.
It can be done but the leadership is too afraid of exercising this module of electing leaders as they are not sure whether they can survive through this system.
This is the very main reason why I, together with the public opinion yearn for Tengku Razaleigh (TR) to make the changes as he is very magnanimous, gentleman and brave enough to lead with this proposal at hand.
TR does not have heavy baggage like other big leaders and he is just the only one available who can do the changes in UMNO before we face the 13th General Elections.
It has to be done now and procrastination may put UMNO into perpetual jeopardy.
If UMNO is in jeopardy, there would be imminent split among the Malays and it may end up in anarchy that may send the nation into major racial unrest.
For God sake, do not wait until this hurting episode comes by; it would bring this country into total catastrophe.
Let us go back to the original functions of UMNO; firstly, to provide viable leadership at all levels. Secondly, to be the custodian of Malay struggles in all continuum of life, thirdly to place the party as a medium of references by the Malays and all other races who reside within the borders of the country.
What we have just mentioned are just a splinter of responsibilities of the party apart from the main struggles which are spelt out in the Article 3 of the party constitutions.
For these struggles we need experienced and a leader who has undergone through the mills and passed through national political crisis and that is where TR would be the best option for the people to lean on.
We should circumvent careless, corrupt, negligent, unscrupulous and devious leaders to lead us especially for the number one position…as the number one leader is the determining barometer to see the country is driven in correct and proper direction.
Anything less than that, we would be revisiting the troubles that we have be going through. Remember that ‘a fish always rots from the head’.
It may sound felonious to some, but as I have frequently said, the truth is always painful.
Thanks …………………………………………..Aspan Alias
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