Is thieving already become a culture of today’s life? Before any further deliberation, let us ask ourselves who are the people within that category of thieves?
It is good to know as the thieves can be somebody close to us, or they can even be our leaders. Some can come from well-to-do family and adored by many and quite a number pretentiously talk about how to be a morally rounded person.
There are some common attributes of thieves; they are dishonest, light-fingers and having the apt to steal. Then we ask who the thieves are?
A person who steals a few chickens form his neighbour’s farm is a thief, and a person who quietly picks up one or two durians under its tree without the knowledge of the owner too is a thief.
What about robbers? Robbers are also thieves as they force on some one to hand over their money or valuables to them (robbers).
So, Botak Chin is a thief. The answer is YES. What about Batang Kali who was shot dead in Damansara Jaya few years ago? He was also a thief. Both were shot dead by the police as they had been in the wanted list of the police for a long while.
What about corruptors in the government and politicians who take benefits apart from what is due to them?
They are also thieves, but their differences than the ones we mentioned earlier are distinct.
The corruptors are the white collar thieves while the ones we mentioned earlier are the blue-collared ones.
Then we ask what the differences between the white-collared and the blue-collared thieves and what are the consequences they have to face if these two kinds of thieves are found guilty and convicted?
The consequence can be a lot different. The white collar thieves would face jail sentence while the other kind of thief might end up with gunshots and looses his cheap life.
The white-collared thieves get more loots than the blue-collared. The loots for the white collar thieves are sometimes called commission and let us now call them commissionaire.
Normally the white-collared ones secure their commissions more than allowable rates by hiking prices of product and services and the supplier would then send back a portion of what they earned to the purchasers.
The purchasers could be Government Departments like Ministries, or private and public companies and corruptions are rampant in these places.
This is a white collar corruption and if found guilty, the conviction may send one to prison and fined to the amount stipulated by law.
I have not heard of white collar thieves being shot dead when convicted. Even before the conviction it would cost years before the court could decide on their conviction, as one is still innocent until proven guilty.
By engaging good and renowned lawyers these white collar thieves may even not found guilty and can lead a normal life like others in the neighborhood and enjoy the loots with his family.
The white collar thieves sometimes can be a great leader to a nation as the court of Law are unable to find him guilty as the transfer of the corrupt monies are normally done in high manner and the wire transfer would not be easy to trace and leave no trail.
Over and above that these white collar thieves are having strong position that the authority dare not try to do investigation even though his criminal act is an open secret. Even if the police or any other related body are forced to investigate the answer is already predictable…insufficient proof.
The mafias are well and safe while the pariahs will have to serve their sentences.
The quantum for white collar thieves is normally very huge and may be in hundreds of million ringgit, and that is why we can see houses of those corruptors elegantly stand in places like Kensington in London, Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide and many other cities in the world.
White collar thieves normally are social and political climbers. The higher they climb the more they can pinch and steal.
Conversely, the blue-collared thieves are more risky as the nature of thieving is easily monitored by the authority. Botak Chin was shot dead and could not have the time to engage a lawyer. So did Batang Kali.
Once they are caught their wives and families suffer after their death for generations while the white collar thieves have the family guaranteed of easy lives after their death also for generations.
In short, the conviction on white collar thieves is just jail-term while the blue-collared ones would end up dead by bullet shots.
Other common traits for both categories of thieves; once a thief he remains a thief.
Looking through the angle of moral there is no difference between Botak Chin and corrupt leaders of a nation.
But let us come to term that both are thieves and they are a real pests to the community, and let us not disagree about it.
Thanks………………………………………………………Aspan Alias
you are opening another issue to ponder.
it good for you to invite others to deliberate issues that are close to the people's mind.
saudara suka membawa orang ramai berfikir dalam konteks nilai kemanusiaan lebih-lebih lagi dalam sudut kepimpinan.
saya bersetuju dengan saudara.
keep it up saudara.
abang aspan,
Please don't get close to the truth.
The closer to the truth would make people agitated.
You must appreciate that the ruling party's activist will be cross wth you.
That is why I distant myself from UMNO. In my family my dad is the only one supporting UMNO, the rest have switch allegiance.
I take PAS as my 'wadah' of struggle. Anything wrong with it abang Aspan?
I don't swtch akidah.
Please answer me.
Lagi sekali aku tak boleh tidur Aspan.
Udah pukul 2 suku mata aku terbekiak lagi baca blog kau.
Kalau aku terus baca blog kau aku akan jadi kurus kering macam Man Kering.
Belanja aku tak ade juga.
Letih aku kau buat!
Syabas Sdr ku. Kalau mahathir yang tulis macam ini sudah tentu jutaan yang masuk blog nya ucap bravo dan macam macam lagi..apo nak buat yang tulis Aspan budak sri menanti Kuala Pilah siapa nak baca kan.
Pengswataan agency kerajaan bukan kah dalam category pencuri namanya? Apa tidak nya, macam LLN (TNB) di swastakan dulu, walhal itu harta rakyat, sepatutnya semua rakyat dapat pink form dan share percuma, bukan begitu Pan.? Sebab itu agaknya Tuhan panjangkan umur Mahathir supaya dia dapat minta ampun dari rakyat Malaysia pasal kerja kerja pengswastaan agency kerajaan macam Telikom TNB Post Malaysia, Syabas dan Punca Niaga..Semuanya hak rakyat dan Sdr aspan dan saya dan orang orang lain juga ada bahagiannya tapi tidak di beri pampasan tidak kah sama dalam category yang kau katakana? Hahaha.
Orang kata Ghafar kalah dengan Anwar pasal orang Sabah punya undi lari ke Anwar walaupun yang bawa masuk UMNO ke Sabah adalah Ghafar Baba. Undi Ghafar lari pasal pink form TNB yang banyak di taburkan di Sabah, betul Pan?
Itu lah, seelok kau beri Mahathir idea ini biar dia tulis ,dan sudah tentu jutaan orang beri tahniah dan tertutup lah cerita dia pasal dia yang tulis.(Orang yang menulis tentu tak buat kerja itu). Ini tidak kau sendiri tulis, berapa kerat je orang nak baca. Tapi tak apa lah kurang kurang nya ada kawan kawan yang baca .Saya macam biasa lah buat e mailing list.tapi sedihnya ada yang balik kat saya minta di terjemahkan dalam bahasa Melayu, mereka kurang faham bahasa Inggeris, bahasa orang yang buat orang Melayu akhirnya terpaksa kongsi kuasa dengan orang lain..
Terbaca komen ini dalam tulisan Sdr yang lalu.
“salleh teman seperjuangan lama said...
Apa yang dibina oleh TR sudah banyak dirampok oleh pemimpin selepas tiadanya beliau dalam kerajaan
Perbas sudah hangus selepas MBO oleh Tunku Shariman yang akhirnya tidak bayar pun saham yang dia dapat tetapi dividen Pernas dibelasahnya.
Bank Bumi sudah ranap hasil perbuatan Mahathir dan Daim sampai nama Bank Bmi yang jadi kebanggaan Melayu sudah tiada.
Satu lagi hasil tangan TR, PNB pun, walaupun keuntungan corporat PNB besar tapi dari segi pencapaian dasar sudah lemah.
Aspan, mereka ini hanya pandai meruntuhkan sahaja. Kalau tak pandai nak buat setidak tidajnya jagalah benda-benda ini dengan baik.
Pemimpinan selepas Hussein Onn adalah pemimpin yang saya namakan 'leaders by vandalism'…..”
Kalau saya jadi ahli sejarah saya ringkaskan sejarah Pemimpin kita macam ini:
Anggap Malaysia sebuah ladang besar. Tunku Abd Rahman tu tukang membersih hutan, menyediakan tapak untuk bercucuk tanam. Kemudian datang Tun Razak dengan di bantu oleh Tengku Razaleigh, membajak , menanam dan membaja. pokok pokok.
Kemudian itu, Tun Hussein (juga di bantu oleh Tengku Razaleigh) , membaja menyiram air hingga hasil mula tampak.
Datang Mahathir, pokok sudah berbuah. Dia tuai hasilnya…Tuai tuai tuai..Yang sedihnya dia tuai habis, hingga lupa nak simpan benih untuk di tanam semula.
Apa lagi zaman Dolah dah mula kering kongtang , itu pun di unrooted everything dah tak ado lai.
Apo dayo! Mesen padi dah tak ado lai! pan.
Pernah pergi kepejabat Raja Alias, Pengerusi Felda dulu? Di dinding ofis nya ada gambar gambar besar Pemimpin Pemimpin Ini. Satu gambar Tun Abd Razak sedang berdiri dengan tongkat/kerusi mudah alihnya atas bukit kecil ,memandang jauh , memerhati ladang yang sudah di tebang/diterangkan. Satu gambar lagi gambar Tun Hussein sedang duduk dengan memegang sayur kobis besar. SATU GAMBAR LAGI MENUNJUKAN TUN MAHATHIR SEDANG BERMAIN DENGAN EARPHONE ( TOY).
You know why BN/UMNO is losing ground and you know that PR is not strong because it is strong.
PR is seen to be strong because UMNO has been taking for granted on everything.
The rakyat are just fed up of the BN as they are not serious to improve.
How can a government buys 1billion goods for 1.6 billion.
The rakyat is paying for it. And the 0.6 billion sinks in individual pockets.
Here we are toiling our sweat, but up there no one can be trusted.
You are right bro, they steal our money.
Damn it, let us find other sanctuary.
I must say that there is at least 1 difference between the white and the blue collared thieves.
The blue collared thieves steal from individuals while the white collar thieves steal from the whole rakyat.
Biasalah Aspan,
Sdr bacalah sejarah mana sekali pun, ia akan memaparkan kepada kita jika sesuatu bangs jika dah jatuh pemimpinnya akan berlaku rasuah. Rasuah dalam harta benda dan perempuan dan sbgainya.
Serupalah macam kita disini, pemimpin rasuah disanjung, yang benar diketepikan.
Memang diakhir zaman ini pemimpin rasuah akan dapat sokongan dan ada yang mempertahankan mereka.
Saya mengenali sdr hampir 30 tahun dahulu.
Saya mendapat kerja contract ditangan sdr. Dengan contract itu saya mendapat keuntungan sedikit.
Yang saya berterima kasih sdr telah membuat pembayaran yang cepat tanpa menghulurkan apa-apa kpd sdr.
Malah sdr tidak mengenali saya sehingga hari ini.
Rakan kongsi saya pernah nak hulur sedikit sagu hati kepada saudara dan saya masih ingat cara saudara menolaknya.
Sdr akan kata, "wah dah kaya sangat ke? kalau dah kaya tak payah ambil kerja ini. Itu kan ke titik peluh awak? kenapa saya pulak yang dapat imbuhan?"
Sdr saya tidak akan lupa kata-kata sdr sampai mati.
Blame the people Aspan! Don't blame the thieves.
Everyone knows since Mahathir ruled us until today the actual people ruling us are thieves.
But the people still vote them in.
Aspan, I wish to blame tou as well as you were or are still in UMNO.
Why complain hah? You tell your PM to go down! He is throwing us all in the pit! You know that Aspan.
Can you or can you not answer me hah?
I totally agree wth 'thedecieved'.
These thieves are voted in by the people.
You should blame the people and that includes you and your UMNO, the robbers.
Are trying to do the impossible, that is to stop them from stealing?
They won't stoplah! The only way to stop the stealing is to vote them out.
Whoever you are Aspan, I think you have an active mind. You are able to bring people to think, but you are a starter.
Let me say it bluntly. You wont be able to change the UMNO dogmatics.
They are blinded and the cant see beyond their houses gate.
They mute and dumb.
UMNO leaders are compulsive liars and they can't survive without telling lies.
Dulu heboh harga screwdriver yg berapa ringgit jadi puluh ringgit. Sebab mark up lebih sangat. Itu belum campur harga tiket kapalterbang dan sebagainya.
Sistem yg ada banyak menyebabkan kerani kat pejabat 'kenyang' dan di belai tukang tender di luar.
Itu belum campur perampok perampok jutaan dan billion.
Kemudian duit tu dikatakan rezeki dan diberi kepada anak bini.
Ah Long
Sikap pemimpin sebelum dan selepas Mahathir begitu jauh berbeza.
Perbezaan ini bukan oleh kerana masa dan zaman yang berbeza, tetapi oleh kerana sikap dan sifat serta nilai keperibadian pemimpin yang saya sebutkan namanya tadi.
Oleh itu olahan saudara memang betul, hanya mungkin saudara masih gagal untuk menambah kepejalan 'arguement' sadara dalam isu ini.
Walaubagaimana pun saudara betul betul berusaha untuk membezakan diantara dua era ini dan menambahkan 'parameter' pemikiran pembaca.
Untuk menyambung pandangan saya ini, saya ingin katakan bahawa Mahathir ingin lakukan segala-galanya dalam tempuh pemerintahannya.
Dalam menuju kearah itu beliau terpaksa melupakan dasa-dasar murni yang digubal oleh pemerintah sebelumnya.
Mahathir pentingkan namanya untuk diingati sebagai orang yang melakukan segala galanya.
Akhirnya nilai murni yang diselitkan dalam dasar dasar yang terdahulu ditinggalkan dan hancurlah nilai nilai itu.
Beliau juga akhirnya dianggap oleh sebahagian rakyat sebagai punca masalah kepimpinan negara ini.
Pendeknya nilai moral dizaman Mahathir dan hingga kehari ini tidak menjadi ukuran baik buruknya seorang pemimpin itu.
Itu sahaja saudara. Tidaklah saya tahu bila dan dimana saya ingin duduk berbincangan dengan saudara.
hei aspan,
i think the guys should be bentong kali.
there is a difference.
thieves steal from individual/individuals.
those corrupted BN guys stole from rakyat m'sia(27 miilion).
both are bad guys but the corrupted one is the worst.
sir, waiting for your comment on PKFTZ
have a good day
Hi aspan,
Congrats! your mind and thinking is very clear and not garbled.
You are sincere!
As I remembered it, Botak Chin was hanged in prison not gunned down. I had read about it in school back then. To confirmed this detail, I had goggled the info and came up with this link. (http://syahrilkadir.wordpress.com/2008/05/23/siapa-botak-chin/)
Funny how the non-Malay robbers and thieves get gunned down immediately while the others get captured and thrown into prison nowadays.
Mostly from reports, the accused will fire at or charge the well armed (with MP5 sub machine guns and body armour)policemen. Dun know about the rest but any sane person will know not to challenge the fates unless they have the advantage in the first place.
Hello Samson,
Still on ethnic cleansing is it?
Was the response from Her Majesty the Queen of England positive to your liking? If not,why not start a new Tamil Eelam in the UK.
If you have to comment, just address
the article in this blog, and not irrelavant racist insinuations to further fan hatred.You just exhibited how brain dead you and your kind are. ZB
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