27 June 2015

We don't need good leaders, so why waste time on party elections?

UMNO is procrastinating on its party election again. Just like Mahathir and Pak Lah did the election will be postponed for eighteen months after 2016.  Thus the election will only take place in 2018. UMNO President announced the decision made by the supreme council of the party meeting yesterday evening. 

Delaying of the party election has been cultured in UMNO since the time Dr Mahathir was at the helm. This habit of delaying party elections is the consequence of the ‘big fight’ of 1987 where the victor and the incumbents were ‘frightened’ to hold party election unless they are pretty sure that there was no one to offer the top position other than themselves. Party constitutions have been amended like one changing underwear or visiting toilets.  

You see, the president of UMNO is an automatic Prime Minister as that has been the conventional way of choosing a Prime Minister here. It means that the PM here is elected by the few members of UMNO delegates and no other races in the country have the opportunity to choose a Prime Minister. 

There is a provision in the constitution that anyone among the members of the Legislative that enjoys the confidence of the house will be the Prime Minister, that clause of the constitution has never been applied since independence. That was why the President of UMNO is very powerful position as that is the green lane to be the PM of Malaysia without stoppages. Above all that a Prime Minister of Malaysia is the most powerful among the Prime Ministers and Presidents in the world.

Malaysian Prime Minister can put anyone to jail as the Judiciary is now occupied by the Executive. He can also pull out anyone from prison as he wishes. A Prime Minister can commit the biggest crimes and no law can apprehend him. Demonstrably he has the immunity from any legal action against him so in essence the country is owned by a Prime Minister. Anyone who does not support him will be oppressed by outwardly or in a quiet and systematically.  

What a Prime Minister of Malaysia needs around him is to have more court-jesters like Ahmad Maslans, a numerous number of Azeez Rahims as well as Hassan Malek and his likes to amuse and please him at all time. To more serious apple polishers they treat the PM like God. One of the ministers who hail from Pahang was saying that going against Najib is like going against God. So the PM has to be treated Godly at all time.

Thus the need of party election is not an urgent thing agenda even though the party needs the change as at current rate of its leader’s conduct the ruling party is at risk of losing the general election. Najib does not believe that notion as he believes money can solve that problem easily. Najib takes money is the determinant of the party’s survival.

Come general election he thinks he can buy the soul of the tiresome Malaysians and the mandate would come in handy. Hence there is no necessity to have party election to find good leaders that the members want. Najib is confident that Malaysians will pawn their voting rights with money and cheap handouts chivalrously.

Najib believes that only leaders who are lavish with money can take charge of the country and we don’t need leaders who spend his time thinking good for the nation. With money we do not have to think. Just spend and spend extravagantly.

So why must we spend too much time in search for good leaders. It’s a waste of time. Remember the famous quote of this Bugis 'hero', ‘Lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu’. Everyone will be taken care.

25 June 2015

Tangan Najib pembawa malang

Semua sentuhan Najib membawa masalah kepada negara terutamanya dalam hal melibatkan kewangan dan khazanah negara yang merugikan. Tidak payah kita sebut sejarah lama. Jika kita mulakan dengan hal kapal selam hinggalah kepada isu FGV dan kini isu pembelian harta di Cauldfield di Melbourne semuanya adalah transaksi di bawah dagu Najib.

Pendeknya apa sahaja yang disentuh oleh Najib akan membawa malang kepada negara dan rakyat yang menanggung semua salah laku beliau. Dalam pada itu beliau tetap berdegil dan tidak mahu berundur dan setiap salah lakunya yang diketahui umum beliau akan dialihkan pandangan ramai kepada perkara yang lain tidak tepat sasarannya.

Isu yang saya selalu sebutkan ialah pimpinan kita sejak berapa lama dahulu tidak mahu mengambil ‘accountability’ terhadap noda dan kesalahan yang dilakukan mereka. Memerintah hendak lama tetapi kesalahan tetap dilakukannya. Kesalahan mereka tidak mahu diakui tetapi sebaliknya menyalahkan orang lain. Apabila disoal oleh rakyat jawapan tidak diberi dengan betul atau tidak dijawab terus. Jika menjawab pun hanyalah jawapan-jawapan loyar buruk sahaja dan tidak tepat.

Semua tanggungjawab hendak dipikul tetapi satu pun tidak terlunas dengan baik dan sempurna malah semuanya dalam kepincangan. Rakyat keliru dengan sifat dan tindak laku pimpinan kita. Gaya ada tetapi tidak mempunyai ‘substance’ dan kalau dikaji dengan teliti mereka ini layak bersama saya sahaja duduk dan minum dikedai mamak setiap hari.

Kita cuba ingatkan isu-isu yang lepas yang berkait dengan Najib. Isu scorpene semua orang tahu ia melibatkan isu RM lebih dari RM7billion. Akhirnya timbul isu sampingan selain dari isu tambahan harga yang begitu tinggi, iaitu isu pembunuhan Altantuya yang sampai hari ini tidak mendapat penyelesaian yang betul walaupun telah dibawa ke Mahkamah. Dr Mahathir telah bertanya siapa yang mengarahkan Sirul membunuh Altantuya, jawapannya tidak diberi sehingga hari ini.

Felda mantap dan selamat semasa perbadanan itu berada di Kementerian Kemajuan Tanah dan Wilayah dahulu, tetapi kelemahan Abdullah Badawi yang terbilang dengan mudah tidurnya telah membenarkan Najib membawa Felda untuk diletakkan dibawah urusan beliau semasa menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dahulu.

Felda yang mempunyai resab yang melebihi RM4 billion sekarang sudah tinggal sejemput sahaja. Peneroka yang tidak pernah berhutang sekarang sudah berhutang kerana pembelian saham FGV yang beliau janjikan bulan dan bintang dahulu. Sekarang harga saham FGV telah merudum dan sekarang berlegar di sekitar RM 1.70 sen sahaja. FGV ibarat berniaga buluh kasap, hujung hilang pangkal lesap.

Dulu ramai yang menentang Felda di senaraikan di Pasaran Saham termasuk pegawai – pegawai yang kanan dalam perbadanan itu tetapi mereka ini diharam jadahkan oleh Najib. Sekarang peneroka sudah mengalami masalah yang belum pernah mereka alami kerana tindakan Najib yang memandai-mandai. Kata-kata sumbang sudah terlepas usaha yang kononnya untuk kepentingan peneroka telah gagal.

Timbul pula isu 1MDB yang terhutang sebanyak RM42 billion. Itu pun beliau nafikan yang 1MDB mengalami kerugian dan Najib sentiasa berfikir rakyat semuanya bodoh dan tidak tahu yang rakyat lebih cerdik dari beliau.

1MDB membawa padah kepada banyak pihak. Beberapa orang pegawai bank antarabangsa telah kehilangan kerja kerana memberikan pinjaman kepada 1MDB. 1MDB menjadikan ‘credit rating’ negara sudah menurun. Kita bukan tidak tahu, jika tiga ‘credit rating agencies’ ini memberikan negara ‘rating’ yang rendah negara akan kehilangan kredibiliti dan akan memberikan masalah dan tambahan beban kepada negara.  Isu-isu seperti ini dipermain-mainkan dan dilalai-lalaikan. Akhirnya kerajaan telah menghantar seorang Menteri Kabinet untuk berjumpa salah satu dari ‘credit rating agencies’ itu untuk meminta jangan diturunkan ‘rating’ Malaysia.

Semua kerja tidak dilakukan oleh pelaksana dengan jujur. FGV telah membeli saham syarikat perladangan kumpulan Rajawali di Indonesia dengan harga yang meragukan. Felda sememangnya terbilang dengan membeli harta dengan harga yang ditambah berlipat kali ganda di seluruh dunia. Tentulah kita tahu sebabnya jika membeli harta yang berlipat kali ganda harganya itu. Kali ini Felda telah membeli syarikat kumpulan Rajawali dengan harga dua kali ganda dari aras harga pasaran. Ada beberapa orang yang hendak menjadi kaya raya dengan menggunakan kedudukan dan keringat peneroka itu.

Sekarang timbul pula hal pembelian harta di Cauldfield Melbourne dengan tambahan harga sebanyak hampir RM14 juta. Sekarang MARA sedang menubuhkan jawatankuasa untuk menyiasat pembelian itu. Pergolakan dalam UMNO juga dikatakan penyebab kenapa isu ini diketengahkan. Siapa yang memangsakan dan dimangsakan dalam isu terbaru ini kita akan ketahui nanti.

Pemutus kata, apa sahaja yang berada dibawah Najib semuanya mempunyai masalah hasil dari tidak ada kejujuran dan merobek keyakinan dan kepercayaan yang telah diberikan rakyat itu.

Najib has to be forced out. Semua sentuhannya membawa malang.

24 June 2015

Kenyataan Haji Hadi Awang ada benarnya

Pandangan Haji Hadi Awang yang parti baru yang bakal ditubuhkan oleh kumpulan kalah (G18) dalam pemilihan parti PAS itu ada benarnya jika dipandang dari satu sudut pandangan politik. G18 itu akan tenggelam jika menubuhkan parti baru dan keluar dari PAS. Kumpulan G18 in akan bergabung dengan PasMa untuk menjadi rakan kongsi Pakatan Rakyat yang baru sebagai pengganti PAS yang tidak lagi diakui oleh rakan kongsi Pakatan Rakyat sebagai segabungan dengannya.

Selalunya satu kumpulan serpihan itu tidak kekal. Tidak tahu pulalah jika yang kali ini ia akan kekal. Kita tunggu sahajalah. Masa akan menentukan. Jika ia kekal Alhamdulillah dan saya ucapkan selamat berjuang dan teruskan apa-apa yang anda semua hajatkan.

Jika kita masih dibuai oleh sentimen tanpa memikirkan apa yang anda semua akan lalui secara realitinya maka anda akan merasakan yang anda semua akan menjadi satu ‘force’ yang ‘formidable’. Kita belum nampak lagi ranjau-ranjau yang bakal anda tempuhi dalam perlaksanaan politik mereka anda. Tentulah ada pihak yang berkepentingan mahukan keadaan ini berlaku, tetapi itu adalah mainan pilitik yang biasa, terutamanya dalam politik Malaysia ini.

Teruskanlah, tetapi berhati-hati sambil melalui jalan dan liku-liku perjuangan mereka. Saya mempunyai sebab untuk berkata demikian tetapi sebabnya bukan boleh diluahkan begitu sahaja kerana ia berkaitan dengan siapa yang menerajui kumpulan baru pembangkang ini. Saya tidak nampak bagaimana gabungan baru ini boleh membezakan keadaan dengan keadaan semasa Pakatan Rakyat yang dahulu.

Pakatan Rakyat yang baru ini wajar mempunyai pendaftaran secara formal dan wujud diatas entiti yang terdaftar dengan pandaftaran pertubuhan. Itu satu. Tetapi persoalannya parti manakah yang akan menjadi ketua kepada ‘coalition’ yang baru ini. Dalam Pakatan Rakyat dahulu perhubungan diantara ketiga-tiga parti itu ialah ‘equal partners’ dan jika ini terus berlaku dalam Pakatan dan persepakatan yang baru ini maka masalah yang sama akan tetap berlaku.

Kita lihat dalam Pakatan Rakyat yang dimatikan walaupun pada hakikatnya Pakatan itu tidak pernah wujud secara formal, perbalahan ialah wujud kerana tiada parti diantara ketiga-tiga ahli itu yang menjadi ketuanya. Dalam sesuatu ‘coalition’ mesti ada satu parti yang menjadi ketuanya dan dihormati oleh rakan-rakan kongsi di dalamnya.

Jika dalam persepakatan dan persefahaman yang baru itu sama sahaja cirinya seperti dalam Pakatan Rakyat yang dahulu dengan ciri ‘equal partners’ dan ‘equal say’ dalam persahabatan baru itu, hasilnya akan sama sahaja dengan apa yang dihasilkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat dahulu.

Sesungguhnya PAS sekarang ini tidak kebelakang sangat seperti yang di anggapkan oleh kumpulan 18 yang dikatakan progresif itu. Paling jauh PAS telah kembali kepada rupa dan ‘attribute’ asal parti itu yang konservatif. Sememangnya ‘attribute’ asal PAS begitu dari dahulu.

Perlu diingat semasa PAS mencuba menjadi parti progresif dengan menyertai Pakatan Rakyat dahulu bukannya sedikit kaum Melayu yang tidak menyokong PAS lagi kerana parti itu dikatakan telah berubah corak dan sanggup bersekongkol dengan DAP yang mereka beranggapan sebagai chauvinis Cina dan sebagainya. Dengan kembalinya PAS dengan imej berkepimpinan ulamak maka mereka ini jelas telah kembali memberikan sokongan dan ramai yang baru sedang mendekati PAS.

DAP kecewa dengan PAS kerana mahu tidak mahu parti itu perlukan sokongan orang Melayu Islam apabila menghadapi rakyat dalam pilihanraya nanti. Itu sebabnya mereka amat bergembira sekarang ini kerana setidak-tidaknya masih ada segelumit penyokong PAS yang sudah terbiasa menyokong DAP dan Pakatan dalam dua pilihanraya umum yang lalu. Tanpa sokongan Melayu, DAP akan hanya tertumpu pengaruhnya dalam kawasan Cina sahaja dan sekarang ini ada beberapa kerusi DAP yang kedudukannya dalam bahaya apabila pilihanraya umum tiba nanti.

Walaupun begitu besar publisiti tentang kemasukan (exodus) ramai ahli PAS kedalam DAP, ramai lagi yang berubah menyokong kembali parti itu apabila sudah berpisah dengan PR terutamanya DAP.

Dengan perpecahan DAP dengan PAS, kedua-dua parti akan merasakan hasilnya. Tetapi bagi PAS setidak-tidaknya ia kembali kepada corak dan ciri asalnya. PAS mula menyedari yang parti itu akan hilang identitinya jika berterusan bersama DAP. Apabila parti itu hilang identitinya maka ia akan menghadapi banyak masalah pada masa yang akan datang. Contohnya identiti UMNO yang asal sudah cukup untuk dijadikan pelajaran kepada semua pihak. UMNO kini menghadapi penyakit daya tahan seperti orang yang dihinggapi HIV, hidup tidak segar, hanya mati yang ditunggu.

UMNO yang dahulunya mempunyai imej sebagai parti bersemangat kebangsaan tetapi sejak parti itu  bertukar menjadi parti ‘taukey’, ramai yang telah meninggalkan parti itu. Lanjutan dari itu UMNO akhirnya akan hanya menjadi sebuah parti yang dilihat sebagai parti untuk ‘the rich and the famous’ sahaja dan tidak ubah seperti ‘exclusive club’ untuk keuntungan mereka yang hampir dengan kuasa sahaja.

Asri Muda merupakan seorang pemimpin utama PAS yang pernah dianggap bukan sahaja oleh ahli PAS tetapi juga oleh pemimpin-pemimpin parti lawan sebagai pemimpin yang sukar dicari ganti untuk PAS. Ketiadaan beliau sepatutnya telah menguburkan parti itu tetapi PAS tetap wujud dan segar sampai kehari ini.

Sesebuah parti itu ciri yang kekal di dalamnya dan jika sesiapa termasuk pemimpin besarnya tidak bersama dengan ciri-ciri asalnya secara ‘natural’ mereka akan meninggalkan parti itu akhirnya. Saya tidak berada dalam parti ini tetapi sekadar memberikan pandangan berdasarkan kepada keadaan dan hakikat sebenarnya yang akan berlaku.

Mungkin ada gulungan G18 itu sedang memujuk hati mereka dengan berkata keadaan sekarang lain dan dulu lain. Tetapi natijahnya sama-sama kita akui satu kenyataan….PAS tetap akan wujud seperti sediakala jika tidak lebih dari itu.

23 June 2015

Final test for Mahathir, history will judge him by his correct judgement

Najib advices Dr Mahathir to think before criticizing his administration in the international media as he would do more harm than good to the country. Najib is telling Dr Mahathir not to make so much noise as the noises he makes may shy away foreign investors from Malaysia.

Najib says that the present good observation on the country is doing well for the country in education, economy and technology. The good perception to the eyes of many nations and the world will be spoilt if Mahathir turns to the international media and it would be not an easy task to retrieve that good standing that we have among the international community.  

Recently he was accorded with a great reception by the King of Saudi Arabia that holds custody of the two holiest mosques, the Masjidil Haram and the Masjid Al Nabawi in Medina and this visit to Saudi is the latest issue that Najib wants to rest his laurels on.

The King himself according to Najib wanted to receive him in Jeddah but due to the demise of his sister the King had to go to Riyad to attend her funeral. The Crown prince was in placed to receive him instead and the guard of honor was mounted for him and that was the most serious testimonial of respect the Saudi King on him.   

Let’s us acknowledge that what Najib says is all the truth. We need to maintain the integrity of our leadership and the nation like what it had earned all the years. It’s for that very reason he has to quit to circumvent the imminent disgrace to befall on us if he continues to be the Prime Minister.  Najib just can’t take up the responsibility of conserving the good tag of the nation because of his perpetual ungainly deeds to the nation.

Najib and his Cabinet are contributing perennial tribulations to the country and to defer his retirement will only thickens the perceptions that the country is fast going to the drain. He himself has the unadulterated believability complications. Najib and failures are now synonymous and inseparable.

Politically we are doomed and economically we are in serious difficulties. Our external debts are mounting up to 62 percent of the country’s GDP and certainly it does not include debts created through off budget agencies which comprise debts taken through 1MDB and many other strangulating agencies.

Hence we can see that Mahathir is bedeviled by the result of his own undertakings and he lives long enough to see for himself the effects of his own excruciating accomplishments after twenty-two long years as the Prime Minister and the head of the ruling party. In actuality he is the most disappointed man as both the Prime Ministers after him do not give him any regards and there’s nothing strange for weak and indecorous leaders like Najib and his immediate predecessor had done. 

There are good supports for his move but still there are quite a large number who are having some apprehension to be with him because he has not come out with firm alternative leader in place of Najib. Taking away position from Najib is one thing but to propose a good alternative is more compelling. He has to let everyone know the leader he proposes to substitute Najib and only then he will see the real and genuine feel and support from the people.

The ordinary Malaysians from the diverse ethnicity and religion as well as way of life are not too convinced that Mahathir would propose an appropriate leader to replace Najib as he has proven to choose a wrong alternative to the outgoing leader. This time around a real, qualified and viable leader should be in place of Najib as the degree of impairment faced by the country is very serious that needs an actually hands-on leader to restart the nation afresh.

The ordinary Malaysians know the best person to take on the mantle, but it is good to hear from Mahathir first. Let’s see whether Mahathir is set to repeat the same inaccuracies in the choice of an alternative to the leader he brings down.

The leader that is needed by the ordinary Malaysian is a leader for all Malaysian, not just a Malay leader for UMNO Malays and its cronies. Of course the leader should be Malay but a Malay leader with adequate skill in settling the impending economic issues, a planner and a person who is able to sacrifice his life in total for all Malaysians and national untiy as his ultimate goal. Let’s wait and see.

21 June 2015

PM dan Kabinet berhentilah, jangan membawa malang kepada rakyat lagi

FGV nampaknya akan menjadi satu lagi syarikat yang menjadi tempat mereka yang berkuasa gunakan untuk membuat keuntungan peribadi dengan jumlah yang besar. Ada sahaja syarikat-syarikat yang mempunyai tahap kewangan yang besar ia akan menjadi mangsa mereka yang berkuasa untuk mencuri dan memunggah apa yang dipunyai rakyat dan pemegang-pemegang sahamnya.

1MDB belum selesai lagi kini pandangan rakyat berpindah kepada FGV syarikat yang disenaraikan oleh Felda. Dalam pada peneroka kini terhutang dengan kejatuhan harga saham FGV, syarikat ini sedang mula berhadapan dengan persoalan tentang pelaburannya di Indonesia pula. Felda sememangnya terbilang membuat pelaburan dengan membeli harta dengan harga tinggi. Kita tahulah sebabnya tetapi kenapa tidak ada perasaan dan hati untuk peneroka yang bermatian membina Felda itu dahulu.

Sampai bila rompakan bersiri oleh pemimpin kerajaan yang berkuasa tidak dapat kita ketahui. Ia bergantung samada rakyat dan mereka yang berada dalam Dewan Legislatif Parlimen mampu menyelesaikannya. Kalau tidak silap saya melihat video di pajabat Dr Mahathir, bekas Perdana Menteri itu seolah-olah menyatakan kepada kita yang perhimpunan membantah dan menuntut Najib meletakkan jawatan.

Walaupun Mahathir yang kita tahu selama ini benci dengan perarakan, perhimpunan beramai-ramai itu sudah mula boleh diterima oleh beliau sebagai cara untuk menyelamatkan negara ini dari terus terjerumus ke dalam kehinaan itu. Bagi beliau dan ramai lagi, Najib wajib meletakkan jawatan.

Pembongkaran terbaru tentang FGV ini amat menakutkan rakyat lagi. Kebetulan 1MDB dan Felda adalah dibawah dagu pimpinan Najib dan jika FGV ini menjadi satu lagi isu besar terhadap negara maka kita sudah pasti yang Najib ini sememangnya tidak ada langsung semangat untuk rakyat dan negara. Apa sahaja yang disentuh oleh Najib bakal menerima kehancuran.

Semua sentuhan Najib membawa bala dan bencana. Beliau menubuhkan 1MDB syarikat itu hancur lebur. Dibawanya Felda dibawah jagaannya sekarang Felda dan FGV dalam keadaan tenat dan akhirnya disentuhnya kerajaan, maka kerajaan sekarang terumbang-ambing keadaannya. Semasa Felda berada dalam Kementerian Kemajuan Tanah dan Wilayah dahulu, Felda tidak menghadapi isu besar, malahan tiada isu langsung. Apabila dipindahkan kepada Najib, Felda menjadi miskin dan hampir hancur.

Bagi saya, saya begitu hairan pemimpin seperti ini boleh tidur dengan nyenyak dan tidak ada langsung perasaan untuk orang ramai yang kian hari kian menderita ini. Lebih menghairankan lagi ahli-ahli Jemaah kabinet masih tidak mahu bertindak untuk menahan Perdana Menteri dari melakukan kemungkaran ekonomi yang sangat besar ini. Banyak negara dalam dunia ini terlibat dengan rasuah dan salahguna kuasa ini tetapi tidak sehebat dan seteruk pimpinan kita pada hari ini.

Saya adalah salah seorang yang menulis tanpa henti tentang isu rasuah ini sejak bertahun-tahun dahulu. Saya menulis isu ini kerana ramai yang datang mahukan saya menulisnya kerana perlakuan rasuah sememangnya tidak dapat disorokkan lagi. Saya pernah dicaci oleh pembaca kerana saya menulis tentang isu ini tanpa henti. Tetapi sekarang jelas apa yang ramai meminta saya menulis itu ternyata benar dan betul dan saya akan terus menyeru semua pihak supaya berfikir dan memikirkan hal negara walaupun sedikit.

Sekarang yang mencaci orang-orang seperti saya pun mencaci pimpinan yang tidak berguna ini. Kita elok bertanya dimana kah semua Menteri-Menteri yang mengendalikan kerajaan sekarang? Kenapa mereka berdiam diri seribu bahasa dalam menghadap berbagai isu besar ini? Mana Muhyiddin dan dimana Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dan dimana dia Khairy Jamaludin? Kenapa Muhyidin berani bercakap dalam majlis tertutup sahaja? Kenapa tidak bertindak dan selesaikan isu ini dalam Kabinet?

Nampaknya mereka ini semuanya adalah terdiri dari mereka yang membawa bencana kepada negara. Kenapakah hijab mereka tertutup begitu rapi dan tidak langsung menampakkan tanda-tanda hijab mereka akan terbuka.

Dalam keadaan sekarang pun mereka masih memikirkan hal jawatan dan kepentingan mereka sahaja. Begitu juga dengan Ahli-Ahli Parlimen. Kenapa tidak bertindak membetulkan keadaan ini dengan cepat?

Hendak tunggu laporan Ketua Audit Negara? Boleh kah kita percaya dan jika pun akhirnya sampai laporan Ketua Audit negara segala-galanya sudah hancur lebur. Masalahnya sekarang seluruh kepimpinan negara kita sudah hilang keyakinan rakyat. Apa pun yang Najib katakan untuk membela dirinya, rakyat tetap mempersoalkan kewibawaannya.

Dari sudut moral dan etikanya sesiapa yang sudah hilang kewibawaan mesti meletakkan jawatan. Perdana Menteri dan semua ahli kabinet perlu bersara dan jangan sentuh lagi hal kerajaan dan rakyat ini. Kamu semua pembawa malang kepada rakyat dan negara.

19 June 2015

TR: Ignoring him is an irretrievable error

Of late the news of certain warlords in UMNO who want to see Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah with intention to resolve the nation’s debauched state of affairs was seen as an upright move and let’s hope that there will be real and ultimate closure to the complications the country is facing. It was indeed much awaited news as the country is in dire need to start the nation anew as this blog has been emphasizing for the past many years.  

The nation’s insoluble hiccups can only be resolved through structural changes in leadership and has to be done through untraditional manner as the seriousness of the situation we are facing is beyond comprehension and exceedingly alarming. The quarrelling leaders within inter-parties or intra-parties in both sides of the divide are too severe that no one within the ruling leaders and the opposition are fit to take on the mantle for those structural changes that we need.

Both BN and PR are now in their lowest ebb of leadership that no one among those with positions in the ruling and the opposition parties are ready to assume the responsibility to replace the politically bedridden Najib with his huge but dysfunctional Cabinet. This Cabinet is a failed Cabinet as it does not take its responsibility with pride and dignity. We should now be starting to take things more serious and for that we need to have more decorous and dignified leader for the looked-for change to materialize.

Leaders who are possessed by the three main diseases of greed, anger and foolishness should be set aside and give way for more sincere and diligent leaders to put into effect the changes that we are in dire need. We must accept the notion that when the sovereign commits evil the ordinary rakyat suffer.

The need for TR to be fronting for the needed change is greatly urgent as time waits for no man. We cannot be dependent on the traditional manner of exercising the change of guard. The Deputy of the sitting Prime Minister is by no way eligible to assume the position of the PM as he was part and parcel of the group who engineers the evil acts of government that we nakedly see today. Positioning him as the Prime Minister is no change and business will be as usual.

Let’s support the move to get TR to take the challenge for the national correction exercise. He is the fittest among all. He was on the side line for 28 years he has no hands in the huge unfortunate and the disastrous acts of the government. While waiting outside the Cabinet TR was watching vainly how the current leaders destroy the basic tenets of good governance and he sees all these happening with inordinate anguish.

He understands all issues surrounding the government and with that detailed understanding with him it would just be handy for him to render and to put in motion the national correction exercises without glitches.   

This perfect gentleman is by no mean an insignificant leader and ignoring him at this time is an irretrievable error by the country. Believe me.

14 June 2015

Buka mulut luas-luas, nak tengok lidah, berapa cabangnya

Dr Mahathir selalu menyangka yang semua orang mudah lupa. Semalam beliau menyalahkan Sultan Iskandar yang semasa itu menjadi Yang Di Pertuan Agong, yang memecat Tun Salleh Abbas sebagai Ketua Hakim Negara bersama dengan lima Hakim Mahkamah Agong yang lain.

Sebelum kita memahami hakikat sebenarnya yang berkaitan dengan isu pemecatan Tun Salleh Abbas ini, kita perlu tahu latar belakang siapa yang terlibat, seperti Dr Mahathir dan Raja yang dituduh Dr Mahathir sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab memecat Tun Salleh Abbas itu. Dr Mahathir semalam tidak menyalahkan Tun Salleh tetapi beliau menyalahkan Yang di Pertuan Agong Sultan Iskandar, Sultan Johor Darul Takzim semasa pemecatan itu.

Dalam politik negara Tun Mahathir terbilang dengan orang yang suka melakukan kehendak hatinya sendiri dan  sentiasa  tidak sesuai dengan undang-undang dan etika sebagai seorang Perdana Menteri sebuah negara merdeka seperti Malaysia ini. Jika ada halangan etika dan undang-undang beliau akan hapuskan undang-undang yang diguna-pakai oleh negara demokrasi untuk menjaga negara itu sendiri.

Jika ada pemimpin yang beliau anggap sebagai boleh menyaingi beliau dalam kerjaya sebagai pemimpin yang berjaya,  mereka –mereka itu akan dipinggirkan dan digantikan dengan mereka yang boleh bersekongkol dan memenuhi kehendaknya iaitu hanya memberikan sokongan 120 peratus terhadap beliau. Akhirnya beliau berdiri seorang sebagai seorang pemimpin yang boleh dianggap berwibawa dan yang lainnya hanyalah dianggap beliau sebagai ‘red-indian’ yang boleh beliau perlakukan sekehendak hatinya. Di dalam UMNO pemimpin-pemimpin dan ahli-ahli  hanya diminta bertepuk dan bersorak dalam perhimpunan agung sahaja.

Dr Mahathir menebas sesiapa sahaja yang tidak bersetuju dengan beliau atau pun mereka yang dianggap lebih cerdik dari beliau. Beliau seorang penebas termasuk menebas Hakim-Hakim yang menjalankan tugas dengan baik. Tetapi kerja baik dan tindakan yang betul oleh Hakim-Hakim  itu tidak menyenangkan kedudukan beliau,  maka hakim-hakim itu menjadi mangsa beliau. Habis Hakim-Hakim yang baik ditebasnya.

Sekarang beliau tidak mengaku menebas Hakim-Hakim tersebut. Beliau menyalahkan ‘parang panjang bengkok’ pula. Beliau berkata yang menebas itu bukannya beliau. Yang menebas itu adalah parang panjang bengkok’ itu tadi. Beliau hanya menghayun ‘parang panjang bengkok’ itu sahaja dan yang menebasnya ialah ‘parang bengkok’ itu, bukannya beliau.

Justeru yang menebas dan membuang Hakim-Hakim Mahkamah Agong itu ialah Yang di Pertuan Agong, bukannya beliau. Beliau hanya memaksa Agong untuk mengadakan ‘Tribunal Khas’ untuk membuang Hakim-Hakim itu.

Itu sebabnya Tribunal Khas itu diwujudkan pada 1hb Mei 1988 ia itu pada hari Pekerja dan hari Ahad pula. Pandai Dr Mahathir ini, tetapi kepandaiannya ialah untuk melakukan mungkar terhadap negara dan sistem negara kita.

Patut pun Najib sebagai salah seorang pewaris kepada kepimpinan beliau lebih teruk dari beliau. Benarlah ‘jika bapak kencing berdiri, anaknya kencing berlari’. Yang sengsara negara dan rakyat. Elok kita minta semua pemimpin yang berjawatan terutamanya dalam Kabinet dan Majlis Tertinggi UMNO untuk membuka mulut mereka luas-luas. Kita mahu tengok apa kah jenis lidah yang ada dalam mulut-mulut mereka ini.

Kalau ada masa dan waktu yang cukup elok kita ‘revisit’ apa sebenarnya berlaku sehingga terpecatnya Hakim-Hakim Mahkamah Agong itu pada tahun 1988 dahulu.

12 June 2015

Dr Mahathir is enjoying being the man-of-the moment

Our politics are too soiled and mucky. It’s at the worst situation and unimaginable state of affairs that rocks the nation to shamble and the consequences of it are not small. There are too many issues that surround around losses of public funds and misused of power from the reckless leaders in the government and the ruling political leaders. Now we are witnessing the quarrels among the old and young undependable used-to be and the current leaders.

Each of the quarreling divides claims more legitimacy of their sides while in actual fact they were the one and the same kind of leaders who used to bring losses and harms to the nation and their acts of greed are protracted by the current set and horde of leaders.  The originator of the evilest culture in leadership and the inheritors are in confrontations. They were used to be one and the same. They were all political sinners and their contributions to the dishonesties are beyond computations and comprehensions.  

Mahathir the originator for the misplaced culture in Malaysian politics today admitted that he causes for the present crisis which he claims was done for the sake of the nation. He has to tell all what Najib has done to the nation through 1MDB. Mahathir said the crisis has to surface as he has to tell the people what people don’t know. Mahathir says that if he is not telling all Najib will carry on pillaging the country through 1MDB without hindrances and the people and the nation will suffer.

While the reasoning from Mahathir is more than fair and should be supported, we should never forget that Mahathir was the one who put up these weak leaders to lead the nation. Mahathir as I have mentioned in my previous posting is by nature unable co-exist with virtuous and astute leaders as he wants to remain relevant and sought-after leader all the time. All the best crop of leaders were systematically ostracized by him during the twenty-two year reign of power. 

The unblemished weaknesses of Abdullah and Najib make Mahathir continues to be relevant and this fascinates him as he would still be looked upon as man-of-the moment all the time. Being surrounded big congregations of supporters is the greatest compulsion for Mahathir under the guise of doing the needful for the nation.

This cost the nation cripplingly as weak and deluded leaders will contribute more harm than good to the country like we are currently experiencing under Najib. It’s so expensive to retain Najib as our leader and that is natural for weak and mendacious leader. We cannot rely on the Cabinet to bring him back on track as the Cabinet themselves are confused leaders as they are not familiar with their role and functions as cabinet members.

We don’t know how Mahathir takes the present situation watching his lines of leaders who inherit him are all undependable and untrustworthy. I think that serves Mahathir right. He is responsible in promoting undeserving leaders to inherit him. If he is now genuinely concerned with the fate of the nation his choice will be the choice of Malaysians of diversified races and religions as well as way of lives and not just to fit in his personal preferences.

The clue of finding an appropriate leader after Najib is not to take in anyone among the current members of the Cabinet and the Supreme Council members. They are one and the same. Taking one of them is no change. If there is any it will be a change for the worse.

Do remember that if the sovereigns commit evils the ordinary people will suffer. 

09 June 2015

Let's address the terminal diseases, not just the pain

We must be serious for a change this time around. What we are facing now is too grave and without exigent change we are going through the same problems in perpetuity.  In actual fact we have been facing the current problems for decades but were not paid much attention by the ruling elites.  

The culture of making money while in power was traceable since the early eighties. There were many among the ruling group who were unhappy with the new but unhealthy culture that was setting in the ruling elites. I personally was active in UMNO and along the way I heard many leaders realized that the elements of greed were growing at a daring pace.

At least two of the distinguished ministers in the Cabinet were whispering to me in confidence during the tea break at the annual general assembly of UMNO, ‘young man! sekarang sudah ada yang mahu jadi orang kaya’.  Those years all the UMNO general assemblies were done at Nirwana ball room at KL Hilton before moving to PWTC Dewan Merdeka in 1986 when it was equipped for the annual assemblies.

There were lots of efforts taken by dignified and decorous leaders then to circumvent those ungainly cultures to spread including taking on the President of UMNO in the 1987 general assembly. However the move was not successful, but was more than formidable prove that there was something very wrong with the way government was run by the ruling leaders.

What was needed then was just another 22 votes to erase the thin majority votes of 43 gained by the disputed incumbent Dr Mahathir. Half of the Cabinet and UMNO supreme council were openly supporting the need for change then.

The challenger Tengku Razaleigh a gentleman that he is resigned instantaneously when he failed to get the mandate from the delegates and that was a real act of democracy. To him he had to resign as the contest against Dr Mahathir was an act of vote of non-confidence and he ought to resign.  The whole lot of ministers who were with him resigned to allow Dr Mahathir to choose his new lineup in the Cabinet.

Tengku Razaleigh since then stays outside the cabinet watching and witnessing all the pranks and shenanigans committed by the victor. From that moment one by one the democratic institutions were occupied by the executives under Mahathir and that was the starting point where the whole democracy was in ridicule until today.

No one knows what their functions are as everything is decided by the executives ie the cabinet which the PM leads. Mahathir claims that is the democracy of our own mold and this kind of democracy is practiced by the current leaders in the cabinet that annoys everybody including Dr Mahathir himself. It’s a situation like ‘senjata makan tuan’ as the adage goes. Mahathir and his likes are now suppressed by his own mold of democracy that he personally designed and built.

The cabinet members were just passengers and rubber stamps to the PM. Any PM from Mahathir onwards makes used of the cabinet members to just rubber stamps and takes joint accountability on every decision made by the PM. If he goes everyone has to go. I keep on harping on this issue as we must understand problems up to specific before we even think of a change.  We should stop addressing the pain. We should start to address the terminal disease first.

So morally and ethically can Muhyiddin qualify to be a substitution to Najib?  It’s an erroneous move to make him the PM isn’t it? 

08 June 2015

Tanggungjawab bersama itu apa dia?

Saya telah menyebut perihal ‘accountability’ dalam tulisan-tulisan saya sejak akhir-akhir ini kerana ia merupakan elemen penting dalam pentadbiran sebuah kerajaan (Kabinet) berdaulat dan mengambil pendekatan mentadbir negara secara demokrasi. Saya bukan hendak menyuluh ditempat yang terang tetapi saya terpaksa menyebutnya berkali-kali kerana masih ramai yang masih tidak mahu atau tidak tahu bagaimana pentingnya sikap ‘accountability’ atau kebertanggungjawaban  bersama seseorang ahli kepada Jemaah Kabinet negara kita itu.

‘Accountability’ itu elemen yang sangat besar dalam mentadbir sesebuah negara. Apabila kerajaan telah melakukan perkara yang tidak betul ia merupakan satu ‘accountability’ kerajaan atau kabinet yang mentadbir kerajaan negara itu. Kekurangan kesedaran tentang isu ‘accountability’ inilah yang menyebabkan rakyat dikelirukan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap sesuatu perkara dan insiden yang boleh memecahkan pemikiran rakyat yang akhirnya membawa porak peranda kepada negara tersebut.

Untuk merengkaskan tulisan ini biar kita terus sahaja kepada isu hangat yang melanda negara kita pada hari ini. Isu 1MDB ini wajib dipertanggungjawabkan kepada semua ahli-ahli Jemaah kabinet kerana yang mengambil keputusan tentang segala hal tentang ini adalah kabinet.  Adalah tidak lojik segala kesalahan dan tanggungjawab itu di lemparkan kepada Najib seorang.

Isu kemelut 1MDB ini sudah lama didengari oleh rakyat jelata tetapi kabinet tidak mempedulikan isu ini kerana ia beranggapan itu adalah isu Perdana Menteri. Perdana Menteri itu adalah ahli kabinet tetapi beliau adalah ‘first among equal’ dikalangan barisan kabinet itu. Melonggokan kesalahan kepada Najib seorang adalah satu tindakan untuk cuba lari dari kebersamaan atau ‘accountability’ tadi.

Jika setiap ahli Kabinet memahami apakah tanggungjawab sebagai seorang ahli kabinet itu tentunya mereka akan dapat menahan dan memberikan teguran atau bantahan terhadap Najib yang dikatakan begitu keras untuk memuaskan kehendak dan nafsu nafsinya sahaja. Tindakan Najib meneruskan usaha yang sangat menjengkelkan tadi adalah tanggungjawab setiap ahli kabinet untuk berhadapan dengan rakyat.

Najib berjaya meneruskan niat yang tidak betul itu kerana beliau tahu yang kabinet itu adalah lantikan beliau dan mereka wajar menyokong sahaja apa yang beliau hendak lakukan kerana beliau sendiri sedar atau tidak yang ahli jemaah kabinet negara kita tidak mengambil isu ‘accountability’ ini dengan serius.

Jika ahli kabinet tidak mahu atau tidak tahu tentang isu ‘accountability’ ini persoalannya, apakah fungsi mereka menganggotai Jemaah menteri itu? Bukankah menjadi ahli kabinet itu adalah tanggungjawab besar terhadap rakyat yang mewakilkan mereka berada dalam Dewan Legilatif. Ahli-ahli Kabinet itu adalah kerajaan dan jika ahli-ahli kabinet tidak mahu bertanggungjawab maka itu adalah satu kesalahan politik yang tidak bermoral yang tidak boleh dimaafkan oleh rakyat yang ramai.

Dalam isu 1MDB ini semua Jemaah Kabinet mesti mengambil tanggungjawab dan tidak boleh bermain politik dengan menghamparkan kesalahan itu terhadap Perdana Menteri seorang. Tidak adil mereka melambakkan semua kesalahan itu kepada Najib seorang kerana kesalahan itu adalah kesalahan bersama.

Itu sebabnya ramai yang mengerut dahi apabila ada pihak-pihak yang cuba untuk menggantikan Najib dengan Muhyiddin sebagai Perdana Menteri. Bagaimana hendak mewajarkan Muhyiddin untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri sedangkan beliau adalah ahli kabinet yang bersama-sama mengambil semua keputusan dalam setiap kabinet termasuk dalam meluluskan segala isu tentang 1MDB ini. 

Mungkin Muhyiddin mempunyai sebab untuk menggantikan Najib jika dari awal lagi beliau tidak bersetuju dengan pengendalian 1MDB oleh Najib itu. Jika dari awal Muhyiddin menunjukan sikap ‘accountability’ tadi beliau sepatutnya telah meletakan jawatan  sebagai protes terhadap kedegilan Najib dalam mengendalikan isu 1MDB ini. Tetapi Muhyiddin dan Menteri-Menteri kabinet yang lain tidak bertindak demikian, malahan telah menambah parahkan imej kabinet ini dengan meluluskan ‘standby credit’ sebanyak RM950 juta untuk 1MDB dalam mesyuarat kabinet dua bulan yang lepas.

Apa ini semua? Muhyiddin sepatutnya menahan selera untuk menggantikan Najib itu kerana beliau juga adalah salah seorang yang bertanggungjawab dengan apa yang berlaku dalam 1MDB itu. Bercakap dan mengkritik Najib didalam majlis tertutup sahaja tidak membolehkan beliau terlepas dari menerima tanggungjawab dan ‘accountability’ tadi.  

Sepatutnya sekarang ini setiap ahli kabinet boleh menjawab segala persoalan yang ditimbulkan oleh Dr Mahathir dan yang lain-lain itu kerana keputusan itu adalah keputusan kabinet dan setiap ahli kabinet tahu apa yang sebenarnya berlaku dalam mesyuarat kabinet itu.

Setiap Menteri Kabinet wajar berhenti dari meminta Najib  menjawabnya sendiri kerana jika Najib tidak tahu untuk memberikan jawapannya maka mana-mana ahli kabinet boleh menjawabnya dalam keadaan yang terdesak ini.

Menteri-Menteri kabinet tidak boleh melepaskan tanggungjawab ini kepada rakyat. Jika tidak mahu bertanggungjawab mereka wajar meletakan jawatan. 

07 June 2015

Remember one Malay adage, 'kalau bapak kencing berdiri, anak kencing berlari'

Najib has not been an endowed Prime Minister. He has lost all grips of support from the people and his capacity to govern has defunct.  He is like losing direction and misplaced in a deep dark wood and is incapable to find the way out of the wilderness.  

He is now confronted by his deadliest enemy who was his long time mentor, Dr Mahathir Mohamed the leader who was blamable for prospering incapable leaders to inherit his leadership. We can see without uncertainty that after Mahathir we cannot find anyone with tangible leadership neither from the Cabinet nor from the line of the UMNO Supreme Council.

They are hordes of negligent and undependable leaders who would only bring the country to shame, adversity and misfortune. Looking back from this angle, Mahathir can be considered the man responsible for inheriting the kinds of leaders of today. Mahathir by nature was allergic to virtuous leaders surrounding him while he was enjoying power for two decades and all the good and budding leaders were systematically ousted from the top UMNO hierarchy.

What were left together with him at the top were the scums which survived politically by amusing him throughout his 22 years of premiership. Dr Mahathir had blameless period of administering the nation, the way he pleased without hindrances and disturbances after every good and tangible leaders were placed outside the party leadership hierarchy.

For over two decades of his administration, he abided no nonconformists and he was not compatible with the long structured culture of democracy that is practiced in many advanced countries. It was during his time in power that most of the institutions of democracy were adulterated and the total departure from the independence of the three pillars of democracy, the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary.

The Executive occupied the Legislature and the Judiciary totally, while in turn Mahathir controlled the Executive with his strong fist and tough muscle absolutely. Thus Mahathir controlled the whole nation single handedly. So the system that worked then was Mahathir’s system which was not well-matched and inharmonious to the usual democratic practices. It worked only while Mahathir was still at the helm of power.  The system was personally Mahathir’s system and value of democracy.

Now that Mahathir is out of Putrajaya, the leadership that takes over Mahathir’s personal system of democracy the country is impregnated with confused and deluded leaders. They were neither able to follow Mahathir’s system of administration nor can they go back to the usual democratic system which was already devastated with the demolishing of many democratic institutions under Mahathir two decades ago. The truth is Mahathir was the source for all these weaknesses in the country today.

The corrupt practices and abuses on the democracy which started during Mahathir’s time were becoming more rampant and uncontrollable. The plundering of public funds which happened in grand scale during Mahathir’s time are becoming more and more blatant to the extent that Mahathir himself is not able to conceal his irritations and touchiness witnessing the plundering and pillaging done by the leaders who inherit his administration.

Now the situation and the need to change are clear and imminent. Najib has to go and the change must be in line with the actual needs of the country, not just the personal preferences of Dr Mahathir. Mahathir has proven to fail in building and finding leaders to lead the country. He had always made the wrong choices. Had he himself had been sincere struggling for the country he shouldn’t have put Abdullah Badawi and Najib to get ascended to the helm of power.

For Dr Mahathir he should be reminded always to one Malay proverb, ‘kalau bapa kencing berdiri, anak kencing berlari’.

04 June 2015

Adenan Satem helps Najib to sleep well, but rakyat are still sleepless

Malaysian Insider reports that Adenan Satem declared that Sarawak is giving Najib an unconditional support for his leadership. Adenan Satem told the audiences on the program of Hari Keamatan in Sarawak which was attended by Najib and his wife that Sarawak is thick and thin with Najib. Adenan put it straight that it is not the culture of Sarawak government to back stab Najib like what some UMNO leaders in Peninsula do.

Adenan praises Najib to the optimum and expressed his gratitude to Najib as to Satem Najib is much better than putting all the five previous PMs of Malaysia. It means that putting together Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Dr Mahathir and Abdullah Badawi their contributions were negligible as compared to the contributions by Najib to the nation especially Sarawak.

Even though the rating by Adenan towards the previous Prime Minters was done in a bad taste, it’s not unusual for a weak and opportunistic leader like him to say the way he did. Adenan was telling us that the Father of Malaysia's contributions towards the formation of Malaysia were too trivial compared to the deeds of Najib towards the nation including the plundering of the rakyat’s money.

Najib gave immediate response by giving Adenan huge thank you and told the crowd that tonight he and Rosmah were going to sleep well. Dr Mahathir shouldn't disturb Najib tonight as he is having good sleep with his wife after getting the huge support from the Sarawak Head of government. Directly Najib was telling everyone that he has not been able to sleep well with his wife because he has been disturbed by Dr Mahathir and his followers. We hope Najib won’t be over slept tonight and do wake up early tomorrow morning to settle all issues that confront him. Just as a soft reminder Najib should do some stretching ups after waking up tomorrow morning.

One problem is settled for Najib. Now he can sleep well with his wife and I think he is going to bed early tonight. What about the rest of the ordinary rakyat who have not been able to sleep that well with their wives? It is not only Najib that have a wife. Millions of ordinary Malaysians are having their young wives too. Najib is putting the people in misery as they have not been able to get simple answers from the simple questions that Dr Mahathir put forward to him.

Najib is just concerned with his sleep but he is doing too little to allow other Malaysians to sleep well. I don’t think Najib understands the feeling of ordinary Malaysians who are attempting their best to close their eyes at bed time. Malaysians are worried about the magnitude of losses that the rakyat are accumulating due to reckless administration under Najib and his disordered cabinet members.  

Rakyat can only sleep well after all the truths prevail and actions taken against all perpetrators of 1MDB. The losses of rakyat’s money are too enormous and it’s beyond comprehensions of any logical mind can take. Losses are normal business consequences but not knowing where the monies go is not acceptable.

We don’t envy Najib for being able to sleep well after Adenan Satem gave him the sleeping pills tonight. What we need is Najib to wake up early and face the problems faced by the rakyat immediately after doing some good stretching tomorrow morning.

Understand that the rakyat are still not able to sleep since the expose on the 1MDB issues were fronting the rakyat directly since months ago. In the mean while just tell us where the twenty odds billion of ringgit has gone to.

The rakyat want to know why were there elements of spending loaned money lavishly before the naked eyes of the rakyat. Just answer to the query of the people who instructed Sirul to murder Altantuya. It was a straight question and it should be answered straightly. There are few other straight questions and what is needed is a straight answer. 

02 June 2015

Inevitable split has begun

Last Friday Najib told members of the Cabinet that they are free to resign and they were given the chance to distance themselves from 1MDB if they are not aligned with the 1MDB issue. This simply means that 1MDB was a collective responsibility of the Cabinet and it is always natural that those who are not with the PM on the issue should resign from the post appointed by the PM.

However none of them resigned and that means everyone in the Cabinet is taking accountability on the 1MDB issue.  Many on the ground here expected Shafie Apdal to resign but he didn’t do it. Shafie had to swallow his strong words that came out of his mouth and he is not courageous enough to resign.  

Najib is arm twisting everyone under him in the Cabinet and it’s always natural for a desperate PM to do as he wants all those who took collective decisions on the 1MDB to be severally accountable with him. He knows he cannot take it alone and he needs everyone who sat in the weekly Cabinet meetings over the 1MDB issues to take responsibilities and that is the way it should be done.

Hence the mark of the divide is drawn clearer. The scoundrels as they may be perceived stand on side while the revolting rakyat on the other side of the divide. The fight is now between the Cabinet (the government) and the ordinary people. It is not unusual to see some leaders are trying to play hero and take advantage of the acrimonious feelings among the Cabinet members over the 1MDB issue. A few has come with pungent and overpowering statements in order to be seen as men of the moment.

Mohamad, the Negeri Sembilan MB is one of them. He was seen to be coming out with strong worded statements over the current political commotions within the leaders of UMNO. In referring to the alleged ultimatum by Najib to his Cabinet colleagues last Friday, Mohamad called on anyone who distrusts the boss to leave and not to ask for the boss to quit. The MB is seen to be fishing in troubled water and what he’s looking for is predictable. He was very quick doing some covering for him after being identified as Muhyiddin's henchman of late.

In any war Mohamad is well recognized by friends who understand him, as the person who will be the first to hoist the red flag for the victor and if the reversed happens he will also be the first to raise the white flag loftily. Until last week he was still recognized to be the foremost person behind Muhyiddin armed with tall ambitions to be the right hand man of whom he believes to be the person substituting the politically ailing Prime Minister.

It is interesting to witness the situation of the day. Najib is at the lowest ebb politically and it’s easier to disbelieve him than to trust him. Hence the break may happen at any moment and it may happen today as there are move to receive Muhyiddin from his oversees trip tonight at the KLIA. Invitations from DPM’s office through tweeters, short message services (sms) and whatsapp groups were evidently massive yesterday informing everyone that Muhyiddin will be touching down at 9pm.

If the response to the invitation is big then the split in UMNO will officially starts today. From then on everyone can predict the sequences of events following the move from the office of DPM. However many feels that the split has begun. It’s a split between and among the undependable lots of UMNO leaders.

The rouges and the villain will disintegrate ultimately. UMNO can never be the same again as long as the current groups of leaders substitute each other. It’s not an easy enterprise for Muhyiddn’s group to topple Najib’s. They are from the same clone.

It will be calmer for Najib dan Muhyiddin’s group to find a leader from outside their clusters to ensure viable and legitimate changes to transpire. Think about the country ahead of personal agenda. Stop thinking about personal wealth and glamor. There is no end to social climbing.