04 July 2015

Najib ada berani saman kah?

The issue on Najib's alleged misdeed has gone up to another height. Najib in his statement threatens his critics they will face full force of law as those allegations were all untrue and unfounded. The situation now is very critical and everyone who has their hands in the issue must be prepared to face the consequences of law, says Najib. The issue is getting fierier when WSJ (Wall Street Journal) exposed that there were traces of funds by the billions of ringgit from 1MDB deal had gone into the personal accounts of Malaysian PM. The figure alleged to flow in Najib's personal account was USD700 million. 

What Najib is saying is true. If those were all malicious allegations against him the parties responsible should be prepared to face legal consequences. However Najib must also be prepared to face law if all the allegations against him have the traces of truthfulness. Najib says that he won’t bow to Dr Mahathir and he will not allow Mahathir to rule by proxy. I am personally agreeable to see the truth to prevail and I hope everyone in this world who has even a small and fractious of evident to put Najib on trial if there were some truth in their allegations against him.

Najib must also be prepared to prove that what his critics are doing are all political conspiracy against him. He must prove that Dr Mahathir is conspiring with international parties to oust him to be true. He also has to prove that he has not taken for himself and family any money as alleged by many quarters. He must sue everyone who goes in the open alleging him for the wrong doings. If the other parties manage to prove that Najib has been on the take in 1MDB and other deals than Najib have to go and his departure will certainly be very unceremonious.

I suggest Najib has to go to international arena to clean his dirty perception from the international as well as the local community. We want to see the issues surrounding the nation be stopped abruptly. Najib has to face the consequence if all the alleged wrong doings against him are true. Najib has to go to the court to come out clean. This is because it is easier to believe the allegations against him by the critics than believing him due of his scrawny reputation that he has.

I and many others support Najib to take legal actions against his critics and prove to the world that what WSJ had written days ago is part of the concerted efforts by conspiring politicians and leaders as well as the international community to sabotage his leadership.

Najib has to erase the perceptions that he was the one who creates his own problems. If Najib is not suing anyone as he promised than Najib has to go and just leave politics forever.

Who are the parties that Najib should sue? Among them in the list should be Sarawak Report, WSJ, the banks and of course Dr Mahathir Mohamed the strident critic on his administration. Others who should be sued by Najib are leaders like Lim Kit Siang and many other opposition law makers who have been very consistent in highlighting the issues against Najib.

But the people on the street are still having apprehension that Najib will sue anyone. Most of them ask us back, ‘Najib ada beranikah?’. Some are asking among themselves, ‘Najib ada telor kah?’ and all questions like that. But truly many others say, ‘Najib pergi ajelah. Apa yang beliau hendak tunggu?’

Now we are waiting for Najib to sue WSJ first. Don’t wait too long Mr PM. Let’s see the fun. However it's not easy to prove what LKS and Tony Phua as well as Rafizi Ramli say are not true. Now the ball is at Najib's feet and he decides for his future.

What is certain, Najib is having serious unmitigated believability problem. We feel sorry for him.


Anonymous said...

Saudara AA

Najib should also add Dr M into the list of people to be sued. After all, does it make sense to sue Tony Pua, Rafizi, WSJ or Sarawak Report without taking on Mahathir?

In the event that he does sue everyone, he will become the busiest PM in the world, attending to his personal lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

He got no egg lah.

Sometimes just having the balls is not enough. You need balls made of titanium to go through this one. Only the old man got these meh.

Unknown said...

AG ghani patail acknowlegde that he had seen the documents. Checkmate. Who is leaking the information?

Anonymous said...

Najib has to prove that he is clean by taking AWSJ to the court and to do this he must resign so none of his time spend on legal suit being paid by tax payers.If he is successful in the suit the damages he is going to get will take care of his family for ten generations .
The public are really tired of string of problems from day one Najib took over the leadership . Skorpene ,Altantuya ,Saiful ,rings ,shoes, bags,hair ,1MDB ,TH,son in law ,expensive wedding receptions ,Ahmad Said ,menteri bodoh,haram jadah,Sirul ,MARA ,EPF, FGV, .....now loss suffered by 1MDB but profit to Najib because some of the losses are temporarily parked in Najib personal accounts ...
If we take those problems into accounts I do not know how much time he has for the country but his salary are paid in full regardless whether he work for the country or resolving his personal problems .Now is really a test to the ministers whether their loyalty remained the same or considering of supporting DPM .
If Najib has integrity he should have resign to take care his problems and allow DPM to take over as PM .
If he still hang on to the job there will be more being disclosed because the senior goverment officers are no longer with him based on the facts lots of confidential documents being given to Najibs enemy by goverment servants .
UMNO will turn around and say the money transferred to Najib personal accounts are political fund where every MB also is having state political fund in their respective personal names....So nothing new and can continue to hang on the jog until next election....This is unlikely to happen...

Anonymous said...

...lanun seringnya akan menghilangkan diri...

flyer168 said...

"Najib ada berani saman kah?"

Saudara Aspan,

Just to share this...

Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil – key link between 1MDB, Najib and Jho Low

A letter from Nik to the branch manager of AmIslamic Bank in Jalan Raja Chulan, KL dated 20th January 2014 reveals his management of several of the bank accounts owned by Najib, including two involved in the SRC investigation.

Nik Kamil refers to three accounts, 211202201188-0/ 211202201189-8/211202201190-6, for which he reveals he has been appointed “Authorised Personnel” with the right to deposit cash.
Because he and the account holder (Najib Razak) have schedules involving “various international trips and meetings scheduled and other potential ad hoc requirements”, he explains to the branch manager that there will be occasions where he “may not be available to provide necessary transfer and remittance instructions to the Bank”.

He therefore wished to nominate a representative to “arrange for urgent cash deposits into the accounts where required for purposes of, inter-alia, clearances of urgent cheques against my instruction”.
This revelation shows that Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil is not only the Director of the 1MDB subsidiary SRC, but also the manager of private accounts owned by Najib Razak, which have received money from that company..."


Also to share this...

Pascal Najadi is the founder president of the international private Swiss merchant banking advisory firm A.S. Najadi & Partners.

This article was originally published under the title of Quo vadis Malaysia on July 4, 2015.

July 4 2015 Najib's Karma - http://malaysiaflipflop.blogspot.com/2015/07/najibs-karma.html

July 4 2015 - Quo vadis Malaysia? – Pascal Najadi -

July 4 2015 Murdered so that a new loan can be given to 1MDB -
- http://malaysiaflipflop.blogspot.com/2015/07/murdered-so-that-new-loan-can-be-given.html

"There is a video from CNBC where they interview the Wall Street Journal's Hong Kong Bureau Chief about the Wall Street Journal's story. It is a must watch. The Wall Street Journal has proof to stand behind their story."

July 4 2015 CNBC - they have ensured that this video is "sensored/silenced/muted" - http://finance.yahoo.com/video/probe-finds-1mdb-money-malaysia-023600479.html

You be the judge.

Anonymous said...

NAJIB hanya berani kentut ajer...

Anonymous said...

Jika Najib dipihak yg benar apa nak dirisaukan? Saman tetap samanlah.

abrarmujahideen said...

Bersumpah laknat utk org yang menuduhnya..selesai haha

Anonymous said...

Najib hanya perlu menunjukkan penyata bank dia yang disebut dalam artikal wsj dan jika didapati tidak ada wang yg disebut telah dimasukan kedalam akaun tersebut.maka sudah pasti tuduhan wsj itu palsu.

Unknown said...

Media yang mengambil pendekatan munafik akan menjadi rujukan dan tumpuan para munafik dan musuh Islam jua..

Anonymous said...

I doubt Najib will ever dare to sue SR or the WSJ

Maybe you could suggest to the Malaysian Opposition to do

Najib a favour and to uphold the integrity of this man by them suing both SR and WSJ on his behalf.

Maybe then can we get some closure to this so called defamatory insult to our country and our leader.

olie said...

We'll wait for najib action..