11 April 2020

I am back

I am coming back to blogging after almost 3 years of silence, as so many of my readers insist me to come back to blogging. I stopped blogging since my late wife was ill and subsequently passed away in August 2017.
Ever since I was just focusing on my fb and after so many friends encourage me to go back to blogging, I have decided to enjoy to blog again.
As usual I shall be touching on issues that prevail around us, politics, social, maybe economics which I know a little and many other current life and nerve touching issues that are felt necessary to be written for the purpose of record and my self-actualization.
So guys, I shall be back in matter of days. Some may like my guts and some may not. Let us enjoy the varieties of opinion through comments and counter opinion. For tonight, it’s just a preamble.
So long! Good night.

27 July 2017

The aura against Umno/BN is at its height, mayday for Umno

The political goings-on currently is very fluid. BN and Umno, in particular, are facing the toughest trial in the decades of their history and the ultimate of the Malays to see Umno to be alternated by another Malay based party is soon be realized if Umno doesn’t have the will to make a serious and drastic revolution to reposition the party to its proper place again.  It’s too apparent that PPBM is taking the place of Umno and the new party is now dissecting the hearts of the Malays including those in the traditional Umno bastions country-wide.

The members of PPBM are mostly from Umno and they’re very large in numbers and the remaining members of Umno are the once who are going to deceive the party’s leadership in the coming GE. As I have said umpteen of times the Umno turn coats in the ballot boxes will be much bigger in number the coming Election as compared to the last 13th GE.

All the efforts by Najib and his close advisers will go to waste as the debauched perception on his leadership can’t be expunged from the minds of the people both the local voters as well as the international community. The whole globe is now against him and what can the political novices within his corridor help him to clear off his badly dented image as a leader. Najib’s advisors around him are pure and crudely the group who are joyously fishing over troubled water. Each and every one who is politically conscious believes their pulses that beat in them will not deceive them this time.

Umno with Najib at the helm will not be able to beat the aura against his leadership. What Umno is facing now is the gigantic move and the aura against it. When this kind of aura prevails Umno has the best chance of being in the opposition bench with its splinters of Federal Legislative members sitting on it. The current prevailing tsunamic aura is piercing through the hearts and minds of the voting public. Everyone does not believe that the giveaways that the government has announced will not be that effective defence for Umno any longer. 

What are the moves that PPBM on one side and UMNO/BN on the other should do? The real politics of this country all the way were played by few Warlords of parties from both sides of the deep divide. The warlords will be much in the play and right down on the ground are purely cheer leaders.

This issue now is, who gets more cheer-leaders? We shall go for simple deliberations in the next postings that will follow.

14 June 2017

BSKL patut gantung dagangan saham FGV buat sementara

Issue Felda dan FGV sudah berlarutan begitu lama. Hanya ianya tidak begitu dihebohkan sebelum ini kerana negara sedang berhadapan dengan isu-isu yang terlalu besar di bawah pentadbiran sekarang ini sehinggakan isu yang begitu besar pun ditutupi dengan isu-isu yang lebih besar yang tidak pernah dijangka berlaku di negara kita ini.

Isu 1MDB tidak akan surut kerana ianya merupakan satu isu yang begitu jelas sebagai isu penyalahgunaan kuasa dan korupsi yang tidak terperi besarnya. Belum pun isu 1MDB, SRC dan isu-isu besar seperti GST dan yang lain-lain yang melibatkan tanggungan hidup seharian rakyat isu Felda kembali timbul. Kali ini isu Felda ini sudah menjadi besar yang boleh mempengaruhi kredibiliti pimpinan negara yang sudah sedia tercemar dengan begitu buruknya sekarang ini.

Kali ini isu FGV dengan pergeseran di antara Presiden syarikat FGV dengan pengerusi Lembaga Jemaah pengarahnya TS Isa Abdul Samad. Merata-rata kedengaran berbagai pihak mendesak supaya Isa meletakkan jawatan termasuk desakan dari generasi kedua Felda yang secara terbuka mahukan Isa bersara daripada memegang jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah syarikat gergasi yang disalahurus oleh elemen-elemen yang menjengkelkan yang ternyata tidak boleh dilindungi lagi.

Bagi pandangan orang seperti saya Isa sememangnya patut secara sukarela bersara kerana ia melibatkan kredibiliti Lembaga Pengarah dan pengurusan syarikat itu. Sebagai sebuah syarikat yang tersenarai dalam pasaran Saham Kuala Lumpur FGV perlu menjaga kredibilityinya sebagai sebuah syarikat awam bagi menjaga kepentingan pemegang-pemegang sahamnya termasuk pemegang-pemegang saham minoritinya.

Setakat ini belum lagi terdengar Bursa Saham bertindak untuk mengendalikan kekusutan syarikat dalam kawalannya. Sepatutnya Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur menggantung perdagangan sahamnya di BSKL buat seketika sehingga isu ini selesai. Isa pula sepatutnya berundur sebagai Pengerusi Lembaga Jemaah Pengarah FGV kerana ia melibatkan intergriti syarikat terbesar ini. Kita bukan menuduh siapa yang bersalah dan yang benar tetapi itulah amalan etika bagi mereka yang menguruskan syarikat awam yang tersenarai di Pasaran Saham di mana-mana sekali pun di dunia ini. Dalam hal ini Pengerusi dan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah FGV tidak boleh dikecualikan dari mengamalkan etika yang diguna pakai oleh mana-mana syarikat awam.

Jika pengurusan di bawah kelolaan Presiden syarikat ini yang bersalah ia merupakan tanggungjawab Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah untuk mengambil ‘accountability’nya. Presiden pengurusannya sepatutnya mengambil ‘responsibility’nya dan Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarahnya mengambil ‘accountability’nya.

Isa tidak boleh berdiam diri dengan desakan untuk beliau berundur dengan bertempek yang beliau tidak bersalah. Ini bukan masalah salah benar tetapi masalah etika dan intergriti sesebuah syarikat awam yang tersenarai di Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur. Isa mesti faham yang beliau bukannya pengerusi syarikat kilang padi di kampungnya atau pun syarikat peribadi beliau.

Dalam pada itu BSKL sepatutnya mengambil tindakan pantas dengan menggantung perdagangan sahamnya di BSKL buat sementara ini. Isu FGV ini terlalu besar dan ramai juga yang kehairanan kenapa sahamnya masih didagangkan di Bursa Saham terus-menerus sedangkan syarikat sedang berhadapan dengan isu kredibiliti yang amat serius.

Secara 'parallel'nya rakyat dan pemegang saham terdengar rungutan tentang kerugian besar FGV ini yang mencecah hampir RM13 billion ini dan heboh diperkatakan yang Isa sebagai Pengerusinya telah mengambil tempat seolah-olah beliau sebagai orang yang telah mengambil keputusan-keputusan yang kurang baik dan memaksa pengurusan untuk melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang tidak betul sehinggakan berlaku pergeseran antara beliau dengan pengurusan.

Oleh kerana isu ini sudah sampai ke tahap yang meruncing maka adalah wajar bagi Isa menunjukkan sikap beretikanya dengan berundur dan mengambil ‘accountability’ tadi secara jujur dan terbuka. Itulah sepatutnya amalan yang beliau patut ada dalam menguruskan sebuah syarikat awam. Mempengerusikan lembaga pengarah syarikat awam berbeza dengan cara menguruskan jawatan politik seperti jawatan Menteri Besar atau Menteri yang pernah beliau pegang dahulu.

Walaubagaimanapun yang penting sekarang ini, Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur wajar menggantung perdagangan saham FGV serta merta bagi menjaga kepentingan pemegang sahamnya terutamanya bagi pemegang-pemegang saham minoritinya.

Rakyat sudah begitu rimas dengan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan FGV ini. 

25 May 2017

Najib truly believes that we Malaysians only have either sand, mud or dried cow dungs in our heads

Our Najib's ruling leaders claim that there is no mismanagement, no corruptions, not swindling no cheating and of course no stealing of funds in 1MDB, SRC and other agencies that lose money in tens of billions of dollars. But 1MDB, SRC Felda and the rest of used to be cash-laden agencies were losing heavily and their money evaporates through thin air in tens of billions of dollars.

Now, where are those huge sums of money have gone to? Why are there too many banks officers in various banks those handles the workings on 1MDB cash were all found guilty and went to jail and have to pay hefty penalties for dealing dubiously with 1MDB goings-on? some were losing their jobs in the banks for conspiring with the world's most famous state sovereign fund steered and managed by the PM himself.

Why were they being charged and convicted for the dealings dealing with the 1MDB and SRC dealings? Now let us Malaysians do just a light introspection with ourselves, do we believe the denial by Najib and the rest of his foot-soldiers claims that there were no wrongdoings surrounding 1MDB issues?

No wrong doings, 1MDB is making money as they claim and there is no corruptions and what not. Then why are the rakyat being burdened by these dubious decisions by 1MDB and their leaders? Why do we have to pay 1MDB debts if there is no loss and plundering in the so-called Malaysian wealth funds?  

Najib and the rest expect us to believe everything they say. They perceive that all Malaysians especially the Malays don’t have even a bit of gray matters in their heads. They think we Malaysians are having only mud or sand in our heads. To some others among their supporters even think that we Malaysians have only dried cow dungs in our heads. Even leaders young and old in his Cabinet graduating from first-class universities in the world succumb to his whim and fancies and amuse the undeserving PM without a qualm. 

That's why the robbing and plundering of Malaysian coffers were perpetually practiced by these leaders.