When can there be an ultimate serenity in Malaysian politics? Can we ever achieve it or just continue on listening to rhetoric and pranks of the deceiving politicians of the day?
Or is there any serious intention in the first place to arrive at a political tranquility by any of the ruling politicians, as many politicians of late survive through political tribulation and misfortune?
There are questionable actions taken by our top leader which outcries the people of late. The appointment of Omar Ong, the so-called young economic savvy in the 4th floor at JPM to the Board of PETRONAS is another issue under serious public watchfulness.
Now, there are rumors circulating that Syed Hamid Albar is going to chair the Board of PETRONAS and if the rumors turns real than there is another flaw that DS Najib commits…and it is an absolute crab.
PETRONAS has never been touched by politician and all the while that petroleum company has been growing up on its own independently under direct supervision of the reigning Prime Minister.
If there is any politician sitting on the Board, we are at risk of facing another round of political misadventure and would be a tough issue to mitigate.
I pray that the rumor is unsubstantiated. It abhors if it is the real finality that had been decided.
What does Tengku Razaleigh (TR), the architect of PETRONAS has to say about this?
If Mahathir interminably gives comments to leaders who succeeded him, TR should come up with opinion on this issue as he is the living founder of PETRONAS which he built for free of charge…no salary. No allowances…no car. No nothing.
TR should come up with his voice upright because he was the one who went through the pains sweat, tears and hell in getting PETRONAS in existence and subsequently becomes one of the giants of the world.
TR is duty bound to tell the people on the endurances that he had to go through in setting up PETRONAS with everyone in the world were going against the forms and the fundamental motives of setting up this National Petroleum Company.
It was purely for the sake of the needful Malaysian and the generation there after and if current leaders are all out to fulfill their personal advantages, the doors are wide ajar for them to leave us.
He (TR) must tell us why politicians were not welcomed to the Board and why the company was totally given to professionals to manage.
This is his inheritance for the people and he must help us to protect this astute organization from going through shambles and muddle.
Tun Razak’s Cabinet gave him (TR) the task to set up our own National Petroleum Company, and TR was given very wide parameter within which he decided on every little thing as to how PETRONAS should be organized.
Malaysian of younger generation do not know all the hind side stories as to why PETRONAS was set up the way we make out today.
The unpatriotic leaders of the day are not able to actualize all the reasoning behind much stuff surrounding PETRONAS existence.
It is obligatory on the part of TR to recount detailed history of PETRONAS; it is for the generation after to understand the significance of its existence that no element of personal greed creeps in it.
We are in defense of the few left for the people and we wish not to see any further sordid, distasteful and squalid decisions by current leaders as we don’t want to bear witness for our leader’s wrong doings any further. We have had enough of it.
I would advocate everyone who has the platform to express views over this matter, and be vigilant of what is there to come for PETRONAS.
Let us put up defense for PETRONAS till the end from encroachment of unreliable persons with mischievous intent.
I hope what we heard; as I have said in a line above is just an unfounded rumor. No one should be blaming us for being so protective of PETRONAS, as that is the only one of the few left for us to have pride and to rest our laurels on…the rest have gone to the backyard.
Lastly may I repeat, I hope it is just an unsubstantiated rumor. I am dreadful if it is real.
Thanks……………………………………………..Aspan Alias
It looks like we are taking care of leaders, not the leaders taking care of the people.
Now they Want to lay their hands into Petronas money.
What else do these goons think of except to rip the country dry before they know PR is taking over come GE 13.
Aspan says:"It is obligatory on the part of TR to recount detailed history of PETRONAS; it is for the generation after to understand the significance of its existence that no element of personal greed creeps in it."
Dalam write-up you yang terdahulu saya telah meminta you dapatkan confirmation / penerangan lanjut dari TR, pasal "Future Generation Funds under Petronas" yang TR tubuhkan semasa di jadi CEO Petronas dulu. Tr pernah cerita sekitar tahun 1990 bahawa Dia tidak tahu lagi semada tabung yang di tubuhkan di mana setiap barrel minyak yang di jual akan di simpan US 1.00 dalam tabung untuk anak cucu akan datang.TR rasa wang nya sudah tak ada lagi pasal Petronas sudah banyak kali menjadi penyelamat scandal kewangan Negara.
( ini lah contoh pandangan jauh pemimpin terdahulu)
Setahu saya masa Penubuhan Petronas tiga personality terlibat iaitu TR, Abd Manan Othman dan Yunus Sudin.
Masa Penubuhan memang Tun Abd Razak menerima tekanan dari USA.Mereka mahu terlibat sebagai partner. TR said "No way, they all can come only as JV partners in the subsidiaries Companies. Petronas Proper is freed from foreigners.
Ya setuju dengan Aspan bahawa TR patut buka cerita pasal penubuhan Petronas, Segala sumpah simpan rahsia sudah habis tempuh nya.Sekarang TR boleh buka cerita. Brabo
If Syed Hamid gets to be Dr.M's replacement, you will see the following:
* Introduction of his brand of very narrow Wahhabism.
* Posting in of Johoreans into Petronas key jobs.
* Taking control of the Licensing Dept.
* Taking control of the Contracts & tender Division.
* Retirement and cold storage of honest & efficient Petronas staff.
* Any professional who shows moral courage is posted to Terengganu or East Malaysia.
* Petronas scholarships will given to children of UMNOwarlords and cronies.
* Standard of Petronas Uni 0f Energy, Tronoh will be lowered to accommodate the children of rent-seekers
The able and intelligent people are either all dead or not born yet.
The former Home Minister? Wow! they are really scraping the barrel.
I can't say anything more than to say abundant of THANK YOU for your excellent write up.
You are just there for us all bro
hei aspan. i really hope tengku razeligh wii be more "kejam" and thick skin to avoid the country last treasure become rubbish
i agree with you. TR should thicken his skin and tell all.
the rakyat have enough of betrayal
after betrayal.
tengku, please have some courage to tell everything.
To aspan, i put my hat off for you bro. you are true son of the soil.
If there are leaders who intent to rip off Petronas, I suggest you all just take away our lives.
Day by day we have been intrigued by our leaders.
Damn it!
i think we should set up a watch, just like simedarbywatch blog to monitor petronas misadventures, if any.
I have told you aspan, to join Pakatan Rakyat.
That is the answer.
As long as UMNO leads, things like this will happen.
You shout and yell at them, they dont care.
Wipe out all these UMNO leaders. Let them rest for a while.
Sick of BN govt.
Rakyat pls stand up and vote them out!!
Once a thief he remains a thief. Just remember that.
I got nothing left to say except that every single one of us deserve EXACTLY the govt we voted for.
whatever it is, pls do not touch petronas for any political agenda, pls be reminded that in petronas, there are too many silent heroes who worked really hard and risk their lives for petronas and the country, without petronas, malaysia is going to collapse for real as petronas is the backbone of the country's economy, plsss... :(
It is time for PETRONAS to bring back their forgotten heroes to save the company from political mischievous, e.g. retired GMs,MDs, from its subsidiaries, I don't want to see PETRONAS going down, pls stop all these political nonsense...:(
Mohd Omar Ong bin Mustapha Ong was a scholar of Petronas. He was offered scholarship in May 1989 to do A-level in the UK and to study in Oxford University. He has repeatedly defaulted from his obligation in the scholarship agreement with Petronas.
The revelation of Omar Ong’s appointment as a member of the Board of Director of Petronas will mean that the Board of Direcor have honoured a scholarship defaulter with this appointment.
Omar completed his study and graduated from Oxford with a Bachelor’s degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics. On February 16th, 1995 he joined Petronas as Executive. He later resigned and join Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC) on February 1st, 1997.
Omar was employed for nearly 2 years and at the time of resignation, had not fulfill his compulsory service. Petronas agreed to transfer the compulsory service to MDC being another Government Company..
His stinct with MDC lasted few months more than 3 years for he resigned on March 31, 2000. This is in breach of the scholarship agreement and he was informed by the Education Services Unit on June 2000.
Consequently, he was issued a Letter of Demand in January 2001 from the Legal Service Unit of Petronas. By September 2001, Lee, Hishamuddin & Co. was appointed to start proceeding against Omar. Judgement was obtained against Omar in February 2003.
After MDC, Omar joined McKinsey & Co, London, and operated in Kuala Lumpur. He later co-founded Ethos & Co. in February 2002.
In February 2004, he was appointed Special Officer 1 to the Deputy Prime Minister. A deed of settlement was signed in May 2005 and he was to serve the Government of Malaysia for an assigned period of 4 years 10 months. In the event of another breach of contract, he will be required to pay a settlement of RM120,000.
Omar resigned and rejoined Ethos & Co. in February 2006.
Appreciate you could publish this comment in your blog in order to get reactions from Omar Ong or Petronas to this revealed details.
This should serve to alert Najib that the man he agreed to be appointed as Director for Petronas is a Petronas Scholar who defaulted on his loan.
Najib's insistance on the Board of Director of Petronas to appoint Omar Ong will put them in a difficult position to breach their own internally long practised policies and will be expected to be given exception.
As another Petronas Scholar, I ask why should defaulter Omar be an exception?
It was hard for me to compute what you said.
I am convinced that you are right to say that leaders today always do something which benefit them and not for the people.
Meletakkan seseorang dengan tujuan peribadi.
Orang yang dipilih hanya orang boleh kembalikan jasa dengan bisnes.
Sifat ini lah yang membuatkan orang marah dan membenci kerajaan.
Now I am saying, 'the government cannot be trusted' especially UMNO leaders.
Saya memohon maaf diatas salah faham saya terhadap sdr selama ini.
telur dua,
Sdr, able and intelligent people are around, but they are subdued by UMNO mentality.
Even TR, the founder of PETRONAS is sidelined and many more valuable and capable Malaysian are outside the mainstream.
The leaders leaders are faked. They are not sincere to the people.
Our political system are doomed.
Everything is fucked-up
Your article make me awake. I cant sleeplah.
You naughty old man! It is better not to know anything.
Now you belanja me makan for making me tak tidor.
Saya pening dengar cerita yang you tulis.
Sekarang sudah nak pukul 1 aku tak tidur.
Selalunya aku tidur pukul 11 mlm.
Baca you punya article aku terus tak boleh tidur bro.
Jahatlah kau ni. Jangan lupe belanja aku cendul Pilah!
DS Najib,
I think your mind is jumbling. You cant have the best of everything.
You are up there to take care of the nation.
The legitimate leader is a leader who can sacrifice and not sacrifice your nation.
PAS and PKR!
Please get ready! You may have to rule now.
sdr abuubaidah kedah,
jangan cuba cuba pkr dan pas nak ambil alih kerajaan!
nanti kami dukung speaker hang keluar baru hang tau!
kami dalam bn pandai usung orang keluar dewan!
He he he he
Malaysia badly needs “Role Model” established Leaders & Politicians of HONOUR with Calibre, Maturity & Tolerance without Fear or Favour on Both sides of the Political Divide – not “Recycled Politicians”.
Further, this nation Desperately needs Intelligent, Time Proven Pragmatic Successful modelled, Financial & Politiical “SOLUTIONS” on Both sides of the Political Divide NOW , to mitigate the IMPENDING Political & Financial fallout.
Let us ALL also learn that Tunku & his Malaysian cabinet of HONOURABLE, ESTABLISHED TRUE TUANS, EARNED the RESPECT, TRUST & SUPPORT of ALL the Malayan citizens.
Petronas Scholar, thank you for your input & suggestion.
Suggest your info to be dessimated to all Bloggers to highlight in their Blogs.
Remember sometime last year, there was rumours to remove Amiraham from Malayan Banking (for UMNO/BN (KJ's Guys) Ali Baba & 40 thieves to take over!)....
Then there was the other rumour to remove Hassan Merican from Petronas (ALSO for UMNO/BN (KJ's Guys) Ali Baba & 40 thieves to take over!)....
With Mahathir as their Adviser, I suppose their plans had to be shelved, until NOW....
The NEW rumour with Omar Ong in Petronas & next the pending appointment of Syed Hamid as Chairman....
That says alot as a plot to remove Mahathir as the Petronas Adviser & Hassan Merican as the CEO....
It is time NOW for UMNO/BN (KJ's Guys) Ali Baba & 40 thieves to take over!)....
KJ's payback demand for Mukriz's Cabinet appointment....
I would like to share this article from Mahathir's Blog....
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on October 28, 2008 3:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (693) | TrackBacks (0)
KJ's payback demand for Mukriz's Cabinet appointment....
I would like to share this article from Mahathir's Blog....
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on October 28, 2008 3:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (693) | TrackBacks (0)
1. Satu inovasi yang diperkenalkan oleh Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi apabila sahaja dia menjadi Perdana Menteri ialah penubuhan satu badan penasihat khas yang dianggotai oleh menantu, anak dan kawan-kawan muda mereka. Kononnya mereka ini bijak dan pandai lebih daripada orang yang lebih tua dan berpengalaman. Pendapat mereka ini lebih dipercayai oleh Abdullah daripada Kabinet atau Majlis Tertinggi UMNO.
2. Lulusan Oxford dan Cambridge memang dianggap istimewa, tetapi yang lulus dari universiti-universiti ini bercambah dan ia tidak menjamin kebolehan yang luarbiasa. Lagi pun, orang-orang muda ini tidak punyai pengalaman mendalam dalam pentadbiran, politik dan ekonomi negara.
3. Yang lebih buruk ialah mereka mempunyai kepentingan tertentu dan berhajat untuk mendapat pulangan wang yang banyak daripada pengaruh mereka keatas Perdana Menteri dan Kerajaan.
4. Hasilnya ialah prestasi pemerintahan Abdullah merosot terutama dalam bidang politik dimana kekalahan yang teruk di alami oleh Barisan Nasional dalam pilihanraya umum ke-12. Akhirnya Abdullah dipaksa untuk berehat lebih awal.
5. Dengan perletakan jawatan Abdullah pada Mac 2009, timbalannya Dato Seri Najib akan mengambilalih dan menjadi Perdana Menteri. Apakah Najib akan bebas daripada jenis penasihat ala Tingkat Empat?
6. Saya diberitahu Najib juga mempunyai penasihat muda yang amat berpengaruh terhadapnya. Mereka ini mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan menantu Abdullah dan Tingkat Empat, bahkan mereka adalah daripada kumpulan yang sama.
7. Mempunyai penasihat bagi PM adalah baik. Tetapi apabila penasihat mempunyai syarikat sendiri dan dapat menggunakan pengaruh ke atas Perdana Menteri untuk meraih keuntungan daripada projek-projek Kerajaan atau dana-dana yang dimiliki oleh Kerajaan nasihat yang diberi mungkin terpengaruh dengan minat untuk memperkayakan diri.
8. Kita lihat peranan yang dimainkan oleh ECM-Libra. Apakah Ethos, yang juga terlibat dengan Tingkat Empat, akan menjadi seperti ECM-Libra? Ethos Capital, sebuah syarikat pelaburan jenis Equity Capital tidak banyak berbeza daripada hedge fund. Mereka amat berminat untuk dapat sebahagian dari tabung Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) yang sekarang berjumlah RM300 bilion untuk mereka mengurus pelaburannya, kononnya dengan pulangan 40 peratus. Najib mungkin ingat bagaimana Orange County di California menjadi bankrap kerana pelaburan dalam hedge fund.
9. Nasihat badan penasihat yang dianggotai oleh orang-orang muda yang amat disanjungi oleh Tun Musa Hitam telah bawa bencana kepada Abdullah. Najib harus berhati-hati supaya pisang tidak berbuah dua kali.
from blog :http://rockybru.com.my/2009/05/straw-called-omar-ong.html
Petronas Scholar said...
Mohd Omar Ong bin Mustapha Ong was a scholar of Petronas. He was offered scholarship in May 1989 to do A-level in the UK and to study in Oxford University. He has repeatedly defaulted from his obligation in the scholarship agreement with Petronas.
The revelation of Omar Ong’s appointment as a member of the Board of Director of Petronas will mean that the Board of Direcor have honoured a scholarship defaulter with this appointment.
Omar completed his study and graduated from Oxford with a Bachelor’s degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics. On February 16th, 1995 he joined Petronas as Executive. He later resigned and join Multimedia Development Corporation (MDC) on February 1st, 1997.
Omar was employed for nearly 2 years and at the time of resignation, had not fulfill his compulsory service. Petronas agreed to transfer the compulsory service to MDC being another Government Company..
His stinct with MDC lasted few months more than 3 years for he resigned on March 31, 2000. This is in breach of the scholarship agreement and he was informed by the Education Services Unit on June 2000.
Consequently, he was issued a Letter of Demand in January 2001 from the Legal Service Unit of Petronas. By September 2001, Lee, Hishamuddin & Co. was appointed to start proceeding against Omar. Judgement was obtained against Omar in February 2003.
After MDC, Omar joined McKinsey & Co, London, and operated in Kuala Lumpur. He later co-founded Ethos & Co. in February 2002.
In February 2004, he was appointed Special Officer 1 to the Deputy Prime Minister. A deed of settlement was signed in May 2005 and he was to serve the Government of Malaysia for an assigned period of 4 years 10 months. In the event of another breach of contract, he will be required to pay a settlement of RM120,000.
Omar resigned and rejoined Ethos & Co. in February 2006.
Appreciate you could publish this comment in your blog in order to get reactions from Omar Ong or Petronas to this revealed details.
This should serve to alert Najib that the man he agreed to be appointed as Director for Petronas is a Petronas Scholar who defaulted on his loan.
Najib's insistance on the Board of Director of Petronas to appoint Omar Ong will put them in a difficult position to breach their own internally long practised policies and will be expected to be given exception.
As another Petronas Scholar, I ask why should defaulter Omar be an exception?
10:17 PM
Dear Sir,
This rumour about Omar Ong is all over the management of Petronas. Some are laughing and some are sick in their tummies. Omar was an executive in Petronas for two years and established a reputation as a "tuanger". He was also in constant breach of discipline by being late and eating nasi lemak on his table. Forget about being a Board member of Petronas, he is not fit even to be an executive. He is nothing more than an accomplished conman.
It was KJ who brought him into Putrajaya and they plotted to demolish Hassan Merican and other senior numbers in Petronas to replace with their own. In 2007, Hassan put up his recommendations of his best and brightest for promotions. The 4th Floor had it rejected in toto and KJ hand-carried the letter of rejection to Hassan to show him who was boss.
They had a plan that all factory new spare-parts for the upstream and downstream activities of Petronas must come from "one company" on a "cost-plus" payment scheme to be paid over 12 months tied to the CPI. I need not mention the Bank that supported them.
I don't believe that Najib has recommended that Omar be accepted to Petronas Board. Najib started life as an executive in Petronas himself and he knows there are very well selected executives and managers in Petronas. Omar will be a fish out of water.
Worry more about Syed Hamid, he will turn Petronas into Pertamina which has gone bankrupt.
Pan, kita orang tunggu kau sampai jam 3.30 kat petang. kekasih Shah Alam , Jeff, Manang, azam ,Zul ada. Kata kereta you masuk workshop? Aden pun tak ada kereto lain nak bagi kau pakai.Apo nak buet dah masuk dua dekat macam ni keadaannya.Projek mengcat langit ni tak habis habis.Sebonarnya Eden poi tu pasal dah lama bonar tak jumpo kau.
Saya cadangkan kita cuba tukar kerajaan.
UMNO ini mempunyai pemimpin yang mengarut. Mereka hany berusaha mencari kesempatan semata-mata.
Kita cuba bagi PAS dan PKR, kalau mereka pun tak boleh kita bagi balek kepada BN.
Beritahu mereka seperti Najib yang berkuasa ialah rakyat, dan rakyat boleh bagi pada sesiapa yang mereka suka.
Msalahnya mereka sudah biasa mencuri dan sudah tidak boleh hidup tanpa mencuri.
Sebenarnya mencuri ini boleh membawa kepada ketagihan macam hisap dadah.
Mereka in pencuri sdr!
Terbaca dalam blog https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=28452020&postID=6676940751144381580
Komen dari
Answering Omar Ong 5 said...
“Ananda is the only non Government or Petronas man. He was invited in before Omar existed as a gush of blood filling up vessels in a certain organ of Mr. Mustapha Ong. Najib, his boss had just returned from England and was only an assistant to Ku Li then.”
“It is beyond Omar’s recollection to know that Ananda was already an oil man. Ku Li invited him for his expertise and assistance to establish Petronas in 1974. If anything, Petronas benefited more from Ananda’s presence than Ananda’s”
Saya rasa fakta ini salah. Mesti di betulkan .Ananda di bawa masuk ke Petronas,jadi Pengarah, oleh Mahathir, Abdullah Salleh jadi Pengerusi. Ananda jadi Oil Broker selapas itu. ( So ini tiada conflict of interest?) Kemudian dia buat proposal buat projek KLCC. Dia share dengan Petronas; bahagian yang dia punya 51% dan Petronas 49% tapi Petronas keluarkan belanja 100%, betul tak Pan? kalau salah cakap salah
Apa yang dibina oleh TR sudah banyak dirampok oleh pemimpin selepas tiadanya beliau dalam kerajaan
Perbas sudah hangus selepas MBO oleh Tunku Shariman yang akhirnya tidak bayar pun saham yang dia dapat tetapi dividen Pernas dibelasahnya.
Bank Bumi sudah ranap hasil perbuatan Mahathir dan Daim sampai nama Bank Bmi yang jadi kebanggaan Melayu sudah tiada.
Satu lagi hasil tangan TR, PNB pun, walaupun keuntungan corporat PNB besar tapi dari segi pencapaian dasar sudah lemah.
Aspan, mereka ini hanya pandai meruntuhkan sahaja. Kalau tak pandai nak buat setidak tidajnya jagalah benda-benda ini dengan baik.
Pemimpinan selepas Hussein Onn adalah pemimpin yang saya namakan 'leaders by vandalism'.
Usahkan nak bina yang lain, yang ada pun nak di rosakkan mereka.
Saya hanya berdoa agar ada kepimpinan yang di wahyukan tuhan untuk membina kembali yang sudah rosak.
Kalau nak harapkan barisan pimpinan hari ini, matilah bangsa kita.
Assalaamualaikum Tuan Haji Aspan.
Saya memerhatikan tulisan saudara, seperti yang saya katakan melalui telipon tadi.
Shit, i don want to work for these shitty people. gonna move to mid east if it really happens in the end. quadruple pay maa there
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